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[1.12.5] TechTrees: QUARTIX 3.10, TETRIX 2.26, SIMPLEX 1.36


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56 minutes ago, Lucky440 said:

So I was playing a save with the TETRIX tech tree and I noticed that for some reason I was missing the KR-2042 part from kOS... after looking through the config files, it seems like "@TechRequired" property of the part was set to "Start" with a capitalized S, which apparently is not the same as "start" since after changing it the part showed back up



MOD-Version:  TETRIX-2.26.1

Bug: Missing part (KR-2042 from kOS)
Fix: change "@TechRequired" in @PART[KR-2042] to "start" instead of "Start" inside the "TETRIXTechTree-ModParts.cfg" file

Excellent thank you!  I should do a search and replace.  Update will come though this evening NZ time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

@theJesuit Now that the forums are back up, I wrote some TETRIX patches to update support for the DLCs and a few mods which had some parts missing from the configs. Included are updates to support for Making History (missing three parts), Breaking Ground (currently unsupported), Near Future Aeronautics (I made a mistake when I provided the current support configs), Near Future Propulsion (missing two parts), and Supplementary Electric Engines (has been updated since I provided the current support configs). Feel free to put these into TETRIX whenever you have the time, thanks!


//    =====================
    {    @TechRequired = generalConstruction
    {    @TechRequired = composites
    {    @TechRequired = advAerodynamics

//    =====================
    {    @TechRequired = automation
    {    @TechRequired = engineering101
    {    @TechRequired = generalEngineering
    {    @TechRequired = generalEngineering
    {    @TechRequired = advancedEngineering
    {    @TechRequired = specializedEngineering
    {    @TechRequired = engineering101
    {    @TechRequired = generalEngineering
    {    @TechRequired = advancedEngineering
    {    @TechRequired = specializedEngineering
    {    @TechRequired = engineering101
    {    @TechRequired = generalEngineering
    {    @TechRequired = advancedEngineering
    {    @TechRequired = specializedEngineering
    {    @TechRequired = aviation
    {    @TechRequired = aviation
    {    @TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    {    @TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    {    @TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
    {    @TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
    {    @TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    {    @TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
    {    @TechRequired = aviation
    {    @TechRequired = aviation
    {    @TechRequired = aviation
    {    @TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    {    @TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
    {    @TechRequired = aviation
    {    @TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    {    @TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
    {    @TechRequired = aviation
    {    @TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    {    @TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
    {    @TechRequired = aviation
    {    @TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    {    @TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
    {    @TechRequired = nuclearElectrics
    {    @TechRequired = basicScience
    {    @TechRequired = basicScience
    {    @TechRequired = basicScience
    {    @TechRequired = electrics
    {    @TechRequired = advRocketry
    {    @TechRequired = automation
    {    @TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
    {    @TechRequired = specializedEngineering
    {    @TechRequired = miniaturization
    {    @TechRequired = nanolathing
    {    @TechRequired = engineering101
    {    @TechRequired = generalConstruction
    {    @TechRequired = advConstruction
    {    @TechRequired = generalConstruction
    {    @TechRequired = advConstruction

//    ============================================================
//    *** Near Future Propulsion
        {    @TechRequired = actualizedActuators
        {    @TechRequired = actualizedActuators

//    ============================================================
//    ***Near Future Aeronautics
//    The multimodal Project Eeloo nukejet is currently in Nuclear Rocketry, but should really be a level later in Nuclear Impulsion. My bad!
        {    @TechRequired = nuclearImpulsion

//    ============================================================
//    *** Supplementary Electric Engines
        {    @TechRequired = ionPropulsion
        {    @TechRequired = ionPropulsion
        {    @TechRequired = ionPropulsion
        {    @TechRequired = dynamicIonPropulsion
        {    @TechRequired = propulsionSystems
        {    @TechRequired = precisionPropulsion
        {    @TechRequired = specializedControl
        {    @TechRequired = ionPropulsion
        {    @TechRequired = specialistFuelSystems
        {    @TechRequired = specialistFuelSystems
        {    @TechRequired = specialistFuelSystems

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7 hours ago, SpudNutimus said:

@theJesuit Now that the forums are back up, I wrote some TETRIX patches to update support for the DLCs and a few mods which had some parts missing from the configs. Included are updates to support for Making History (missing three parts), Breaking Ground (currently unsupported), Near Future Aeronautics (I made a mistake when I provided the current support configs), Near Future Propulsion (missing two parts), and Supplementary Electric Engines (has been updated since I provided the current support configs). Feel free to put these into TETRIX whenever you have the time, thanks!

Will do.  Thank you!

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I'm planning on using SIMPLEX for a very minimal RSS game (I tried RO and it was too much, and KSRSS was too complex to install, so back to basics for me).

When I started out I noticed that there are parts available that cannot be used yet, or look weird. i.e. only two of the three boosters actually fit the probe core and there's no way to attach the parachute to the probe core. Is that intentional or did I do something wrong?

