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KSP Interstellar Extended Support Thread


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2 hours ago, Profit- said:

I see. 
* tries a charged particle converter on each side to see if he can capture all the energy because I have  rockets to do my bidding and need the energy more. 
(Nope the second generator shuts down =( ) 

Ah well.. thanks for the reply. I will just have to double my reactor size. 

In more advanced design of the Fission Fragment Reactors I notice they were able to redirect more charged particles. I guess what I could do it make the percentage of chaged particle depend on level of plasma propulsion.

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I do like charged particles. 

A bit more weirdness.. The tri alpha colliding beam reactor does not seem to want to power electric propulsion like my vasamir drive or arc jet RCS all the time but seems to power things like ISRU just fine. Not sure what that is about. 

And I am having an issue making uranium nitride ISRU, it says I do not have ammonia.  Might be because it is liquid? I dunno... 

*edit: Yeah it is because it is liquid.  It works with gaseous state.   However Liquid fluorine works fine for making Uranium Tetrafluoride. 


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Hey guys and gals,

I dont know if this is the right thread for asking this, but I have a problem with fuelswitching in my (early) career. The game ist heavily modded (KSPIE, some Near Future parts, a lot of other part and gameplay mods).

To explain ... I am not able to switch the fuel in all of my tanks. I have unlocked just the first ones (before 45 tech node). But I have a contract to test an cryoengine in the next node ... all tanks show in the preferences - window, that they are able to switch - I also see the context menu when I am right klicking the tank respectively I get to the switch option which ist provided by KSPIE. But it only shows me the options to switch to LF, LFO, LO.

And here is the thing. I tested it in sandbox mode and it works just fine. It shows me all fuels and I can switch to them. Then I started a new career save, where I checked, if I have to research specific nodes in order to unlock the ability to switch. The first cryoengine is in the rocketry 45 science node (I use community tech tree of course) and the first cryotank in a 90 science node. I assumed if I unlock both, then I will be able to switch at least to liquid hydrogen. But I was not.

Then I tested, if it has something to do with the VAB Lvl or maybe the R&D Lvl. Nope ... it has not. In career I was not able to switch the normal fuel tanks at all. The cryotanks worked with the other switch - interface. Same in Science mode, where I researched the first tech nodes and the KSC is at max obviously.

Is this a subtle bug of some kind or do I have to research specific things in order to unlock the ability to switch? I was longer absent from the game and I am not rly familiar with the gameplay concepts around other fuels.


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Thx for the quick reply. After the testing I suspected that, but I was not sure. And my search after an answer gave me some confusing results.

Do you know which node we are talking about? Because it makes not rly sense to put cryoengines before that, but thats my issue then ...

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Hey guys, i'm not sure if it's a bug or if I am a bit stupid but I cant seem to get a reasonable thrust out of the ELF engine. I've tested multiple reactor types and I am unsure if the ELF functions like a plasma nozzle or a separate engine that needs a large amount of electricity. My thrust has gotten no higher than 20 KN instead of the 100+KN that is listed on the part.
Sorry if this has a simple solution, this mod can be a bit overwhelming sometimes :P

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I'm having a problem powering my Vasmir with a Tri-alpha reactor too. It worked when I launched this ship a few (real time) days ago but now when I come to do an insertion burn at Minmus I get nothing. I have propellant, the waste heat is currently low, throttle and thrust limiter at 100%, status nominal, power share 100%, prop efficiency 30% overheat efficiency 100%, heat prod 0, max effective power 884Mw, current and max thrust are both 0.

I did update the version of interstellar in the last few days.

I am also getting log spam from thousands of lines that look like

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

[StageInfo]: Simulation Time exceeded!

[KSPI]: GetModuleCost returned maxResourceCost 209.694763103695 + dryCost 0 - neutronEmbrittlementCost 66.1970934643715 = 143.4977


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4 hours ago, Plutron said:

Hey guys, i'm not sure if it's a bug or if I am a bit stupid but I cant seem to get a reasonable thrust out of the ELF engine. I've tested multiple reactor types and I am unsure if the ELF functions like a plasma nozzle or a separate engine that needs a large amount of electricity. My thrust has gotten no higher than 20 KN instead of the 100+KN that is listed on the part.
Sorry if this has a simple solution, this mod can be a bit overwhelming sometimes :P

It's not a nozzle. It needs a large amount of MW electricity. It will scale its thrust with the available electricity and there's also a maximum due to technology upgrades. To get the listed thrust, you need the maximum listed power and all upgrades.

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12 hours ago, tomf said:

I'm having a problem powering my Vasmir with a Tri-alpha reactor too. It worked when I launched this ship a few (real time) days ago but now when I come to do an insertion burn at Minmus I get nothing. I have propellant, the waste heat is currently low, throttle and thrust limiter at 100%, status nominal, power share 100%, prop efficiency 30% overheat efficiency 100%, heat prod 0, max effective power 884Mw, current and max thrust are both 0.

@Profit-The problem was resolved with KSPIE 1.23, which specificly fixed this issue. The problem was caused because the reactor  did non register it full power potential, causing the electric engines not to ask for anything as it tries to distribute power evenly over multiple engines.

