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[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28)


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8 minutes ago, fr33soul said:

so i can extimate the distance covered with the rocket in order to know if it can reach a designed planet.

Well, when in orbit you can cover an infinite distance.... So at that point it stop making sense.

7 minutes ago, Eklykti said:

That is what delta-v is for.

Yes! Delta-v is the key of key figures here.

I think KER has the keyfigure very well in place.

Use this if you are not sure how much delta-v is needed


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7 minutes ago, Eklykti said:

Or, better, have Transfer Window Planner installed and select a specific window that's most suitable for your needs.

Just a small comment here, I would argue that this suggestion isn't "better" per se, but a necessary second half to knowing a vessel's DeltaV. Knowing how much DeltaV you need isn't helpful if you don't know how much you have. Likewise, knowing how much DeltaV you have isn't helpful if you don't know how much you need. Both are pretty important.

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I have finally made the move to 1.2.2 (from 1.1.3) and in the course of investigating some performance issues I'm having I noticed that having KER installed drops my typical (40-50 parts, LKO) on-orbit FPS from 35-40 to 20-25.  Is this performance hit normal?  I've had KER installed since my first week of playing KSP, so I'm not sure if there was a performance difference in previous versions.  Is anyone else seeing this?  I have a somewhere around 100 mods installed so it's perfectly reasonable to assume this may be unique to my install.  I just wanted to see if it's out of the ordinary before I spend too much time troubleshooting further.


Thanks for any help or insights anyone can provide.

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31 minutes ago, CaribeanSoul said:

Thanks for any help or insights anyone can provide.

No, it isn't normal.  It may have a small impact but it shouldn't be anything like that much.  I suggest you look in the logs for error spam etc...

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BUG:  I had an EVA Kerbal die, later on, I wanted to select another kerbal as a rendezvous target and saw the dead one's name in the list.  For kicks I clicked the dead kerbals name and the game crashed - Logs -> http://sourcebox.federalproductions.com/KER Crashlogs/KSP.zip

You'll also see a load of NREs related to maneuver nodes, which it wouldn't allow me to set or remove any more - and wheel colliders which I think was because of a lander crashing and exploding (landing legs destroyed)

Before I am asked: The lander was out of fuel and going to crash, so I eva'ed the 2 kerbals to try and jetpack them to orbit.  One hit the terrain and died, the other made it to orbit.

Edited by tg626
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4 hours ago, tg626 said:

BUG:  I had an EVA Kerbal die, later on, I wanted to select another kerbal as a rendezvous target and saw the dead one's name in the list.  For kicks I clicked the dead kerbals name and the game crashed

Strange, if the kerbal died then I don't think his "Vessel" should've existed anymore.  Did you switch vessel or otherwise change scene between him dying and you clicking him in the target selector?  When you say the game crashed, what do you mean?  Did KSP just close or do you mean something else?

4 hours ago, tg626 said:

You'll also see a load of NREs related to maneuver nodes, which it wouldn't allow me to set or remove any more - and wheel colliders which I think was because of a lander crashing and exploding (landing legs destroyed)

Yes, there are a lot of these being spammed:

[WRN 21:23:56.204] KK: StaticDatabase.updateCache(): vPlayerPos is still v3.zero

...and also quite a few of these:

[EXC 21:24:00.059] ArgumentException: GUILayout: Mismatched LayoutGroup.Repaint
	UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.BeginLayoutGroup (UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options, System.Type layoutType)
	UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (UnityEngine.GUIContent content, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options)
	UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options)
	MuMech.MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner.WindowGUI (Int32 windowID)
	MuMech.DisplayModule.ProfiledWindowGUI (Int32 windowID)
	UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID)
	UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)


[LOG 21:57:55.609] dT is NaN! tA: NaN, E: NaN, M: NaN, T: NaN
   at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
   at Orbit.GetDTforTrueAnomaly(Double tA, Double wrapAfterSeconds)
   at Trajectory.UpdateFromOrbit(.Orbit orbit, Int32 sampleCount)
   at PatchRendering.UpdatePR()
   at PatchedConicRenderer.LateUpdate()

Lots of these spamming:

[LOG 22:02:17.419] [MechJeb2] Warppause : lastAskedIndex=5 CurrentRateIndex=4 WarpMode=HIGH MaxCurrentRate=5

Quite a few of these:

[ERR 22:27:23.939] [DestructibleBuilding]: ID for this building is not defined correctly. Cannot unregister.

