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Hey peeps.

I've been working on a standalone Simplex mod to do with propulsion, which is modified form of @Jimbodiahengine SSRSS nerf. (It's part of the simplex TechTree currently, but this will be standalone).  Jimbodiah's nerf means that everything is 30% less powerful/efficient and he admits it's a long work in progress.

Anyway,  my variant on this  is that engines are less efficient at sea level but retain stock ability in a vacuum - hopefully making three stage rockets neccessary with stock engines but one in orbit you get a stock game.  I'm working on part upgrades improve performance for some engines.  The part upgrades will be cheaper tech tree nodes that only give atmosphere improvements for particular engines.

This will be standalone to work with stock tech tree, or even ctt.

Also, there will be a fuel rebalance like SAFIRE that changes ratios of fuel from 1.1:0.9 to 3:1 and only the large ISRU being able to produce LF.   The small ISRU can produce still produce Oxidizer.

I was wondering if people wanted an option for a vacuum nerf as well or have  any other suggestions.


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  On 3/15/2019 at 7:09 PM, theJesuit said:

Hey peeps.

I've been working on a standalone Simplex mod to do with propulsion, which is modified form of @Jimbodiahengine SSRSS nerf. (It's part of the simplex TechTree currently, but this will be standalone).  Jimbodiah's nerf means that everything is 30% less powerful/efficient and he admits it's a long work in progress.

Anyway,  my variant on this  is that engines are less efficient at sea level but retain stock ability in a vacuum - hopefully making three stage rockets neccessary with stock engines but one in orbit you get a stock game.  I'm working on part upgrades improve performance for some engines.  The part upgrades will be cheaper tech tree nodes that only give atmosphere improvements for particular engines.

This will be standalone to work with stock tech tree, or even ctt.

Also, there will be a fuel rebalance like SAFIRE that changes ratios of fuel from 1.1:0.9 to 3:1 and only the large ISRU being able to produce LF.   The small ISRU can produce still produce Oxidizer.

I was wondering if people wanted an option for a vacuum nerf as well or have  any other suggestions.



Wow, sounds like a cool project! Personally I'll probably stick with rescaling the system to either 2.5x or 3.2x which also makes 3 stage rockets necessary, if by a different mechanic.


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  • 1 month later...

Just thought I would drop a quick question here.  My heart's desire is to get a small (stock size if possible) Real Solar System to play in AND use the parts from Making History.  My take on reading some things here is that these two things do not go together.  Period. Is that correct and if so what is my 2nd best option?  I guess use whatever version of SSRSS is best and download user made historic parts to emulate me some history?

Also and finally - why the hell doesn't KSP create a real solar system DLC?  I would think it would be insanely popular?

Thanks - Comrade Chertok



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  On 5/10/2019 at 12:47 AM, GungaDin said:

Also and finally - why the hell doesn't KSP create a real solar system DLC?  I would think it would be insanely popular?


This in itself would have made Making History an incredibly popular dlc...  @SQUAD maybe that should be an update to Making History? Hint hint? PLEASE?

  On 5/10/2019 at 12:47 AM, GungaDin said:

My heart's desire is to get a small (stock size if possible) Real Solar System to play in AND use the parts from Making History. 


Your best bet is to do what everyone else does.  In the Making History folder you could delete (make a backup of it first) the folders which aren't part related.  From memory you should keep the Parts, Spaces, and Localization folders in Making History.  Then it would load the Mission Builder, extra launch sites or fancy suits but will give you the parts.  Spaces folder are the IVAs.


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  On 5/10/2019 at 7:45 PM, theJesuit said:

This in itself would have made Making History an incredibly popular dlc...  @SQUAD maybe that should be an update to Making History? Hint hint? PLEASE?

Your best bet is to do what everyone else does.  In the Making History folder you could delete (make a backup of it first) the folders which aren't part related.  From memory you should keep the Parts, Spaces, and Localization folders in Making History.  Then it would load the Mission Builder, extra launch sites or fancy suits but will give you the parts.  Spaces folder are the IVAs.



OK then.  Let's see if I can 'not' fu%k this up eh?  

1 - backup my KSP folders and then delete everything under making History except  Parts, Spaces, and Localization folders.

2- Downshift my KSP install to KSP 1.3 from the Steam menu. (Question here though - won't this action delete my Making History files? if so I guess I could set them aside BEFORE I take step 1...)

3 - Follow all steps from CKAN to install SSRSS.

Does that sound about right?  Pray for me!

In the end I want KSP 1.3 with SSRSS installed AND loose Historical parts to choose from.  

Edited by GungaDin
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  On 5/11/2019 at 4:55 PM, GungaDin said:

OK then.  Let's see if I can 'not' fu%k this up eh?  

1 - backup my KSP folders and then delete everything under making History except  Parts, Spaces, and Localization folders.

2- Downshift my KSP install to KSP 1.3 from the Steam menu. (Question here though - won't this action delete my Making History files? if so I guess I could set them aside BEFORE I take step 1...)

