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Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion Grand Discussion thread.


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  On 3/15/2018 at 12:23 AM, RemembertheRoyaIs said:

I did, it doesn't recognize the email address I signed up with.  How long is an appropriate amount of time to wait for support to respond? 


normally Id say one to two working days, but they are often behind at release times due to a flood of requests, have they gotten back to you yet?

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Yeah, I'm still in a strange predicament myself since I'm still having trouble getting access to the expansion regardless of being an early adopter.  Almost like either my account is screwed up when I created it just some time before purchase; changing my email address on my KSP Store account at one point; the game was purchased with a PayPal account of a different email address (as my father did pay for it as a birthday gift years ago; which I did allow him access to my account when the initial checkout was made); or some odd situation came up.

I did get one response so far from the support staff after finding the receipt (which I had to find under my father's PayPal account as the copy I had on the original email address for my KSP Store Account was long gone).  Fortunately, PayPal does seem to keep records of old transactions for several years.

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  On 3/13/2018 at 8:10 PM, awdAvenger said:

Is it possible to revert to the VAB when doing the missions? I only see the ability to restart the mission, and then I have to redo the crafts all over again?

Recovering the vessel on the pad just returns me to KSC with all the buildings locked.


I don't think so. It appears to be a bug or confusing logic requirements. Same thing happened to me.

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Reduce the amount of fuel, to get it under the weight limit.


Edit: If tweaking parts isn't something you've done before, then to expand...  Place the engine part, and then right-click on it.  A little menu for the part will appear, allowing you to modify certain aspects of it.  One of these is the amount of fuel in the part. 


Edit: Ack!  I see stibbons has me beat.  That's what I get for posting before morning coffee!

Edited by magimix
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  On 3/20/2018 at 5:49 AM, magimix said:

Reduce the amount of fuel, to get it under the weight limit.


Edit: If tweaking parts isn't something you've done before, then to expand...  Place the engine part, and then right-click on it.  A little menu for the part will appear, allowing you to modify certain aspects of it.  One of these is the amount of fuel in the part. 


Edit: Ack!  I see stibbons has me beat.  That's what I get for posting before morning coffee!



Wow, thanks!  I never knew I could adjust the amount of solid fuel in the engine!

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Finally got the chance to play the expansion after the staff finally resolved my issue with the download not showing up on my account regardless of being an early adopter.  So far, I've been having fun with the first mission (even when I had so many crazy things go wrong with faulty designs).

It is a bit rough around the edges as trying to load existing missions have resulted in possibly a known bug where instead of being at the space center or VAB; you get placed somewhere on Kerbin and start floating upwards with no control whatsoever.  Nonetheless, I'm thinking about giving the Mission Builder a try to see what missions I can come up with. :wink:

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I really like the multiple variants that the engines in Making History have (being able to show a cap that fits different tank sizes, or - especially - bare on the top). Every time I now have to deal with the old engines, I want the 'bare' option there as well. How about including that in a 1.4.something update, Squad?

Also, I love being able to choose variant textures on the M.H. tanks. Even more texture options would be great (and the same for all of the tanks in regular KSP).


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  On 4/2/2018 at 4:16 PM, JonathanPerregaux said:

Okay, I give up. How do you change a Kerbal's spacesuit without using a mod? I see an official Squad screen-shot of this, but I have not managed to figure out how to do this.


When you assign a Kerbal to a ship in the VAB (or SPH), there's a little hanger next to his portrait. Just click it to change suits.

Edited by Cpt Kerbalkrunch
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So... I've bought this expansion (I was merely few months away from getting a free version, but oh well) and it's indeed mixed feelings for me.

- Those new structural panels... what are they supposed to be used for?

- I can't make a Saturn V. The new lander can has some weird nodes. If anyone made it, please show me how you did it, thanks. :)

- After DLC was installed, personal parachutes went missing.

Edited by lajoswinkler
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  On 4/3/2018 at 1:04 AM, lajoswinkler said:

Those new structural panels... what are they supposed to be used for?


 Structural bits I guess.  They are as useful as the grey structural bits. But in in white/gold 


- I can't make a Saturn V. The new lander can has some weird nodes. If anyone made it, please show me how you did it, thanks.


Making a saturn V is a bit tricky. The engines, how they are arranged in the Saturn V, are actually not fully capable of lifting a fully filled max size tank. 5m parts aren't fully balanced to be just used as apollo style munrocket


 After DLC was installed, personal parachutes went missing.


That sounds like a simple bug

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  • 2 weeks later...

The 5 metre parts are exactly what I wanted. Not only do they help maintain a low part count, but they feel more correct in the game as well. They're perhaps the best Saturn V analog components yet and we are bound to see even more Apollo Clones. Hah...

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Just bought the expansion three days ago. The pre-made missions seem kind of Meh to me, although I haven't actually tried one yet, so perhaps I ought to reserve judgment. The new parts OTOH are awesome! I spent the last couple of days building a swell-looking Saturn V that actually flies. Part textures notwithstanding, without those nifty multi-engine plates you just couldn't do that before, and it's really satisfying to be able to build something that actually looks like the real thing (pic to follow soon, although I imagine everybody's looks about the same). The one I built had lots of  power to spare to get to Mun and back. You hardly even needed the third stage. So I fiddled with the design a bit, and now I've got a rocket that still totally looks like a Saturn V, but could in theory make all the low-gravity bodies in the Jool system and back, with the only deviation from the original design being a couple of SLS-style side-mounted  SRBs. I could probably even manage to ship a Tylo/Laythe lander with that configuration, although that would probably break the form factor of the original. I also made the third stage into an autonomous unit, so that it, the LEM, and the Service Module can all function independently and also be docked together in a row. The LEM can thus undock and redock/refuel repeatedly, filling up multiple times from the third stage. For my first tour, I'm trying to do Ike, Duna, and Minmus all in one mission ,which I expect will be pretty easy. I'm also pretty happy about the Wolfhound engine, which finally introduces the corresponding heavier but high-ISP orbital maneuvering unit from KW Rocketry into the Stock canon. Anyway, it was definitely $15 well spent!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Query: What would happen if I got the Making History expansion off of Steam for a KSP bought directly at the store? Would it still work regardless or would I need a steam key of some sort to get it to work?

Just wondering.

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