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[1.5.0 <-> 1.8.1] Kerbalism v3.2


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8 hours ago, Jodo42 said:

Does Kerbalism remove biome-specific EVA reports from LKO? I'm just getting "EVA Report from Space Near Kerbin" instead of "EVA Report from Space Just Above [biome]." It also seems like many EVA reports like high and low atmo are just completely gone.

Another quick question: why aren't my kerbals dying once electric charge runs out? How much time do I have in general? Thanks for everything folks.

You have no need for forgiveness for these questions.  Other things maybe ;)

I'm pretty sure the biome specific EVA reports removed are a kerbalism thing.  The science reports and points in general were adjusted by ShotgunNinja originally to remove the need to ladder dance in orbit to get every single bit of science.

Once the EC runs out the scrubbers and climate control wont work.  They don't need EC to live, but they need the right temperature (otherwise boil or freeze) and removal of CO2 from the atmosphere (otherwise asphyxiation).  But you raise a good question as it EC that technically kills the kerbal if humidity is at 100% (shorting switches and such). So a lack of EC shouldn't kill them.


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11 hours ago, theJesuit said:

The deep Freeze exploit no longer works and there is a medbay module and tv module to get in a hitchhiker via high tech tree part upgrades to off set radiation and stress.

It may be in a beta update via github if not in the current changelog.  Check in discord.


Does this new med bay fully heal crew from radiation and stress? 

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Why only orbit? :( really making surface installations impossible. So the crew frozen can still die from radiation? Also wasn't a giant magnetic field planned so that it would block all radiation? Having a way for them not to die from radiation and insanity is really needed cause right now the mod is unrealistic and prevents surface outposts to be permanent 

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Maybe, yet IRL there is no way to reverse radiation damage. Sure iodine and calcium tablets to reduce isotope storage in bones and other places, but if you're hot you're hot.  Kerbalism is supposed to make the game hard and challenging.

The orbit thing (you will have to check becuase i haven't used it and the mod devs may have changed their mind without me noticing) is to not nullify radiation issues. One option considered was to have a resource that was hard to obtain like from Jool clouds or Eve oceans. But I think that say deemed silly.

Also one of the major concerns to settle other IRL planets is that radiation exposure is a thing and needs to be avoided rather than avoided.

I'd also note that a fully shielded craft in most environments with a few active shield parts will allow a kerbal to survive 21+ years.  What should a kerbal life expectancy be in a colony?


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3 minutes ago, theJesuit said:

Also one of the major concerns to settle other IRL planets is that radiation exposure is a thing and needs to be avoided rather than avoided.

I'd also note that a fully shielded craft in most environments with a few active shield parts will allow a kerbal to survive 21+ years.  What should a kerbal life expectancy be in a colony?

One thing of note here is that the body can repair radiation damage somewhat over time on its own, so receiving a "lethal" dose over 21 years is probably fine.

For an example with humans, an immediate 8 Sv dose is considered lethal even with medical treatment. However, Albert Stevens survived a total lifetime dose of approximately 64 Sv over a period of roughly 20 years, before he finally died of heart disease at age 79.

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38 minutes ago, theJesuit said:

Maybe, yet IRL there is no way to reverse radiation damage. Sure iodine and calcium tablets to reduce isotope storage in bones and other places, but if you're hot you're hot.  Kerbalism is supposed to make the game hard and challenging.

The orbit thing (you will have to check becuase i haven't used it and the mod devs may have changed their mind without me noticing) is to not nullify radiation issues. One option considered was to have a resource that was hard to obtain like from Jool clouds or Eve oceans. But I think that say deemed silly.

Also one of the major concerns to settle other IRL planets is that radiation exposure is a thing and needs to be avoided rather than avoided.

I'd also note that a fully shielded craft in most environments with a few active shield parts will allow a kerbal to survive 21+ years.  What should a kerbal life expectancy be in a colony?


In real life we can make an artificial magnetic field powerful enough to protect a colony. We don't do this due to cost alone. I'll experiment with kerbal ism more before I decide what's the best thing to do 

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I'm experincing some issues with various kerbalism mechanics after updating to 1.5: I had a few ongoing missions that were ok but since the update scrubbers are no more enough to descrub pods and geiger counter and Gravmax experiments give readings in orbit per biome and I have biome related readings with geiger counter while landed too.

I tried to find out what's wrong in the log and savegame but I'm not good enough with that...Ifound out some errors in log file but I can't figure out if they are related to the issues I'm experiencing or not.

I would really like to save the situation, I had a similar problem after 1.4 update and it costed me the whole savegame...any suggestion?

Here is the log file:


Edited by Vanamonde
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28 minutes ago, g0lg0 said:

I'm experincing some issues with various kerbalism mechanics after updating to 1.5: I had a few ongoing missions that were ok but since the update scrubbers are no more enough to descrub pods and geiger counter and Gravmax experiments give readings in orbit per biome and I have biome related readings with geiger counter while landed too.