(I tried Probes Before Cores as well, but it had annoying dependencies that are incorrectly listed as incompatible in CKAN and they sacrilegiously added SAS to the Sputnik, which is easily fixed, but I felt they just weren't on the same wavelength... I just wanted a different tech tree layout, not changes to the parts).

Edited by fommil
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  • 1 month later...
5 hours ago, CavaloRebaixado said:

Can you add support for Sterling Systems? and also if you can, add a specific node for warpdrives, mods like FFT put the best chemical engines in "unified theory" but warpdrives like those in the Blushift mod are better than any chemical engine.

Sure.  In tetrix there are extra hidden nodes for KSPIE (interstellar expanded)  i could add these in for blueshift. 

Sterling Systems seems appropriate.  Give me a chance to get back at my PC which is more difficult in the christmas period.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for keeping my fav tech tree mod updated!

Got some TETRIX configs here that I wrote last year for a JNSQ playthrough. I just updated the mod after a half a year break and think these are still missing, so feel free to include them if needed. They should still work fine if no nodes were moved in the latest mod update:

  • Simple parts allocation patches for Apoapsis & Periapsis Motors and Kerballons.
  • One for Ven's Parts Revamp that adds new nodes for survivability-focused command modules. However, I think I only used a couple odd parts from that mod since ReStock is much more relevant now, so the config might be rather lacking.
  • A big config for AirplanePlus & Open Cockpits that enables some pre-WWII looking parts from the start, places a couple additional but cheap nodes for early aviation and adds a separate but dependent branch for helicopters and advanced prop engines. Did that to slow down the space race, declutter the parts list (I, for example, barely ever used helicopter parts) and add some depth to atmospheric exploration when playing with extra aviation contracts and such. There are custom icons for new nodes, but tbh I have no idea how to upload them here or whether I'm allowed to do so :)

AirplanesPlus & Open Cockpit:


//    ============================================================
//    TechTree aircraft branch

    id = basicAviation
    title = Basic Aviation
    description = A less explosive alternative to rocketry.
    cost = 5
    hideEmpty = True
    nodeName = node1_basicAviation
    anyToUnlock = False
    icon = AngleCanMods/TETRIXTechTree/Icons/AirplanePlus_basicAviation
    pos = -2308,1590,-1
    scale = 0.6
        {    parentID = start
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
    id = advProps
    title = Advanced Propellers
    description = More powerful propeller engines.
    cost = 10
    hideEmpty = True
    nodeName = node1_advProps
    anyToUnlock = False
    icon = AngleCanMods/TETRIXTechTree/Icons/AirplanePlus_advProps
    pos = -2248,1635,-1
    scale = 0.4
        {    parentID = basicAviation
            lineFrom = TOP
            lineTo = LEFT
    id = advRotorWing
    title = Rotor-wing Propulsion
    description = Advanced whoosh-whoosh technologies for vertical thrust application.
    cost = 10
    hideEmpty = True
    nodeName = node1_advRotorWing
    anyToUnlock = False
    icon = AngleCanMods/TETRIXTechTree/Icons/AirplanePlus_advRotorWing
    pos = -2248,1680,-1
    scale = 0.4
        {    parentID = basicAviation
            lineFrom = TOP
            lineTo = LEFT
    id = ductedFans
    title = Ducted Fans
    description = A highly advanced technology of encasing a propeller into a metal circle.
    cost = 5
    hideEmpty = True
    nodeName = node1_ductedFans
    anyToUnlock = True
    icon = AngleCanMods/TETRIXTechTree/Icons/AirplanePlus_ductedFans
    pos = -2188,1657.5,-1
    scale = 0.4
        {    parentID = advProps
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        {    parentID = advRotorWing
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        {    @pos = -2308,1500,-1
        {    @pos = -2261.75,1510,-1
        {    @title = Advanced Aviation
        {    @title = General Aviation
            @pos = -2188,1590,-1
            @cost = 15
            !Parent,* {}
                {    parentID = basicAviation
                    lineFrom = RIGHT
                    lineTo = LEFT
        {    @cost = 100
                {    parentID = ductedFans
                    lineFrom = RIGHT
                    lineTo = TOP
        {    @cost = 200

//    ============================================================
//    AirplanePlus

    {    @TechRequired = start
    {    @TechRequired = basicAviation
    {    @TechRequired = aviation
    {    @TechRequired = advProps
    {    @TechRequired = advRotorWing
    {    @TechRequired = ductedFans
    {    @TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    {    @TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
    {    @TechRequired = enduranceFlight
    {    @TechRequired = hypersonicFlight
    {    @TechRequired = commandModules
    {    @TechRequired = flightControl
    {    @TechRequired = generalConstruction
    {    @TechRequired = generalEngineering
    {    @TechRequired = survivability
    {    @TechRequired = advAerodynamics
    {    @TechRequired = advancedEngineering
    {    @TechRequired = advFlightControl
    {    @TechRequired = advUnmanned
    {    @TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
    {    @TechRequired = fuelSystems
    {    @TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
    {    @TechRequired = heavierAerodynamics
    {    @TechRequired = largeVolumeContainment
    {    @TechRequired = specializedConstruction
    {    @TechRequired = specializedSupport
    {    @TechRequired = unifiedCommandModules

