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The Ultimate Jool 5 Challenge Continued

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Jeb sticks the Tylo landing (in testing of course)! (my first ever landing on one of Jool's moons, unless you count crashing a probe into Bop for a 'kinetic' test, which I don't)

Even with a poor ascent profile, the lander appeared to be colossally overengineered.

The lander climbed to a 65km orbit and still had over 1k dV in the tank. Plans are underway for a tiny LFO refuelling tank to be placed on the mothership, to refuel the Tylo lander's upperstage and send it as the lander for Vall, Bop and Pol. (So an overengineered lander became my greatest success to date, now I don't need to worry about integrating a Vall/Bop/Pol lander)

And oops, a previous attempt caused a landing leg to be shot out of Tylo's SOI at 8km/s. Century long solar orbit FTW!

Edited by SiriusRocketry
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20 hours ago, SiriusRocketry said:

@JacobJHC Is there any problem with the submission?


Nope, it's all good. The commentary was hilarious, I was audibly laughing instead of just breathing out my nose quickly. Also the game crashes reminded me all too well of instances where I've had a game crash 30 minutes into a laggy launch, I'm glad yours went as -relatively- smoothly as it did. (also I'm really digging the ship's design). Keep up the good work, I eagerly await part 2!

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After 4 years of on-and-off work, I am ready to present my Jeb's Level Jool 5, performed in a 6.4x system.

  • The mission was flown in v1.7.1, but was partially designed in v1.1.2 (which means that some old part models are present).
  • I used Kerbodyne Plus for the launcher (Behemoth Aerospace Engineering and SpaceY both glitched out on me), but kept stock outside of LKO.
    • I did use several in-flight QoL mods: MechJeb (both via AR-202s and "Mechjeb and Engineer for All"), Bon Voyage, AutomatedScienceSampler, Kerbal Alarm Clock, and Kronometer (10.5 hour days, ~640 day years).
    • Sigma Dimensions was used to rescale the solar system by 6.4x, using Galileo's parameters from RESCALE.
    • Hanger Extender and Editor Extensions were used for construction.
  • I flew with 5 kerbals, with Jebediah taking the first steps on Tylo, Bill doing the same on Laythe, Bob on Vall, Valentina on Bop, and Karry on Pol in the end. The original plan was different though, with Valentina taking the first steps on Laythe, Bill on Vall, and Bob on Bop.
  • The launch costed $29,567,650.00.
  • No extra refueling missions were used; everything was done in a single launch, without ISRU.
  • I also brought a Jool atmospheric diver, Laythe plane, Laythe ComSat/refueling tank, Vall rover (that became a ComSat instead), Tylo Rover, Pol ComSat (ComNet was not enabled, though), and an unmanned lander that ended up landing in Dres's canyon, due to a vastly overbuilt transfer stage.
  • The delta-V values for many, but not all (I'm not perfect), maneuvers are scattered throughout the provided album.
  • Upon recovery, 49,430.1 science points total were obtained from the Jool system.

The mission album is below (I apologize if any unnoticed grammatical errors are still present). Enjoy!


Edited by Beriev
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On 3/7/2020 at 4:14 PM, Beriev said:

After 4-years of on-and-off work, I am ready to present my Jeb's Level Jool 5, performed in a 6.4x system.

  • The mission was flown in v1.7.1, but was partially designed in v1.1.2 (which means that some old part models are present).
  • I used Kerbodyne Plus for the launcher (Behemoth Aerospace Engineering and SpaceY both glitched out on me), but kept stock outside of LKO.
    • I did use several in-flight QoL mods: MechJeb (both via AR-202s and "Mechjeb and Engineer for All"), Bon Voyage, AutomatedScienceSampler, Kerbal Alarm Clock, and Kronometer (10.5 hour days, ~640 day years).
    • Sigma Dimensions was used to rescale the solar system by 6.4x, using Galileo's parameters from RESCALE.
    • For construction, I used Hanger Extender and Editor Extensions.
  • I flew with 5 kerbals, with Jebediah taking the first steps on Tylo, Bill doing the same on Laythe, Bob on Vall, Valentina on Bop, and Karry on Pol in the end. The original plan was different though, with Valentina taking the first steps on Laythe, Bill on Vall, and Bob on Bop.
  • The launch costed $37,567,650.00.
  • No extra refueling missions were used; everything was done in a single launch, without ISRU.
  • I also brought a Jool atmospheric diver, Laythe plane, Laythe ComSat/refueling tank, Vall rover (that became a ComSat instead), Tylo Rover, Pol ComSat (CommNet was not enabled, though), and an unmanned lander that ended up landing in Dres's canyon, due to a vastly overbuilt transfer stage.
  • The delta-V values for many, but not all (I'm not perfect), maneuvers are scattered throughout the provided album.
  • Upon recovery, 49,430.1 science points total were obtained from the Jool system.

