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How to Advertise(?) a fan work


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One of my friend recently decided to move form the domestic KSP community to here, the global one.
He used to write quite a lot of short fictions based on his KSP gameplay, and just posted the first chapter here a couple hours ago.
However, since he's completely new here, so I'd like to know what could be done to kinda advertise(not sure if this is the correct term for this/is allowed in the forum) his work other than posting on Reddit?


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Starting an appropriate thread in the fan works section should be advertisement enough.  Those who go looking for fan works will find it, those who don't read fan works won't care. 

I am unsure of the benefit as to advertising anyways.  There is no reward or financial gain from the fan works, that I am aware of. 

But this post should be advertisement enough.

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Some forum-goers put links to their fan works in their signatures. That way, when they post somewhere else in the forum, there's a link for the work. Whether or not it'll be effective is debatable.  But having him put a link in his sig and then have him just be active around the forums could help somewhat. 

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