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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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A small and insignificant glitch :P was detected on the Release, the Brief.

Long live TweakScale ! :)

Edited by Lisias
uh…It's dead, Jim...
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FYI - the new release contains duplicate patches. For instance - have a look in patches/NFT_TweakScale.cfg and patches/NF/NFC_TweakScale.cfg. Seems like the old NFT_TweakScale got partitioned but not deleted/cleaned up, maybe?


Also: would it not be a better idea to include % on every modification made by TweakScale? Just in case TweakScale itself is applying its patches after some other mod? E.g. %type = rather than type = ? (Relatively) easy enough to simply find-replace with Notepad++ (or whatever) and it might avoid many issues.

Edited by AccidentalDisassembly
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5 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

FYI - the new release contains duplicate patches. For instance - have a look in patches/NFT_TweakScale.cfg and patches/NF/NFC_TweakScale.cfg. Seems like the old NFT_TweakScale got partitioned but not deleted/cleaned up, maybe?

Nope. You forgot to delete the previous TweakScale version before installing the new. The Install.md file explains how to manually install the thing!

The Sanity Checks would had bitten me in the SAS here if I had done such a mistake! ;)

On the other hand… I need to check how CKAN will handle this, thanks for the heads up! Your bork could had prevented me from borking with a lot of people!!! Thanks! :)

YOU ARE RIGHT, my building process had failed on this [Nope - I borked beautifully on the merging.]


5 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

Also: would it not be a better idea to include % on every modification made by TweakScale? Just in case TweakScale itself is applying its patches after some other mod? E.g. %type = rather than type = ? (Relatively) easy enough to simply find-replace with Notepad++ (or whatever) and it might avoid many issues.

It should be what must be done for everybody willing the change TweakScale patches The TweakScale patches, however, are canon - otherwise I can't guarantee things will work on the user's machine.

I'm aiming to use :FOR on the patches on the future release, and I'm paving the way to reach that goal since the beginning of this year (release, that didn't saw the light of the day due the huge breakage it made when TweakScale leaved the Module Manager's Legacy mode). This :FOR thingy alone will help to prevent a huge amount of mistakes by itself.

But to reach that goal, I need to make sure that TweakScale patches are the ones "prevailing" on the current Race Condition on the Legacy patching, This is the way I found to accomplish that - to do not add the "%" on the canon patches, so I can detect legacy patches borking up and do something about. Without it, we would had people shoving "scale = free" on patches with defaultScale, that was one of causes for this Issue , what can lead to this nasty problem. So instead of hacking TweakScale to cope with all the possible ways to corrupt the prefab, it's easier to detect when the mishaps happen. And to do such, I need the :FOR thingy on 2.5 and also make sure TweakScale is able to check double patching. But to be able to do that, I need to pave the way first by detecting and fixing every single Add'On out there that will break due it. And not using "%" is helping me on that.

I understand people prefer easy ways out, but there's none for this. Every easy fix perpetuates the problem, or cause some other. A (somewhat big) essay about these problems can be found here.

Edited by Lisias
tyop! Surprised?
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2 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Nope. You forgot to delete the previous TweakScale version before installing the new. The Install.md file explains how to manually install the thing!

The Sanity Checks would had bitten me in the SAS here if I had done such a mistake! ;)

On the other hand… I need to check how CKAN will handle this, thanks for the heads up! Your bork could had prevented me from borking with a lot of people!!! Thanks! :)


It should be what must be done for everybody willing the change TweakScale patches The TweakScale patches, however, are canon - otherwise I can't guarantee things will work on the user's machine.

I'm aiming to use :FOR on the patches on the future release, and I'm paving the way to reach that goal since the beginning of this year (release, that didn't saw the light of the day due the huge breakage it made when TweakScale leaved the Module Manager's Legacy mode). This :FOR thingy alone will help to prevent a huge amount of mistakes by itself.

