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Steam or not to Steam

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Hello what a great Game.

Have been playing this game since December 2018. Yes Only a few months. I purchased it on STEAM. Bad Idea.

Steam seems to slow the system down even when you tell steam to stop all background updates and messaging.

So today I purchased the Kerbal Space Program Direct from you including the expansion. All is now well. What I wanted to do was transfer the steam version to the bespoke one.

Anyway This question is Why did Steam have such an overhead. Steam Tech just refereed me to you.

I was just wondering if this has come up before,

The Game itself I have no issues with at all. Even the Mods work fine. This steam thing occurs with and without mods installed.

N.B. is there and introduction thread?

Regards Stephen  AKA Lankspace.

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Welcome Aboard Lankspace!

Steam can induce some overhead above and beyond what the game requires, as it's own software and such keeps running in the background. 

But you can launch the Ksp.exe directly by clicking on it, even with the steam software shut down. 

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As @Gargamel said, you can launch KSP directly without opening Steam.  There's no DRM on KSP, so Steam doesn't need to be running.  I wish you'd come and asked first, would have saved you some cash.


Although I don't know why Steam is causing you an issue.  How do you know it's Steam causing the issue, if you've never run KSP by itself?  KSP is a bit of a resource hog.

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Hi guys, yes I should have come here first. Yes It does appear to be Steam is the culprit. Still I live and learn. Hopefully others will gain by my loss. Thanks for the feedback. I can say since running this version the system runs a lot smoother, and I am running an I9-7900X with 32gig 3000 memory. and M.2 SSD, with 1080 video. So it normally goes like well brown stuff off a shovel. But I can see that they do not use the GFX card to it's full potential. the Cpu seems to work very hard.

But I digress you have indeed answered my question.

In relation to the purchase how do they police there corporate copyright on KSP if there is no DRM? Or should I not ask!

Thanks agin for the fast response. Regards Stephen. AKA. Lankspace.

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