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Infinity War/Engame Thread


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Saw the movie. Thought it was good, though not without criticisms. Unfortunately, I had a group of uber-nerds seated nearby, so I missed about 15 seconds of dialog after every joke or reference as they either LOL’d to the jokes or explained every reference to the non-nerds they were with.

I really dont think this is spoiler worthy, but I’ll put it there anyway just in case


One thing I will say is that I wish the end credit stuff would go back to being fun little scenes (like the shawarma scene from Avengers) or jokey scenes that cleaned up existing plot points from the movie (like the Tony Stank scene from Civil War) instead of being just teasers and leads for what is coming up next in the MCU.

3 out of 4 stars. Worth price of admission for casual fans; worth repeat viewings for the uber-nerds.

Edited by Johnny Wishbone
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This bit isn't really spoilers, but who else cheered like an idiot when Cap and Panther we're just straight up booking it towards Thanos' army and were out pacing everybody else behind them. Perfectly depicted semi-superhuman speed like in Civil War again was fantastic, and it leading up to the battle got me crazy hype. 

But here's my spoilerly bit:



I was shellshocked for hours after I got out of the theater. Absolutely adored the movie, but sweet jeebus that ending was just so bleak and out of left field for the MCU.  Really the entire movie just felt, SO radically different from everything we've gotten thus far. Before the movie I kept running into a supposed "spoiler" that Stark was the one that was going to die in the movie, and right after 5 minutes I was like, oh *@$! me they're gonna kill everybody the moment Loki got his neck snapped. And indeed, people just kept dying left and right. And when half the people faded away at the end, oh my god.

And the acting in this movie! Like, HOLY HELL the acting in this movie. Literally everyone was well above par for the course. From Thanos in literally every scene, Thor when he was interacting with Rocket, Bruce, Parker when he died, and just so many more brilliant scenes.




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17 hours ago, G'th said:

Absolutely adored the movie, but sweet jeebus that ending was just so bleak and out of left field for the MCU.  Really the entire movie just felt, SO radically different from everything we've gotten thus far.

Prediction: Nick Fury paged Capt Marvel back in time.  Next movie will be Avengers: Eternity War


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I loved this movie. Saw it yesterday.


Quill stuck out a little too much for me, in comparison to the rest of the movie's tone. I've heard that upon 2nd viewings you mostly got used to the tone changes, so I'll wait and see, but that's initial reactions.

On Quill though, we know he's a hothead, we saw it in both Guardian's movies, especially the first one, when he started shooting at his father the moment he found out about his mother; so him attacking Thanos wasn't too unexpected, but it's still frustrating. I wish he went for the gauntlet instead.

However, about that scene; when Dr. Strange was telling them about the (What was it, 14 million odd outcomes?) outcomes of their fights. Maybe this was the one they won. And the reason he didn't explain further than the plan was because he knew they wouldn't agree with it. Quill needed to go berserk, no matter how frustrating that scene was.

Thanos was an amazing character, and though his motivations were extremely sick and twisted, I kinda felt for him, and understood why he was doing what he was doing. For a moment, because he is the mad Titan after all.

Thor's entrance in Wakanda was the best I think. And he was my favorite character in the movie.

Iron Man's new armor is amazing.

The new dynamic of Hulk and Bruce being reversed is pretty interesting. I wish it wasn't followed with quips (as much), but I thought it was really cool. He did just come out of Ragnarok though, so I can understand. It's just the movie's tone didn't really fit too well.

Parker's death was the worst, his spidey senses went haywire, and he panicked. All the deaths felt rushed because everyone was confused, but he knew it was coming. Gamora's death was the 2nd worst.

The end credits scene was worth it, and I can't wait to see Captain Marvel.

8-9/10, and in my top 3 favorite Marvel films (Haven't quite decided where yet)



Edited by Spaceception
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My theory on the next steps:


In Black Panther 2, the Black Panther will wake up in the "spirit world" where his dad lives and somehow make it back to the real world. Hijinks ensue.

A non-exhaustive selection of things I liked:


"I am, SteveRogers"

Thanos really likes bubbles hey? Quite a whimsical streak for a genocidal god.