//    ============================================================
//    OpenCockpit

    {    @TechRequired = start
    {    @TechRequired = basicAviation
    {    @TechRequired = survivability
    {    @TechRequired = engineering101
    {    @TechRequired = generalEngineering
    {    @TechRequired = unmannedTech
    {    @TechRequired = flightControl



//    ============================================================
//    *** Ven's New Parts

    {    id = emergencySurvival
        title = Emergency Survival
        description = Deployable habitation solutions for emergency recovery.
        cost = 100
        hideEmpty = True
        nodeName = node1_emergencySurvival
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = AngleCanMods/TETRIXTechTree/Icons/Ven_emergencySurvival
        pos = -1888,735,-1
        scale = 0.4
        {    parentID = commandModules
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
    {    Parent
        {    parentID = resourceManipulation
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
    {    Parent
        {    parentID = specializedConstruction
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT

{    @TechRequired = start
{    @TechRequired = survivability
{    @TechRequired = stability
{    @TechRequired = engineering101
{    @TechRequired = spaceExploration
{    @TechRequired = flightControl
{    @TechRequired = basicRocketry
{    @TechRequired = generalRocketry
{    @TechRequired = specializedControl
{    @TechRequired = microGeeFabrictaion
{    @TechRequired = advLanding
{    @TechRequired = advConstruction
{    @TechRequired = advAerodynamics
{    @TechRequired = heavyFuelSystems
{    @TechRequired = differentialVolumeContainment
{    @TechRequired = emergencySurvival
{    @TechRequired = electrics
{    @TechRequired = nuclearPropulsion
{    @TechRequired = NuclearElectrics
{    @TechRequired = largeProbes

Apoapsis & Periapsis:


//    ============================================================
//    *** Apoapsis Motors

    {    @TechRequired = generalRocketry
    {    @TechRequired = landing
    {    @TechRequired = advRocketry
    {    @TechRequired = heavyRocketry
    {    @TechRequired = heavierRocketry

//    ============================================================
//    *** Periapsis Motors

    {    @TechRequired = generalRocketry
    {    @TechRequired = heavierRocketry
    {    @TechRequired = advRocketry



//    ============================================================
//    ***    Kerballoons

    id = basicBalloons
    title = Balloons
    description = Why the heck would we want balloons when we could have rockets?
    cost = 4
    hideEmpty = True
    nodeName = node1_basicBalloons
    anyToUnlock = False
    icon = AngleCanMods/TETRIXTechTree/Icons/Kerballoons_basicBalloons
    pos = -2308,735,-1
    scale = 0.6
        {    parentID = start
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
    id = advBalloons
    title = Aerostats
    description = Okay, these aren't that useless after all.
    cost = 10
    hideEmpty = True
    nodeName = node1_advBalloons
    anyToUnlock = False
    icon = AngleCanMods/TETRIXTechTree/Icons/Kerballoons_advBalloons
    pos = -2188,735,-1
    scale = 0.6
        {    parentID = basicBalloons
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        {    parentID = generalEngineering
            lineFrom = BOTTOM
            lineTo = LEFT
    id = heavyBalloons
    title = Heavy Aerostats
    description = Heavy lifting for heavy dropping.
    cost = 15
    hideEmpty = True
    nodeName = node1_heavyBalloons
    anyToUnlock = False
    icon = AngleCanMods/TETRIXTechTree/Icons/Kerballoons_heavyBalloons
    pos = -2068,735,-1
    scale = 0.6
        {    parentID = advBalloons
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        {    parentID = advancedEngineering
            lineFrom = BOTTOM
            lineTo = LEFT

    {    Parent
        {    parentID = heavyBalloons
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT

    {    @TechRequired = basicBalloons
    {    @TechRequired = advBalloons
    {    @TechRequired = heavyBalloons

{    @techRequired = basicBalloons
{    @techRequired = advBalloons
{    @techRequired = heavyBalloons
{    @techRequired = heavyBalloons


Edited by MOPC
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  • 1 month later...

I like using the Quartix tech tree with KerbalismDefault, but the early experiments pull more than the 10 EC the early probes have. So here's a trivial patch to move the Z-100 to start, if anyone else finds it useful (GameData/battery.cfg for me):

  {     @TechRequired = start   }


Edited by lordcirth
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Interesting.  I think with Kerbalism Simplex I get around this by giving probes 50 EC.   I'll add this in though rather as

  {     @TechRequired = start   }


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  • 3 weeks later...

Will tantares be supported?

IMO the best mods for any ksp run are BDB, Tantares, Knes, NFT, FFT, and kerbalism. you can sprinkle aircarft mods too (I do haha)
If I knew how to make patches and tech trees I'd do it myself. 

Will you support tantares in the near future?, maybe knes?

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