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Inverse kinematics robotcontroller for Canadarm1, Canadarm2 and ANY


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Hey, I really love this mod! Is there any way for the arm to "Crawl" and move from PDGF to PDGF along a station? Any way I can reposition the arm anywhere along a station?




Edit: Nm, saw an earlier post about the handoff issue. 

Edited by AirShark
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  On 5/6/2018 at 10:35 AM, Trufiadok said:


downloadable newest version for 1.7-: GitHub / Trufiadok / IKRC-for-Kerbal   GNU GPL version 3, 29 July 2007

downloadable newest version for 1.9.1+: GitHub / Trufiadok / IKRC-for-Kerbal-1.9.1   GNU GPL version 3, 29 July 2007


I make inverse kinematics robotcontroller plugin. I did the first step. I made a demo video of the current status.


The inverse kinematics algorithm working with gradient descent. Fine-positioned movements are not perfect yet, I still have to work on it.

I use the Infernal Robotics API for moving servo motors. The plugin is tailored to the current robot arm (Canadarm2), but later it can be generalized.

Special thanks to:
- Alan Zucconi for the Gadient descent algorithm,
- Infernal Robotics plugin creators,
- DebugStuff plugin authors for DrawTools routines,
- DockingCam- and RasterPropMonitor plugin creators for camera management routines.



Hey Man, I am working on repairing the ISS Community mod.  Was wondering if you would be ok if I reference this for the Canadarm2 for it?  Want to replace the existing one as it is completely obsolete

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 6/29/2020 at 9:11 AM, Cheesecake said:

Downloaded the newest version for KSP 1.7.x but which folders do I need? Do I need to make a new folder in GameData and put all the folders of the download in it or put them directly in GameData?


IKRC plugin

Modified InfernalRobotics plugin - This is used by the IKRC to rotate the motors.

EndEffector camera

Canadarm2 robot arm

You can copy directories simply, but you can also group them into subdirectories.

Edited by Trufiadok
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  On 11/14/2018 at 8:17 PM, Trufiadok said:

Which PDGF part do you use?  (Trufiadok/IKRC-for-Kerbal/Canadarm2/TRF_CA2_PDGF_wT/ ?)

How to use robotarm easily:

1. Turn on servoTRF -> this show transform of servos, transform of endeffector end transform of targets. White ball represent position of endeffector and yellow ball represent position of target. Red ball show the calculated inverse kinematics target.

2. Select the target -> move cursor over the target - highlighted to green the target - and push "LeftAlt" on keyboard -> yellow ball appears.

3. Activate IK target -> push "target" button on display-> red ball appears. In default case the offset of position [Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.6f)]. Over the yellow ball in Z direction with 0.6 unit.

If you turn on "Force Dist" toggle and "Force Roll" toggle then you set offset of target.

4. Push "IK active" toggle -> calculating inverse kinematics position and endeffector of Canadarm2 move to target.

The endeffector's target position and orientation calculation algorithm:

1. Plugin get "DockingNode transform" of target part.

2. Vngwc97.png

2. Orientation of IK-target (red ball) = Rotate Marked-target with  Euler(180f, 0f, -90f).


There will be endeffector the right direction.


Orientation of white ball is same the orientation of red ball.

Returning to the original question may be that the problem is that used orientation of "DockingNode transform" of pdgf is not good.

If you turn on "servoTRF", it is similar to the orientation show on the picture? Can you upload an image or video?


I know the description isn't complete, I'll continue.

(Sorry for my english...)


Hi, when I click on "servoTRF" nothing pops up also my targe button doesnt do anything. Could you help me please.

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  On 1/18/2021 at 2:32 AM, towermom9 said:

meu ksp está com problemas usando este mods

me ajude por favor


(Google translator)

Hello Friend...
I used this mod a while ago in version 1.7.3 of the game but I'm only now back in the KSP.
I read the topic again and didn't see anyone commenting on the latest versions.
The last time Trufiadok replied / or went online a long time ago so I don't know if the mod is still being administered.

