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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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9 hours ago, Dooz said:

can some tell me why my move ike to eve config won't work? no errors in console. description also doesn't work. Not quite sure if this Is the right place for this.

			@referenceBody = Eve
			inclination = 0.3
			eccentricity = 0.1
			semiMajorAxis = 6190000
			description = Ike Is moon of eve.


syntax is fine, this should work

maybe you have some other planet pack that interferes

to get more help click on the nyan cat in my sig

Edited by Sigma88
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8 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

syntax is fine, this should work

maybe you have some other planet pack that interferes

to get more help click on the nyan cat in my sig

Nope. @Dooz place a percent in front of inclination, semiMajorAxis, eccentricity and description, like %inclination, %semiMajorAxis, %eccentricity and %description. I bet it'll work.

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25 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

Nope. @Dooz place a percent in front of inclination, semiMajorAxis, eccentricity and description, like %inclination, %semiMajorAxis, %eccentricity and %description. I bet it'll work.

If % works it means that there are some other mods defining those values before his patch.

If he is doing that on stock + kopernicus alone the syntax is fine since the values he is trying to set are not defined.

However, since he is using @ for the reference body, it means that if his ike is not orbiting eve it is because something else is either moving or resetting ike after his patch gets applied.

Edited by Sigma88
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I had some other configs (no planet packs), I removed them.  However when I run the game with only the Ike config nothing changes. 

The Log has nothing useful either, no errors accept this one "[SurfaceObject]: Cannot return to original parent, it no longer exists." not even sure if this error is even related to kopernicus.

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51 minutes ago, Dooz said:

I had some other configs (no planet packs), I removed them.  However when I run the game with only the Ike config nothing changes. 

The Log has nothing useful either, no errors accept this one "[SurfaceObject]: Cannot return to original parent, it no longer exists." not even sure if this error is even related to kopernicus.

Just use the percent. I've seen this before, don't ask me why but it works.

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I'm having some very odd problems with one of my planet textures. It looks like there are these hexagonal holes going through the planet texture. Here are some screenshots:






 Does anyone know what might me causing this issue?

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Would Kopernicus do anything that messes with this stock API call?

I'm trying to trace a problem I got when I installed Galileo's Planet Pack (which includes Kopernicus as the main mod it uses) that broke the kOS mod's attempts to return the ETA to Apoapsis (which uses the C# call mentioned above).

In a stock game, it returns the number of seconds until Apoapsis.  But what I got with the mod returned a number in the range 10,000,000-ish numbers of seconds, which is hundreds of days and that's in an 80km orbit with a period that takes only about 20 minutes or so.

I'm still trying to trace what caused it by going through all the mods that are inside Galileo's Planet Pack one mod at a time installing them piecemeal but I thought I'd ask just in case it's an already known thing so I don't have the spend the time doing that.

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I'm having a really weird bug. There's this planet I'm making, where I developed the texture first and then added the oceans. It worked out, until I linked the maps in the config. Now the planet keeps its all-white texture from before! This is odd, especially since the height and normal maps work. Here's my config:

		name = Apeliotes
		cacheFile = PJP/Apeliotes/Cache/Apeliotes.bin

            name = Duna
			removeAllPQSMods = true
				angle = 0.0
				outerRadius = 1800
				innerRadius = 2200
				texture = PJP/Apeliotes/ring
				colour = RGBA(0.100, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
				lockRotation = True
				unlit = True

