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Walker Mods

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I've been screwing around with the Critter Crawler last night and I love that little thing. Let's me create tiny little craft that also crash and burn, just like the big ones! 

Before I go on, since I know I can come off completely wrong: @linuxgurugamer I actually do love it. It's cute and freaky. Like my girlfriend, except I can turn this one off.

Now for the actual question: Has anyone ever done actual walker legs? Neither the term "walker", "legs", nor a combination yields any results I'm looking for. I did peruse a bunch of topics about walkers and while cool and impressive, I'm looking for a plain mod that adds moving legs. I don't think I'm very capable of building a functioning mech when I can't even get a crane arm to work. I'm just basically looking to create a little metal dog or something to find me a fancy landing spot.

Also, here's a picture of The Tick.

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Errr.... I think it's been depreciated, but I think the Modular Rocket Systems (MRS) mod used to have a probe core that was a hexapod.  For a little rover-esque walker, that would be the thing to do.

Infernal robotics would also be the place to look, as it adds servos and hinges to the game. 

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12 hours ago, Gargamel said:

Errr.... I think it's been depreciated, but I think the Modular Rocket Systems (MRS) mod used to have a probe core that was a hexapod.  For a little rover-esque walker, that would be the thing to do.

Infernal robotics would also be the place to look, as it adds servos and hinges to the game. 

I must admit with some shame that I'm not sure what depreciated means in this context, but I'm grabbing it now anyway.

Infernal Robotics I have a love/hate relationship with. I want it, but everytime I try to install it I screw something else up. It's not even IR's fault, but it makes me reluctant to try yet again.

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9 hours ago, Bakkerbaard said:

I must admit with some shame that I'm not sure what depreciated means in this context, but I'm grabbing it now anyway.

As in, the mod is still active (it's on my 1.3.1 install at least), but that particular part is no longer there.    So I know a hexapod is doable, I think it just simulated the legs by actually using wheels, but showing legs, there may be other mods out there that have one. 

9 hours ago, Bakkerbaard said:


Infernal Robotics I have a love/hate relationship with. I want it, but everytime I try to install it I screw something else up. It's not even IR's fault, but it makes me reluctant to try yet again.

Yeah, I don't think it's current, but I don't keep up on it, I think a updated version is pending, I dunno. 

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9 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Read the thread, post questions there

I'm not sure I'm supposed to "read" another thread, or that you have "red" this thread, but I'm just gonna post my question before looking for the Add-On thread about the Critter Crawler.

First off, there's nothing wrong with it, I would again like to stress. But I seem to be using it wrong. The tiny Crawler seems to suggest that I make tiny egg-shaped craft for recon purposes and so I do, but it doesn't seem to play nice with neither MechJeb or BonVoyage. As for the former, that's probably more an MJ thing, as all my rovers react the same to "follow waypoints": Drive forward and goodbye! As for Bon Voyage, I don't know what that does actually, as it only calls me a miser for not adding wheels when I Poehali the thing. 

I guess what I wanna know is what CC was intended for. Is it a stand-alone mobilty device, or does in need to function in tandem with three more sets, like wheels?

Re-re(a)d your reply, nevermind this business.

Edited by Bakkerbaard
Because I'm a moron.
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