But tonight I will be testing the mod in KSP 1.11.0.
A clean installation and one with mods. If it works out I'll come back here to let you know...(remembering that I'm just an ordinary player)

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  On 9/28/2020 at 2:14 PM, towermom9 said:

When will be the mod be updated to 1.10.1?

And plz help me the control panel won't show


(Google Translate)

I finished testing on KSP 1.11.0 and the mod worked very well. Here are some tests:

- test of multiple robotic arms.
- simultaneous testing between robotic arms.
- simultaneous testing of multiple robotic arms between different ships.
- alignment test.
- test of controller commands.
- ground movement test.
- ground movement test with minimal gravity.
- motion test in orbit. (+ Persistent Rotation mod)

Observations I made:
- VEE spheres (yellow / red / white) are not always exactly aligned.
- The "AHinge / BHinge" folds doubled when I tested on KSP 1.7.3. But this time I couldn't.
- The docking camera works but does not display the correct image.
- Dextre is complete in the game being possible to move with Canadarm, but I haven't been able to use the smaller arms so far. (a pity since I really want to see him in action)

* it probably must be something beyond my understanding or something wrong with the installation, at another time I will reinstall everything and look for flaws or missing files. *

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It's good to see you man!
The mod did very well and that was surprising to me, I thought it would have a lot of problems from one version to another ... but it is possible to use it temporarily taking care.

Yesterday, during the tests, canadarm went through the structure parts (laboratories, capsules, engines, etc ...) a few times but I didn't report it because I don't know if this is a bug or a normal game mechanic. (Or I that I misused kkkk)

I'll leave KSP.log (installation with mods) here below if you want to take a look.


KSP.log :  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ifWiyJGJa-7HnqgnwKMR9Sq0H8FrzL5B/view?usp=sharing

GameData Folder: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZjA2nsf_3etjG9OEVNs69luvcLopRd7A/view?usp=sharing


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  On 2/27/2021 at 1:33 PM, Trufiadok said:

Hi Everyone,

I'm sorry, but I haven't dealt with IKRC mod in a long time.
If my time allows, I will try to correct any errors.



Wow, glad you came back in here. Just wanna sending this result when i use your mod.

I'm use your mod in ksp 1.8 with rss/ro/rp-1 etc. When I first time tried (after many attemps actually) to install your mod, I always failed. The problem is with internal robotic. But, now it's working great. i solve it with using This Infernal RO-Robotics and put your IR configuration to them.

For now, there is still three problems that i found. the first problem is Canadaarm can get through to other objects, i think it should cant through another objects, the second problem is red circle not align with yellow circle when pressing target button so i should move it manually, and for the third problem is with camera, docking camera works but doesn't display the correct image and can see through inside other object.

Anyway, im happy because i can use this mod. Thank you @Trufiadok, and this's pic when i use your mod with  radar space shuttle.

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Can you make patch for realismoverhaul?, because canadaarm explode when i try to reentry

Edited by CaturLifeLive
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  On 2/28/2021 at 2:54 PM, CaturLifeLive said:

Uau, que bom que você voltou aqui. Só quero enviar este resultado quando eu usar seu mod.

Estou usando seu mod no ksp 1.8 com rss / ro / rp-1 etc. Quando tentei pela primeira vez (depois de muitas tentativas, na verdade) instalar seu mod, sempre falhei. O problema é com a robótica interna. Mas agora está funcionando muito bem. Eu resolvo isso usando  This Infernal RO -Robotics e coloquei sua configuração de IR para eles.

Por enquanto, ainda há três problemas que encontrei. o primeiro problema é que o Canadaarm pode chegar a outros objetos, acho que não deve passar por outros objetos, o segundo problema é o círculo vermelho não se alinhar com o círculo amarelo ao pressionar o botão de destino, então devo movê-lo manualmente, e o terceiro problema é com câmera, a câmera docking funciona, mas não exibe a imagem correta e pode ver através de outro objeto.

De qualquer forma, estou feliz porque posso usar este mod. Obrigado@Trufiadok, e esta é a foto quando eu uso seu mod com o ônibus espacial radar  .

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Você pode fazer um patch para revisão de realismo ?, porque o canadaarm explode quando tento entrar novamente


KABOOM! kkkk :joy:

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