3 - Follow all steps from CKAN to install SSRSS.

Does that sound about right?  Pray for me!

In the end I want KSP 1.3 with SSRSS installed AND loose Historical parts to choose from.  


Why downgrade to 1.3? Why not 1.6.1? What mods haven't been updated? 

You could always install manually.  I'll add you to the prayer list.

Anyway.  How did it go? 


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Anyone knows how the latest scatterer treats the ssrss with its configs on 1.6.1?

All other visual packs needed an update to make the new scatterer work properly, so I assume the same applies here as well. Anybody feel up to the task?



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  On 5/11/2019 at 8:31 PM, theJesuit said:

Why downgrade to 1.3? Why not 1.6.1? What mods haven't been updated? 

You could always install manually.  I'll add you to the prayer list.

Anyway.  How did it go? 



Agreed, you should be able to play in 1.6.x


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm still trying to get SSRSS installed but struggling.  I'm close though and hope that someone can recognize my remaining symptoms.

I rolled back my KSP version to 3.1 and then installed the following - 

- SSRSS continued - galilleo88

- Stock size real solar system, high rez clouds - galilleo88

- Stock size rss - Rescale - Sigma88

- Stock size RSS - Stock inclinations -  galilleo88

I did this using CKAn and it said I was succesful so I launched KSP

The result is that the game launched OK but when I start a scenareo my launch pad apperas to be in water (blue surroundings) and when I go to tracking station and look at Earth I do not see where my launch pad is on the now beautiful planet earth.

Any ideas as to what I did wrong?

OH - Also I appear to have all the parts from making history!

Thanks for any help.

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I just read through this entire thread and I know what's wrong with my SSRS setup but not how to fix it. My space centers are apparently spawning below sea level!  Does anyone know the fix for that?  My setup is listed in my previous post.

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  On 6/12/2019 at 9:51 PM, GungaDin said:

I just read through this entire thread and I know what's wrong with my SSRS setup but not how to fix it. My space centers are apparently spawning below sea level!  Does anyone know the fix for that?  My setup is listed in my previous post.


I'm not sure how you would have KSP 1.3.1 and the making history parts.  Try deleting the SquadExpansion folder if it is there.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/4/2019 at 6:41 AM, Dafni said:

@Tyko and the whole SSRSS fanclub: how do you guys feel about the new KSRSS? Anyone had a go yet? How does it stack up to our good old SSRSS? Performance-wise etc?




It looks really cool! I haven't tried it yet. For others who are interested, here the link:


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  On 7/5/2019 at 8:11 AM, theJesuit said:

I wish.  So much to do on intergrating KSPIE with the new Simplex TechTree. :)


Okay, your demand for a postponement has been granted  :)

And thank you for your work, on behalf of the whole KSP crowd, even though I am not familiar with either one of these mods (sandbox head here).

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  On 7/4/2019 at 6:41 AM, Dafni said:

@Tyko and the whole SSRSS fanclub: how do you guys feel about the new KSRSS? Anyone had a go yet? How does it stack up to our good old SSRSS? Performance-wise etc?




I've had limited experience with both but have wokring versions of both on 1.7.1 at the moment, and both appear near-identical as far a sI can tell, except for a few key differences! For one, KSRSS has all the new launchpoints on the homeworld, which SSRSS seems to be lacking due to its older version. There is also a few more additions in regards to planetary type-bodies, like Haily's comet, etc.

Overall I really like the KSRSS build so far.

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  On 7/9/2019 at 8:38 PM, DracoSilverpath said:

I've had limited experience with both but have wokring versions of both on 1.7.1 at the moment, and both appear near-identical as far a sI can tell, except for a few key differences! For one, KSRSS has all the new launchpoints on the homeworld, which SSRSS seems to be lacking due to its older version. There is also a few more additions in regards to planetary type-bodies, like Haily's comet, etc.

Overall I really like the KSRSS build so far.


Thanks for sharing your experience.

I agree with you as far as I can tell, still have to explore it a bit more. The weird thing is I am getting significantly worse physics performance with KSRSS than i do with SSRSS or even RSS on otherwise similar installs. Might ask around in the KSRSS thread about this.


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  • 6 months later...

Hello fellow space explorers, 

Long time lurker and big fan of SSRSS. 

I just recently reinstalled Ksp after a long time, but I see that the mod has disappeared from Galileo's Github. Is there any way for me to get it? Maybe someone could share the. zip?

Sorry for bothering you, and I apologize in advance if this is against the rules. 

I tried KSRSS, but aside some minor (and solvable) issues, I found the lack of moons a bit off-putting, like for example Saturn having only 2, so I'd really like to run the 'original' SSRSS. 

Thanks in advance for any eventual reply. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/14/2020 at 5:06 PM, theJesuit said:

Galileo tool it down as he felt he no longer wished to support it.

I'm not sure if there is a repisiotory anywhere as it was always a Github install methinks.

Is KSRSS going to add more moons at some point?



Yes we are going to add more Saturn and Uranus moons, probably in KSRSS 0.6 and 0.7.

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