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[1.12.5] Restock - Revamping KSP's art (August 28)


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Hi, I found a small bug with Castor and Anvil boosters. In VAB, I had only Castor booster, but when I tried to launch the rocket, it changed to Anvil booster. Also when I saved the ship, in text file of the ship it said it contains Anvil booster. I found files for both boosters in Restock plus folder and found out that Anvil is hidden. So I think your intention was to replace Anvil with Castor, but the link in game somegow still exists. Deleting the Anvil file from game data solved the problem.

And thaks, the mod is awesome :-)

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7 hours ago, Wallygator said:

Clarity is most effective when established up front.  The OP is confusing. 

Would you like me to add a diagram to the OP? I mean, we've been going a good 9 months without confusion so I figured things were pretty clear. 

9 hours ago, Pavel88 said:

Hi, I found a small bug with Castor and Anvil boosters. In VAB, I had only Castor booster, but when I tried to launch the rocket, it changed to Anvil booster. Also when I saved the ship, in text file of the ship it said it contains Anvil booster. I found files for both boosters in Restock plus folder and found out that Anvil is hidden. So I think your intention was to replace Anvil with Castor, but the link in game somegow still exists. Deleting the Anvil file from game data solved the problem.

And thaks, the mod is awesome :-)

Good find! Looks like the partname is the same and it shouldn't be. I'm preparing a 1.0.2 patch right now so I'll add that in.

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19 hours ago, Wallygator said:

Currently the restocked and restocked+ links via the GitHub are identical - slightly confusing

14 hours ago, Poodmund said:

Intentional; they are both distributed under the same release:
Just requires a bit of reading is all. :D 

8 hours ago, Wallygator said:

Clarity is most effective when established up front.  The OP is confusing. 

1 hour ago, Nertea said:

Would you like me to add a diagram to the OP? I mean, we've been going a good 9 months without confusion so I figured things were pretty clear. 


In all honesty and fairness, He's not the first to miss the second link on Github. I did as well, as posted back on page 16, on March 16th. Rawenwarcrow Had to point it out to me back then. Now, that said, he and I may be the only people to miss it and I'm known among my friends to be horribly unobservant, but It has happened. I don't know that updating the front page is needed, mind you, just commenting the occasional confusion does occur. :blush::/:blush:

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20 hours ago, vardicd said:


In all honesty and fairness, He's not the first to miss the second link on Github. I did as well, as posted back on page 16, on March 16th. Rawenwarcrow Had to point it out to me back then. Now, that said, he and I may be the only people to miss it and I'm known among my friends to be horribly unobservant, but It has happened. I don't know that updating the front page is needed, mind you, just commenting the occasional confusion does occur. :blush::/:blush:

Fair enough. It's not exactly ideal but considering the combination of how GH functions, CKAN indexes and our packaging scripts work, changing this requires a large amount of effort.

ReStock 1.0.2

  • Fixed plugin instantiation issue
  • Fixed 'tankbutt' localizations for Skiff showing 1.875m when they should be 2.5m (#766)
  • Fixed inflatable heatshield fairing (#765)

Restock+ 1.0.2


  • Fixed tech tree locations for 1.875m decoupler and separator
  •  Fixed Castor SRB having the same part name as old Anvil
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I'm trying to whitelist the Mk 1-3 Command Pod but also have the Restock variant too (for compatibility with another mod that the author refuses to do a restock patch for), I tried following the directions on the wiki for doing so, but all I get is a part with no textures/models (Restock version shows up just fine)


Is this the correct way to edit the patch to allow for both?

// Mk1-3 Pod
  @name = mk1-3-pod_restock
  @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea)
  !mesh = DELETE
  !MODEL,* {}
  !MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] {}
  @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.318, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
    model = ReStock/Assets/Command/restock-mk1-3-pod
    position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    scale = 1,1,1
    rotation = 0, 0, 0

        channel = Ship
        transformName = thrustTransform
        clip = sound_rocket_mini
        volume = 0.0 0.0
        volume = 0.1 0.0
        volume = 0.5 0.025
        volume = 1.0 0.1
        pitch = 1.0
        loop = true
        name = fx1
        modelName = ReStock/FX/restock-fx-rcs-1
        transformName = thrustTransform
        emission = 0.0 0.0
        emission = 0.1 0.0
        emission = 1.0 1.0
        speed = 0.0 0.8
        speed = 1.0 1.0
        //localRotation = -90, 0, 0
        name = fx2
        modelName = ReStock/FX/restock-fx-rcs-1
        transformName = thrustTransform
        emission = 0.0 0.0
        emission = 0.1 0.0
        emission = 1.0 1.0
        speed = 0.0 0.8
        speed = 1.0 1.0
        //localRotation = -90, 0, 0
        localPosition = 0, -0.015, 0



Edited by aceman67
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12 hours ago, aceman67 said:

I'm trying to whitelist the Mk 1-3 Command Pod but also have the Restock variant too (for compatibility with another mod that the author refuses to do a restock patch for), I tried following the directions on the wiki for doing so, but all I get is a part with no textures/models (Restock version shows up just fine)


Is this the correct way to edit the patch to allow for both?

