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Have you ever ejected a kerbal from the solar system?


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So i was playing ksp with a mod that adds Soyuz Spacecraft to KSP. When i was flying a Soyuz the craft started spinning at high speeds. When i ejected the kerbal, this happened:

My kerbal was spaghettified by the space kraken and ejected out of the solar system at high speeds. Here are some images and videos that i took while playing.:wink:
The trajectory of my kerbal showing that he is going to be ejected from the kerbol system completely.
Here are some images and videos i took of the kerbal before he left the solar system. The kerbal was Jeb...;.;
And after he left:
if this has ever happened to you post your images and comments below!:cool:


Edited by Johnster_Space_Program
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I have ejected asteroids out of the solar system for money. Kerbals however? That would've been... counter-productive :P 

By the looks of it, your pilot is going where no Kerbal has gone before -for Science :D

Edited by Atkara
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Never had a kerbal exit the solar system. But I also never had a kerbal traveling at 16 km/s without a spaceship either. I did once have an unmanned munar mining truck crash into a glitch in reality at about 5 m/s instantly accelerate to 20% of the speed of light and leave the system. 

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On 2/17/2018 at 7:27 AM, Johnster_Space said:

if this has ever happened to you post your images and comments below!:cool:

Welcome to the forum and congrats on your first Kraken encounter :wink:

This sort of thing happens to everybody eventually. The worst I ever had was when Bill was on his way home from an Eve fly-by.  Just before reaching Kerbin's SOI, the Kraken snatched him FAR away instantly.  See pic below.  The speed was 882 x 10^9 x the real world speed of light and the distance was 714,000 lightyears from the sun.  I tried F5/F9 but could never save Bill, so I guess his ghost is still out there somewhere.



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Only by accident and I reset to the last save after it happen. I had a 16 Kerbals packed like sardines in a 2.5 meter cargo bay, on a rocket taking them home from Eeloo, when it encountered a kraken. The rocket started vibrating and flew apart, scattering kerbals in every direction at what had to be a measurable percent of the speed of light in every conceivable direction. I didn't get a screenshot of the incident because I found it more annoying than funny. I eventually figured out that I had messed up the structs so the outboard engine pods had too much lateral freedom of movement, and this was either before autostructing and rigid connecting were introduced or before I discovered them. I had to limit the 8 NERV engines to 10% thrust to stop it from wigging out. Those were the longest burns I did before I launched a space station to chase an asteroid with a 40 year period.

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Ah... the infamous NaN glitch. I've had it multiple times! From taking a picture at the old airfield, to swimming with time warp, and even just simply exiting a craft. "Lesley Kerman: currently on escape trajectory out of the Sun. Speed: NaN"

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