This followed by lots of the NREs:

[ERR 23:02:19.632] Can't remove Rigidbody because KSPWheelController (Script) depends on it

[EXC 23:02:19.633] NullReferenceException
	VPWheelCollider.UpdateVisualWheel ()
	VehiclePhysics.VehicleBase.LateUpdate ()
[EXC 23:02:19.642] NullReferenceException
	VPWheelCollider.GetGroundHit (UnityEngine.WheelHit& hit)
	VehiclePhysics.VehicleBase.CalculateSuspensionTravel (VehiclePhysics.WheelState wheel)
	VehiclePhysics.VehicleBase.FixedUpdate ()

Then there was a final vessel change and the last thing that happened was an autosave.  Basically, it looks like KSP got seriously upset by something which upset both MJ and KER.  This bad state may have been why the kerbal didn't get deleted properly or it may have nothing to do with it.  Either way, it may be possible for KER to detect this bad state and avoid listing vessels that could cause a problem but it will be awkward as there is no indication of the click to set target at all so it's tricky to determine what could've been wrong with it...

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5 hours ago, Padishar said:

Did you switch vessel or otherwise change scene between him dying and you clicking him in the target selector?  When you say the game crashed, what do you mean?

Yes, I switched vessels several times both by "[" keys and thru clicking "Switch" on the map.

It froze, after a fashion windows popped up a dialog box stating "KSP_64.exe has stopped responding", etc.



I goofed, I *assumed* that it was a dead kerbal, as one had just died.  I forgot about the 2 outside back on Kerbin.  

So what REALLY happens is, I'm controlling a ship orbiting Eeloo, and I choose a kerbal on Kerbin as my redezvous target, and then BAM crash.


Edited by tg626
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10 minutes ago, tg626 said:

Yes, I switched vessels several times both by "[" keys and thru clicking "Switch" on the map.

It froze, after a fashion windows popped up a dialog box stating "KSP_64.exe has stopped responding", etc.


I goofed, I *assumed* that it was a dead kerbal, as one had just died.  I forgot about the 2 outside back on Kerbin.  

So what REALLY happens is, I'm controlling a ship orbiting Eeloo, and I choose a kerbal on Kerbin as my redezvous target, and then BAM crash.

Ahhh, the symptoms sound very much like what I was describing in this post:

However, I've only seen that happen when actually switching vessels (by any means, KER or stock) with the rendezvous panel open.  Are you certain it happened when you selected the target or did you click the button to switch (possibly a double click, the button may appear under the pointer when you select the target)?  I did revert part of a change I made to fix a problem with setting a target because it was causing the panel to not resize itself properly so that could also be an issue.  It sounds like I'll have to instrument this bit of code quite thoroughly and release a dev version to try to gather some more useful data...

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50 minutes ago, Padishar said:

 Are you certain it happened when you selected the target or did you click the button to switch (possibly a double click, the button may appear under the pointer when you select the target)?

Yes, happened last night, and again this morning, BUT when I loaded it a second time this AM, it worked FINE.  Selecting a Kebin landed Kerbal as a target for rendezvous caused no problem.  

The sucessful logs, for comparison:

http://sourcebox.federalproductions.com/KER Crashlog2/KSP.zip

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I had an issue over the weekend where I got a series of CTD's when I was trying to use the bracket keys to switch between two ships within physics range of each other. I had the rendezvous panel open when this was happening. In the first 5 attempts I always loaded to the docking craft and then tried switching to the mothership. On the 6th try I loaded to the mothership from Tracking Station and after that I was able to switch back and forth using the brackets

I believe I still have the crash reports if you need them

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13 hours ago, String Witch said:

Is there any way to make the button's menu open on click instead of mouseover?

I have implemented a setting that allows you to toggle on and off whether mouse hovering is enabled on the in-flight toolbar button. I've also merged Padishar's fixes into the master branch so you can use the .dll available in the "Output" folder on GitHub to get the latest build until I can get a release out.

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It would be nice to have a settings backup feature, which would save somewhere else than in GameData/KerbalEngineer. KER is really time consuming to set up, and I totally freak out when I mess around in my GameData folder and accidentally delete the KER settings in the process (For example when I forget that KER does not need to be deleted for updates. Happens to me sometimes.).

The reason I request this is, while it will be useful to only a few people, I don't think it's hard to add - should be really easy to save a copy of the settings somewhere on every change.

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Can you look at this, I do not know if it is a bug or something different.

The TWR should be here 0.16 as it is indicated by Mechjeb. That's the design and that's what is giving as TWR in the SPH with only Nuke engines running in VAC. Why is KER showing 0.65???

Here we are in VAC and the target is the Mun. Is KER showing Mun TWR


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1 hour ago, gilflo said:

Can you look at this, I do not know if it is a bug or something different.

The TWR should be here 0.16 as it is indicated by Mechjeb. That's the design and that's what is giving as TWR in the SPH with only Nuke engines running in VAC. Why is KER showing 0.65???

