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[1.12.x] StageRecovery - Recover Funds+ from Dropped Stages


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I completely rely on SR.  I should probably adjust its generosity down with regards to how much it pays back, but I keep putting that off for some reason, lol.  Thanks for all the work!  When I wait too long to switch from an upper stage that I manually flip around to burn it retrograde so it gets out of physics range for SR to capture sometimes I delay too long and find myself in atmosphere and can't switch away.  Which is fine, I just deploy the grid fins, then eventually the chutes, and manually recover it stock.  The grid fins make a *huge* impact on deceleration and am hoping at some point that installed grid fins figure into SR terminal velocity calculations.  As it is I have to put way more parachute on than required which really cuts into my DV, but I have to leave the grid fins on just in case I ride it down. Because they are very cool

I've used FMRS and liked it overall for simple craft, launches, and missions, but I find myself getting lost in the "parallel realities" when I'm combining contracts, juggling multiple flights, etc. and about 1/3rd of the time click the wrong button and end up in the wrong alternate universe; and Kerbals die.  <sniff>  Of all the mods out there, SR is, by far, the most straightforward one with such a high impact on game enjoyment, thank you! 

Edited by darthgently
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I want to keep a a kOS vessel on the grounds at KSP to act as a kOS comm hub so miners can report in their current tonnage, scanners their current scan progress whenever their ships are active.  I know I can tell KSP not to "clean up" craft around KSP, but I recall there being some mechanism in SR that will recover vessels left on the ground.  Is this factual?  If so, can I turn it off?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Background: In 1.10.1 I've occasionally encountered strange behavior in the VAB with SR where I will put on a normal number of chutes onto a stage, SR will report the stage to have a predicted final velocity of 5m/s or so, and I'll move on to putting chutes on another stage.  Then, when I revisit the prior stage, even though the number of chutes hasn't changed, nor anything else, SR report that the predicted final velocity has gotten far higher than makes sense.  I typically just ignore and the stage does just fine and when recovered the first, more accurate, predicted velocity pretty much matches the actual recover velocity.

Currently, the above behavior is far more severe.  No matter how many chutes I put on, if I wait long enough in the VAB, SR will decide it isn't enough.  And worse, when I launch, no matter how many chutes I put on, the final velocity is always just over the limit.  Baffled.  I could maybe get more info, but not sure what to get

[edit] Factors that may help narrow the problem:  I'm using Tweakscale and a failure of SR to track the scaling under all conditions may be involved.  But this behavior has definitely occurred when no further rescaling has occurred between SR recalculations.  Also, I'm using procedural parts tanks, which I've found have some oddities.  For example, I know that proc parts cone shaped tanks report incorrect CoM locations.  But I did find their reported mass to be fine for cone shaped tanks. 

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Does anyone have this weird bug? Definitely mod conflict since it works before with stage recovery installed but don't know which one , but remove stage recovery fixes it. (FYI, only with nerv, and only putting nosecone that has engine in it)

skip to 0:35 since I forgot to cut the video.

log https://www.dropbox.com/s/745nrqebbhrud2s/KSP.log?dl=0




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25 minutes ago, ssd21345 said:

Definitely mod conflict since it works before with stage recovery installed but don't know which one , but remove stage recovery fixes it. (FYI, only with nerv)

skip to 0:35 since I forgot to cut the video.

log https://www.dropbox.com/s/745nrqebbhrud2s/KSP.log?dl=0

Please provide the Player.log, also a list of mods installed.

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12 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Please provide the Player.log, also a list of mods installed.


*this is tested with making history engine plate which is also glitched



modlist: https://pastebin.com/bjnEij8T


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I'm not entirely sure if my issue is caused directly by StageRecovery, but Player log did hinted this.

In VAB I do get game freeze/crash when loading some bigger blueprints, but on smaller ones, when adding parachutes game is laggy and can crash.


Exception handling event onEditorShipModified in class CostWidget:System.StackOverflowException: The requested operation caused a stack overflow.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) Lingoona.NativeMethods.useGrammar(string,int,string[],int)
  at Lingoona.Grammar.useGrammar (System.String template, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] parameters) [0x00019] in <e0c7bd16a91147a192ee78873229d1be>:0
  at KSP.Localization.Localizer.FormatWithLingoona (System.String template, System.String[] parameterList) [0x00017] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0
  at KSP.Localization.Localizer._Format (System.String template, System.String[] parameterList) [0x00054] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0
  at KSP.Localization.Localizer.Format (System.String template, System.String[] list) [0x00005] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0
  at KSPUtil.LocalizeNumber (System.Single value, System.String format) [0x00015] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0
  at CostWidget.onCostChange (System.Single vCost) [0x00050] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0
  at CostWidget.onShipModified (ShipConstruct ship) [0x0000b] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0
  at EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) [0x000b0] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0

This is 1st logged exception and it's followed by loads of stack overflow that mention:



Full Player log is on https://www.dropbox.com/s/176qogxjjhwyi6y/Player.log?dl=0 (ca 26Mb).