But to reach that goal, I need to make sure that TweakScale patches are the ones "prevailing" on the current Race Condition on the Legacy patching, This is the way I found to accomplish that - to do not add the "%" on the canon patches, so I can detect legacy patches borking up and do something about. Without it, we would had people shoving "scale = free" on patches with defaultScale, that was one of causes for this Issue , what can lead to this nasty problem. So instead of hacking TweakScale to cope with all the possible ways to corrupt the prefab, it's easier to detect when the mishaps happen. And to do such, I need the :FOR thingy on 2.5 and also make sure TweakScale is able to check double patching. But to be able to do that, I need to pave the way first by detecting and fixing every single Add'On out there that will break due it. And not using "%" is helping me on that.

I understand people prefer easy ways out, but there's none for this. Every easy fix perpetuates the problem, or cause some other. A (somewhat bug) essay about these problems can be found here.

NFT_TweakScale.cfg exists in the ZIP file (TweakScale-, or at least in the one I downloaded a couple hours ago...

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1 hour ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

NFT_TweakScale.cfg exists in the ZIP file (TweakScale-, or at least in the one I downloaded a couple hours ago...

Yep. I just detect it. I was editing the post when you posted. I`m fixing it.

— — post edit — — 

On the long run, this just confirmed the second part of my previous post. You only detected this beautiful bork (what would create an incredibly hard to detect problem later when NF patches would need being updated!) because I didn't shoved "%" on the canon patches.

I didn't though that I would be the one borking this way, but yet… It worked - it prevented me from stomping my own toes later.

Edited by Lisias
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2 hours ago, Lisias said:

A small and insignificant glitch :P was detected on the Release, the Brief.

However, another small and insignificant glitch :blush: was also detected on the Release, the Briefer.

Long live TweakScale (i hope at least…)

at least you didn't release something with a stowaway .dll included! made InstallChecker.cs go nuts. :P

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First thanks for maintaining this mod - sorry about all the headaches you've inherited

I'm getting an error message with the release and think it may be in error (but it's early here - not a morning person). I've double and triple checked but don't see a problem with my install.
I installed the latest and got the "Houston..." message about Tweakscale installed in the wrong place. It said I had installed TweakScale in GameData\TweakScale\Plugins and should have put it in GameData\TweakScale but the plug in directory is where the dll's are located in the distribution zip (Manual install - drag and drop TweakScale-\GameData\TweakScale into my GameData folder) and where (I believe) they should be. This is the directory structure:

      ModuleManager.4.0.3.dll (Installed latest MM rather than TweakScale included one - shouldn't have anything to do with TS installed in the wrong spot)
            ...Lots of cfg's...

Am I missing something?


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4 hours ago, wasml said:

First thanks for maintaining this mod - sorry about all the headaches you've inherited

I'm getting an error message with the release and think it may be in error (but it's early here - not a morning person). I've double and triple checked but don't see a problem with my install.
I installed the latest and got the "Houston..." message about Tweakscale installed in the wrong place. It said I had installed TweakScale in GameData\TweakScale\Plugins and should have put it in GameData\TweakScale but the plug in directory is where the dll's are located in the distribution zip (Manual install - drag and drop TweakScale-\GameData\TweakScale into my GameData folder) and where (I believe) they should be. This is the directory structure:

      ModuleManager.4.0.3.dll (Installed latest MM rather than TweakScale included one - shouldn't have anything to do with TS installed in the wrong spot)
            ...Lots of cfg's...

Am I missing something?


That looks correct unless I'm not looking at the formatting correctly.

I've seen this before, and I think a few pages back its mentioned, but some mods have a copy of Tweak Scale included with them inside their folder. So you have GameData/TweakScale and then you probably also have GameData/RandomMod/TweakScale Now what random mod has it hiding inside of it is a good question.

Until Lisias has been able to track down the exact cause and fix everything, Huston errors will still pop up. Lisias, Please keep up the good work, Thank you

Edited by Azic Minar
Thanking Lisias
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3 hours ago, wasml said:

First thanks for maintaining this mod - sorry about all the headaches you've inherited

Welcome! The headaches are temporary, the good results however will linger for a long time. I think it's worthing. :)


3 hours ago, wasml said:

I'm getting an error message with the release and think it may be in error (but it's early here - not a morning person). I've double and triple checked but don't see a problem with my install.