The mission album is below (I apologize if any unnoticed grammatical errors are still present). Enjoy!


Holy cow! Congratulations on completing the Jool 5 Challenge on Jeb's level, and with the 6.4x world-size multiplier! Your album was so well-captioned it took me two days to get through it, but I'll add you to the leaderboard immediately! Incredible job! Also, the name fits the mission well. That was quite the absolute unit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I only remember this challenge after I made a craft that can explore every moon on Iool with a single space craft launched from a gigantic booster:


It was not designed to be compliant to the rules (although the toroid tanks were made to look cool not for space saving reasons).

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Hey Kerbonauts, I'm currently attempting the Jool-5 challenge but I had some problems along the way.

My first major problem was aerobraking at Laythe, since my surface velocity at reentry was pretty high and I couldn't use the engines (because they were covered by heat shields), I ended up breaking some non-essencial parts which meant that my Laythe lander became so incredibly unstable on takeoff that I had to install Throttle control avionics just to get to orbit in a super inefficient way (losing precious delta-V).
Second problem was rescuing the Laythe lander with my Vall lander from Laythe's orbit to my mothership in Jool's orbit (I ended up  stranded in a similar orbit to the mothership's just not with the correct allignment and synchronization).
My third problem is that the mothership only has 130 m/s after trans-Joolian injection maneuver and after delivering all landers to their respective moon.

This mission is doable, if it wasn't for my first 2 problems, although very difficult.

My question is "Can I use the Kerbal's EVA pack to rendezvous with the mothership and make them travel in a ladder for the return to Kerbin?"

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14 hours ago, Ksp Slingshooter said:

Hey Kerbonauts, I'm currently attempting the Jool-5 challenge but I had some problems along the way.

My first major problem was aerobraking at Laythe, since my surface velocity at reentry was pretty high and I couldn't use the engines (because they were covered by heat shields), I ended up breaking some non-essencial parts which meant that my Laythe lander became so incredibly unstable on takeoff that I had to install Throttle control avionics just to get to orbit in a super inefficient way (losing precious delta-V).
Second problem was rescuing the Laythe lander with my Vall lander from Laythe's orbit to my mothership in Jool's orbit (I ended up  stranded in a similar orbit to the mothership's just not with the correct allignment and synchronization).
My third problem is that the mothership only has 130 m/s after trans-Joolian injection maneuver and after delivering all landers to their respective moon.

This mission is doable, if it wasn't for my first 2 problems, although very difficult.

My question is "Can I use the Kerbal's EVA pack to rendezvous with the mothership and make them travel in a ladder for the return to Kerbin?"

As long as you don't have the jetpacks push the ship and you don't use the ladder as a kraken drive you can. 

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42 minutes ago, JacobJHC said:

As long as you don't have the jetpacks push the ship and you don't use the ladder as a kraken drive you can. 

Oh OK, so I can leave both those landers, then rendezvous the Kerbals to the mothership and make them hold the lander can's ladder for the entire return trip and in the end rescue them with another ship to reenter Kerbin's atmosphere. All this without cheating or exploiting the game. 

Did I get this right? Can I still win the challenge despite all these problems? 

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1 hour ago, Kerbolitto said:

I don't think you can do that since you have to launch 1 craft only to Jool to accomplish the whole mission..!


On 3/16/2018 at 11:03 PM, JacobJHC said:

9. All the Kerbals have to arrive back to Kerbin surface at the end of the mission, happy and alive. You are allowed to optionally send up a craft to return them from LKO.

Well, it's in rule #9. I haven't noticed the from LKO part. My plan was to get an encounter with Kerbin with the mothership and then launch the recovery rocket to rendezvous in an hyperbolic trajectory within Kerbin's SOI

Edited by Ksp Slingshooter
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Just now, Ksp Slingshooter said:


Well, it's in rule #9. I haven't noticed the from LKO part. My plan was to get an encounter with Kerbin with the mothership and then launch the recovery rocket to rendezvous in an hyperbolic trajectory. 

