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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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3 hours ago, Tsani said:

Thank You! 

Fixed it!


I had run out of time to properly test the thing, so I rushed the thing for you and I will do some tests late night ("night-job" is calling). I will use your material on the tests, but in the mean time, if you can also install the TSCo PKMC in your rig and see what you get. Just unzip this new zip over the previous contents (no files were removed).

As soon as I double check things (or you confirm the thing is fine now), I will release the UberPaket 2023.03.28.2 . 

Cheers, and thanks for the heads up!

Edited by Lisias
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Installed the TSCo PKMC and fired the game up. Didn't get the time  to play it but there were no fatal error warnings. Thank you for that! While waiting for KSP2 to be playable, I decided to start fine tuning my KSP1 game. So I have been going thru the KSP log file to try and fix stuff. The only thing that came up as far a notice on screen was about two work arounds. That has been going on for a bit and I just haven't dug into it, but they are not a show stopper like the Fatals. Thank very much for your help. Hope your night shift was a good one. It's people like you that have made KSP so much more enjoyable and I do so hoppe to see your talent contributing to KSP2. Just wouldn't be the same with you!

Edited by Tsani
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8 minutes ago, Tsani said:

The only thing that came up as far a notice on screen was about two work arounds.

Yeah, I found that on the KSP log but didn't pursued them. Yet. :P 

Did you installed anything from the Extras directory? Usually, these files should be installed only to workaround a still non fixed known issue, and the conditions in which the patch should be applied are explained on the file itself!


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I came to my attention that some users are experiencing problems on scaling Stock Fins!

My tests suggest that these problems are not due TweakScale or KSP-Recall, it should be something else affecting them in the game.



See, all Fins are correctly scaled and placed.

Anyone experiencing such problems, please step up - ideally with the KSP.log and a minimal craft where the problem is happening!

Edited by Lisias
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I founded issued on stars systems from Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack won't let change size any thrusters & fuel tank, cause problem 000_NiakoUtils folder, I removed folder won't loaded planets/stars mods. I have removed Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack then start games worked back to normal no pop up error & no problem any planets/stars mod no issued on Whirligig World & EventHorizon & Strange New Worlds

This mod not compatible on Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack 

TweakScale is not installed correctly are false positive that cause problem on Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack mod


Won't let change size, that broken by Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack


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54 minutes ago, Wolves_Hero said:

I founded issued on stars systems from Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack won't let change size any thrusters & fuel tank, cause problem 000_NiakoUtils folder, I removed folder won't loaded planets/stars mods. I have removed Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack then start games worked back to normal no pop up error & no problem any planets/stars mod no issued on Whirligig World & EventHorizon & Strange New Worlds

This mod not compatible on Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack 

TweakScale is not installed correctly are false positive that cause problem on Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack mod


Won't let change size, that broken by Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack

It's exactly the other way around. Something on Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack is screwing up something, mostly probably the KSP's Assembly Loader/Resolver. Once something triggers the AL/R, anything that tries to load a DLL or use a thingy called Reflection get screwed up.

Send me a KSP log where the problem happens and I will diagnose the real problem on Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack .

Again, and I want to make things absolutely clear, something on Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack is screwing up the AL/R, and TweakScale is only the one telling you about.

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My TS fins and wings are working great. Chain scaling made it easy to adjust the wing size.



Came here because I got a Houston warning for Firespitter needing the companion. Strange thing is I don't think my install changed so I'm not sure what triggered it. I've been using Firespitter Core for Airplanes Plus (and Airplanes Plus Things) for weeks.  I installed the companion and all seems good now.

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21 minutes ago, Krazy1 said:

Came here because I got a Houston warning for Firespitter needing the companion. Strange thing is I don't think my install changed so I'm not sure what triggered it. I've been using Firespitter Core for Airplanes Plus (and Airplanes Plus Things) for weeks.  I installed the companion and all seems good now.

I found kinda a glitch on the FS's module that handles floating some time ago - you can't scale these parts without the TSCo for FS installed, that kinda hijack that PartModule UI e do thing that prevent the breakage (no Reflection used, only the good and faithful PAW's hooks!).

Since crafts that floats are becoming a thing again due some new (sub)marine add'ons crescent popularity (I'm monitoring the situation for some time already), I concluded it would be better to pesky FS users preventively and get the problem solved at once than waiting them to get bitten in the... stern :P and come here complaining about TweakScale (as the previous post clearly demonstrates).

Sorry about the hassle, but some few 3rd parties misbehaves terribly when scaled without a proper TSCo to handle the borderline situations for them. And simply not patching them myself will not cut it, because people would so apply their own patches (or just shove All Tweak and call it a day). :) 

I would not had wrote all that checking code (and created and keep maintaining the respective dataset) without a good reason. You will be pesky about only when you really need to have the respective TSCo installed to keep your game safe. Really optional TSCo are only reminded to you now and then, when the ModuleManager's Config Cache is rebuilt.

