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Hello all!

Been playing KSP for the past six months or so and have a question:

Are the contracts in career mode tied to the science tree?  Certain contracts appear after I unlock a parts group, even if my progression is only so far.  Example: one might need parts to land on the Mun for the first time and after they are unlocked a new contract appears to place base on Minmus.

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Hello, and welcome to the forums!  :)

1 hour ago, NathanOTWeb said:

Are the contracts in career mode tied to the science tree?

I believe that the answer is "yes", if for no other reason than that certain contracts are impossible without certain tech.

For example, there's a family of contracts along the lines of "build a space station around X", or "land an outpost on X".  These contracts vary in their specific requirements, but one thing that they universally require is that the thing you build has to have a docking port, an antenna, and the ability to generate power.  So, if you haven't unlocked any docking ports yet, or if you haven't unlocked any solar panels, then it would be physically impossible to fulfill such a contract-- and therefore, I believe the game is designed so that it won't offer you any of that sort of contract until you've unlocked a certain set of bare-minimum nodes.

However, I don't think the "need parts to land on the Mun" idea is actually a thing.  That's because there's no one specific part that you need to be able to land on the Mun with.  Therefore, I believe the "World First" contracts (like "land on the Mun") are tied to game progress (i.e. where have you gone, what have you landed on, etc.) rather than the state of the tech tree.

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Ah! But the “Worlds First” contracts include docking two space craft around a particular body (I.e. Kerbin, Mun, Minnie, etc.) which I never see unless I unlock the docking port. 

So to my next question: can you limit what contracts you get by not advancing in the tech tree? Or would you be unable to fulfill certain offered contracts without advancing in the tech tree?

Here's an example: I see a contract to place orbital probe around Kerbin.  It has the requirement of needing to generate power, but I don't have batteries or solar power unlocked.  So I guess that answers my question.

Edited by NathanOTWeb
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Snark's basically got it, except for not being sure. I will confirm his suspicions.

You will  never, ever get a contract to dock 2 ships in orbit of anywhere if you never buy a docking port tech tree node.

You will never, ever get a contract to build a space station or ground base if you never buy at least one each of a tech tree node with docking ports, electricity generators, and antennas.

you will never, ever get a contract to put a satellite into orbit if you never buy at least one each of a tech tree node with probe cores, electricity generators, and antennas.

You will not progress much through the game in any case if you don't unlock these nodes, though. If not for themselves, then for the nodes that will be unattainable by excepting yourself from them. :)

I can say this with assurance because of experience with the mode, and also a bug I recall from years ago when the launch clamps accidentally started allowing satellite contracts, because they actually generate power. They had to IIRC write a special exception for them.

In the stock game of course, mods can do whatever they want.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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