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[1.8.1 - 1.12.2] KSP Interstellar Extended 1.29.5 Release Thread


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6 hours ago, TomfooleryYT said:

I'm having issues with the regolith drills. Despite being on regolith hotspot and drills engaged, I'm not gaining any regolith, making fusion pellets isru bases completely pointless. Please Help! GS8UCjm.jpg

Notice Power Usage is 0 MW /5 MW and Megajoule reource is 0. It means the REgolihth Drill is unpowered. Collecting Regolith and converting it into usefull resource is realy power intensive. I see you have a Power Reciever on the station. Make sure it can recieve some power

Edited by FreeThinker
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7 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Notice Power Usage is 0 MW /5 MW and Megajoule reource is 0. It means the Regolith Drill is unpowered. Collecting Regolith and converting it into usefull resource is realy power intensive. I see you have a Power Reciever on the station. Make sure it can recieve some power

that's another thing, I am really bad at setting up power recieving. What's powering this base is a boron fusion generator. Does that not give enough power? because it has before.

I would have it run on fusion pellets, but I can't make any currently...

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34 minutes ago, TomfooleryYT said:

that's another thing, I am really bad at setting up power recieving. What's powering this base is a boron fusion generator. Does that not give enough power? because it has before.

I would have it run on fusion pellets, but I can't make any currently...

Not sure what you mean by boron fusion generator, I guess you mean the tri Alpha Fusion reactor which start with the ability to fuse Boron with Hydrogen. It it runs out of fuel, it will stop functioning

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9 minutes ago, TomfooleryYT said:

Tri alpha with proton boron fusion. I have plenty of boron as seen in the post above is there a "proton" resource I should getting as well?

so the drill works off of MJ? so I just need to charge my EC until it's full and let MJ power it?

Yes you need a high power source, which can be a reactor or super lithium battery. A ri Aplha Fusion reactor can be charged using elecric charge to restart but it also need a valid fuel source

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Can someone explain how the ablative laser nozzle is supposed to work. I've tried putting lasers directly below it with every different wavelength and it always just says flame-out and does not provide any thrust. Also, there isn't any info about it online or on the wiki.

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In my limited experience, for a surface base there's little reason to choose anything other than a cheap but heavy molten salt fission reactor, because even tho it's heavier than a fusion reactor for the same power output the need to save weight is much less on a surface base. Additionally, the power requirements for ISRU are rather modest, with total power output not usually going much over a couple hundred megawatts, meaning you can get away with a surprisingly small reactor and radiators provided you target the power output you need, and don't go chasing thermal efficiency.

Plus, most fission reactors will last several years at their rated power output on just their internal fuel reserves, provided you set the reactor to "uranium burnup" mode.

Of course that's just my experience, I tend to stick to using just a few reactors that I know how to use, I don't know how everything works in this mod even tho I've used it for years, there's just so much in it.

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Is there anywhere I can find good info about beamed power? I've read every tutorial and watched every youtube video I could find but they all appear to be very old and it seems that the whole system has been nerfed. I watch videos of people getting TWRs of 0.5-2+ with the plasma thruster and ATTILA but I've tried with similar power networks and the thrust I'm getting from these is horrendous no matter the fuel type. 

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I've now spent 2 days doing nothing but trying to understand beamed power. I've made some progress but I can't understand how relays are supposed to work. I can click link for relay on one transceiver and then the other one has an activate relay button appear. However, this relay does not appear to actually be relaying any power. I've reread the wiki dozens of times and it doesn't make sense why it isn't working. I'm now digging into the interstellar code to try to understand this system since it is so poorly documented. If anyone knows how this works, an explanation would be greatly appreciated.

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On 8/30/2020 at 12:42 PM, ski23 said:

I've now spent 2 days doing nothing but trying to understand beamed power. I've made some progress but I can't understand how relays are supposed to work. I can click link for relay on one transceiver and then the other one has an activate relay button appear. However, this relay does not appear to actually be relaying any power. I've reread the wiki dozens of times and it doesn't make sense why it isn't working. I'm now digging into the interstellar code to try to understand this system since it is so poorly documented. If anyone knows how this works, an explanation would be greatly appreciated.

First off, you are in the release thread, not the support thread!

The support thread has a lot of info from people getting beamed power to work (or, sometimes, failing to).

But in any case, more people keep up with that thread that might be able to help.


