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[KSP 1.12.3] Bon Voyage (1.4.1) - 2022-10-02


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I had issues like this during time warp (nothing to do with this mod)
Basiclally when time warping the front of my intake on my plane would sag down reason was the parent part was way back meaning it was not connected to any thing else solid.

I had to right click it and select parent to heavyiest part.

once that was done when I time warped no more sagging.


Go through your parts and right click the and make them a parent of the heaviest part bet that fixes your issue.

what I am thinking is happening is you have not done any of that and as the parts get further away from the main part they start to sag and time warp amplyfies it


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14 hours ago, stk2008 said:

I had issues like this during time warp (nothing to do with this mod)
Basiclally when time warping the front of my intake on my plane would sag down reason was the parent part was way back meaning it was not connected to any thing else solid.

I had to right click it and select parent to heavyiest part.

once that was done when I time warped no more sagging.


Go through your parts and right click the and make them a parent of the heaviest part bet that fixes your issue.

what I am thinking is happening is you have not done any of that and as the parts get further away from the main part they start to sag and time warp amplyfies it


You were right, I've un-autostrutted all the parts I could, and the vessel doesn't get spaggettified anymore.


With regard to the 200M Jump, I've downloaded WorldStabilizer, and now, the rover is being dropped from a more sensible height (ranging from 2 to 5 meters).


Thank you for your help guys! now I Finally can explore the biomes with my rovers :)

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8 hours ago, Sherpard2 said:

With regard to the 200M Jump, I've downloaded WorldStabilizer, and now, the rover is being dropped from a more sensible height (ranging from 2 to 5 meters).

BV does someting similar as World stabilizer and the game (from version 1.11?) too, but WS is the best bet if you have problems with jumping etc.

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14 hours ago, Sherpard2 said:

You were right, I've un-autostrutted all the parts I could, and the vessel doesn't get spaggettified anymore.


With regard to the 200M Jump, I've downloaded WorldStabilizer, and now, the rover is being dropped from a more sensible height (ranging from 2 to 5 meters).


Thank you for your help guys! now I Finally can explore the biomes with my rovers :)

This was happening with some OPT parts/craft, upon launch...
I cant remember the specifics, and the workaround (I have CRS pretty bad), but getting caught up on this thread, and reading your previous posts, I was about to suggest installing World Stabilizer. Glad it seems to have fixed your problem (or at least one of the possible fixes) ;)

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I've got an issue,

for some reason when I launch my boat, overseas about over 666kms on kerbin, it arrives to its destination after I time warp a few days forward, then when I try to switch to the vessel, either from the controller or the tracking station, it gets stuck on a loading screen, and freezes immediately having to be crashed.

Restarting the aftercrash game of course, keeps the vessel all where it should have been, intact and good. It's just that when you actually play the game, and timewarp to where it needs to get, and try to switch to it, it crashes.

Real weird, anyone having something similar?


Fix, Terrain Shader Quality on Ultra crashes the game if it tries to load the vessel we Bon Voyage'd, if you put it to high from ultra, it'll be fine.

Edited by Alexsys
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14 hours ago, Alexsys said:


Sounds devilishly inconvenient.


14 hours ago, Alexsys said:

Fix, Terrain Shader Quality on Ultra crashes the game if it tries to load the vessel we Bon Voyage'd, if you put it to high from ultra, it'll be fine.

Sounds like memory issue? Obviously ultra would use more resources than high.

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Is there a way to check for slope when you pick on the map where to go?  I know it checks the biome but it doesn't tell you anything about the slope at the selected location.

Edit:  I know I can use other mods to check the slope at that location, but I'm lazy and it would be nice to have the slope show up through bon voyage.

Edited by Kerbex
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On 5/22/2021 at 10:14 PM, Kerbex said:

Yes and it works fine.



On 5/23/2021 at 9:20 AM, maja said:

Update is planned. I just need to find a little bit of time.

super thanks! i started typing out a whole rant... but we all know what it's like to spend our "recreation" time driving across half a moon. can i have your autograph?

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  • 5 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Dominiquini said:

I found a bug:

When I'm in the Track Station or anything else, the mod appears to work fine (I see me rover moving); but when I focus him, he tumbles or explodes!


this is, alas, part of KSP.
some times the terrain couses problems that the code dont expect.
try adding WorldStabilizer mod. it helps.

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8 hours ago, danielboro said:

this is, alas, part of KSP.
some times the terrain couses problems that the code dont expect.
try adding WorldStabilizer mod. it helps.

I tried the mod "World Stabilizer (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/169206-131-worldstabilizer-bugfix-for-vessels-bouncing-on-scene-load/)" and it appears to be working! Without it, every rover that I tried flipped, exploded or was launched in the air!



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13 hours ago, Dominiquini said:

I tried the mod "World Stabilizer (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/169206-131-worldstabilizer-bugfix-for-vessels-bouncing-on-scene-load/)" and it appears to be working! Without it, every rover that I tried flipped, exploded or was launched in the air!


BV has also the option to set height over terrain. This can help, if you don't want to use another mod. World Stabilizer is also an option. I implemented a switch into the mod to not move a rover up or down if WS is present.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/25/2021 at 5:24 AM, Dominiquini said:

The button 'Bon Voyage' on the PAW of kerbals do nothing!


If you are trying it when Kerbals leaves vehicle, then you must reload controllers or do a scene change to register changes. Controllers are registered only for Kerbals on EVA when scene changes or when you request reload from the main BV window (R button near settings button).

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I've had a devil of a time using Bon Voyage on my mun rover. Either my rover spawns too low, causing its wheels to explode and launching it up, or it spawns really high up. I think I now know why.

I've been using SCANSAT to make waypoints to use as destinations for Bon Voyage, to ensure I end up at a location with little slope (it wouldn't be the first time I came out right over the edge of a cliff). But the waypoints get created at a couple of kilometers altitude, and my rover drives up to that altitude when I use the waypoint method of selecting a destination. That means it can end up inside the terrain if it's high up, or far above it if it's low.

I consider this a bug in BV. When using waypoints, it should adjust the destination altitude to match the local terrain altitude, not use the waypoint altitude verbatim.

Edited by BTAxis
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16 hours ago, BTAxis said:

I've had a devil of a time using Bon Voyage on my mun rover. Either my rover spawns too low, causing its wheels to explode and launching it up, or it spawns really high up. I think I now know why.

I've been using SCANSAT to make waypoints to use as destinations for Bon Voyage, to ensure I end up at a location with little slope (it wouldn't be the first time I came out right over the edge of a cliff). But the waypoints get created at a couple of kilometers altitude, and my rover drives up to that altitude when I use the waypoint method of selecting a destination. That means it can end up inside the terrain if it's high up, or far above it if it's low.

I consider this a bug in BV. When using waypoints, it should adjust the destination altitude to match the local terrain altitude, not use the waypoint altitude verbatim.

I'll check it. It's possible, that something changed, because that wasn't an issue when I was using ScanSat waypoints.



On 7/30/2021 at 6:18 PM, Mirti said:

Every time I switch to my rover it spawns some 200 m above ground. Any way I can fix this without adding boosters/parachutes?

Check value of height offset in BonVoyage settings

Edited by maja
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