// Mk1-3 Pod
  @name = mk1-3-pod_restock
  @author = Chris Adderley (Nertea)
  !mesh = DELETE
  !MODEL,* {}
  !MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric] {}
  @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.318, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
    model = ReStock/Assets/Command/restock-mk1-3-pod
    position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    scale = 1,1,1
    rotation = 0, 0, 0

        channel = Ship
        transformName = thrustTransform
        clip = sound_rocket_mini
        volume = 0.0 0.0
        volume = 0.1 0.0
        volume = 0.5 0.025
        volume = 1.0 0.1
        pitch = 1.0
        loop = true
        name = fx1
        modelName = ReStock/FX/restock-fx-rcs-1
        transformName = thrustTransform
        emission = 0.0 0.0
        emission = 0.1 0.0
        emission = 1.0 1.0
        speed = 0.0 0.8
        speed = 1.0 1.0
        //localRotation = -90, 0, 0
        name = fx2
        modelName = ReStock/FX/restock-fx-rcs-1
        transformName = thrustTransform
        emission = 0.0 0.0
        emission = 0.1 0.0
        emission = 1.0 1.0
        speed = 0.0 0.8
        speed = 1.0 1.0
        //localRotation = -90, 0, 0
        localPosition = 0, -0.015, 0



I don't see anything about whitelisting in your post. Did you look at this page? It looks like you did step 2 but not 1. 

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This might be a cross-version issue, but when I use the hemispherical 1.25m fuel tank from Restock+ 1.0.2 in KSP 1.7.3, it produces about as much drag as Switzerland and an entire rocket just refused to go above 200m/s because it had one of them on it, even though it was inside a fairing.

Maybe it's just not meant to be used in KSP 1.7.3, but everything else in restock/+ 1.0.2 works fine in KSP 1.7.3; I haven't had time yet to try and reproduce the craft in KSP v1.8.1 to see if there's a bug with the part generally or if it's just a version clash thing. I'll try that tomorrow.

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5 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

This might be a cross-version issue, but when I use the hemispherical 1.25m fuel tank from Restock+ 1.0.2 in KSP 1.7.3, it produces about as much drag as Switzerland and an entire rocket just refused to go above 200m/s because it had one of them on it, even though it was inside a fairing.

Maybe it's just not meant to be used in KSP 1.7.3, but everything else in restock/+ 1.0.2 works fine in KSP 1.7.3; I haven't had time yet to try and reproduce the craft in KSP v1.8.1 to see if there's a bug with the part generally or if it's just a version clash thing. I'll try that tomorrow.

There are drag differences between KSP 1.7.x and 1.8.x which often result in unexpected behaviour. I would delete your PartDatabase.cfg to let the game rebuild the drag cube cache as a first start. 


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9 hours ago, Nertea said:

There are drag differences between KSP 1.7.x and 1.8.x which often result in unexpected behaviour. I would delete your PartDatabase.cfg to let the game rebuild the drag cube cache as a first start. 


After a bit of digging I've found that FAR is causing this issue, and have been able to reproduce the bug in KSP 1.8.1: just by sticking a single hemispherical fuel tank on the top of an otherwise perfectly functional rocket, even with the tank inside a fairing, produces a drag line at least a hundred metres long from that tank and causes the rocket to flatly refuse to go above about 250m/s and tumble as soon as the SRBs burn out. Remove the tank- I've tried all of the hemispherical tanks from 0.625m to 2.5m- and the rocket flies perfectly well; remove FAR and the rocket flies perfectly well; put them both together and very very bad things happen... Removing the fairing makes no difference, the tanks produce huge drag regardless.

Edited by jimmymcgoochie
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5 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

After a bit of digging I've found that FAR is causing this issue, and have been able to reproduce the bug in KSP 1.8.1: just by sticking a single hemispherical fuel tank on the top of an otherwise perfectly functional rocket, even with the tank inside a fairing, produces a drag line at least a hundred metres long from that tank and causes the rocket to flatly refuse to go above about 250m/s and tumble as soon as the SRBs burn out. Remove the tank- I've tried all of the hemispherical tanks from 0.625m to 2.5m- and the rocket flies perfectly well; remove FAR and the rocket flies perfectly well; put them both together and very very bad things happen... Removing the fairing makes no difference, the tanks produce huge drag regardless.

oh yeah FAR and its mysteries. So you're saying that FAR is basically excrementsting the bed with all the hemispherical tanks? Did you check the voxelization overlay to see how it is being handled?

