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[WIP][1.6.0] Integrated Phoenix Industries - Space Tug [v0.03]

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14 hours ago, sslaptnhablhat said:

Would it be possible to make the fuel tanks fuel-switchable?

I am working on a BDB compatible fuel switching MM file right now... I can post it for inclusion in the mod if @Orbital_phoenix chooses to do so.   My File WILL require BDB and it's dependencies since this mod is basically "BDB-Alike" and BDB-Meshing.


I am also working up Tweakscale settings for the non Crew modules.


The only question is Orbital_Phoenix, do you want fuel support for the Hypergolic Fuels (BDB does NOT support them)   I use AZ50,UDMH,NTO, and IRFNA-IV for the various Hypergolic BDB parts.   Eg Delta-P / aka the LEM Decent Motor uses AZ-50/NTO.... But Agena-A/B uses UDMH/IRFNA-IV.


Also would it be an issue if I convert the 4x Engine mount to 2x symmetry?   I have not tested it yet but the drawings for the 2x engine mount do not have the docking port and Big-G needs a Tweak-Scale, Rear Docking port with 2x Burried engines to have a proper SM. :)



Edited by Pappystein
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So I made Tweakscale MM for the Phoenix tug parts.   It does NOT include crewed command part (or a few others.)

Also please note in the settings below I am changing the Symetry for the 4x engine mount to 2x engine placement... means you have to place engines twice to fill all 4 spots.  The settings below ASSUME you have BlueDog_DB installed.  If you don't they won't work right.


        type = BluedogStack
        defaultScale = 2.5

    @stackSymmetry = 1
        type = BluedogStack
        defaultScale = 2.5

        type = BluedogStack
        defaultScale = 2.5

        type = BluedogStack
        defaultScale = 2.5

        type = BluedogStack
        defaultScale = 2.5

I am still working on the fuel switching (testing) due to some weird issues I am having with other mods parts.

Edited by Pappystein
Changed CFG of 4x engine mount (Symetry set from 2 to 1)!!!
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Fuel switching Via B9 based on existing BDB compatibility CFG in IPI.    save this as a new .cfg or add it AFTER the existing entry in IPI's BDB compatibility cfg.

Code is a modified / simplified version of BDB's Original code. @Nertea being the original code author.   Anything that has the Resources of LqdHydrogen and Oxidizer will be converted to this.  It is designed to run after all of Integrated Phoenix's other code (hence the FOR[zIntegratedPhoenixIndustries]  z is later in the alphabet than I :)  Currently the code does not need to be more robust as IPI already follows and sort of requires BDB with other codeing statements.  After the next two weeks of retail hell I will try to come back and look at WBI and ISF for fuel switching but since I don't use either of those great mods.... I can't promise a perfect code (AKA if someone else has the wherewithal to write the alternate codes they should feel free to do so! :)

Note the BELOW code does NOT work with tanks that have Mono-propellant in them



    %tank_volume = #$RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen]/maxAmount$
    @tank_volume /= 5
    @tank_volume += #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$
    %fuel_cost = #$RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen]/amount$
    @fuel_cost *= #$@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[LqdHydrogen]/unitCost$
    %ox_cost = #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/amount$
    @ox_cost *= #$@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[Oxidizer]/unitCost$
    @fuel_cost += #$ox_cost$
    %tank_mass = #$tank_volume$
    @tank_mass *= #$@B9_TANK_TYPE[bdbLH2O]/tankMass$
    extraMass = #$mass$
    @extraMass -= #$tank_mass$
    tank_cost = #$tank_volume$
    @tank_cost *= #$@B9_TANK_TYPE[bdbLH2O]/tankCost$
    tank_plus_fuel_cost = #$tank_cost$
    @tank_plus_fuel_cost += #$fuel_cost$
    extraCost = #$cost$
    @extraCost -= #$tank_plus_fuel_cost$
    //@cost = #$tank_plus_fuel_cost$
    fuelPctFill = #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/amount$
    @fuelPctFill /= #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$
    @fuelPctFill *= 100
    !RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen] {}
    !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}
        name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
        moduleID = fuelSwitch
        switcherDescription = Fuel
        baseVolume = #$../tank_volume$
            name = LH2/O
            tankType = bdbLH2O
            addedMass = #$../../tank_mass$
            @addedMass *= -1
            addedCost = #$../../tank_plus_fuel_cost$
            @addedCost *= -1
            percentFilled = #$../../fuelPctFill$
            name = LF/O
            tankType = bdbLFOX
            addedMass = #$../../tank_mass$
            @addedMass *= -1
            addedCost = #$../../tank_plus_fuel_cost$
            @addedCost *= -1
            percentFilled = #$../../fuelPctFill$
            name = MonoProp
            tankType = bdbMonoProp
            addedMass = #$../../tank_mass$
            @addedMass *= -1
            addedCost = #$../../tank_plus_fuel_cost$
            @addedCost *= -1
            percentFilled = #$../../fuelPctFill$



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On 11/18/2018 at 3:16 PM, Pappystein said:

Fuel switching Via B9 based on existing BDB compatibility CFG in IPI.    save this as a new .cfg or add it AFTER the existing entry in IPI's BDB compatibility cfg.