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22 hours ago, Syczek said:

After updating Tweakscale to latest version,wheels of my plane start to sink in,when i tried to tweak them whole plane sinked into runaway.Anybody run into this issue??

Nope. Unless you are trying to shrink it to less than 15 ot 20% of the original size of the wheels.

I had realized that the recent parts revamp mangled with the wheel colliders in a way that screwed them up a bit if you scale them up or down too much: scale it down too much, the colliders will cease to work, and scale them up too much, and the colliders will outgrow the part and the wheel will "float" over the ground.

Now, if the whole plane sunk, then you must be using some older Parts those collider ceased to be supported when they upgraded the codebase to Unity 2019 on KSP 1.8.0. That made a lot of meshes still usable at 1.7.3 to do exactly what you describing, the whole thing sunks down the runway, with or without TweakScale.

The newest TS didn't changed anything on the scaling code, so whatever is bitting you was recently updated or installed too.

This is the problem I have with CKAN - the user wants to update only TweakScale, CKAN updates lots of things behind our back, and the user concludes so that the problem is TweakScale because it's this what he intended to update.

Anyway. Send me your KSP.log and the failing craft on dropbox or something and I will give it a look.

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2 hours ago, Lisias said:

Nope. Unless you are trying to shrink it to less than 15 ot 20% of the original size of the wheels.

I had realized that the recent parts revamp mangled with the wheel colliders in a way that screwed them up a bit if you scale them up or down too much: scale it down too much, the colliders will cease to work, and scale them up too much, and the colliders will outgrow the part and the wheel will "float" over the ground.

Now, if the whole plane sunk, then you must be using some older Parts those collider ceased to be supported when they upgraded the codebase to Unity 2019 on KSP 1.8.0. That make a lot of meshes still usable at 1.7.3 to do exactly what you describing, the whole thing sunks down the runway, with or without TweakScale.

The newest TS didn't changed anything on the scaling code, so whatever is bitting you was recently updated or installed too.

This is the problem I have with CKAN - the user wants to update only TweakScale, CKAN updates lots of things behind our back, and the user concludes so that the problem is TweakScale because it's this what he intended to update.

Anyway. Send me your KSP.log and the failing craft on dropbox or something and I will give it a look.

I fix that issue(so far),by doing purge of tweakscale from my disk and reinstalling it from scratch.Apparently Ckan done its thing(stupid thing for real) and trolled me.Sorry for alarming you. Keep up at doing good work,this mod became one of flagships in my modlists

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1 hour ago, Syczek said:

I fix that issue(so far),by doing purge of tweakscale from my disk and reinstalling it from scratch.Apparently Ckan done its thing(stupid thing for real) and trolled me.Sorry for alarming you. Keep up at doing good work,this mod became one of flagships in my modlists

Not a problem - sheet :sticktongue: happens. 

On a side note, what you are describing suggests that CKAN is failing to correctly purge old artefacts from the rig, and this is something that CKAN used to do right. On the other hand, perhaps something else had changed a file on TS, and so CKAN didn't touched it due the change, and so by installing the new release over it we ended up with an inconsistent installation...

In a way or another, I think you should file a bug report on them.

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I'm having an issue with saved files not restoring as I saved them. TS on KSP 1.12.5 with Firespitter and airplane plus companions and 80 other mods. Surface attached MK3 parts in mirror symmetry then scaled down to 2.5m are reloading with 100% size offset (but still correct 2.5m size). Also the flaps attached to them are deploying in opposite directions, like ailerons. BUT with another copy of the same ship flaps were correct (offset issue the same). Can't reproduce that.

Imgur album

Test build: Root part Mk3 long fuel tank. Side attach (mirror) same tanks. Tweak side tanks to 2.5m. Save ship. Load ship. Now they are offset with a gap.

Same result with 2.5m tanks scaled down to 1.875m. Same when tweaking tanks larger... side tanks overlap center part.

By the way, I often have problems with flaps deploy direction changing randomly, when reverting or detach/ reattach wings. I assumed this was a stock bug. It's not consistently happening.

Update: every time I exit and enter SPH it loads the autosaved craft, then the offset is compounded. So when the side attached tanks are reduced in size, they keep moving further away from the center with every exit/ enter iteration.

Edited by Krazy1
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17 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

I'm having an issue with saved files not restoring as I saved them. TS on KSP 1.12.5 with Firespitter and airplane plus companions and 80 other mods. Surface attached MK3 parts in mirror symmetry then scaled down to 2.5m are reloading with 100% size offset (but still correct 2.5m size). Also the flaps attached to them are deploying in opposite directions, like ailerons. BUT with another copy of the same ship flaps were correct (offset issue the same). Can't reproduce that.

