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Looking to adopt a plugin/mod

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So, I've been scouring CKAN for mods that don't seem to be getting any love these days. It's difficult considering that a lot of the creators don't leave behind an email address or anything. However, I am really interested in learning how to program and mod; how best to learn than with my favorite game and it's respective community.

Now, I could look through the 1,900-some-odd incompatible mods on CKAN or I thought I could come here and see if there are any mods you all wish were still supported because you enjoyed having the content. Point me in the direction of a mod (particularly a plugin or simple part mod, conducive for learning) that has been opened up for adoption and I'll take a look and try to contact the mod author.

Thanks for the help and hopefully I'll be able to bring some of your favorite content back to life and learn along the way!

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  On 10/25/2018 at 6:15 AM, DeltaDizzy said:

Hmmm. There's one that would be neat to have but that I don't have the time or motivation for. Do you have a Guthub account? That will make it much easier.


I actually spent tonight getting a bit acquainted with Github and do have an account, shoot me your suggestion and I'll take a look.

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It's called Optional Atmospheres. I basically wrote the plugin side, while someone else came up with the basic idea and started it. I took the whole thing when he left to do something else, but I could't find time/motivation for it so I dropped it too.


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I see the MIT license, so I am free to play with the file? After I get off work tomorrow, I suppose my first step will be to download KSP v1.3.1 and OAR, sit down and get familiar with the code. I downloaded SharpDevelop; am I correct in assuming that is where I can play with the code?

Do you have a Discord or some way for me to easily contact you if I have any questions? I largely plan on teaching myself, but may have mod specific questions, sometime.

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Yes, MIT license is pretty permissive, and you are free to adopt and redistribute derivatives without any consent. 

You can look at the code in any text editor, an IDE is just going to be a more 'immersive' experience, but it can be a bit overwhelming with all the bells and whistles (most of which you'll never use, go figure). 

There's a discord link in my signature where I'd be happy to help you out. 

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  On 10/25/2018 at 1:58 PM, Benjamin Kerman said:

There's a discord link in my signature where I'd be happy to help you out. 



  On 10/25/2018 at 8:23 PM, DeltaDizzy said:

I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about it, and I am DeltaDizzy#6973 on discord.


I appreciate the help guys, I have the next two days off work, so it looks like I've got some time to play around with this stuff and get myself stumped.

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@ItsSeanBroleson If you're still open for suggestions, then can you please adopt this mod? I know it's old, but it works well if you just recompile it. Also, I would like a few features such as configuring callsigns, hopefully by "airline" and maybe changing the stations list to @AdmiralTigerclaw's KSR Airports mod, the DLC Dessert Airfield, and @Eskandare's Kerbin Side Remastered mod from the locations left from the Kerbin Side mod.

Edit: Also, maybe make the flight plan feature usable on the ground far away from the destination. And maybe support for multiple runways and text-to-speech.

Edited by Bottle Rocketeer 500
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You know @Bottle Rocketeer 500, as a former avionics technician who worked on an air base, this mod actually piques my interest, even given that I don't use space planes that often in KSP. Upon reading through the thread though, I quickly got a few ideas for the mod's future, that I think would be fun. I don't want to commit to every mod that comes through this post right off the bat, but since Air Traffic Control is on an MIT license, I'm pretty free to explore it. Like I said, I'm just starting out, but i'll definitely keep ATC in mind and contact the author if I think I can make it into something you'd enjoy.

Thanks for the suggestion!


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  On 10/25/2018 at 10:55 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

@ItsSeanBroleson If you're still open for suggestions, then can you please adopt this mod? I know it's old, but it works well if you just recompile it. Also, I would like a few features such as configuring callsigns, hopefully by "airline" and maybe changing the stations list to @AdmiralTigerclaw's KSR Airports mod, the DLC Dessert Airfield, and @Eskandare's Kerbin Side Remastered mod from the locations left from the Kerbin Side mod.

Edit: Also, maybe make the flight plan feature usable on the ground far away from the destination. And maybe support for multiple runways and text-to-speech.


I approve! 

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