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[1.8.1 - 1.12.2] KSP Interstellar Extended 1.29.5 Release Thread


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  On 10/22/2023 at 5:05 AM, ctbram said:

This mod is broken.

The nerva and other nuclear engines are worthless.

Take the NERVA and add a probe core, battery, and fl-800 tank with hydrogen and you get a rediculous and totally unusable 1200dv.  kerbal engineer says I get 1000 isp, and 1.58 twr yet it cannot lift itself off the launch pad.

The same configuration with an fl-800 with lfo and a swivel gets 3600 dv and twr of 3.6 with an isp of only 320s!  

How is this loveing possible? With 1000 isp the nerva should get at least 3 times the dv. As this is working now the nuclear engines in kspie are unusable.

So now I have yet another game I have played to year 8+ and have to start all over because I can't take kspie out of my build without killing half my ships and screwing the tech tree.  BTW the tutorials also suck ass!  I use the original version by I think it was fractal-something and it was great.  This version is total crap!


This mod is broken.

The nerva and other nuclear engines are worthless.

Take the NERVA and add a probe core, battery, and fl-800 tank with hydrogen and you get a rediculous and totally unusable 1200dv.  kerbal engineer says I get 1000 isp, and 1.58 twr yet it cannot lift itself off the launch pad.

The same configuration with an fl-800 with lfo and a swivel gets 3600 dv and twr of 3.6 with an isp of only 320s!  

How is this loveing possible? With 1000 isp the nerva should get at least 3 times the dv. As this is working now the nuclear engines in kspie are unusable.

So now I have yet another game I have played to year 8+ and have to start all over because I can't take kspie out of my build without killing half my ships and screwing the tech tree.  BTW the tutorials also suck ass!  I use the original version by I think it was fractal-uk and it was great.  This version is total crap!


This mod is broken.

The nerva and other nuclear engines are worthless.

Take the NERVA and add a probe core, battery, and fl-800 tank with hydrogen and you get a ridiculous and totally unusable 1200dv.  kerbal engineer says I get 1000 isp, and 1.58 twr yet it cannot lift itself off the launch pad.

The same configuration with an fl-800 with lfo and a swivel gets 3600 dv and twr of 3.6 with an isp of only 320s!  

How is this loveing possible? With 1000 isp the nerva should get at least 3 times the dv. As this is working now the nuclear engines in kspie are unusable.

So now I have yet another game I have played to year 8+ and have to start all over because I can't take kspie out of my build without killing half my ships and screwing the tech tree.  BTW the tutorials also suck ass!  I used the original version by I think was fractal-uk and it was great.  This version is total crap!



the nerva isn't taking off the launchpad because it's a damn deep space engine and the change in Dv and twr is likely because you're in the atmosphere which massively reduces efficiency and thrust, and in turn dv and twr

Edited by Jeffery Kerman
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  • 1 month later...

This has been asked before but i couldn't find a fix (or just missed it). When clicking swap fuel on nuclear engines the enriched uranium bar disappears, making the engine unusable.
Is this a known problem with a fix, or do I have to downgrade to an older game version?
ksp 1.12
mod version 1.29.6

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  • 2 months later...
  On 10/22/2023 at 5:05 AM, ctbram said:

This mod is broken.

The nerva and other nuclear engines are worthless.

Take the NERVA and add a probe core, battery, and fl-800 tank with hydrogen and you get a rediculous and totally unusable 1200dv.  kerbal engineer says I get 1000 isp, and 1.58 twr yet it cannot lift itself off the launch pad.

The same configuration with an fl-800 with lfo and a swivel gets 3600 dv and twr of 3.6 with an isp of only 320s!  

How is this loveing possible? With 1000 isp the nerva should get at least 3 times the dv. As this is working now the nuclear engines in kspie are unusable.

So now I have yet another game I have played to year 8+ and have to start all over because I can't take kspie out of my build without killing half my ships and screwing the tech tree.  BTW the tutorials also suck ass!  I use the original version by I think it was fractal-something and it was great.  This version is total crap!


This mod is broken.

The nerva and other nuclear engines are worthless.

