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Kerbin Side Remastered [1.0.1] [1.7.3]


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New Question lol: There's a MiniAVC.dll in the Eskandare_Aeronautics folder that seems to be essential. it also doesn't seem to matter where that file is located so long as it's somewhere inside the gamedata folder. If i remove BOTH  that file AND the MiniAVC.dll inside of the KSR remastered folder, everything loads up and seems to work fine.  In fact with those files removed, KSR doesn't have to be inside of the EHI folder either, whereas before the game would freeze on startup if it wasn't.

Is there any reason that i NEED those files? I did a quick search and it looks like  they're responsible for checking version?  it seems like everything is working fine in game, i just  want to be sure that i'm not going to cause some other problem later on lol.  

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  On 4/6/2023 at 3:42 AM, KlunkWorks said:

There's a MiniAVC.dll


KILL!!! Find'em all and kill'em all. They can also hide in other mod folders not related to Eskandare. MiniAVC.dll used to do only one thing: showing some messages on the loading screen, now it's outdated and causes problems. Some modmakers used to include this thing into their installs so you can have more than two of them. There is also a mod ZeroMiniAVC from LGG that removes all instances of MiniAVC.dll

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  On 4/6/2023 at 5:11 AM, Manul said:

KILL!!! Find'em all and kill'em all. They can also hide in other mod folders not related to Eskandare. MiniAVC.dll used to do only one thing: showing some messages on the loading screen, now it's outdated and causes problems. Some modmakers used to include this thing into their installs so you can have more than two of them. There is also a mod ZeroMiniAVC from LGG that removes all instances of MiniAVC.dll


Thanks! yea i think ive only ever come across them once or twice, and up until this point ive not had a problem. I'll keep an eye out for them in the future. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 5/2/2023 at 4:12 AM, Sanchez_1 said:

where can I find your cfg for the 1km crawler-way?


You could try copying the config for the static for "Crawler-way Srtaight" and point the mesh to crawler1km.mu. Make sure you change the  Title, Name, and Description attributes as well. Then try it out an see what you get.  

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  On 5/2/2023 at 10:55 AM, Caerfinon said:

You could try copying the config for the static for "Crawler-way Srtaight" and point the mesh to crawler1km.mu. Make sure you change the  Title, Name, and Description attributes as well. Then try it out an see what you get.  


It has to have a CFG already or I wouldn't be able to place it in game.


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  On 5/10/2023 at 4:20 AM, kurgut said:

I would like to remove the scenery added at the KSC, do you know which files should I delete/modify ?


The most convenient way to do this would be to type Ctrl-K at KSC to open KerbalKonstructs.  The statics you wish to delete are in the group KSCUpgrades.

Then set the active group to KSCUpgrades.  Open Local Instances.  Begin deleting those statics.

(If you want me to be more precise, let me know.)

Check out this excellent guide: https://github.com/caerfinon/KerbinSideRemasteredGapExtras/wiki/Getting-Started-With-Kerbal-Konstructs

And this: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/203727-kerbal-konstructs-airport-exchange/

Good luck!

EDITED: please see below.


Edited by Hotel26
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  On 5/10/2023 at 4:41 AM, Hotel26 said:

The most convenient way to do this would be to type Ctrl-K at KSC to open KerbalKonstructs.  The statics you wish to delete are in the group KSCUpgrades.


Thanks for your quick answer and details !

Perfect I'll try it out, indeed I forgot KK had a handy ingame editor

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  On 5/10/2023 at 4:49 AM, kurgut said:

Thanks for your quick answer and details !


Actually, this may work better for you:

Check out  GameData/KerbinSideRemastered/Statics/ExampleBases/KSCUpgrades/

Sorry I did not recall this immediately.  KerbinSideRemastered does categorize the airports by name.   Make a backup (outside of GameData) and then just delete this directory...

You will need to reboot KSP to see any effect.

Edited by Hotel26
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  • 1 month later...
  On 5/10/2023 at 4:20 AM, kurgut said:


Thanks for your work on this mod :) 

I would like to remove the scenery added at the KSC, do you know which files should I delete/modify ?

Thanks !


I want to remove all the scenery around the entire world and just use the parts in KK to place as I please. Like how the original KerbinSide was split into options so we could choose what we wanted and what we didn't want.

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  On 6/14/2023 at 1:48 AM, Brainpop14 said:

I want to remove all the scenery around the entire world and just use the parts in KK to place as I please. Like how the original KerbinSide was split into options so we could choose what we wanted and what we didn't want.


Each added base has a folder inside GameData/KerbinsideRemastered/Statics/ExampleBases

While KSP is not running, delete the folder corresponding to any base you wish to delete and the matching KK_GroupCenter_*.cfg file from the folder itself.

