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Universal Storage II [1.3.1 and 1.4.5 - 1.7.0]

Paul Kingtiger

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  On 4/14/2020 at 3:41 PM, Brigadier said:

Right, I decoded it (didn't include in my post to avoid further spoiling, in case the authors thought it was a spoil-able kind of thing).

I was wondering more in terms of the meaning that informed it or maybe some behind-the-scenes color commentary why it was included? :) Speculating, I'm sure it's an inside joke or something.

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  On 4/17/2020 at 3:11 AM, dlrk said:

F/Y/I, the 1.5m cylindrical fairing is mislabelled as 1.25. Also, what's a good way to use that, with 1.5 being non-standard?


Fixed! Thanks for spotting that. Updated files (this is Hotfix Beta 4, overwrite over the top of Hotfix Beta 3 when prompted) here -> https://1drv.ms/f/s!As-w_rlhH66Hl6x8EiGCI6HP0Ao7ZQ

  On 4/17/2020 at 5:50 AM, Capt. Hunt said:

IIRC, it's sized to fit the BlueDog Gemini Capsule.


1.5m cylindrical is designed to fit against the bottom of the vostok, which is made to match Tantares :) BDB Gemini will also fit in a pinch. In real life it was a service module that was partially housed inside a fairing, so if you've got Tantares (or Making History) you could house it inside larger 1.875m fairings on ascent. I'm planning to release some adaptors that make these new size profiles a bit more useful, but with everything that's going on it's a bit hard to stay inspired and creative :) 

  On 4/18/2020 at 1:53 PM, majNUN said:

US batteries don't seem to have an electric charge out of the VAB in 1.9.1.




That's odd, they work for me. Do you have any mods that interact with how batteries work? I've seen this happen before a while back.

  On 4/14/2020 at 3:44 PM, scottadges said:

Right, I decoded it (didn't include in my post to avoid further spoiling, in case the authors thought it was a spoil-able kind of thing).

I was wondering more in terms of the meaning that informed it or maybe some behind-the-scenes color commentary why it was included? :) Speculating, I'm sure it's an inside joke or something.


Paul will have to clue you in ;)

  On 4/14/2020 at 12:55 PM, PhantomC3PO said:

That makes sense, the only reason I thought it scaled with the size is that in the config (line 222-225) it has;

                resourceNames = Structural;Structural;Structural;Structural|LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel,Oxidizer|MonoPropellant;MonoPropellant;MonoPropellant;MonoPropellant
                resourceAmounts = 0;0;0;0|40,48;80,96;120,144;160,192|40,80,120,160
                initialResourceAmounts = 0;0;0;0|40,48;80,96;120,144;160,192|40,80,120,160

Which makes it look like a size 4 option should have LF/OX of 160/192.



This is the one I was meaning, when you select the Liquid fuel option it adds the toridial tank and Kerbal Engineer shows that it's trying to add fuel and Ox, but nothing is added.


If there's anything else I can test/check to help please let me know. 


Yeah that shouldn't have scaling fuel based on height - it's only option was supposed to be a single toroidal tank with a fixed amount, and that bulkhead option with no doors and being chock full of liquid fuel. I can't fix the fuel issues until Dmagic is ready to come back to the mod, sorry. 

Edited by Daishi
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No worries, things get lost quick in the forums. You missed a step :) The official way was overwriting the previous hotfix with the changed files - so it went like this. 

1) Pioneers Release Beta One (here
2) Paul's Onedrive hosted hotfix Beta two (here)
3) My Onedrive hosted hotfix Beta three (here, overwrite hotfix two)
4) My Onedrive hosted hotfix Beta four (here, overwrite hotfix three) 

But to make it easy i'll just merge everything into one going forward. 

So! This is a total package, that includes all previous hotfixes. No changes, just a easy to install standalone bundle. Fuel issues on the new 1.5m shroud remain until we see Dmagic back again. 
Hotfix Beta Five (standalone) 

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@Daishi couple of bugs in latest beta...

CylindricalShroud250.cfg line 85 has texture = AtlasSolar01D but this doesn't exist, only AtlasSolar01N and AtlasSolar01Alt

AerozineWedge.cfg lines 57 & 58 liquid fuel is 10 on both for 1st 2 options, second should be 20 - changes in bold below:

                resourceAmounts = 10,12;20,24;30,36;40,48
                initialResourceAmounts = 10,12;20,24;30,36;40,48

CylindricalShroud1500 line 288-290 you may want to change toridial to toroidal.  Also I have the fuel switching partially working for this part, trying to get it fixed.  I'll update if I can.