I tried to find out what's wrong in the log and savegame but I'm not good enough with that...Ifound out some errors in log file but I can't figure out if they are related to the issues I'm experiencing or not.

I would really like to save the situation, I had a similar problem after 1.4 update and it costed me the whole savegame...any suggestion?

Here is the log file:


It was thoughtful of you to put the log in spoiler tags, g0lg0, but even within them a file size that large can cause page loading problems on the forum, so it's been removed. Please upload the file to a sharing service and use the link they provide in your post here. 

And welcome to the forum. :D

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My first interplanetary mission with Kerbalism, as well as my first interplanetary mission in about a year. The following is a detailed play-by-play of a relatively simple crewed Duna flyby mission. You might want to read the bigger slides but unless you want the nitty gritty or some nice pictures feel free to focus on the summary below.


Altogether I have mixed feelings about this mission. There were surprisingly few mission-critical failures for a ship of over 300 parts on the longest inner-system mission (unless you count Jool, which Heart of Gold is in theory capable of doing from a purely resources-oriented point of view), none of which were high quality. Regardless the mission would have been greatly jeopardized had Bill not come along, with two engine failures (one of which was not shown) and treadmill failures in the Hitchhikers. I'm definitely going to opt for high-quality parts for my next mission. If my ships are to survive multiple interplanetary trips intact they'll need to be highly modular and highly redundant, along with high-quality parts usage. In these regards, Heart of Gold did well. Heart of Gold also demonstrated the viability of using Docking Port Jrs for large orbital construction. This ship was rock-solid the entire time, folks. No wobbling at all. That's in part due to the multitude of ports used (there's 52 on board! only 28 are used at a time though) and in part from rigid connections and auto-strutting from advanced tweakables. Overall I'm very happy with the ship's structural strength.


Unfortunately, Heart of Gold had a few glaring flaws which greatly impacted its future usefulness. Roughly in order, from minor to major:

-The use of structural tubes may have increased the strength of the ship, but it also prevented some repair jobs once the mission was underway. Although only probe cores were lost on this mission, there's a lot of redundant reaction wheels in those tubes that can't be replaced and that provide a lot more torque. In addition, stuffing all the gas tanks inside a tube meant that refuelling O2 and N2 once returned to LKO was basically impossible without more mods (unable to right-click the tanks for transfer). In the future my service modules will probably be girder based with radial tanks mounted externally. Pressurized tanks don't experience failures (yet), so future service module designs should be reusable for many missions, until their solar panels fail.


-The mission's science return was quite low because the Heart of Gold was not equipped with any dedicated science module. I initially decided against the inclusion of such a module because I wanted to include it on my eventual lander, which would fly autonomously to Duna, perform high space science, and rendezvous with the cruiser (Heart of Gold) in LDO, where a scientist could reset the instruments. I think my next design will attempt to include a science module that will only have one or two ports, allowing it to be picked up by the lander during rendezvous and carried to the surface and back. That'll also let us do some solar science. 


-Low quality parts. As discussed earlier, not as big of an issue as I was expecting it to be, but a permanent AJ10 failure would jeopardize higher delta-v missions like a Jool flyby and also require replacement upon return to LKO. Going forward, all engines and cabins will be made high quality. I'm not too worried about antennas, RCS, solar panels or reaction wheels; all are easy to make highly redundant. They'll be made high quality whenever the budget allows, but not viewed as a priority.


-Radiation. The big one. Going into this mission I was expecting to be hit by one storm tops. 4 storms in under 3 years was a huge shocker and very nearly got my crew killed. For now I don't see any way of fixing this with changes to the ship. The entire hab module was coated in 20mm lead; the only thing that could offer us more protection would be active shielding, but that would only decrease the amount of radiation we accrue in between storms rather than during them. A sickbay seems to be the only real option here, but we don't have that unlocked. Until we do, we'll have to make changes in mission design to minimize radiation. That includes the elimination of flyby missions, which keep us in interplanetary space and outside magnetopauses for much longer than orbital missions do. Planets with strong, wide magnetospheres may need to be prioritized over those without. A high altitude Jool orbital mission, beyond the outer belt and inner moons, may be a suitable target, as would a high Moho orbit. An Eve landing would be ideal. All of these missions are quite high in delta-v, however, making them more challenging in other ways. Dres is out of the question. Radiation more or less completely excludes the possibility of using a gravity ring to reduce stress on long-term missions due to the lack of shielding; I may attempt to use it to construct orbital stations within strong magnetospheres that the crew could wait in until they need to perform their ejection burn. It would still need supplementary shielding from other parts, though.


For all these reasons, and because of the part failures incurred during the Duna flyby, I decided to deorbit Heart of Gold at the conclusion of this mission in favor of a new cruiser design. I'll probably target an Ike/Duna orbiter next, or perhaps a Gilly/Eve orbiter. Until then.