Next time you start the game all the added bases and KSC modifications should be gone, but the statics will still be placeable from the KK build menu. 


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  • 4 months later...

Hello guys, This is a great mod, thanks for all the work. I'm trying to use this mod, but I'm having trouble setting "statics" as ground stations. I was expecting them to work just like the DSN comms. CKAN says this mod is not compatible with latest game version. Am I missing something or is this maybe another mod incompatibility? Thanks!

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  On 11/12/2023 at 11:36 AM, kaputzz said:

I'm having trouble setting "statics" as ground stations


I've always used the mod CommNetConstellation  in conjunction with Ground stations. It allows for easy configuration of Kerbal Konstructs statics to be recognized as ground stations in it's cnc_settings.cfg file. The following is an example snippet of a ground station config; 

			ID = Aleutia_tracking_station_complex_0
			Color = 1,0,0,1
			OptionalName = Aleutia
			TechLevel = 0
			OverrideLatLongAlt = True
			CustomLatitude = -51.7792119403168
			CustomLongitude = 171.127192034374
			CustomAltitude = 291
			CustomCelestialBody = Kerbin

 If you use CommNet and are "Adventurous" you can directly edit the CNCCommNetScenario in your games's persistent.sfs file to modify GroundStation configurations as well. 

But fair warning, here be dragons...

  On 11/12/2023 at 11:36 AM, kaputzz said:

CKAN says this mod is not compatible with latest game version


Kerbin Side Remastered  is an older mod but is is just a collection of static objects and configurations for the mod Kerbal Konstructs. As long as you are on the the latest Kerbal Konstructs, you should be fine. 

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  On 11/12/2023 at 11:36 AM, kaputzz said:

CKAN says this mod is not compatible with latest game version.


This mod doesn't depend on KSP version, it depends on Kerbal Konstructs and it's version. CKAN is maintained by a few people who can't test every single combination of mods on every single KSP version so CKAN shouldn't be used as an indicator of mod compatibility.

Edited by Manul
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  On 11/13/2023 at 3:17 PM, Caerfinon said:

I've always used the mod CommNetConstellation  in conjunction with Ground stations. It allows for easy configuration of Kerbal Konstructs statics to be recognized as ground stations in it's cnc_settings.cfg file. The following is an example snippet of a ground station config; 

If you use CommNet and are "Adventurous" you can directly edit the CNCCommNetScenario in your games's persistent.sfs file to modify GroundStation configurations as well. 

But fair warning, here be dragons...

Kerbin Side Remastered  is an older mod but is is just a collection of static objects and configurations for the mod Kerbal Konstructs. As long as you are on the the latest Kerbal Konstructs, you should be fine. 


Hello @Caerfinon, thanks for your time helping out. Maybe what I reported  is a side-effect of RealAntennas mod that I had also installed, not Kerbin Side. Tested that mod seperated and I lost all stock groundstations except for DSN (KSC, Pluto and Charon). Maybe this wasn't a problem of KerbinSide nor KK. I'm testing these 2 again tonight without Realantennas. Thank you again man

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/26/2023 at 7:45 PM, hellothere___ said:

i tried a reinstall, didnt work. what do i do?


You should look into your game's persistent.sfs file to find the ScenarioDestructibles section and then change any items where "intact" does not equal True to the value True. This should tell the game that Kola is no longer"broken".  

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  • 1 month later...
  On 1/16/2024 at 1:42 PM, TaintedLion said:

Is there a config to use this on 2.5x scale stock system?

I tried installing this and it just freezes on load.


Not saying that this is your issue, but if you clicked the GitHub link in the first post on this thread, it pointed you to the initial release, which in 1.12.5 (and probably other versions) causes what you describe.  Use the SpaceDock link or else the current GitHub release.

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  On 1/17/2024 at 2:00 PM, aviin said:

Not saying that this is your issue, but if you clicked the GitHub link in the first post on this thread, it pointed you to the initial release, which in 1.12.5 (and probably other versions) causes what you describe.  Use the SpaceDock link or else the current GitHub release.


Didn't work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

On my new game a majority of bases are already discovered. I've tried with allow other launchsites on and off. Is it possible to make it so no other launch sites are discovered until I actually land there? I have the option in KK set to open launchsites only when landed not in tracking station. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Might have been reported already (I cannot tell)...

I've noticed that two recent deployments of the Open Hangars have a problem in that the port side hangar may not be entered.  You bump into a collider(?).

The only thing I think I've done differently is used World reference (rather than Self) in the Group and Decals...

Is this a known problem?  Else, what gives?  (@Caerfinon)

(This is possibly alternatively an underlying problem in Kerbal Konstructs, I'm aware.)

Edited by Hotel26
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