Inverted flaps is something on KSP. This is pesking us since KSP 1.7 at least. Additionally, last time I did a try on a scaled up Aeris 3A, I didn't noticed any problems with the flaps/ailerons. But, granted, it can be something new - I didn't tried a scaled up Aeris on the 2.4.7 series yet. [edit: just checked, it's working for me]

Doing it now on my "ACP" test bed (a pretty clean up rig), I could not reproduce any of the problems you are describing.

As a matter of fact, however, I could: by uninstalling KSP-Recall and ignoring TweakScale complaining about its absence...

Please send me your KSP.log, your ModuleManager log and also the ModuleManager.ConfigCache. Let's see if someone deactivated KSP-Recall on your rig - the only way I could reproduce the problem here.

— — POST EDIT — — 

@Krazy1, I did a proper test session on your case.


TL;DR: I could not reproduce the problem. Point.

My best guess is something on your rig messing up with Recall - Recall is highly configurable, it's pretty easy to deactivate its features, as I had considered that someone may eventually come up with a better solution and I didn't wanted to be in the way.

Unfortunately, I'm being forced to cogitate that this feature of Recall is being abused by 3rd parties,

Edited by Lisias
checking the Aeris 3A scaled up.
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17 hours ago, Lisias said:

Let's see if someone deactivated KSP-Recall on your rig

Thanks for all the investigations. For the session I got a TS warning about adding TS-frameworks but that's listed as a beta so I haven't added that. I made a new sandbox save, went to the SPH, made the test "ship" with 3 MK3 fuel tanks, side attached tanks scaled to 2.5m (offset correct), saved it, loaded it, observed incorrect offset with large gaps, exited game. 

KSP log  MM log  MM cache

I hope this leads to tea and crumpets with your buddy, without moderator intervention. :wink: 

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2 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

Thanks for all the investigations. For the session I got a TS warning about adding TS-frameworks but that's listed as a beta so I haven't added that.

Please consider the Betas as Release Candidates by now. Real Life™ is trolling me badly in the last weeks, and I hadn't found time to update the documentation.

I'm digging in your material, thanks!

— — POST EDIT — — 

@Krazy1, I was wrong. No one messed with Recall patches this time - your Recall configuration is identical to my reference test rig (the ACP thingy).

I'm afraid we had found a new use case for Recall that I was unaware of, because the damned thing is working fine on my rig.

Just for the sake of completude, could you please send me a craft file where the problem happens? Thank you.

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23 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

TS test1.craft  TS test1.loadmeta

Thanks. Sorry. Good luck.

Found the reason, but not the cause.

Your crafts have parts patched with AttachedOnEditor:

                name = AttachedOnEditor
                isEnabled = True
                active = False		// <--- HERE!!!

But they are inactive.

On my rig, the Modules are active:

                name = AttachedOnEditor
                isEnabled = True
                active = True		// <--- HERE!!!

So, yeah, I found how you are being screwed. But I'm failing to understand why, because on apparently the same circumstances, my rig have them active.

I'm still on the problem, and in the mean time, there's something you can try to help to diagnose the problem as well to work around it: edit your craft files and replace all "active = False" to "active = True" from the AttachedOnEditor sections. You can do it with the SFS files too - just be careful to do it only on the AttachedOnEditor sections.

Alternatively, there's a PAW for AttachedOnEditor while editing the craft where you can activate/deactivate AttachedOnEditor on a Part by Part basis. But since all your craft have all the PartModules deactivated, I'm pretty sure you didn't deactivated them by accident. ;) 

But. really, the worst part of all of this: why in the name of the Krakens this krapstorm happens on your rig and not on mine????

I do smoke tests before shipping, a huge mistake like that (assuming it's a mistake of mine) would be detected in 15 seconds on the fist smoke test.

— — POST EDIT — — 



JESUS <insert your favorite instaban non forum compliant expletive here> CHRIST!

It's Module Manager! It failed again on detecting changes on the GameData, and then I did a Smoke Test with a faulty code that wasn't detected because MM used the old Config Cache, created when the faulty code wasn't faulty.


By manually deleting the ConfigCache, my new crafts started to have the same problem I detected on the @Krazy1's.

Further venting available on the github's issue.

@Krazy1Now that I finally know how this happened, I'm pushing a new KSP-Recall release.


There's something additional happening - I eye balled the MM (Forum) source code, and didn't found any new weakness that I had not detected before.

DIGESTs are not IDENTITIES, and MM fails bitterly on recognising this fact, so evidences still pinpoint it as the source of the problem - but I will need some more digging until I'll able to pinpoint the exact piece of code that it's failing.


KSP-Recall is on the wild, (hopefully) without any new bork (mine or not).