Yeah. I know the feeling. (My ears are still burning! :D)


3 hours ago, wasml said:

I installed the latest and got the "Houston..." message about Tweakscale installed in the wrong place. It said I had installed TweakScale in GameData\TweakScale\Plugins and should have put it in GameData\TweakScale but the plug in directory is where the dll's are located in the distribution zip (Manual install - drag and drop TweakScale-\GameData\TweakScale into my GameData folder) and where (I believe) they should be.

No sir, you made it right. There's something else happening. Can you publish the KSP.log file? There`s a message there when this happens, and that message can hint me about any situation I didn't had foresee on the code, that would end you giving you a false alarm. The presence of the "Plugin" on the message is the key here - the code explicit checks about "Plugins" and "Plugin" and abstract them - and this bug would had bitten me on the Mac too (the first release borked because I didn't checked the code on Windows, just Macs - this DUD/SAS here forgot about Windows using backslashes on pathnames).

Please also send me a link from a sharing file service with a copy of your copy of the TweakScale.zip . I had to disrupt my "deployment process" yesterday (i.e. needed to do things I usually don't do when deploying), I think it's a good idea checking if I didn't had borked somewhere else too.

6 minutes ago, Azic Minar said:

I've seen this before, and I think a few pages back its mentioned, but some mods have a copy of Tweak Scale included with them inside their folder. So you have GameData/TweakScale and then you probably also have GameData/RandomMod/TweakScale Now what random mod has it hiding inside of it is a good question.

Hummm… Good catch. Indeed, this is another possible explanation for the problem. His KSP.log will solve this mystery.

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18 hours ago, wasml said:

Per Azic Minar's note I scanned the GameData directory and InterstellarFuelSwitch has a GameData\InterstellarFuelSwitch\Plugins\Scale_Redist.dll.

This is normal. The Redist is meant to be redistributed like that. It's a "contract", where some developers "hire TweakScale" to provide them some heavy lifting, while they focus on their core business - instead of allowing me to guess what they need and doing everything by myself (what can be somewhat problematic sometimes, can it not?? :D).


18 hours ago, wasml said:

Here's a link to the log file and the zip I installed TweakScale from.


[LOG 05:42:37.509] [TweakScale] ERROR: TweakScale should be installed on [C:\Users\Brad\Documents\My Games\KSP\KSP 173 Mod\GameData\TweakScale/], not on [C:\Users\Brad\Documents\My Games\KSP\KSP 173 Mod\GameData\TweakScale\Plugins/].

So you see that "/"? It was what borked This DUD/SAS writing you this post plain forgot about backslashes on Windows (on UNIX, we use normal slashes - and it's almost an year since I fire up a Windows machine by the last time!).

What makes sense, because on the previous log entry:

[LOG 05:42:37.508] [TweakScale] Version /L


You was a victim of my Release Borking Fest. My apologies. Download the currently available Release,, and everything will be fine. https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/releases

(Delete all the TweakScale folder contents before installing the new)

(Jeez, I was afraid I had borked again!  It's the reason I asked the file you had on your computer!! :) )

18 hours ago, wasml said:


Glad to be (eventually :sticktongue:) of service!!

Edited by Lisias
Tyops! Who would thought of that? :P
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Hey, I'm getting a FATAL error message on start-up. I've installed the patch both manually and through CKAN; neither seems to be working for me. Here is the output log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/spsex974tqfvhq9/output_log.txt?dl=0

I'm not 100% sure. Just made a big jump from 1.3.1 to 1.7.3 so maybe I am missing a step here or I might be missing something; I've kind of been out of the loop when it comes to mods and any updates that have come out for them. Thanks for all the hard work! 