Code is a modified / simplified version of BDB's Original code. @Nertea being the original code author.   Anything that has the Resources of LqdHydrogen and Oxidizer will be converted to this.  It is designed to run after all of Integrated Phoenix's other code (hence the FOR[zIntegratedPhoenixIndustries]  z is later in the alphabet than I :)  Currently the code does not need to be more robust as IPI already follows and sort of requires BDB with other codeing statements.  After the next two weeks of retail hell I will try to come back and look at WBI and ISF for fuel switching but since I don't use either of those great mods.... I can't promise a perfect code (AKA if someone else has the wherewithal to write the alternate codes they should feel free to do so! :)

Note the BELOW code does NOT work with tanks that have Mono-propellant in them


  Reveal hidden contents

    %tank_volume = #$RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen]/maxAmount$
    @tank_volume /= 5
    @tank_volume += #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$
    %fuel_cost = #$RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen]/amount$
    @fuel_cost *= #$@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[LqdHydrogen]/unitCost$
    %ox_cost = #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/amount$
    @ox_cost *= #$@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[Oxidizer]/unitCost$
    @fuel_cost += #$ox_cost$
    %tank_mass = #$tank_volume$
    @tank_mass *= #$@B9_TANK_TYPE[bdbLH2O]/tankMass$
    extraMass = #$mass$
    @extraMass -= #$tank_mass$
    tank_cost = #$tank_volume$
    @tank_cost *= #$@B9_TANK_TYPE[bdbLH2O]/tankCost$
    tank_plus_fuel_cost = #$tank_cost$
    @tank_plus_fuel_cost += #$fuel_cost$
    extraCost = #$cost$
    @extraCost -= #$tank_plus_fuel_cost$
    //@cost = #$tank_plus_fuel_cost$
    fuelPctFill = #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/amount$
    @fuelPctFill /= #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$
    @fuelPctFill *= 100
    !RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen] {}
    !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}
        name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
        moduleID = fuelSwitch
        switcherDescription = Fuel
        baseVolume = #$../tank_volume$
            name = LH2/O
            tankType = bdbLH2O
            addedMass = #$../../tank_mass$
            @addedMass *= -1
            addedCost = #$../../tank_plus_fuel_cost$
            @addedCost *= -1
            percentFilled = #$../../fuelPctFill$
            name = LF/O
            tankType = bdbLFOX
            addedMass = #$../../tank_mass$
            @addedMass *= -1
            addedCost = #$../../tank_plus_fuel_cost$
            @addedCost *= -1
            percentFilled = #$../../fuelPctFill$
            name = MonoProp
            tankType = bdbMonoProp
            addedMass = #$../../tank_mass$
            @addedMass *= -1
            addedCost = #$../../tank_plus_fuel_cost$
            @addedCost *= -1
            percentFilled = #$../../fuelPctFill$



Sorry for being stupid, but I need some clarification. So I paste that in notepad, save it as [something].cfg (in what folder?), and it allows me to switch fuel types for the main tanks, right?

EDIT: @Orbital_phoenix Another feature I'd find immensely useful would be a second node clipped in to the docking port node of the engine mounts to allow me to attach it to an interstage, this is something Cobaltwolf has done with all of his multi-engine stages.

Edited by golkaidakhaana
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Some stuff I have collected along the way that you might find interesting. This is a little after the vessels you are currently modelling, but there is a strong affinity none the less (note the tank size differences based upon propellant types):



The tilting cargo pods are particularly useful/cool.


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13 hours ago, sslaptnhablhat said:

Sorry for being stupid, but I need some clarification. So I paste that in notepad, save it as [something].cfg (in what folder?), and it allows me to switch fuel types for the main tanks, right?

EDIT: @Orbital_phoenix Another feature I'd find immensely useful would be a second node clipped in to the docking port node of the engine mounts to allow me to attach it to an interstage, this is something Cobaltwolf has done with all of his multi-engine stages.

Nope not Stupid... Please don't say that (you asked it theirfor you CANT be!)

But yes you are correct if you want to do this on your own...   I suggest creating your OWN folder for your own files....   So mine is Pafftek.   Under Pafftek I have folders like the following  Patches_For_BDB, Patches_For_SSTU,  Patches_For_Orbital_Phoenix.... you get the idea.   Dump a newly minted CFG file in an appropriate sub-folder.    Easier to keep track of.

And while Notepad will "Work..ish" it is far better to use a multi language text editor like ConTEXT or my preferred Notpad++  They both have less issues saving text files as NON text files (in this case CFG files.)



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@tater  Um.... BOTH? :)

But that is a long winded discussion we can have offline from the forum.  


IF there is an interest for SSTU Fuel Switching with the Integrated Phoenix mod I can build that out as well.    SSTU is more complicated than other Fuel switching mods but for the end user it is easier (bigger display area... clear gui etc.)