            referenceBody = KIC 7848638
            inclination = 1.13
            eccentricity = 0.04
            semiMajorAxis = 1.430159201321e+10
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 299
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 14
            epoch = 7
            color = 0.65,0.655,0.8,1
            description = Once known as Indra, the planet Apeilotes (KIC 7848638 f) was originally thought to be a gas dwarf with Mars-like temperatures. A mathematical re-analysis of the planet showed that it is more likely to be around 1.6 Earth radii. This makes Apeliotes a huge, icy ocean world. It also has a possible moon.
            radius = 954660
            geeASL = 1.155
			rotationPeriod = 9249.5612
			rotates = true
			tidallyLocked = false
			initialRotation = 0
			isHomeWorld = false
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 65000 65000 75000 110000 170000 260000 300000
				landedDataValue = 18.5
				splashedDataValue = 1
				flyingLowDataValue = 17
				flyingHighDataValue = 16
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 15
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 14
				recoveryValue = 18
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 45000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 100000
        //set the atmosphere properties
            ambientColor = 0.24,0.25,0.25,1
            lightColor = 0.65,0.57,0.475,0.5
            enabled = true
            oxygen = true
            altitude = 64000.0
                key = 0 321.59 -1.32825662337662E-02 -1.32825662337662E-02
                key = 3850 170.45212 -1.08101766233766E-02 -1.08101766233766E-02
                key = 7700 98.35164 -6.61608311688312E-03 -6.61608311688312E-03
                key = 11550 49.50828 -3.70578701298701E-03 -3.70578701298701E-03
                key = 15400 19.81708 -1.89074805194805E-03 -1.89074805194805E-03
                key = 19250 5.94952 -9.4665974025974E-04 -9.4665974025974E-04
                key = 23100 2.5278 -4.7371948051948E-04 -4.7371948051948E-04
                key = 26950 1.30188 -2.38877922077922E-04 -2.38877922077922E-04
                key = 30800 0.68844 -1.20685714285714E-04 -1.20685714285714E-04
                key = 34650 0.3726 -6.2212987012987E-05 -6.2212987012987E-05
                key = 38500 0.2094 -3.29298701298701E-05 -3.29298701298701E-05
                key = 42350 0.11904 -1.80935064935065E-05 -1.80935064935065E-05
                key = 46200 0.07008 -1.02857142857143E-05 -1.02857142857143E-05
                key = 50050 0.03984 -6.21818181818182E-06 -6.21818181818182E-06
                key = 53900 0.0222 -3.63116883116883E-06 -3.63116883116883E-06
                key = 57750 0.01188 -2.07272727272727E-06 -2.07272727272727E-06
                key = 61600 0.00624 -1.13766233766234E-06 -1.13766233766234E-06
                key = 65450 0.00312 -6.07792207792208E-07 -6.07792207792208E-07
                key = 69300 0.00156 -3.42857142857143E-07 -3.42857142857143E-07
                key = 73150 0.00048 -2.02597402597403E-07 -2.02597402597403E-07
                key = 77000 0 -1.24675324675325E-07 -1.24675324675325E-07
            pressureCurveIsNormalized = false
            temperatureSeaLevel = 208.15
                key = 0 208.15 -0.008333333766 -0.008333333766
                key = 9240 112.4633208 -0.001180336104 -0.001176697662
                key = 16170 112.4633208 0.001176697662 0.001176697662
                key = 23870 166.5252345 0.0006431355844 0.0006431355844
                key = 43120 166.5252345 -0.0008869198701 -0.0008869198701
                key = 61600 143.9579481 -0.001180336104 -0.001180336104
                key = 69300 143.9579481 0.0006152915584 0.0006152915584
                key = 77000 186.2245352 0.0009020832468 0.0009020832468
                key = 115500 0 -0.0005839079221 -0.0005839079221
                key = 0 1 0 0
                key = 5923.076923 0.5 -0.00007792207792 -0.0001333050649
                key = 6526.656231 0 0 0
                key = 11883.45738 0 0 0
                key = 28045.35461 0.2 0 0
                key = 42527.78708 0.2 0 0
                key = 54071.53228 0 0 0
                key = 77000 0.4 0 0
                texture = PJP/Apeilotes/Textures/Color.png
                normals = PJP/Apeliotes/Textures/Normals.png
                shininess = 0.1
                specColor = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1
                rimPower = 3.54
                rimBlend = 0.81
                    0.0 = 0.1, 0.2, 0.35, 1.0
                    0.5 = 0.35,0.2,0.1,1.0
                    1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1.0
        //Lets give it some Landmasses
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
                saturation = 0.6
                contrast = 2.3
                tintColor = 1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000
                powerNear = 0.6
                powerFar = 0.5

                groundTexStart = 0
                groundTexEnd = 20000

                steepPower = 3
                steepTexStart = 0
                steepTexEnd = 50000
                steepTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00
                steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/Cliff (Layered Rock)_NRM
                steepNearTiling = 1700
                steepTiling = 50

                lowTex = BUILTIN/SandyGround
                lowBumpMap = BUILTIN/bouldernormal
                lowNearTiling = 30000
                lowMultiFactor = 10
                lowBumpNearTiling = 500
                lowBumpFarTiling = 10

                midTex = BUILTIN/distantground
                midBumpMap = BUILTIN/05_NORMAL
                midNearTiling = 10000
                midMultiFactor = 100
                midBumpNearTiling = 100
                midBumpFarTiling = 10