Edited by Lisias
tyops as usulla...
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4 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

The monologues were... interesting and I felt your pain. 

And to think that I had… edited… the most "colourful" ones!! :sticktongue:


4 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

So now I seem to have a found another issue with surface attaching, rotating, translating, ALT-LMB copying then chain scaling. Yeah, it's an obscure case... It needs pictures...  >>> Imgur album <<<

This appears to be one collateral effect from the times I was fighting the Variant PartModule thinking it was the cause of the problems I'm having since forever (to be more specific, on the code that handles cloning a part).

Once I understood that the problem is the Editor (not to mention that TS, to survive such problems, were creating others for 3rd parties by its turn as splash damage), and that the Variant PartModule itself is working fine (or if it's flawed, didn't affected me until this moment), I rewrote (and ditched) a lot of code on TweakScale 2.5 Beta to cope with the new findings.

Problem: it was a lot of code, so I was backporting the fixes gradually over the 2.4.6.x series - so any mishap would be detected early and easily. I publish the whole thing at once, and I will not know what is broken if things go down the tubes (worst when more then on thing goes south).

I would love to have 2.5 published as mainstream by now (it was my intention early this year), but things are how they are: I got delayed again by 3rd parties, had lose the window of opportunity to do it (as now Real Life™ is kicking and I don't have too much time available to do proper support for such a huge change) and I'm afraid these minor annoyances doesn't worth the risk of another huge breakage by bluntly pushing 2.5 into mainstream now.

So I decided to yet a new buffer release series, 2.4.7.x. This one will not fix anything non critical (not even a typo), and it will be used sorely to pave the way to make 2.5 the new mainstream. I hope to be able to do such in a couple months (June or July are usually easier months on Day Job®).

In the mean time, anyone willing to do some help, are more than welcome to check TweakScale 2.5 BETA. Just keep your valuable savegames properly backed up, just in case you find something hairy on it.

— — POST EDIT — — 

Well… On a side note, TS 2.5 also have this misbehaviour. So...


Thanks for the heads up!

Edited by Lisias
POST EDIT. TS 2.5 also have the problem!
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Hello, I'm new to the whole modding thing but after solving several issues I have encountered one I can't seem to find a fix for, "Missing Class could not load file or assembly: Scale.PartDB.18x or one of its dependencies" I have checked and the file does exist .The mods I currently using KSPIE, TweakScale and the Companion alongside KSP Recall.  I have looked at the one other time someone has encountered this error but the circumstances were different from mine.

Here is the KSP.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/x41sw5folm3j1y3/KSP.log?dl=0 and thank you in advance for all the effort you put into this project.

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3 hours ago, legonutdean said:

Hello, I'm new to the whole modding thing but after solving several issues I have encountered one I can't seem to find a fix for, "Missing Class could not load file or assembly: Scale.PartDB.18x or one of its dependencies" I have checked and the file does exist .The mods I currently using KSPIE, TweakScale and the Companion alongside KSP Recall.  I have looked at the one other time someone has encountered this error but the circumstances were different from mine.

You were bitten by a long standing internal bug on a thingy called Assembly Loader/Resolver inside KSP: when something fails to be loaded (due a missing dependency, or the DLL being corrupted or similar things), that ALR screws something inside it and from that point anything trying to load something, or to use another thing called Reflection, start to bork relentlessly no matter what.

What we need to do is to find who is the trigger of the problem in your rig, and once it's fixed everything else just works as expected (including TweakScale).

In your case, you have a problem on versioning!

KSPe.Light.TweakScale v2.4.0.4
Scale v2.4.6.2
TweakScaleCompanion_Frameworks v0.2.0.0
Waterfall v0.0.0.0
TweakScalerWaterfallFX v0.2.0.0

The current TweakScale version is, but you are using, a pretty old release. So old that TweakScale Companion for FrameWorks is not being able to use it!

[LOG 18:45:49.145] [KSPe.Binder] Looking for TweakScalerWaterfallFXIntegrator.dll on GameData\TweakScaleCompanion\Frameworks\Waterfall\.\PluginData\...
[LOG 18:45:49.145] [KSPe.Binder] Found it on GameData\TweakScaleCompanion\Frameworks\Waterfall\.\PluginData\TweakScalerWaterfallFXIntegrator.dll.
[EXC 18:45:49.173] MethodAccessException: Method `TweakScaleCompanion.Frameworks.Log.force(string,object[])' is inaccessible from method `TweakScaleCompanion.Frameworks.Waterfall
        TweakScaleCompanion.Frameworks.Waterfall.Startup.Start () (at <00cc8c66dfac41b999a3e65c52711d89>:0)
        System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Glo
balization.CultureInfo culture) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)

Please update TweakScale to, or you will not be able to use the Companions (not to mention a lot of fixes and improvements made over the years - is really, really old!)

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