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27 minutes ago, Nertea said:

oh yeah FAR and its mysteries. So you're saying that FAR is basically excrementsting the bed with all the hemispherical tanks? Did you check the voxelization overlay to see how it is being handled?

If I had the faintest idea what a 'voxelisation overlay' was I might be able to help you... I'll have a look again tomorrow and bash at some FAR buttons until something vaguely voxel-y shows up.

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Voxelization (conversion of the ship into a set of VOLumetric ELements) is FAR's claim to fame - you should probably familiarize yourself with it if you're going to use the mod ;) !. There should be a way to visualize how the parts are turned into voxels. What you're describing implies to me that there is a failure of voxelization which may need to be addressed on our or FAR's side (FAR does not handle all of Unity's model use cases)

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Hi, I am having an issue with the revamped landing struts, when i time warp at any launch site with extended gear, after the warp is complete the vessel warps vertically even if it is attached to the stability enhacers. If the legs are "up" this does not happen.


Thanks, the mod is beautiful.


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6 hours ago, margon said:

Hi, I am having an issue with the revamped landing struts, when i time warp at any launch site with extended gear, after the warp is complete the vessel warps vertically even if it is attached to the stability enhacers. If the legs are "up" this does not happen.

You'll have to supply a little more information than that. For example, I'm pretty sure this doesn't happen with just ReStock alone, since I've played with it in a near-stock instance a lot. So you have a cross-mod incompatibility. Without telling us which other mods you have, we cannot help you figure out which one of them causes a problem.

If you read back on the previous page of this thread, you'll see that WorldStabilizer has been causing problems before. If you have that, try removing it first.

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4 hours ago, Streetwind said:

You'll have to supply a little more information than that. For example, I'm pretty sure this doesn't happen with just ReStock alone, since I've played with it in a near-stock instance a lot. So you have a cross-mod incompatibility. Without telling us which other mods you have, we cannot help you figure out which one of them causes a problem.

If you read back on the previous page of this thread, you'll see that WorldStabilizer has been causing problems before. If you have that, try removing it first.

Thanks Streetwind, here is the list of the mods i am using:

































I was unfamiliar with the Worldstabilizer mod, I installed it to see what happens and it does the same thing but after the warp up all returns safe to the launch site instantly (?).

Using Restock and restock plus only the warp happens the same as here:



and if the build is big it crackens.


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I have managed to reproduce this, see https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/issues/780. We'll see what we can do. 

In the meantime, retract your landing legs if timewarping on the pad with a launch clamp attached (issue seems to only occur with the combination of launch clamp plus extended legs). 


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Bugfix releases, @cineboxandrew turned that leg fix around real fast!

Restock 1.0.3

  •  Updated ModuleManager distribution to 4.1.3
  •  Fixed Flea, Hammer, Kickback and Thumper colliders (#779)
  •  Fixed certain landing legs causing teleports after timewarp  (#780)

Restock+ 1.0.3

  •  Updated ModuleManager distribution to 4.1.3
  •  Fixed Pollux and Anvil colliders (#779)
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3 hours ago, Random Complaining Guy said:

Lights rotate limit is the wrong way around

Unfortunately you brought this up just after the 1.0.3 release but thanks for the heads up. Its been rectified for the next release: https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/commit/c470537152dcc6574ba411138f14d0e3ff1951a8

The lights now rotate towards the default position when placed in the Editor. Is this what you were referring to?

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On 1/5/2020 at 3:36 PM, jimmymcgoochie said:

After a bit of digging I've found that FAR is causing this issue, and have been able to reproduce the bug in KSP 1.8.1: just by sticking a single hemispherical fuel tank on the top of an otherwise perfectly functional rocket, even with the tank inside a fairing, produces a drag line at least a hundred metres long from that tank and causes the rocket to flatly refuse to go above about 250m/s and tumble as soon as the SRBs burn out. Remove the tank- I've tried all of the hemispherical tanks from 0.625m to 2.5m- and the rocket flies perfectly well; remove FAR and the rocket flies perfectly well; put them both together and very very bad things happen... Removing the fairing makes no difference, the tanks produce huge drag regardless.

Noticed the same issue earlier and there should be some solutions earlier in the thread, but here's my MM patch for drag issues:

        %forceUseMeshes = true
        %ignoreIfNoRenderer = true

Two different solutions to same problem, not sure if the blanket patch is still relevant.

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