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42 minutes ago, AirShark said:

Hey, I'm getting a FATAL error message on start-up. I've installed the patch both manually and through CKAN; neither seems to be working for me. Here is the output log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/spsex974tqfvhq9/output_log.txt?dl=0

The output_log is not the ideal for me, I need the KSP.log. TweakScale and Module Manager logs there the information I need. I'll try to salvage what I can, sometimes I get lucky.

Well, you got only one. Not bad:

[TweakScale] INFO: WriteDryCost Concluded : 878 parts found ; 0 checks failed ; 0 parts with hotfixes ; 0 parts with issues overruled ; 1 Show Stoppers found; 9 Sanity Check failed; 456 unscalable parts.
[TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part arrestingHook (Arresting Hook) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).

And I got lucky, it's an already known problem:

[LOG 2019-10-13 22:32:46.838] Applying update TMasterson5/tweakscaleConfigPatch/@PART[arrestingHook] to TM5Misc/BHI/utility/arrestingHook/arrestingHook.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-10-13 22:32:46.889] Applying update TMasterson5/tweakscaleConfigPatch/@PART[arrestingHook] to TM5Misc/BHI/utility/arrestingHook/arrestingHook.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-10-13 22:32:56.859] Applying update FerramAerospaceResearch/_FARPartModule/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[LaunchClamp]]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] to TM5Misc/BHI/utility/arrestingHook/arrestingHook.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-10-13 22:32:57.369] Applying update FerramAerospaceResearch/_FARPartModule/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[FARWingAerodynamicModel],!MODULE[FARControllableSurface]]:AFTER[FerramAerospaceResearch] to TM5Misc/BHI/utility/arrestingHook/arrestingHook.cfg/PART

It's TMasterson5`s patches. I already have some history with it. The best line of action is to fix the patches, using :NEEDS[TweakScale] and preventing patching parts already patched with TweakScale. Just it, by itself, would had solved virtually all glitches I'm aware from it. 

Some were already proposed to the maintainer, but I'm not following it. Since the thing is licensed under CC-BY-SA-NC-ND, I can't fix them myself. And this set is somewhat huge, so creating HotFixes for this one is, frankly, unfeasible!

So, at least for now, it's best to do not use TMasterSon5's patches.


42 minutes ago, AirShark said:

I'm not 100% sure. Just made a big jump from 1.3.1 to 1.7.3 so maybe I am missing a step here or I might be missing something; I've kind of been out of the loop when it comes to mods and any updates that have come out for them. Thanks for all the hard work! 

Big jump? It's a Leap of Faith! :D Tons and tons of things changed from 1.3.1 to nowadays. You must be careful about the old Add'Ons you bring to 1.7. Some will work fine with none to few efforts (search about the bulkheadProfile patch for older parts), but the patches will be, probably, your headache. There're too many Add'Ons willing to use TweakScale on the field, and we are using few (or none!) mechanisms to coordinate the patching to prevent a Toe Stomping Fest - that's essentially what had bitten you above. This link has a somewhat comprehensive essay about the issues that can affect your game.


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15 hours ago, Lisias said:

The output_log is not the ideal for me, I need the KSP.log. TweakScale and Module Manager logs there the information I need. I'll try to salvage what I can, sometimes I get lucky.

Well, you got only one. Not bad:

[TweakScale] INFO: WriteDryCost Concluded : 878 parts found ; 0 checks failed ; 0 parts with hotfixes ; 0 parts with issues overruled ; 1 Show Stoppers found; 9 Sanity Check failed; 456 unscalable parts.

[TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part arrestingHook (Arresting Hook) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).