Keep in mind I do run quite modded version and some mods are not marked as 1.10 ready so I do understand this might be mod conflict or something.

Ckan exported mod list https://www.dropbox.com/s/x5oclndqd5fpg0d/snap.ckan?dl=0


Thank You.

removed Stage recovery and I do not see any lag and no crash in same craft that was causing issues.
Side question - does FMRS have Non-managable stages (parachute fitted) support similar to Stage recovery or bot are needed?

Edited by ttr
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  • 2 months later...


While searching for why I'm getting such poor performance in the VAB I stumbled into a performance issue with this and RealChutes.
The below was on stock 1.11 and just the two mods.

With something as simple as this
https://www.dropbox.com/s/8arkhxymmaiv1yd/screenshot 2021-01-26 23.33.21.png?dl=0 (I actually had Restock in this one)
when I play around with the fuel sliders:

  • SR + RC chutes: below 10FPS
  • SR with no chutes (RC installed): minimal input lag (and maybe 1-2FPS drop if I play with the fuel sliders like a mad man)
  • SR + stock chutes (RC not installed):  silky smooth
  • SR with no chutes (RC not installed): silky smooth
  • just RC: silky smooth

From a glance it seems clear that SR is trying to do some more complicated calculus for RC chutes.

Looking at the source code, a quick option would be to defer all immediate calculations in the VAB when RealChute is detected and only run it on-demand when the player presses recalculate.
The best option would be to profile and see which calculus causes this.

Let me know if you need any logs for this or more information.

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2 minutes ago, Captain828 said:

Looking at the source code, a quick option would be to defer all immediate calculations in the VAB when RealChute is detected and only run it on-demand when the player presses recalculate.
The best option would be to profile and see which calculus causes this.

Sounds like a reasonable suggestion, I'll see what it takes to do that

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1 hour ago, Captain828 said:


While searching for why I'm getting such poor performance in the VAB I stumbled into a performance issue with this and RealChutes.
The below was on stock 1.11 and just the two mods.

With something as simple as this
https://www.dropbox.com/s/8arkhxymmaiv1yd/screenshot 2021-01-26 23.33.21.png?dl=0 (I actually had Restock in this one)
when I play around with the fuel sliders:

  • SR + RC chutes: below 10FPS
  • SR with no chutes (RC installed): minimal input lag (and maybe 1-2FPS drop if I play with the fuel sliders like a mad man)
  • SR + stock chutes (RC not installed):  silky smooth
  • SR with no chutes (RC not installed): silky smooth
  • just RC: silky smooth

From a glance it seems clear that SR is trying to do some more complicated calculus for RC chutes.

Looking at the source code, a quick option would be to defer all immediate calculations in the VAB when RealChute is detected and only run it on-demand when the player presses recalculate.
The best option would be to profile and see which calculus causes this.

Let me know if you need any logs for this or more information.

Do you see the performance loss with all realchute parts, or only specific ones? I only just updated to 1.11 a few hours ago, and I'm using stagerecovery and realchutes, but I'm not seeing any notable performance loss, certainly not as high a loss as what you're describing,  on a craft with this many chutes:

Ignore that, I was being stupid, and somehow failed to install stage recovery in my game. downloaded it, but missed it during the install. I am getting the frame rate drop as well.


Edited by vardicd
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New release, 1.9.3

  • Added stock settings option to disable automatic recalc if RealChutes is installed
  • Added code to check for RealChutes & stock option regarding recalc.
  • Added Right-Click on toolbar button in editor to do recalculation

I have not seen the framerate drop, so added an option to be able to ignore the recalculation if RealChutes is installed.

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2 hours ago, Captain828 said:

@vardicd Does the fix work for you? I'm still seeing the calculation being done with the setting on or off.

Nah, I'm still seeing it, I did notice the option to disable the auto recalc was not turned on by default for me, I had to go into the settings and enable that option, but once I did, I do feel like the lag is less than it was, but it's still there. I wonder if there's something going on, on the realchute side of things, something that changed when RCs was updated to 1.11? might be worth taking your report and logs over there and politely asking stupid_chris if there's anything he can see on his side of things?

EDIT: nevermind, I see now you have been active over there.

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8 minutes ago, Captain828 said:

Given that there are no issues with just RealChute installed this is purely a StageRecovery issue.
Did you try with the option off as well?

Yeah, I tried it both ways, I still see the lag. 

And you're probably right that its an issue on stage recovery's side, but this version of stage recovery worked with the previous version of real cutes and the previous version of KSP with no problems, but both real chutes and KSP have updated, so it's also possible that some change in code, either in RC, or stock KSP is causing stage recovery to behave in unexpected ways when the 3 [2 mods, 1 stock game] are used together. 

I'm probably being over cautious in my language because my anxiety has been firing up pretty hard the last few days, so my brain's afraid to say anything that might come off as confrontational or rude. Just replying on these forums at all right now is near panic attack levels of stress.

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