I can get the toroidal tank and the bulkhead to work using separate fuelswitch module definitions, but you can't select both at the same time.  One overrides the other after you select it.  The combined fuelswitch module doesn't seem to work at all.  Skimming through the fuelswitch.cs and usitools.cs there doesn't appear to be any way to handle the parsing of the combined cfg data other than the switchid, but my C# is rusty, I'm half blind and just skimmed over it briefly so it could be there.  I tried various combinations of things that didn't work.  Things that did work somewhat: line 247 I changed FuelSwitchModeThree to FuelSwitchModeOne.  There is no reference to mode three in fuelswitch.cs, only mode one or mode two.  Mode two appeared to do the same thing as one in the code but didn't function at all when I tried it in the cfg.  I also added FuelSwitchModeOne after line 171 to make the  bulkhead tank work.  In the fuelswitch module a , was used as a separator but I think should be ; instead from what I see in the usitools.cs parsing code.  Changing it only made the bulkhead tank work however.  Switching the toroidal tank setting in game removed the fuel setting from the bulkhead.  Hope this info helps somehow.

Also, on the radial tank the monoprop seems low in comparison to other tanks.  For example the toroidal tank on the shroud 1500 holds 9 liquid fuel and 11 oxidizer or 50 mono while the radial tank holds 4 liquid fuel and 4.8 oxidizer or only 4 mono.

Edited by Dave7
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  On 4/22/2020 at 6:36 PM, Dave7 said:

@Daishi couple of bugs in latest beta...

CylindricalShroud250.cfg line 85 has texture = AtlasSolar01D but this doesn't exist, only AtlasSolar01N and AtlasSolar01Alt

AerozineWedge.cfg lines 57 & 58 liquid fuel is 10 on both for 1st 2 options, second should be 20 - changes in bold below:

                resourceAmounts = 10,12;20,24;30,36;40,48
                initialResourceAmounts = 10,12;20,24;30,36;40,48

CylindricalShroud1500 line 288-290 you may want to change toridial to toroidal.  Also I have the fuel switching partially working for this part, trying to get it fixed.  I'll update if I can.


I can get the toroidal tank and the bulkhead to work using separate fuelswitch module definitions, but you can't select both at the same time.  One overrides the other after you select it.  The combined fuelswitch module doesn't seem to work at all.  Skimming through the fuelswitch.cs and usitools.cs there doesn't appear to be any way to handle the parsing of the combined cfg data other than the switchid, but my C# is rusty, I'm half blind and just skimmed over it briefly so it could be there.  I tried various combinations of things that didn't work.  Things that did work somewhat: line 247 I changed FuelSwitchModeThree to FuelSwitchModeOne.  There is no reference to mode three in fuelswitch.cs, only mode one or mode two.  Mode two appeared to do the same thing as one in the code but didn't function at all when I tried it in the cfg.  I also added FuelSwitchModeOne after line 171 to make the  bulkhead tank work.  In the fuelswitch module a , was used as a separator but I think should be ; instead from what I see in the usitools.cs parsing code.  Changing it only made the bulkhead tank work however.  Switching the toroidal tank setting in game removed the fuel setting from the bulkhead.  Hope this info helps somehow.

Also, on the radial tank the monoprop seems low in comparison to other tanks.  For example the toroidal tank on the shroud 1500 holds 9 liquid fuel and 11 oxidizer or 50 mono while the radial tank holds 4 liquid fuel and 4.8 oxidizer or only 4 mono.


Thanks for rooting those out - the AtlasSolar reference was an attempt to use the same textures on both the upcoming solar parts and the shrouds, but I couldn't get it working and that code was left in there. Fixed the Aerozine wedge resources and the typo :) Fuel loads on parts is always tricky to balance, Paul's great at that so i'll pass that on to him. 

Couldn't replicate your patch for the 1500 shroud though, could you share your cfg? 

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@Daishi sent you a link with the modified cfg.  Added comments to changes in the file.


The monoprop amount for the radial should be around 20 to make it similar to other tanks based on LF/O - Mono comparison.