Edited by Pappystein
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/24/2018 at 1:58 AM, tater said:


Yup, one of the problems I've been thinking about lately.

I think a long ladder is the best way to go for the traditional space tug look. But some designs have the crew module with engines on the bottom to solve that issue.

Not sure have cranes would work without KAS, but it's something to look into for the future.

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4 hours ago, BRAAAP_STUTUTU said:

Yo @Orbital_phoenix, are you still working on this or are you currently too busy with work/studies/life?

Sorry I haven't been replying, still working on everything, but swamped with stuff to do.

I'm currently working on a super secret project which I will announce just after Christmas, but Space tug is definitely still being worked on as well, I'm currently getting everything finished for the next update which I will post about soon.


Sneak peak at the antenna module while texturing.



On 11/21/2018 at 10:53 AM, sslaptnhablhat said:

Sorry for being stupid, but I need some clarification. So I paste that in notepad, save it as [something].cfg (in what folder?), and it allows me to switch fuel types for the main tanks, right?

EDIT: @Orbital_phoenix Another feature I'd find immensely useful would be a second node clipped in to the docking port node of the engine mounts to allow me to attach it to an interstage, this is something Cobaltwolf has done with all of his multi-engine stages.

Can do!

14 minutes ago, tater said:

Yeah, now if I see relevant posts elsewhere to this mod I'll throw them in here in case they might be new to you (unlikely, this stuff has been out there for decades, but I still find surprises).

Please do :), I find them very helpful and I'm sure plenty of people here will find them fascinating as well. 

Edited by Orbital_phoenix
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On 11/13/2018 at 10:01 PM, Pappystein said:

I am working on a BDB compatible fuel switching MM file right now... I can post it for inclusion in the mod if @Orbital_phoenix chooses to do so.   My File WILL require BDB and it's dependencies since this mod is basically "BDB-Alike" and BDB-Meshing.


I am also working up Tweakscale settings for the non Crew modules.


The only question is Orbital_Phoenix, do you want fuel support for the Hypergolic Fuels (BDB does NOT support them)   I use AZ50,UDMH,NTO, and IRFNA-IV for the various Hypergolic BDB parts.   Eg Delta-P / aka the LEM Decent Motor uses AZ-50/NTO.... But Agena-A/B uses UDMH/IRFNA-IV.


Also would it be an issue if I convert the 4x Engine mount to 2x symmetry?   I have not tested it yet but the drawings for the 2x engine mount do not have the docking port and Big-G needs a Tweak-Scale, Rear Docking port with 2x Burried engines to have a proper SM. :)



Sorry for the late reply.

I think the space tug was cryogenic so I probably won't support hypergolic, but I could be wrong on that.

I don't mind, but I do have a 2x engine mount part in the latest version, unless you mean a part where the engines are inset like the 4x?


On 11/15/2018 at 12:22 AM, Pappystein said:

So I made Tweakscale MM for the Phoenix tug parts.   It does NOT include crewed command part (or a few others.)

Also please note in the settings below I am changing the Symetry for the 4x engine mount to 2x engine placement... means you have to place engines twice to fill all 4 spots.  The settings below ASSUME you have BlueDog_DB installed.  If you don't they won't work right.

  Reveal hidden contents

        type = BluedogStack
        defaultScale = 2.5

    @stackSymmetry = 1
        type = BluedogStack
        defaultScale = 2.5

        type = BluedogStack
        defaultScale = 2.5

        type = BluedogStack
        defaultScale = 2.5

        type = BluedogStack
        defaultScale = 2.5

I am still working on the fuel switching (testing) due to some weird issues I am having with other mods parts.

Thanks for the tweakscale config, I'm still working on the compatibilities so I've linked your config on the front page to help people find it. 

Edited by Orbital_phoenix
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1 hour ago, Orbital_phoenix said:

Sorry for the late reply.

I think the space tug was cryogenic so I probably won't support hypergolic, but I could be wrong on that.

True but I mention it because someone might want to power it by TWR-201s or something else not to design.

1 hour ago, Orbital_phoenix said:

I don't mind, but I do have a 2x engine mount part in the latest version, unless you mean a part where the engines are inset like the 4x?

For my purposes I was looking for a 2x with a docking port in the middle.... I haven't fired up KSP since Battletech Flashpoint came out so I can't be certain, but I think your 2 engine mount has the engines close coupled with no space for a docking port.


And I am glad to help wherever I can, if you wish you can include the Tweakscale or B9 Fuel conversions right into your mod if you wish.  

I also have a SSTU tank conversion but my tester hasn't gotten back to me on it's functionality!  :D:sticktongue: 



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5 hours ago, Pappystein said:

I also have a SSTU tank conversion but my tester hasn't gotten back to me on it's functionality!  :D:sticktongue: 

I threw it in (as a cfg in my "mystuff" folder for such patches), and did not get it to work. Been busy with other stuff and sort of forgot about it. I'll check and see what I did wrong. Seems like other patches I have.

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