                highTex = BUILTIN/snow
                highBumpMap = BUILTIN/Waterbump
                highNearTiling = 10000
                highMultiFactor = 100
                highBumpNearTiling = 1000
                highBumpFarTiling = 10

                lowStart = 0
                lowEnd = 0.6
                highStart = 0.8
                highEnd = 1
				globalDensity = 0
                    map = PJP/Apeliotes/PluginData/Height.png
                    offset = -1500
                    deformity = 7000.0
                    scaleDeformityByRadius = false
                    order = 20
                    enabled = true
					map = PJP/Apeliotes/Textures/Color.png
					order = 20
					enabled = true
                    seed = 670000
                    deformity = 1700.0
                    octaves = 12.0
                    persistence = 0.5
                    frequency = 4.0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 21
					noiseType = RiggedMultifractal
					deformity = 1000.0
					seed = 5906
					frequency = 2.0
					lacunarity = 2.5
					persistance = 0.5
					octaves = 4
					mode = Low
					enabled = true
					order = 22
					seed = 4234
					deformity = 400
					octaves = 6.0
					persistence = 0.5
					frequency = 18.0
					enabled = true
					order = 30
					atmosphereDepth = 4000.0
					invert = false
					enabled = false
					order = 999999999
					globalDensity = -0.00001
					heightFalloff = 6.75
					atmosphereDepth = 150000
					DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
					cameraAlt = 0
					cameraAtmosAlt = 0
					heightDensAtViewer = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 100
                    deformity = 100
                    ridgedAddSeed = 123456
                    ridgedAddFrequency = 12
                    ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
                    ridgedAddOctaves = 4
                    ridgedSubSeed = 654321
                    ridgedSubFrequency = 12
                    ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
                    ridgedSubOctaves = 4
                        key = 0 0 0.1466263 0.1466263
                        key = 0.7922793 0.2448772 0.6761706 1.497418
                        key = 1 1 6.106985 6.106985
                    simplexHeightStart = 0
                    simplexHeightEnd = 6500
                    simplexSeed = 123456
                    simplexOctaves = 4
                    simplexPersistence = 0.6
                    simplexFrequency = 12
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
        //Now we insert the ocean
            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            minLevel = 2
            maxLevel = 16
            minDetailDistance = 16
            oceanColor = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
                colorFromSpace = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
                color = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
                colorFromSpace = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
                color = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
                    globalDensity = -0.00001
                    heightFalloff = 6.75
                    atmosphereDepth = 150000
                    DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
                    cameraAlt = 0
                    cameraAtmosAlt = 0
                    heightDensAtViewer = 0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
                        waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
                        waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
                        waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
                        waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
                        waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
                        waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
                        waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
                        waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
                    framesPerSecond = 1
                    spaceAltitude = 150000
                    blendA = 0
                    blendB = 0
                    texBlend = 0
                    angle = 0
                    specColor = 0.0,0.0,-1,1
                    oceanOpacity = 0
                    spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
                fogColorEnd = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
                fogColorStart = 0.15,0.25,0.35,1
                skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7

And yes, this is from ProtoJeb's Planets (version 0.1 is coming...).

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my log spammed with messages (x20 per second) sort of 

[WRN 19:41:10.578] [Kopernicus] Remove 128 colliders

and i have some impact on performance, can this be the problem of my lag when im belowe certain altitude?


before spam there is

[EXC 19:40:43.035] NullReferenceException
	Kopernicus.Components.Scatter.Update ()
[EXC 19:40:43.037] NullReferenceException
	Kopernicus.Components.Scatter.Update ()


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5 minutes ago, Heckspress said:

is there a way to get an option to choose between planet packs? I want to try Galileo, but I don't want to do that if it means destroying my stock saves


That's not possible AFAIK, which is why the first rule of modding is 'always back up your saves'.

Edited by The White Guardian
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13 minutes ago, Heckspress said:

is there a way to get an option to choose between planet packs? I want to try Galileo, but I don't want to do that if it means destroying my stock saves


Just do what I did and create a completely new install of the game - one modded stock Kerbin system (using your current planet pack) and one modded GPP system.

Nice thing about KSP, being able to have multiple copies installed.

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3 minutes ago, Heckspress said:

Hmm. Slight problem: I have the steam version.


1. Enter your Steam library

2. Right-click KSP, select properties, and select 'browse through local content' or something like that, I don't remember the layout of the menu but I know it's there, I use it frequently.