And I got lucky, it's an already known problem:

[LOG 2019-10-13 22:32:46.838] Applying update TMasterson5/tweakscaleConfigPatch/@PART[arrestingHook] to TM5Misc/BHI/utility/arrestingHook/arrestingHook.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-10-13 22:32:46.889] Applying update TMasterson5/tweakscaleConfigPatch/@PART[arrestingHook] to TM5Misc/BHI/utility/arrestingHook/arrestingHook.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-10-13 22:32:56.859] Applying update FerramAerospaceResearch/_FARPartModule/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[LaunchClamp]]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] to TM5Misc/BHI/utility/arrestingHook/arrestingHook.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-10-13 22:32:57.369] Applying update FerramAerospaceResearch/_FARPartModule/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[FARWingAerodynamicModel],!MODULE[FARControllableSurface]]:AFTER[FerramAerospaceResearch] to TM5Misc/BHI/utility/arrestingHook/arrestingHook.cfg/PART

It's TMasterson5`s patches. I already have some history with it. The best line of action is to fix the patches, using :NEEDS[TweakScale] and preventing patching parts already patched with TweakScale. Just it, by itself, would had solved virtually all glitches I'm aware from it. 

Some were already proposed to the maintainer, but I'm not following it. Since the thing is licensed under CC-BY-SA-NC-ND, I can't fix them myself. And this set is somewhat huge, so creating HotFixes for this one is, frankly, unfeasible!

So, at least for now, it's best to do not use TMasterSon5's patches.


Big jump? It's a Leap of Faith! :D Tons and tons of things changed from 1.3.1 to nowadays. You must be careful about the old Add'Ons you bring to 1.7. Some will work fine with none to few efforts (search about the bulkheadProfile patch for older parts), but the patches will be, probably, your headache. There're too many Add'Ons willing to use TweakScale on the field, and we are using few (or none!) mechanisms to coordinate the patching to prevent a Toe Stomping Fest - that's essentially what had bitten you above. This link has a somewhat comprehensive essay about the issues that can affect your game.


It was the TM5 patch that was messing it up; I removed them and so far no issues. Thanks for the help and the tips! 

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8 hours ago, UnhorsedGoose said:

Having some trouble reading .md files, internet explorer doesn't let me open it and another program I have doesn't either, anything you recommend to help with that?

On Mac, use MacDown.

On Linux and Windows, there are so many I can even Remarkable. :D 

But, really, any text editor (from Notepad to VIM) will do. All you need to do is to associate it to notepade.exe using the context menu on most Operating Systems: https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000572.htm

EDIT: found this one, typora. Looks promising, I'm giving it a shot!

Edited by Lisias
Hit "save" too soon.
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1 hour ago, Lisias said:

On Mac, use MacDown.

On Linux and Windows, there are so many I can even Remarkable. :D 

But, really, any text editor (from Notepad to VIM) will do. All you need to do is to associate it to notepade.exe using the context menu on most Operating Systems: https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000572.htm

EDIT: found this one, typora. Looks promising, I'm giving it a shot!

Great, worked like a charm! Thanks, have a good day

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20 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:

atom and npp both work great and will even (with a plugin) display the .md (markdown) file as it should appear.

I had some problems with javascript based apps in the past - Atom included. I'm a "heavy user" due my profession, my easiness on handling logs around here came directly by the fact that I'm doing that for years, from critical mission applications to servers that must be running 24/7 and any fix should be done with them "alive". Not for the faint of heart.

I munch 100 or 200 megabytes sized reports on the break-fast - and when something goes wrong, more than once I had to load the entire freaking report on a decent editor for visual inspection ("why in hell my REGEX failed on that log entry?'"). Well, I kinda locked using Eclipse most of the time due that - big, enormous log files are something that this beast still handles fine. :D 

Remarlkable is a Python application, what's ends being a plus for me, as a large portion of my infra and high level applications rely on Python. :) - Old dog, new tricks. You got it. :D 



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No, I didn't had any inside information - I just "knew" KSP 1.8 would be launched this week - call it a premonition or plain lucky shot, but I just knew it was imminent. :D

Not by coincidence, I managed today to grab a better machine for me to complement my development needs, and of course, this will make things easier for KSP development too. :)  The new machine will handle KSP somewhat better too - but I'm keeping the older machine around (I think I will end needing both), so I will test things on it too, and be able to respond on issues on highly restrained environments - that are still a lot of people out there.

In a way or another, the download just finished. I'm firing up tests now, anything weird I will report here ASAP. :)

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