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[1.6.X] Southern Cross Aerospace: Kerbalized Brazilian Space Program


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What is this ?

SCA brings you the complete experience of working in the brazilian space program. Build the Launch Vehicles, send satellites, explore others worlds and much more.


What are you bringing ?


  • VLS Satellite Launcher Family* (VLS-1 , Alfa, Beta, Gama, Delta and Epsilon)
  • VLM Microsatellite Launcher
  • VS40 Suborbital Rocket
  • VS43 Suborbital Rocket
  • VS50 Suborbital Rocket
  • ASTER Spacecraft
  • 14-X Spaceplane
  • SARA Satellite
  • New Probe Cores
  • New Antennas
  • New Science Experiments


*The VLS will be divide in the revisioned program and the original program


What i have done ?

  • VLS-1









This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Edited by Kaleu
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Update 0.2

Changed the mass of the SRBs (made a mistake in config files :p)

Change the ISP and Thrust of the SRBs

Changed the names of the parts

Made a .Craft file of the VLS-1



https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnWFoPxAAX8phSlVU5l88EW4jfVU - SCA mod file

https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnWFoPxAAX8phSt-urYiTpJZr1tw - .Craft File




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@Kaleu, there seems to be a minor error with the ConeComando decoupler, but I'm not sure exactly what; certainly it doesn't appear to be serious enough to prevent the parts from working as anticipated, it's probably just some internal weirdness:

[LOG 14:40:44.593] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'SCA/Parts/VLS/ConeComando/ConeComando'
[ERR 14:40:44.601] Cannot find fx group of that name for decoupler

[ERR 14:40:44.634] Cannot find fx group of that name for decoupler

[LOG 14:40:44.639] PartLoader: Part 'SCA/Parts/VLS/ConeComando/ConeComando' has no database record. Creating.
[ERR 14:40:44.641] Cannot find fx group of that name for decoupler

[LOG 14:40:44.643] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'ConeComando'

Casual inspection doesn't reveal anything obviously wrong with the decoupler fx names used in the part's .cfg file; it's spelled and capitalised properly when compared to stock parts. I'm also seeing the same error occur on Tantares' decouplers, but not on other the parts pack I currently have installed (Mk 3 Expansion). As I said, weird. Still, thought you might like to know.

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20 minutes ago, JH4C said:

@Kaleu, there seems to be a minor error with the ConeComando decoupler, but I'm not sure exactly what; certainly it doesn't appear to be serious enough to prevent the parts from working as anticipated, it's probably just some internal weirdness:

[LOG 14:40:44.593] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'SCA/Parts/VLS/ConeComando/ConeComando'
[ERR 14:40:44.601] Cannot find fx group of that name for decoupler

[ERR 14:40:44.634] Cannot find fx group of that name for decoupler

[LOG 14:40:44.639] PartLoader: Part 'SCA/Parts/VLS/ConeComando/ConeComando' has no database record. Creating.
[ERR 14:40:44.641] Cannot find fx group of that name for decoupler

[LOG 14:40:44.643] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'ConeComando'

Casual inspection doesn't reveal anything obviously wrong with the decoupler fx names used in the part's .cfg file; it's spelled and capitalised properly when compared to stock parts. I'm also seeing the same error occur on Tantares' decouplers, but not on other the parts pack I currently have installed (Mk 3 Expansion). As I said, weird. Still, thought you might like to know.

I Think is because i don't have any FX assigned for that part. And thanks all the feedback are appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

L5 will be put on hold. Because the lack off info on the engine shape (only the combustion chamber as been made so far IRL). Offcourse this depends on Brazilian governament interest in continue the development of the L5 engine.


Edited by Kaleu
Lack of Info on the engine
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