3. Copy the contents of your KSP directory and paste them elsewhere.

4. Done, just run KSP_64.exe and it'll work like a charm.


I always use this trick myself, I've got at least half a dozen copies of KSP for mod development purposes, it's been ages since the last time I've actually sat down and played the game properly now that I think of it...

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35 minutes ago, Heckspress said:

Hmm. Slight problem: I have the steam version.

So do I.  Just go to Program files > Steam > Steam Apps > Common and copy the KSP folder somewhere else.  You won't get automatic updates when Squad updates KSP, but if you're using mods, that's a good thing.  Steam won't argue with you for doing it.  I leave a (unmodded) copy there in the steam folder though for updates.

31 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:


1. Enter your Steam library

2. Right-click KSP, select properties, and select 'browse through local content' or something like that, I don't remember the layout of the menu but I know it's there, I use it frequently.

3. Copy the contents of your KSP directory and paste them elsewhere.

4. Done, just run KSP_64.exe and it'll work like a charm.


I always use this trick myself, I've got at least half a dozen copies of KSP for mod development purposes, it's been ages since the last time I've actually sat down and played the game properly now that I think of it...

I don't use them for mod dev work, but I've got ten copies (five versions, but bone stock and modded of each) myself, plus several beta versions - all told, close to twenty versions of KSP - all tucked in their own folders inside a single  larger folder (so I don't clutter up my desktop).  The only versions I actually have .exe's for on my desktop are a 1.2.1 modded install with the stock system, and as of a couple hours ago, a 1.2.1 modded Galileo's Planet Pack install.

I keep completely unmodded installs for Just In Case™.

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Is anyone else getting the:

[EXC 19:40:02.936] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
   Kopernicus.RuntimeUtility.LateUpdate ()

error being spammed in map view?

I'm seeing it with a new install of KSP with no other mods but Kopernicus, ModularFlightIntegrator, and ModuleManager.2.7.4


Scratch that, seems that it was a problem with some save files.

Edited by frencrs
Removing question
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so, I'm having a problem with landcontrol and I'm hoping someone here can help me

my issue is with the longitude selection for a class.

here's a view from the north pole of a planet


if i select 0 as start and 0.25 as end, the "top-left" quarter will be colored by the class I am editing.

if I select start = 0  and end = 0.5, the whole "top" half will be colored (etc.)

up untill 0.75 everything is fine, but if I try to go over 0.75 nothing changes, only the 3 quarters from 0 to 0.75 are colored and the quarter between 0.75 and 0 remains not colored.

if I try to set the start to a negative number I get the color over the entire quarter between 0 and 0.75, no matter what number I choose.

so Start = -0.0001  end = 0.25 would color all the "left" half,


how do I select a specific range of longitudes in that quarter?


pinging some people that might know about this: @The White Guardian @KillAshley @GregroxMun

Edited by Sigma88
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I'm trying to get the Death Star running in 1.2, but my Kopernicus.log file reads:

//=====  Kopernicus 1.2.0-3 - (BuildDate: 27.10.2016 17:36:39; AssemblyHash: nLjkakaKsz6xAO8W1zG+Wrq3lhc=)  =====//
[LOG 16:19:34]: Logger "Kopernicus" was created
[LOG 16:19:34]: Injector.OnDestroy(): Complete

My GameData folder and deathstar.cfg file look just about the same as they did before. Is there something extra I need to do to get Kopernicus to recognize the mod again? Thanks in advance.

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28 minutes ago, cubinator said:

I'm trying to get the Death Star running in 1.2, but my Kopernicus.log file reads:

//=====  Kopernicus 1.2.0-3 - (BuildDate: 27.10.2016 17:36:39; AssemblyHash: nLjkakaKsz6xAO8W1zG+Wrq3lhc=)  =====//
[LOG 16:19:34]: Logger "Kopernicus" was created
[LOG 16:19:34]: Injector.OnDestroy(): Complete

My GameData folder and deathstar.cfg file look just about the same as they did before. Is there something extra I need to do to get Kopernicus to recognize the mod again? Thanks in advance.

if it's not working we'll need the full logs to understand where it is breaking. (click nyan cat for the full list of files needed)

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I seem to have a problem with Kopernicus.

You see, I installed Galileo's planet pack, and then I installed Kopernicus, no problem so far. I load up the game, on the loading screen, it says that both mods are loading, and even KSP-AVC says that both mods are present and loading, but when I get to the main menu, it just shows Kerbin, I load up my save, go to the tracking station, it's the default system. What's going on? Help!

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