Blasting Drax into chunky kibbles (anyone remember the original "quake" manual and its advice on zombie hunting? "How do you kill that which is already dead? You cant, but you can blast them into chunky kibbles.")

Warmachine carpet-bombing.



Im going to go out on a limb, and guess that the KSP forum is quiet today because everyone has been googling things related to Infinity War? ;)

Edited by p1t1o
Is it just me?
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I've mostly been thinking about what the next one will be about. It's supposed to darker; which considering how dark it is already, I kinda scary a prospect.

I really liked Dr. Strange's magic skills being shown off.

The line from Thanos "You should've gone for the head" was chilling.

Red Skull was completely unexpected. I knew there was a theory he would be returning, but I never guessed he'd be guarding the soul stone. I wonder what would happen if he met Steve again?


I saw somewhere about how this wasn't any better than like Justice League because it was overstuffed and everything. But Infinity War dealt with way more characters, and still gave them time to shine. What do you think?



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  • 11 months later...

*Endgame (typo in title)

Spoiler free: I really liked it. The 3 hours flew by but I didn't feel unsatisfied at the end. I've not had time to fully process the movie but it was surprisingly straightforward for what they (the filmmakers) set out to do in it. I think it was well told and easy to follow, which is no small task considering the sheer volume of characters they were juggling.

Now for some spoilers. Not a lot, just quick ones off the top of my head.


I loved when Thor said "I went for the head." I also love that they just killed Thanos at the very first opportunity. Unlike with Snape. I mean Snopes.com. I mean Snoop. What dumb syllable mashup was it? Oh yeah Snoke. When they killed Snoke it was dumb. When they killed Thanos it was AWESOME.

Twice the person who got the Soul Stone happened to have someone they loved enough to kill for it right there with them. what if Thor and Rocket had been the two that went for the stone?

I get Hulk, Iron man, Thor, and even Cap surviving the ENTIRE DESTRUCTION OF THEIR BUILDING. But what movie magic saved Hawkeye and Rocket? And Ant Man?

Did Hawkeye REALLY pay for his dead wife's cell service for 5 straight years? While vigilante killing mob bosses around the world?

What about all the people who died that day, but didn't get snapped? Like say people in planes or cars that crashed because all those controlling them vanished? I guess the obvious answer is "sucks to be them"

They had to put the Infinity Stones back where they got them to preserve the timeline, but what about the Tesseract that Loki stole? Or the fact that Thor stole his own hammer from his past self?

I'm so glad that now I can actually say "I have a physique that rivals Thor's"


Edited by 5thHorseman
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Saw it yesterday.

sitting behind us was a row of 9 teenagers, who were very vocal.

But actually, it made it epic!

They didnt talk much, or at all during quiet scenes. In fact there wasnt much noise at all.

But when


Cap picks up Mjolnir

They went ab-so-lutely ballistic (the whole theater might have been, but I couldnt hear)

And it made one of the best cinema-moments in my life, it just worked.

Obviously, after that


there are several more "OMG WHAT IS HAPPENINGGGGG!?!?!"-worthy moments and it continued in this way.

Thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Any other context, you'd hate to have screaming teenagers anywhere near you, nevermind in a cinema, but something about the momentous* occasion and how they were screaming what we we all thinking made it just awesome.



*for something based on comicbooks


Edited by p1t1o
put my spoilers in quotes by accident XD
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wow I can talk about it now and read this thread, considering I just watched it.

Thoughts on it below


Preface: Not super invested in the whole marvel universe.

I think overall it was ok. I I was entertained and didn't regret watching it. But I don't think its one of my like "top ten favorite movies ahhh *heart attack*".

There were definitely good moments and things that did tug on hearstrings (deaths of Natasha and Iron man mostly), but those emotional lows and highs were a lot less for me. I had a friend next to me who is super into, and he definitely was a lot more emotionally influenced.

Also, it took me 3 seconds to realize what happened when all the portal thingies opened. Honestly thought it was an ass-pull before the two running brain cells figured out the whole thing.


I still am a little confused on the timeline though. Thanos was ripped from 2014 or whatever, along with the various stones and what not, and was killed. Also nebula. So uhh... how does it not like implode on itself and what not, since 2014-thanos and 2014-nebula are killed, thus leaving them unable to go back into their own respective timelines, and continue the various plot structure stuff? That seems.. mildly unresolved to me.

