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[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28)


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  Padishar said:
Excellent, thanks. That will make it very much easier...

I have now reproduced this with an even simpler, stock only, rocket so there is definitely a bug. I'll try to get a fix pushed asap...

  Gribbleshnibit8 said:
Two crash logs as a result of a NaN error on launch of vessels with KER and Outer Planets Mod installed (and lots of others but removing KER let me play for 20 mins launching ships over and over with no issues)

Error resulted during a career save. I can attempt to provide a save and associated game log with the same error later today (Saturday 14).


I really want this one to be solved. I installed KER because MechJeb wasn't reporting DV properly with Near Future radial tanks, and KER does. Since the point of the save was to attempt to make it to OPM planets using Near Future parts, gotta get this solved.

Well, there's nothing obvious in those logs at a first quick scan. I've got an OPM install set up now so I can test it myself. Do you get the problem when you are just launching things? Do you have any other vessels already in flight in the game?

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  Padishar said:
Well, there's nothing obvious in those logs at a first quick scan. I've got an OPM install set up now so I can test it myself. Do you get the problem when you are just launching things? Do you have any other vessels already in flight in the game?

That was a new game with only a few launches, nothing in flight.

I made a clean save today with KER, MJ, and OPM and it's associated mods, minus PlanetShine and Custom Asteroids. No issues in around 45 mins - 1 hour of play time. Not even a stutter. Whatever is causing this issue might be between KER and some other mod that is common among the OPM users. I'm done testing for tonight, but I will go through and start adding some plugin mods and see what happens as I add new things.

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  Padishar said:
Yes, you should (assuming that the vacuum and sea-level ISPs for the engine are different), and the thrust should also vary as you drag the pressure slider around.

This almost works perfectly. KIDS has an engine-rating feature whereby you can set an arbitrary threshold and say that all engines under that threshold are atmospheric engines and all engines above it are vacuum engines. Atmospheric engines develop their rated thrust at sea level and the thrust output goes up with altitude; vacuum engines develop their rated thrust in vacuum and thrust is less at sea level.

Engineer seems to ignore this feature  which is kind of understandable, as it is a little complex I guess. Not like "Ooh, this is too complex for your little minds" but "I imagine that would be a pain in the rear to program around."

It'd be great if you could, though. I'm sure the goal is for Engineer to show correct information in the VAB, and when you turn on KIDS' engine rating feature it doesn't do that, so ….yeah.

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When in vab and ker displayed. Sometimes it messes with clicking parts. It's like you can't click on anything on the right side of the vab. You have to move the view or ship around to click where needed.

It also sometimes messes with symmetry.

Sometimes hitting x does nothing.

Sometimes when in symmetry and you move over a part with different symmetry as normal it changes. Then you move over central core. Change symmetry to what you want. Add the part but it doesn't show on both sides. So you remove the part and see multiple silhouettes.

When I hide ker everything works right.



I had 4 radial decouplers on with booster in 4x. Added 2x radial decouplers. Moved over the boosters to get to core. Then changed to 2x. Added fuel tank. Took off the boosters to view fuel tanks. Notice only one tank. Then pulled off radial and fuel tank to get silhouette.

When ker is hidden. Never have a problem.

Edited by David H
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I'm getting a white icon in the toolbar in the latest development version. Only other mods installed KJR and Toolbar. Anyone else getting the same?

Also I have seen mention of Blizzy's toolbar support but I am unsure if that is supported in dev release. I was unable to get KER to appear in blizzy's toolbar.

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  ATG said:
I'm getting a white icon in the toolbar in the latest development version. Only other mods installed KJR and Toolbar. Anyone else getting the same?

I've had this before, and in each case it was because I didn't install it in the correct directory structure. Lots of mods will work in the wrong directories but their images won't be found. Your directory structure should look like:





If I had to guess, yours probably looks something like:





  ATG said:
Also I have seen mention of Blizzy's toolbar support but I am unsure if that is supported in dev release. I was unable to get KER to appear in blizzy's toolbar.

Once you change the setting withing Kerbal Engineer, you have to open up the toolbar settings to show the icon. It starts out hidden by default.

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Thanks for taking the time to help 5thHorseman. :)

The folder structure was ok...the issue corrected itself after completely reinstalling everything. So I'm glad I have the icon back.

Regarding Blizzy's Toolbar support - I don't see any option in the cfg files or in game within the engineer mod that allows me to activate toolbar support.

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  ATG said:
Regarding Blizzy's Toolbar support - I don't see any option in the cfg files or in game within the engineer mod that allows me to activate toolbar support.

I'm sorry I seem to have led you down a rabbit hole. I was thinking of Alarm Clock. I just checked and no, it does not appear KER has Blizzy support which is sad. Though really it's one of the least often clicked buttons for me (which of course means it's a perfect candidate for Blizzy's Toolbar so you could hide it).