Oh, one more thing only marginally related: certain parts provide extra comfort to the crew through bonuses. For example, the cupola gives panorama, and the gravity ring gives firm ground. IMO, greenhouses should give a bonus for fresh produce. Being able to eat fresh fruits/vegetables/mushrooms that I'd grown myself would certainly be better than eating freeze-dried, reheated, artificially steak-flavored tofu every day for 3 years. I realize the quality of astronaut food has advanced dramatically over the decades IRL, but it would be nice to incentivize using a greenhouse ingame even if it's more mass-efficient to use supply containers. I realize it might be difficult from a coding perspective to make this bonus only apply when the greenhouse is actually working, though.

Edited by Jodo42
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On 11/13/2018 at 11:55 PM, g0lg0 said:

I'm experincing some issues with various kerbalism mechanics after updating to 1.5: I had a few ongoing missions that were ok but since the update scrubbers are no more enough to descrub pods and geiger counter and Gravmax experiments give readings in orbit per biome and I have biome related readings with geiger counter while landed too.

I tried to find out what's wrong in the log and savegame but I'm not good enough with that...Ifound out some errors in log file but I can't figure out if they are related to the issues I'm experiencing or not.

I would really like to save the situation, I had a similar problem after 1.4 update and it costed me the whole savegame...any suggestion?

Here is the log file:


Just tried to reinstall everything from scrap and started a new career to check how things work but something is not running as it should I think: geiger counter gives biome specific readings...isn't it intended to give just one reading from every situation?

    id = geigerCounter
    title = Radiation Scan
    baseValue = 8
    scienceCap = 8
    dataScale = 1

    requireAtmosphere = False
    situationMask = 63
    biomeMask = 0

What's messing things up now?

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Hi guys,

I'm new to this forum and pretty new to KSP itself (I've done one unmodded playthrough - now I'm installing various 'realism' mods for another playthrough)

I've installed Kerbalism, but I want to disable the "Signal" aspect of it, because I've also got RemoteTech installed and prefer the challenges posed by that mod. The guidance that I can find suggests I can turn it off in the .cfg file, so that there are no conflicts with RemoteTech. But my .cfg file doesn't actually have a "Signal" paremeter! I can only assume the guidance is out of date (as is the rest of that github page) but I can't find up-to-date guidance. So my question is: how do I make Kerbalism compatible with RemoteTech?


(P.s. as an aside, what's the difference between the way Kerbalism and TAC LS model life support? I've struggled to find any details online to describe the differences between them)

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Thanks Gordon Dry. I had a look at the docs but they don't seem to mention anything about disabling the signal part of the mod, and the issues list of github doesn't have any relevant mentions of RemoteTech. Has anyone had any experience with using this mod with RemoteTech?

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Hi, I cannot put the pressurized tanks on my rocket.

KSP: Version 1.5.1

EXC 21:39:26.006] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
    System.Collections.Generic.List`1[PartResource].get_Item (Int32 index)
    DictionaryValueList`2[System.Int32,PartResource].At (Int32 index)
    PartResourceList.get_Item (Int32 index)
    Part.OnCopy (.Part original, Boolean asSymCounterpart)
    EditorLogic.createSymmetry (Int32 mode, .Attachment attach)
    EditorLogic.<SetupFSM>m__D ()
    KerbalFSM.UpdateFSM ()
    EditorLogic.Update ()


installed Mods:




Edited by eldorim
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23 hours ago, g0lg0 said:


Just tried to reinstall everything from scrap and started a new career to check how things work but something is not running as it should I think: geiger counter gives biome specific readings...isn't it intended to give just one reading from every situation?

    id = geigerCounter
    title = Radiation Scan
    baseValue = 8
    scienceCap = 8
    dataScale = 1

    requireAtmosphere = False
    situationMask = 63
    biomeMask = 0

What's messing things up now?

I found these errors in the log file...any chance the error is here? How can I fix it?

[LOG 23:49:56.245] [Kerbalism]  -> verbose: Loader.Init - version
[LOG 23:49:56.263] [Kerbalism]  -> verbose: Profile.Parse - using profile: default
[ERR 23:49:56.281] Resource System Error: Requested resource (id: -982210431) does not exist

[ERR 23:49:56.281] Resource System Error: Requested resource (id: -891989580) does not exist

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3 hours ago, squidgeny said:

Thanks Gordon Dry. I had a look at the docs but they don't seem to mention anything about disabling the signal part of the mod, and the issues list of github doesn't have any relevant mentions of RemoteTech. Has anyone had any experience with using this mod with RemoteTech?

Kerbalism no longer implements its own signal system, as stock has caught up.  I do not use RemoteTech myself, but other people use it and it works fine.

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10 hours ago, lordcirth said:

Kerbalism no longer implements its own signal system, as stock has caught up.  I do not use RemoteTech myself, but other people use it and it works fine.


4 hours ago, PiezPiedPy said:

@squidgeny RemoteTech can be used with Kerbalism. Read the docs more closely

Awesome, thanks both!

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