Take the NERVA and add a probe core, battery, and fl-800 tank with hydrogen and you get a rediculous and totally unusable 1200dv.  kerbal engineer says I get 1000 isp, and 1.58 twr yet it cannot lift itself off the launch pad.

The same configuration with an fl-800 with lfo and a swivel gets 3600 dv and twr of 3.6 with an isp of only 320s!  

How is this loveing possible? With 1000 isp the nerva should get at least 3 times the dv. As this is working now the nuclear engines in kspie are unusable.

So now I have yet another game I have played to year 8+ and have to start all over because I can't take kspie out of my build without killing half my ships and screwing the tech tree.  BTW the tutorials also suck ass!  I use the original version by I think it was fractal-uk and it was great.  This version is total crap!


This mod is broken.

The nerva and other nuclear engines are worthless.

Take the NERVA and add a probe core, battery, and fl-800 tank with hydrogen and you get a ridiculous and totally unusable 1200dv.  kerbal engineer says I get 1000 isp, and 1.58 twr yet it cannot lift itself off the launch pad.

The same configuration with an fl-800 with lfo and a swivel gets 3600 dv and twr of 3.6 with an isp of only 320s!  

How is this loveing possible? With 1000 isp the nerva should get at least 3 times the dv. As this is working now the nuclear engines in kspie are unusable.



ISP is Engine efficiency. How well it turns that fuel into thrust.


The nuclear engines are incredibly efficient. With 1000 ISP every drop will be turned into DV.

The trade of is very little comparative thrust.


The weaker engines are far less fuel efficient, but deliver a great deal more thrust.


I have been playing KSP1 for a little over a year

And found the Wiki incredibly helpful.


Also, now that there are wonderful generative LLMs you can ask Bing something like "please explain ISP to me & tell me why my really awesome rocket with 1000 ISP nerv cannot leave Kerbin"

I had to watch a few you tube videos when I first started playing and still love the scott manely career series.

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Hi! im not using KSPIE right now, but is an absolutely great mod. The reason i uninstalled it a few months ago, is because the daedalus engine just get broken in flight: I give it everything needed and it fire in the 1st ignition, but right after that, or after change to another vessel, the engine just show the plume but nothing else, stops generating thrust and the DeltaV desapear, even if the Pellets tanks are OK. Is no a bad setup of mine, just a bug that i was never able to solve. I writte this just in case somebody else face the same bug before, and can guide me in the right direction.

Edited by Ariel Kerman
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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 3/22/2024 at 6:05 PM, Ariel Kerman said:

Hi! im not using KSPIE right now, but is an absolutely great mod. The reason i uninstalled it a few months ago, is because the daedalus engine just get broken in flight: I give it everything needed and it fire in the 1st ignition, but right after that, or after change to another vessel, the engine just show the plume but nothing else, stops generating thrust and the DeltaV desapear, even if the Pellets tanks are OK. Is no a bad setup of mine, just a bug that i was never able to solve. I writte this just in case somebody else face the same bug before, and can guide me in the right direction.


Didn't you ran out of power for example? I just tried to replicate your problem in my testing save and all worked fine for me (switching to another vessel and throttling down to 0). I am too lazy to bother with sharing the craft file, but it was just the the daedalus engine, MHD generator, plasma fusion generator, big sphere tank with fusion pellets and a drone core. Tested on KSP 1.12.5 and latest release of KSPIE.

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  On 4/11/2024 at 7:45 PM, Heller Kerman said:

Didn't you ran out of power for example? I just tried to replicate your problem in my testing save and all worked fine for me (switching to another vessel and throttling down to 0). I am too lazy to bother with sharing the craft file, but it was just the the daedalus engine, MHD generator, plasma fusion generator, big sphere tank with fusion pellets and a drone core. Tested on KSP 1.12.5 and latest release of KSPIE.


Hi! It wasn't a power issue for sure. I remember me making a brachistochrone trajectory to Tau Ceti with GU installed while time warping, directly from LKO, wich make wonder in awe. In the second ignition to decelerate, nothing happend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, i have another question.

This Alcubierre Drive (heavy) works very well for me together with "IXS Hull Reactor" - no problem at all.

But of course, im interrested in building some custom ships - mainly because this IXS hull is technically fine, but not really a beauty (sorry) :)

Regardless which kind of reactor (an combinations) i use, the drive works not a all.

