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I may or may not have just turned 18... !!!

daniel l.

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So... it is now February 22nd. My 18th birthday. I'm no longer a minor, therefore...

Here is a picture of my ugly face.

...I don't know why I did that. Please forgive me for the permanent brain-trauma I may have caused you. :P

Anyway. This is a big moment in my life. Hopefully, I'll see and do many new things this year.

Here are my "Eighteenth Year" resolutions.

  1. I will build a spaceship set out of cardboard and film 5-minute comedy shorts. (Maybe)
  2. I will publish my first book. Be it self-published or via a publishing company. Ebooks count too. (Indubitably)
  3. I will create my first true short film and upload it to youtube for all to criticise and shame for its amateurishness and terrible cinematography. (Certainly)
  4. I will get a second bookshelf and fill it with Star Trek Fanfiction novels. (Most Definitely)
  5. I will learn how to drive ... at least around the parking lot. (Hopefully)
  6. I will get off my ass and do something useful with my life. (aww hell naw!)

Anyway, I've got meatballs and rice waiting for me in the microwave. Brb...

Edited by daniel l.
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18 hours ago, monstah said:

You know, the rule about personal information only covers users under 13, you could have posted your face a long time ago if you wanted to :wink:


@Vanamonde You said I couldn't even say what city I was from and I'm 16!

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On 2/22/2018 at 10:35 AM, daniel l. said:

I will publish my first book. Be it self-published or via a publishing company. Ebooks count too. (Indubitably)

What's the book about? .-.

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On 22/02/2018 at 3:35 PM, daniel l. said:

I'm no longer a minor, therefore...

  Reveal hidden contents
Here is a picture of my ugly face.

...I don't know why I did that.

There's a thread for that you know :wink:


On 22/02/2018 at 3:35 PM, daniel l. said:

5. I will learn how to drive ... at least around the parking lot. (Hopefully)

I thought your people can learn earlier than this ?

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6 hours ago, Earthlinger said:

What's the book about? .-.

I dunno. I'll have to write it first. :wink:


5 hours ago, YNM said:

I thought your people can learn earlier than this ?

Yeah, a lot of times we do. I'm just unique. I've grown up in a largely isolated area, and my family has been through a lot of financial and health issues since the Recession of 2008, so much of my life and education has been largely delayed.

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9 hours ago, Earthlinger said:

This made my laugh for some reason :D

Well, I know that the legal limits in the "west" is somewhat lower... You can drive with your parents since mid-teens or such right ? Even in the UK they can get provisional driver licence from 15yrs 9mo old and start learning... Here you need your national ID card first which comes at 17, not to mention the bureaucracy which at worst can get you a year back.


Obviously it doesn't stop teenagers from just doing it (not legally) - even more for motorcycles (our preferred method of private transport). They can be 10 yrs old and going down the village road at high speed or something, or sneaking out far and wide just to be "helped" by officers !


8 hours ago, daniel l. said:

Yeah, a lot of times we do. I'm just unique. I've grown up in a largely isolated area, and my family has been through a lot of financial and health issues since the Recession of 2008, so much of my life and education has been largely delayed.

It's only late if you aren't "here" anymore :wink: Goodluck, may things only gets better !

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2 hours ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

so, basically, you got an entire solar system as a birthday present. 

Argh, so close! I had a Falcon 9 landing as a present.

Oh, and of course: Happy birthday to you, Daniel!

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1 hour ago, StrandedonEarth said:

I may or may not be wishing you a (belated?) Happy Birthday!

Nah, it's not belated. My family likes to extend birthday celebrations for at least a week, it helps to save money and makes it easier on everyone.

Hell, we've only just decided on the birthday cake, and we're going to get some Mexican Food this evening.

4 hours ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

Happy birthday! It’s awesome that last year the 7 planets of TRAPPIST-1 were announced on February 22nd - so, basically, you got an entire solar system as a birthday present. 

Yeah. That got me pretty excited. :)

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Finished the Mexican Food dinner (well, mostly, I had to take some home with me). It was delicious. I had three cheese enchiladas and a chile relleno. It would also seem that my grandfather has a mean streak, he told the restaurant employees that it was my birthday, so I had to sit and smile as they placed a cone on my head and sang "Happy Birthday" (I hope they had to pay royalties! :P). One good thing did come out of it, though. I got a free bowl of deep-fried ice cream. My stomach feels like a balloon right now, I'm afraid I'll have to wait till tomorrow to eat the cake.

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