I dunnno, probably have to sleep on it.


On 4/28/2019 at 7:13 PM, The_Cat_In_Space said:
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Hulk dabs, Korg plays Fortnite


This is an acceptable spoiler.

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8 minutes ago, qzgy said:

wow I can talk about it now and read this thread, considering I just watched it.

Thoughts on it below

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Preface: Not super invested in the whole marvel universe.

I think overall it was ok. I I was entertained and didn't regret watching it. But I don't think its one of my like "top ten favorite movies ahhh *heart attack*".

There were definitely good moments and things that did tug on hearstrings (deaths of Natasha and Iron man mostly), but those emotional lows and highs were a lot less for me. I had a friend next to me who is super into, and he definitely was a lot more emotionally influenced.

Also, it took me 3 seconds to realize what happened when all the portal thingies opened. Honestly thought it was an ass-pull before the two running brain cells figured out the whole thing.


I still am a little confused on the timeline though. Thanos was ripped from 2014 or whatever, along with the various stones and what not, and was killed. Also nebula. So uhh... how does it not like implode on itself and what not, since 2014-thanos and 2014-nebula are killed, thus leaving them unable to go back into their own respective timelines, and continue the various plot structure stuff? That seems.. mildly unresolved to me.

I dunnno, probably have to sleep on it.


This is an acceptable spoiler.

Ye. I'm not spoiling the whole film, just a little easter egg scene

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"I am inevitable." *snaps but nothing happens"
*Camera pans over to Stark holding the gauntlet AND the stones*
"And I.... am....  Iron Man." *snaps and all of Thanos's army, including him, get a taste of their own medicine.*

That. That was the highlight of the movie. The entire thing is great, but especially THAT.

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39 minutes ago, qzgy said:
40 minutes ago, qzgy said:

Spoilery stuff, but I tried to quote a spoiler on mobile and now I'm stuck with this.

All I can say is don't quote spoilers on mobile, kids. Not. Even. Once.


This is in regards to the timeline stuff, and it's something that they actually got right. Mostly.

What happens and when it happens, is of no concern. The timeline where Thanos left to come here just doesn't have a Thanos anymore. Same with Mjolnir. Those timelines split from ours and will follow their own paths. The only thing that has to be undone was the stones had to be returned, because if a timeline doesn't have stones in it then that timeline, and eventually all of reality, will unravel. Tilda Swinton's character explained it to Hulk in New York.

The two problems I have with it are... 1 Thanos destroyed our stones so why was that okay? And 2 if changing the past makes a new timeline why was Cap able to catch up to "our" present by just living his life out?


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29 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:
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This is in regards to the timeline stuff, and it's something that they actually got right. Mostly.

What happens and when it happens, is of no concern. The timeline where Thanos left to come here just doesn't have a Thanos anymore. Same with Mjolnir. Those timelines split from ours and will follow their own paths. The only thing that has to be undone was the stones had to be returned, because if a timeline doesn't have stones in it then that timeline, and eventually all of reality, will unravel. Tilda Swinton's character explained it to Hulk in New York.

The two problems I have with it are... 1 Thanos destroyed our stones so why was that okay? And 2 if changing the past makes a new timeline why was Cap able to catch up to "our" present by just living his life out?



So.. basically all of what happened in infinity war is moot and doesn't matter? Hmm ok....

Yeah IDK. Think I will just have to sleep on it.


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@qzgy I'm still on mobile so I won't even attempt to quote a spoiler.


I'm not sure what you mean. All of Infinity Was still happened. The way they describe time travel in Endgame actually makes it so you can NOT pull a Back To The Future and fix (or break) the present by going to the past.


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Watched it last night with the family. General consensus: It was good. Not great, not earth-shattering. But good. It was like the end of a long journey. Satisfying, but almost a relief that it is over.


And, it is over. Because once you introduce casual time travel into a universe like that, they've lost any hope of staying logically consistent. It's like the Russos said, "There. Now we broke it so bad nobody will ever play with it ever again." And then just walked away. :D


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