Can somebody give me a hint, which combinaton or reactor is should us for success?

Maybe like  for example, use the "beam core reactor" with generator x and use this "fuel" (antimatter y) and be shhur, you have this and that connected 

THX in advance


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  On 4/26/2024 at 10:05 PM, Tecorian said:

So, i have another question.

This Alcubierre Drive (heavy) works very well for me together with "IXS Hull Reactor" - no problem at all.

But of course, im interrested in building some custom ships - mainly because this IXS hull is technically fine, but not really a beauty (sorry) :)

Regardless which kind of reactor (an combinations) i use, the drive works not a all.

Can somebody give me a hint, which combinaton or reactor is should us for success?

Maybe like  for example, use the "beam core reactor" with generator x and use this "fuel" (antimatter y) and be shhur, you have this and that connected 

THX in advance



A few tips: 

- In the building scenes where you can view item descriptions, if you hold your mouse over the items, you can see even more information. If you do that with reactors, it will show you what type of generators they pair with. Item descriptions usually explain this too. That will tell you the combinations as clear as anyone else can. 
- The power required for a specific ship to warp seems to be affected by different variables like the weight of the ship,  and the type and scale (size) of the warp drive used. That means reducing vessel mass, increasing warp drive size, and using a larger warp drive can all potentially reduce the power needed. 
- The power required for warp is also affected by where the ship is: more specifically, the gravitational force of the cosmic body the player is affected by. It's also affected by the speed desired for warp. The slowest speeds require the most power - but if you don't need to go the slowest speeeds, then you don't need that extra power. 
- All of these variables combine to make it difficult to recommend a single set up because it depends on what you're using the warp drive for, what kind of ship, etc. 
- Generally speaking, only a few reactors are able to supply the power necessary for warp at all speeds, and they're the ones that use antimatter/positrons and generate power at the Gigawatt-scale. Two reactors are my favorites for warp designs: the SAGE engine, and the beam core antimatter reactor. 
- Heat Radiation is a critical aspect of all this and also illustrates varied use cases: the best radiators are the graphene blanket ones, but they can't be retracted which means atmospheric landings will destroy your capability to warp (because the radiators will be torn off). Static radiators like the Graphene Skin Wrapper can work for atmospheric use cases, but you'll need a whole lot more of them. Toggle-able panels like the graphene folding ones are somewhere in the middle (but require you to manage them and remember to reploy/undeploy!). 
- Tech upgrades can unlock huge performance improvements to warp-related technology. Researching those technologies will make a far wider range of designs possible. Improvements to power generator efficiency, to warp drive power requirements, to radiator performance, AM/Positron storage - they're all interrelated and all important. I personally try to unlock everything first before trying to design warp ships because the difference can be so big. 
- Finally, testing your designs can be fairly quick. You can test warp charging on the ground at a launchpad just to make sure it even works, and to test warping, you only need to get to space (not into orbit). If possible, you generally want a ship that can skip orbiting burns and just charge/warp straight from that first burn to space (it's quick and efficient). 

Some design tips for those reactors:
 - The SAGE is actually a reactor and an engine in one and it's quite compact as well. It works well with smaller ships and particularly well for atmospheric use cases (SSTOs) because it can fuel its thrusters entirely with atmosphere, meaning it uses no fuel beyond what the reactor requires (positrons).  That atmospheric engine is typically extremely powerful too (very high thrust to weight ratios). The reactor can be paired with a Thermal Power Generator to also generate the electricity required for warp. The reactor uses positron fuel at a decent rate so two things worth noting about the positron fuel containers is that a) they can store far more once the relevant technologies are unlocked and b) they're fragile in high temperatures so need to be protected in some way (farings, payload bays, etc). The downside of a SAGE is using the engine in space doesn't give the greatest ISPs. Pairing it with more efficient engines is possible. Larger spaceplanes can combine the one central SAGE with two flanking Rocinante engines, for example, and go basically anywhere with lots of Delta V. 