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2 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

@Profit-The problem is resolved with KSPIE 1.23, which speciicly fixed this issue. THe problem was caused because the reactor  did non register it full power potential, causing the lectric engines not to ask for anything as it tries to distribute power evenly over multiple engines.

Sweet.   ( it was actually @tomf who said those exact words but thank you :D )

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23 minutes ago, tomf said:

Thank you from me too.

It's an amazing mod, as far as I can tell it contains almost everything that is going to be KSP2

Unfortunately, KSP2 will be worse than interstellar. I bet on my lightsaber that KSP2 will become a children's arcade. By the type of "Technology of the near future" The main advantage of Interstellar is its realism, each engine is unique, and the output power of reactors and generators depends on many factors, such as poisoning or heating.

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11 hours ago, whitespacekilla said:

It's not a nozzle. It needs a large amount of MW electricity. It will scale its thrust with the available electricity and there's also a maximum due to technology upgrades. To get the listed thrust, you need the maximum listed power and all upgrades.

Thanks! I guess I'll use some much bigger reactors then!

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1 hour ago, OOM said:

Unfortunately, KSP2 will be worse than interstellar. I bet on my lightsaber that KSP2 will become a children's arcade. By the type of "Technology of the near future" The main advantage of Interstellar is its realism, each engine is unique, and the output power of reactors and generators depends on many factors, such as poisoning or heating.

I fear the same, but hopefully we get a more robust engine which we can tweak to our desires. KSP2 will probably just like a KSP 1 a  rough diamond that need polishing to shine.

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1 hour ago, ss8913 said:

@FreeThinkerI just updated to KSP 1.23.x via CKAN, started KSP 1.7.3, and KSP is complaining that the installed KSPIE version is for 1.6.1 ... I can install the right one manually, but wanted to let you know in case there's a metadata issue on spacedock or something.

Alright, I reuploaded KSPIE 1.23 with a small fix and  is also availble from here

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Hopefully this is an issue that someone can help me with.

I was playing through a career mode and after updating KSPIE I suddenly saw the Thermal power generator wasnt showing up in my VAB and SPH, despite having two nodes ahead of that tech unlocked and seeing that the part is unlocked. Also, I have a nuclear probe in flight already with that generator and it works fine. When I try to launch another one of those probes at the launch pad it says I cant because the Thermal Power Generator is an experimental part as if from a contract despite not having a contract for any "test this part".. I've tried restarting ksp, using the console to reload the database (idk what this actually does but It sounded hopeful lol), but nothing i've tried has made that part pop back into place.. 

Anyone have any suggestions as to what I can edit/do to fix this?

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20 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

I fear the same, but hopefully we get a more robust engine which we can tweak to our desires. KSP2 will probably just like a KSP 1 a  rough diamond that need polishing to shine.

"A rough diamond that must be processed to shine." Probably the best philosophical explanation of KSP. Whatever it was, but KSP 2 capabilities are greater, some textures of parts such as fuel tanks and Daedalus are already present in the game, which will reduce the work on creating models. In addition, they said, KSP2 is better suited to modding than KSP1.

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KSPI, Open cycle, gas core, nuclear engine not accessible anymore


self explanatory.

engine is missing from the list in the editor, since latest patch (KSPIE+1.23.1+for+KSP+1.7.3).

was previously working fine.

the engine is otherwise present in the technology tree, where is listed as owned.

I still haven't checked if other equipment is missing, but could it be related to tweakscale removing objects which it deems unmanageable?

thanks for your attention.


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1 hour ago, jjlehto said:

KSPI, Open cycle, gas core, nuclear engine not accessible anymore


self explanatory.

Well not entirely, because  exacly how do you acces it, more specificly what part calalog did you use, do you have Filter Extension installed? Also note, if you play campaign mode, I increased the tech requirment to Exotic Nuclear Propulsion. If you haven't unlocked it, it should not show up (but it would still show in the tech tree as unlocked).

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18 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Yes, I made a scaling calculation mistake. THe goal is to scale cost significantly less fast than the cube law, allowing you to offord large reactors

Yes the goal make all sense, nevertheless it seams to me that this is a recent bug, from one of KSPI lastest releases

But if for any reason you are struggling with it, you can also provide 3 or 4 models of  it and limit the TweakScale for 2x in each model which will allow in the a scale of 8... Just an idea.

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Having a very minor but also quite weird issue with the latest (at least I only just now noticed it) - thrust warp won't happen if I go to warp in map view. No error messaage, throttle gauge stays in place, but no accelleration occurs. I start warping in vessel view, it works fine, and continues to work fine when i switch back to map view. Super minor, easy workaround, but... odd.

I have a frazillion mods and a campaign save that's been going since 1.3.1 or arounds, so I'm *far* from sure this is actually KSPIe's 'fault', mostly posting it in case someone else runs into it and haven't 'noticed' the easy workaround :)

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On 9/12/2019 at 1:26 PM, FreeThinker said:

I increased the tech requirment to Exotic Nuclear Propulsion. If you haven't unlocked it, it should not show up (but it would still show in the tech tree as unlocked).

that one.

now i can access it.

thanks for your reply, and for your work.

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