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  5thHorseman said:
I'm sorry I seem to have led you down a rabbit hole. I was thinking of Alarm Clock. I just checked and no, it does not appear KER has Blizzy support which is sad. Though really it's one of the least often clicked buttons for me (which of course means it's a perfect candidate for Blizzy's Toolbar so you could hide it).

It would be nice if the individual KER windows could be Blizzy-buttoned like the MJ windows. I have MechJeb's landing guidance, ascent guidance, man-planner, etc. all as individual buttons on the Blizzy toolbar.

I'd like to do the same for KER's Rendezvous window, etc.

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hello everyone. I had to send my PC in to get a desktop config error fixed on windows 8.1. Well i got it back today and was going to play a bit of KSP but there seems to be a issue with kerbal engineer. The windows for KER show up but there is no text in them ( as in deltaV or TRW nothing). I tried to re-install KER and pulled out the one other mod I was running to see if there was a easy fix. When that did not work i reinstalled KSP and am still getting this issue. I am not sure what is causing the problem, everything was running fine before i had the desktop config error. All that was done to my PC when it was out was to fix that and to remove a bit of adware that my antivirus missed.

Any help i can get would be great thank you

eddit: starting to wonder if it is the new Nvidia Drivers for the 660m: rolled the drivers back several times and i am still having this issue


Ignore this post KER is not the issue i did not notice the problem is with all the buttons in KSP

Edited by Arbalest
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  WooDzor said:
Quick question: I remember playing with this mod without the parts, is this still possible? Thanks in advance, I like to keep my ships stock, but the information is really helpful :)

The default behavior of KER is partless in sandbox mode. In career the flight engineer functions need an engineer crew member or an engineer part, but that behavior can be disabled in the settings for partless goodness.

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  LostOblivion said:
Is there anything special I have to do in order to have KER account for the weight of proc fairings?

Rather, KER accounts for it in the overall weight and overall delta-v, but it does not seem to discriminate where in the stage stack the fairings are jettisoned.

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I'm evaluating the possibility of migration from 0.6.x.x to 1.x.x.x


Please note that v1.0 is not backwards compatible with saves containing v0.6 without some save file tweaking.

Sadly, there is no explanation, what exactly needs to be edited.

I noticed, that EngineerChipFlight is gone. It's now replaced by EngineerChip ?

Is 1.x.x.x much better then 0.6.x.x already, or I should wait for later release (and readme_migrating.txt) ?

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I migrated from 0.6 to 1.0 via the method outlined in my post way back here:

  Kerbas_ad_astra said:
This worked for me -- I was willing to try because the only vessels I had in flight on my main save were probes. I used Notepad++ to make the process less painful and less likely to fail horribly (Notepad++ is Windows-only, but I'm sure there are similarly-featured text editors for other operating systems). I selected all of my ships and opened them at the same time, and then used the Replace All in All Open Documents button in the find-and-replace dialog. As a sanity check, there should be twice as many replacements of EngineerChipFlight to EngineerChip as there are replacements of FlightEngineer to FlightEngineerModule, because each chip itself is named twice (once by the parent part, and once by the chip itself) while the module is only named once (within the actual chip). I then found all locations of BuildEngineer and deleted each of the BuildEngineer MODULE blocks. Notepad++'s bracket matching feature came in very handy here!

Editing the save file (persistent.sfs) itself was the tricky part, because when I deleted one BuildEngineer module, all of the line numbers of the subsequent modules changed, so I couldn't just jump directly to them from the search results window as I did the first. In retrospect, I should have started from the bottom and worked my way up. I'm sure there's a way to automate this (Notepad++ has a feature for recording and executing macros, for one thing), but it didn't take more than a few minutes.

(I'll open a GitHub issue to ask cybutek to make some migrating instructions.)

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I actually added the KER (flight) parts to KAS config to be able to upgrade my ships, but not new KE, I not using it yet, only reading forum :)

Manual upgrade is not my option with, KE, because I have too many ships with KER and some of them are far away.

Besides, I think, you cannot use KER and KE at some time.

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I've noticed a bug with KER's KIDS integration & symmetrically placed engines. When multiple engines are placed symmetrically, KER will calculate the ISPs for the correct KIDS setting the first time. If that engine is picked up and placed down again, the first engine is fine but the others have the KIDS multiplier placed on them again. For example, with a KIDS multiplier of 0.5 and initial ISP of 320.0, once the first engine is picked up and dropped it is 160.0 as expected but the others have dropped to 80.0! This can be verified by checking each of the engines with the middle-click build overlay.

Also noticing a similar issue if the engine is duplicated with mod+click and placed elsewhere. This time the multiplier stacks continuously, so if the part is picked up and dropped multiple times in the above example, it would first be 160.0, but then drop to 80.0, 40.0, 20.0, 10.0, etc each time it is duplicated.

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