Oh sorry I stopped at only one craft must go to Jool :) So you're good to go !
Did a 5500m/s difference rendez-vous in solar orbit once, don't hesitate if you need help !

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1 hour ago, Kerbolitto said:

Did a 5500m/s difference rendez-vous in solar orbit once, don't hesitate if you need help !

Thanks, but I know how to do every maneuver in KSP and I'm pretty confident in orbital mechanics, besides this mission relied heavily on gravity assists around the Joolian Moons to save as much fuel as possible. 

Edited by Ksp Slingshooter
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7 hours ago, Ksp Slingshooter said:

Oh OK, so I can leave both those landers, then rendezvous the Kerbals to the mothership and make them hold the lander can's ladder for the entire return trip and in the end rescue them with another ship to reenter Kerbin's atmosphere. All this without cheating or exploiting the game. 

Did I get this right? Can I still win the challenge despite all these problems? 

Yeah that works. Although can you timewarp with kerbals on a ladder?

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22 minutes ago, Ksp Slingshooter said:

Probably, if I focus on the mothership

Best of luck!

On 3/24/2020 at 10:43 PM, RuBisCO said:

I only remember this challenge after I made a craft that can explore every moon on Iool with a single space craft launched from a gigantic booster:


It was not designed to be compliant to the rules (although the toroid tanks were made to look cool not for space saving reasons).

Visually I like everything about this craft, especially the Laythe heat-shield. Thanks for sharing! If you plan to use it to complete the Jool 5 challenge, I only ask you try and reduce the fuel tank clipping.

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11 hours ago, JacobJHC said:

Best of luck!

Visually I like everything about this craft, especially the Laythe heat-shield. Thanks for sharing! If you plan to use it to complete the Jool 5 challenge, I only ask you try and reduce the fuel tank clipping.

Yes I have done that in my 1.1 version:


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6 hours ago, Ksp Slingshooter said:

Actually, I can't timewarp, save or go to the tracking station even if I focus on the mothership 

Hmpf, when the challenge startet it was allowed to send one (and only one) refuel mission to Jool. But the rule was striked out:


.Onerefueling mission is allowed in the Jool system if you run out of fuel, unless your ship uses ISRU. Therefueling mission can only transfer resources, not parts, to your Jool 5 craft. This mission must actually be flown!

On the other hand I did a search to find the reasoning behind the change and didn't find anything. @JacobJHC Did I miss something or might this be a rescue option for @Ksp Slingshooter?

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18 hours ago, jost said:

Did I miss something or might this be a rescue option for @Ksp Slingshooter?

A rescue mission would be the easiest way out, still the most viable and realistic option. 

However, my mothership still has 66 m/s and it's in an orbit that allows a couple of Tylo gravity assists to get back home without spending too much. 

I still want to be able to stick to the main plan and get the mothership home safe. It's feasible although very difficult. 

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2 hours ago, Ksp Slingshooter said:

A rescue mission would be the easiest way out, still the most viable and realistic option. 

However, my mothership still has 66 m/s and it's in an orbit that allows a couple of Tylo gravity assists to get back home without spending too much. 

I still want to be able to stick to the main plan and get the mothership home safe. It's feasible although very difficult. 

Well the striked out rule didn't allow a rescue but a refuelling mission. This way you would send a large fuel tank to Jool, dock with it, transfer the fuel and then return home.

But since the rule is striked out you seems to be out of this option, except I missed something.

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@jost @Ksp Slingshooter The rule meant you could send a fuel tanker to refuel the craft, but not transfer landers or anything else besides fuel to the vessel. Slingshooter could you post a screenshot of your craft with the kerbals on it?

Edited by JacobJHC
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15 minutes ago, JacobJHC said:

@jost @Ksp Slingshooter The rule meant you could send a fuel tanker to refuel the craft, but not transfer landers or anything else besides fuel to the vessel. Slingshooter could you post a screenshot of your craft with the kerbals on it?

Ok, then I actually unterstood it correct. But it's not in effect any more, so no refuel mission allowed, right?

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2 minutes ago, jost said:

Ok, then I actually unterstood it correct. But it's not in effect any more, so no refuel mission allowed, right?

No refueling mission allowed, that is correct.

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