- The Beam Core Antimatter reactor is also a good choice because it can generate insane amounts of power (up to the terrawatts) - enough to power basically any ship configuration you have, even very heavy ones,  but it can also be scaled down to 0.625 if required while still generating hundreds of gigawatts. Pair this reactor with a thermal power generator to power your warp drive.  The amount of radiators required to extract even a fraction of what it's generating is significant (there's a KSPIE tool in the building scene that you can use as a rough guide). If you have a design that's not quite generating the power you need, adding more radiators often helps. My biggest issue with BCA reactors is that if I enter time warp with the reactor active, even if I'm not drawing much power, the ship seems to periodically eat a chunk of antimatter - About 20x what I use for a charge+warp. So either bring a whole lot of antimatter so you don't have to worry about this, or have a secondary reactor/generator (Molten Salt/Thermal Power Generator, for example) you can switch over to when not warping. 

Hope that helps and that you enjoy the mod! I came here to thank the creator for it, haha. I had a blast with it and learned a lot about RL tech :)

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So what game version is this functional on. I tried using it on latest patch and got a bunch of "will not work" errors while booting up. I loved this mod way back when.

edit: nvm i'm dumb.. Titles exist for a reason T.. XD

Edited by Killer Turnus
Found my answer. =D
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There seems to be a conflict Pathfinder. Pathfinder will add WBIOmniStorage to many parts, and sometimes KSPI-E will add ModuleB9PartSwitch to the same part. If this happens and you reconfigure storage with Omni Storage option in the editor and delete the existing resources, those deleted resources will be added back once the craft is launched. I found this happening to OPT Spaceplane fuel tanks, probe cores and command pods.

Currently I created my own patch (zzzKSPIEPatches) to remove ModuleB9PartSwitch added by KSPI-E from parts that have WBIOmniStorage.

	!MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[KSPIE]] {}

A more elegant solution might be stopping the addition of ModuleB9PartSwitch by blacklisting parts with module WBIOmniStorage in the file WarpPlugin\Patches\B9PartSwitch\CryoTanksFuelTankSwitcher.cfg

Edited by jcxl233
Removed the extra : in the MM patch code.
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  • 1 month later...

My Drill-o-matic drill wont detectground contact. i have tried putting it on an extendatron or simlar to raise/lower the height but no matter what it is always saying no ground contact. The junior version of it seems to work fine but not the normal one. I have done a fresh install and have minimal mods as attached. Any help appreciated. Note if I uninstall the Interstellar mod the drill works fine again and i dont have an issue.






Edited by jebalicious
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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm having a problem where the liquid metal cooled reactor on a U-238 TWR fuel mode won't detect depleted uranium in an IFS Radioactive Fuel Container (RFC2500) even though it is directly attached to it 

(Edit: it does this for any fuel mode, not just U-238)

Edited by Jeffery Kerman
it turns out its on all fuel modes
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Hello,  not sure if this is a bug or not but the Dawn ion engine and ATTILA Thruster refuse to work. Also all of the stock solar panels won't deploy or generate any power. Also it seems that some other engines seem to just stop working randomly. I am on the most recent version of KSP and installed the mod via CKAN if that helps.

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is there a way to install this mod without the nuclear engines/vanilla nuke engine changes? they kinda irk me a lot and i dislike having to fix all the nukie powered ships i made/downloaded.

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  On 8/16/2024 at 1:18 PM, Kazako said:

is there a way to install this mod without the nuclear engines/vanilla nuke engine changes? they kinda irk me a lot and i dislike having to fix all the nukie powered ships i made/downloaded.


there is a NERVA Patch file you can remove to disable the realism effects

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  • 5 weeks later...
  On 8/11/2024 at 6:58 PM, Watermelon0254 said:

Hello,  not sure if this is a bug or not but the Dawn ion engine and ATTILA Thruster refuse to work. Also all of the stock solar panels won't deploy or generate any power. Also it seems that some other engines seem to just stop working randomly. I am on the most recent version of KSP and installed the mod via CKAN if that helps.


Never mind, i fixed the problem. some other mod was breaking solar panels and i figured out how to use the engines now.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Update: i think it is just a old version of the dependency that was broken for me, should be fixed if you uninstall it and reinstall it, (although KSPIE is really buggy tbh so it could be anything)

if you send a mod list/log file

i may be able to figure it out for sure.

Edited by Watermelon0254
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