Here we are in VAC and the target is the Mun. Is KER showing Mun TWR


Probably showing current TWR. SInce you are already quite high above Kerbin gravity here is weaker than on the surface --> weight of your craft is smaller here --> TWR(lfor local gravity) is higher than it would be in the surface gravity of Kerbin. KER also has an option of showing surface TWR somewhere in there...

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Just wanna say thank You for this great Mod.


Spares a lot of time.


Edit: Wasnt able to download it from curse... took it from github.

You may want check the link etc.

Edited by Draalo
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On 26/11/2016 at 6:24 PM, Warezcrawler said:

I bundled up my mod and cfg for an engine using it here.

It constains

  • Source code for plugins, if you need it
  • CommunityResourcePack, because the engine I created use IntakeAtm
  • GTI_Utilities mod which is my mod with plugins
    • It includes GTI_MultiModeEngine and GTI_MultiModeIntake. The last one make it possible to switch intakes in air, like when switching the engine mod. It does not go well with other mods that add dual intakes in one part, which I have tried to handle using MM... I do not think that MM part is performing as expected just yet.
  • GTIndustries mod (partial) where I cut out the engine clone. In this I changed it to use Ore in one configuration instead of my custom resource.

I hope this is all you need :cool: Any need for testing or whatever, just give me a ping.

@Padishar Sorry to bother you again, I had this request way back a page 143 where we spoke about making KER compatible with alternative MultiModeEngines. Did you ever have time/opportunity to look into the things I sent you in the above quoted post?

I would really appreciate if you could. Or did I maybe not provide what you needed, in that case I would be more than happy to do more.


I found a part of mechjeb2 which I think is vital in their calculation of delta-v. They look for engines that will actually fire during acceleration. I can't say this is all, but it might help. I think mechjeb2 actually gets the delta-v correct. (I never noticed a difference in the results between KER and Mechjeb2 before looking into this issue with my mod....) :)



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I'm experiencing an issue and I'm curious if anyone else has encountered it.

I'm occasionally getting a hang that might be caused by the Rendezvous window. It intermittently hangs at these times:

  • switching to a vessel that has a target and the rendezvous window is open.
  • when entering text in the rendezvous window target selection
  • when selecting a vessel in the rendezvous window target selector

I'm not sure, but it's possible this only happens when the target of interest is nearby (though not necessarily loaded, say, within 100km)

There is no log output and the only way to recover is to force quit.

I can't say for certain that KER is the cause, but this is my suspicion. Has anyone else experienced this?

I'm on a Mac OS 10.11.5, KSP 1.2.2, KER Also using MechJeb and MemGraph.

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On 12/28/2016 at 0:03 PM, Warezcrawler said:

Did you ever have time/opportunity to look into the things I sent you in the above quoted post?

No, unfortunately I've not yet had time to look into that.

On 12/28/2016 at 0:03 PM, Warezcrawler said:

I found a part of mechjeb2 which I think is vital in their calculation of delta-v. They look for engines that will actually fire during acceleration. I can't say this is all, but it might help. I think mechjeb2 actually gets the delta-v correct. (I never noticed a difference in the results between KER and Mechjeb2 before looking into this issue with my mod....) :)

There is certainly more to it than that but I'll bear it in mind when I do get a chance to look at it.  Are you talking about during flight or in the VAB/SPH?

15 hours ago, kball said:

I'm experiencing an issue and I'm curious if anyone else has encountered it.

Yes, others have encountered it.  See the posts by tg626 and my replies further up this page.  As mentioned there, I'm planning to add some detailed debug logging to the code concerned and release a test version to gather more information but I've been too busy to get around to it...

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3 minutes ago, Padishar said:

There is certainly more to it than that but I'll bear it in mind when I do get a chance to look at it.  Are you talking about during flight or in the VAB/SPH?

I was talking about flight. I just tested the SPH since you ask, and there I have no reaction from KER - This was expected based on the code fragment you showed me earlier where KER tests based on stock multimode module.

In the SPH mechjeb2 does seem to get the calculations right as it did in space. I haven't double checked it's calculations as such, but it does change when I switch engine modes - and in the expected direction based on the ISP changes. This seem to be linked to the fact that MJ is testing on the activation status of the engine directly. :)

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Just now, Warezcrawler said:

In the SPH mechjeb2 does seem to get the calculations right as it did in space. I haven't double checked it's calculations as such, but it does change when I switch engine modes - and in the expected direction based on the ISP changes. This seem to be linked to the fact that MJ is testing on the activation status of the engine directly. :)

Quite possibly.  In the past, various things about engines weren't initialised correctly in the editors but this may have been improved at some point.  I'll need to run some tests to determine if the activation state can be used safely (e.g. what happens with odd staging setups etc.).

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