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Trying to select things in VAB doesn't work like 40% of the time.

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Besides terrible performance in the VAB, the biggest frustration I have is that any kind of action that involves clicking on a part simply isn't responsive whatsoever. I have to click it 45 times, or select another part off the part list and drop it. Selecting for pickup, rotation, or offset all has this problem (but rooting doesn't). It's INFURIATING.


To say I have a lot of mods is an understatement:

"name": "Achievements"
"name": "AirplanePlus"
"name": "AlternateResourcePanel"
"name": "AnimatedDecouplers"
"name": "AviationLights"
"name": "B9"
"name": "B9AerospaceHX"
"name": "B9AnimationModules"
"name": "B9PartSwitch"
"name": "B9-props"
"name": "B9-PWings-Fork"
"name": "BasicProceduralTextures"
"name": "BDArmoryContinued"
"name": "ChampagneBottleRedux"
"name": "Chatterer"
"name": "ChattererExtended"
"name": "CivilianPopulation"
"name": "CommunityCategoryKit"
"name": "CommunityPartsTitles"
"name": "CommunityResourcePack"
"name": "CommunityTechTree"
"name": "CommunityTraitIcons"
"name": "ConnectedLivingSpace"
"name": "CraftManager"
"name": "CrewQueueTwo"
"name": "CustomAsteroids"
"name": "CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Inner"
"name": "DangItContinued"
"name": "DeadlyReentry"
"name": "DecouplerShroud"
"name": "DestructionEffects"
"name": "DistantObject"
"name": "DistantObject-default"
"name": "DMagicOrbitalScience"
"name": "DMagicScienceAnimate"
"name": "ExperimentTracker"
"name": "ExtrasolarPlanetsBeyondKerbol-stock"
"name": "OinkersSkybox"
"name": "FelineUtilityRovers"
"name": "Firespitter"
"name": "FirespitterCore"
"name": "HaystackReContinued"
"name": "HazardTanksTextures"
"name": "HyperEdit"
"name": "Impact"
"name": "IndicatorLights"
"name": "IndicatorLightsCommunityExtensions"
"name": "InterstellarFuelSwitch"
"name": "InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core"
"name": "JoolBiomes"
"name": "KAS"
"name": "KerbalAlarmClock"
"name": "KerbalEngineerRedux"
"name": "KerbalGPSRevived"
"name": "KerbalHealth"
"name": "KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems"
"name": "KerbalRenamer"
"name": "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements"
"name": "KIS"
"name": "KSPLogiRGB-battlemoose"
"name": "KWRocketryRebalanced"
"name": "MainSailorTextures-Complete"
"name": "MainSailorTextures-Essentials"
"name": "ManeuverNodeEvolved"
"name": "MechJeb2"
"name": "MissionController2"
"name": "Mk1PrototypeCockpit"
"name": "USI-FTT"
"name": "ModuleManager"
"name": "MunarIndustriesFTX"
"name": "NavballDockAlignIndCE"
"name": "NearFutureConstruction"
"name": "NearFutureLaunchVehicles"
"name": "NearFutureProps"
"name": "NearFuturePropulsion"
"name": "NearFutureSolar"
"name": "NearFutureSolar-Core"
"name": "NearFutureSpacecraft"
"name": "NehemiahEngineeringOrbitalScience"
"name": "PlanetShine"
"name": "PreciseNode"
"name": "ProceduralParts"
"name": "ProceduralParts-Textures-SaturnNova"
"name": "RasterPropMonitor"
"name": "RasterPropMonitor-Core"
"name": "RCSBuildAidCont"
"name": "RealHeat"
"name": "ReCoupler"
"name": "ReentryParticleEffect"
"name": "RemoteTech"
"name": "SCANsat"
"name": "ScienceAlert"
"name": "ScienceRelay"
"name": "SimpleAdjustableFairings"
"name": "SimpleAdjustableFairings-KWRocketry"
"name": "SpaceXLegs"
"name": "StageRecovery"
"name": "StationKeeping"
"name": "StationPartsExpansionRedux"
"name": "StationScienceContinued"
"name": "TakeCommandContinued"
"name": "Targetron"
"name": "TweakableEverythingCont"
"name": "TweakScale"
"name": "UniversalStorage2"
"name": "VABReorienter"
"name": "VensStylePPTextures"
"name": "xScience"
"name": "TriggerAu-Flags"
"name": "SpeedUnitAnnex"
"name": "CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Stockalike"
"name": "CustomAsteroids-Pops-Stock-Outer"
"name": "ContractsWindowPlus"
"name": "KSPInterstellarExtended"
"name": "USI-NuclearRockets"
"name": "PatchManager"
"name": "Corvus125mTwoKerbalPod"
"name": "Toolbar"
"name": "KerbalAtomics"
"name": "HeatControl"
"name": "MissingHistory"
"name": "UniversalStorage"
"name": "EasyVesselSwitch"
"name": "USI-LS"
"name": "UKS"
"name": "FirespitterResourcesConfig"
"name": "SmokeScreen"
"name": "PhysicsRangeExtender"
"name": "ToolbarController"
"name": "ClickThroughBlocker"
"name": "Kopernicus"
"name": "ModularFlightIntegrator"
"name": "TextureReplacer"
"name": "PlanetShine-Config-Default"
"name": "ToadicusToolsContinued"
"name": "ProgressParser"
"name": "ContractParser"
"name": "USITools"
"name": "USI-Core"
"name": "CryoTanks"
"name": "DynamicBatteryStorage"
"name": "DeployableEngines"
"name": "Konstruction"
"name": "GroundConstruction-Core"
"name": "AT-Utils"
"name": "ConfigurableContainers-Core"
"name": "USI-EXP"
"name": "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR"
"name": "EditorExtensionsRedux"

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This may or not be a solution, but I frequently have a similar issue.  A simple quick click, one that will register in any other program, just doesn't work sometimes in KSP.  So I just hold the click for a moment longer, and it usually works fine.   I've found if I just take my time and don't rush the clicks, the problem doesn't really affect me. 

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Yeah I have to say you already probably know your issue, mod bloat.

Find what mods you can live without and ditch 'em. Be stern. Be mean. Do you really NEED aviation lights? Note the mods that you really like but still get rid of now, and use them on your NEXT playthrough in place of some you keep now, but could probably do without in that playthrough.

Think of it as extending your play time and creating reasons to play again, not limiting your options in the current playthrough.

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