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Version 1.25.25 for Kerbal Space Program 1.8.1 - 1.10.1

Released on 2020-09-13

  • Added Interstellar Nuclear Salt Water Rocket Engine
  • Added Insane Nuclear Propulsion Technode
  • Added Surface Wastheat reduction mechanic to universal Extractor
  • Added Persistent Rotation to Solar Thermal Power Mirror Reciever
  • Rebalanced VISTA engine: reduced mass, and maximum thrust but added self-sustainability


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On 8/28/2020 at 9:26 PM, SciMan said:

In my limited experience, for a surface base there's little reason to choose anything other than a cheap but heavy molten salt fission reactor, because even tho it's heavier than a fusion reactor for the same power output the need to save weight is much less on a surface base. Additionally, the power requirements for ISRU are rather modest, with total power output not usually going much over a couple hundred megawatts, meaning you can get away with a surprisingly small reactor and radiators provided you target the power output you need, and don't go chasing thermal efficiency.

Plus, most fission reactors will last several years at their rated power output on just their internal fuel reserves, provided you set the reactor to "uranium burnup" mode.

Of course that's just my experience, I tend to stick to using just a few reactors that I know how to use, I don't know how everything works in this mod even tho I've used it for years, there's just so much in it.

This is the release thread and nothing beats a tri alpha in H-B fusion in terms of easiness (yea, that exists) and power/rads ratio kindof

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Hello, @Jebediah do acre, and welcome to the forum!

I've added a translation to your post for you.  We have a rule that all posts outside of the international subforum must be posted in English, or provide an English translation.  Please make sure you do one of those in your posts, and again welcome aboard!


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Olá, @Jebediah do acre, e bem-vindo ao fórum! Eu adicionei uma tradução à sua postagem para você. Temos uma regra que todas as postagens fora do subfórum internacional devem ser postadas em inglês ou fornecer uma tradução em inglês. Certifique-se de fazer uma dessas em suas postagens e, novamente, bem-vindo a bordo!

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How do I access the cheat menu for KSP interstellar? I wanted to mod a few settings that I've once seen. It the warppluginsettings.cfg in my gamedata doesn't seem to affect anything.

I've tried scouring ALT+F12 but I can't find anything. Particularly I'm looking to shut off the throttle down for the nuclear salt water engine. If I can slap a cockpit next to a normal engine or fly a kerbal by a sun and have them live, I figured I don't care about that 'balance'. I saw earlier on the forum that a cheat was added to bypass this, but I can't find how to turn it on.

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On 9/16/2020 at 4:02 AM, Xithyl515 said:

How do I access the cheat menu for KSP interstellar? I wanted to mod a few settings that I've once seen. It the warppluginsettings.cfg in my gamedata doesn't seem to affect anything.

I've tried scouring ALT+F12 but I can't find anything. Particularly I'm looking to shut off the throttle down for the nuclear salt water engine. If I can slap a cockpit next to a normal engine or fly a kerbal by a sun and have them live, I figured I don't care about that 'balance'. I saw earlier on the forum that a cheat was added to bypass this, but I can't find how to turn it on.

Throttle down?

If you mean when it shuts down at pointing to Kerbin, next update a cheat to disable it will be added. Or so Ive read in the Discord

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5 hours ago, AntaresMC said:

Throttle down?

If you mean when it shuts down at pointing to Kerbin, next update a cheat to disable it will be added. Or so Ive read in the Discord

It also throttles down an engine if it's near or pointing at Kerbals far away from Kerbin. it happened around Ike

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I have a science contract that tells me to run the "Microwave Scan Experiment" high in space over a biome. However, when I look over the parts I have unlocked the only thing close to that is the "Science Experiment" on the 4 ton Microwave transmitter.

Now, the naming of these experiments are a bit ambigous. The diode laser has the experiment named exactly the same. I can't tell wich is wich, i can only assume.

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2 hours ago, Nicky21 said:

I have a science contract that tells me to run the "Microwave Scan Experiment" high in space over a biome. However, when I look over the parts I have unlocked the only thing close to that is the "Science Experiment" on the 4 ton Microwave transmitter.

Now, the naming of these experiments are a bit ambigous. The diode laser has the experiment named exactly the same. I can't tell wich is wich, i can only assume.

Its an experiment from most beamed power tranmitters

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