Edited by Dave7
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  On 4/26/2020 at 10:11 PM, Wowa Ilyich said:

Can't wait to see this project leave Beta status, gentlemen. Much respect to your work - I thought this cannot be said often enough to the ultra talented contributors to this game! 



  On 4/26/2020 at 10:54 PM, razmachaz_69 said:

Heres a few bucks. A couple of beers when this CV19 excrements is over.


Thank you so much! Really means a lot! :D 

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  On 4/22/2020 at 6:08 AM, Daishi said:

Hotfix Beta Five (standalone)


Reposting a few small bugs mentioned earlier that are still present:

  • Single probe core has a reaction wheel but double does not.  (Descriptions and models look like it was meant to be the other way around.)
  • Single probe core has twice the mass of the double.  (Also presumably meant to be the other way around — single core says "50kg of mass savings" but it's actually 50kg more.)
  • Double probe core has no SAS, but its description says it's capable of attitude control.  (Also, the description calls it an "advanced probe core", but without SAS, it's on par with the Stayputnik.)
  • KIS storage wedge's description says it has three variants, but it really only has one.  (The other two are commented out — I'm guessing due to bug #1.)
  • "Convenient" is misspelled as "conveniant" in several places.
  • Not a bug, but a suggestion: add "cck-lifesupport" tag to parts that hold LS resources, so they show up in the VAB category for LS parts.

(I tried submitting bugs to the Bitbucket tracker, but got a "something went wrong" page from Bitbucket.)

Edited by Wyzard
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  On 4/27/2020 at 8:16 PM, Wyzard said:

Reposting a few small bugs mentioned earlier that are still present:

  • Single probe core has a reaction wheel but double does not.  (Descriptions and models look like it was meant to be the other way around.)
  • Single probe core has twice the mass of the double.  (Also presumably meant to be the other way around — single core says "50kg of mass savings" but it's actually 50kg more.)
  • Double probe core has no SAS, but its description says it's capable of attitude control.  (Also, the description calls it an "advanced probe core", but without SAS, it's on par with the Stayputnik.)
  • KIS storage wedge's description says it has three variants, but it really only has one.  (The other two are commented out — I'm guessing due to bug #1.)
  • "Convenient" is misspelled as "conveniant" in several places.
  • Not a bug, but a suggestion: add "cck-lifesupport" tag to parts that hold LS resources, so they show up in the VAB category for LS parts.

(I tried submitting bugs to the Bitbucket tracker, but got a "something went wrong" page from Bitbucket.)


Good spotting, I've updated the files within Beta five. Also noticed the Advanced single height probecore was missing its "Probe" definition so that should help fix crafts that define themselves as debris on reload. Redownload (localization\en-us.cfg, Command\DoubleProbeCore.cfg, and Command\SingleProbeCore.cfg) and any new craft with probecore wedges on them should show these changes :)

* Swapped probe core masses, adv. single height now weighs half of double
* Added missing "probe" definition to advanced single to allow it to act as a probe core (crafts are defined as debris on reload otherwise)
* Added reaction wheel module back to double core, as it's part of the intended function of the gyroscope. Added small reaction wheel to advanced single, to allow some control
* Added basic SAS attitude control features (prograde only) to double core, improved advanced single core SAS feild to level 2 (prograte, retrograde, normals, etc)
* Small balance tweaks to adv. Single Probecore (reduced battery capacity so it's not on par with Double, improved data transmission efficiency, added biome detection, reduced reaction wheel strength to reflect its limited size)
* Fixes to spelling, changes to part descriptions
* Added cck-lifesupport tags to lifesupport parts to enable proper filtering


Edited by Daishi
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  On 4/28/2020 at 12:37 PM, panarchist said:

@Daishi - are there still plans for a Nitrogen tank in the works? Or Methane? (not that the Sabatier would produce a lot of it, but why waste it?)

Looking really good - haven't seen any issues not already reported (and corrected with the file updates).


Next update, i swear :blush:

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  On 4/28/2020 at 8:09 AM, Daishi said:

Good spotting, I've updated the files within Beta five.


Looks good now!  Two quick followup things:

  • The small probe core's reaction wheel is stronger on the pitch axis (0.25) than on yaw and roll (0.15).  (I don't know whether that's intentional.)
  • The double probe core's title and description are in English in it-it.cfg, de-de.cfg, and es-es.cfg.  (I noticed because the "conveniant" misspelling is still present in those copies of the string, but that doesn't really matter; the real fix is to translate the text.)
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