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[1.12.5] Restock - Revamping KSP's art (August 28)


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2 hours ago, The-Doctor said:

@Nertea Is there an ingame setting I have turned off? When I launch a craft with the gold or silver foil, the colour changes and looks different, is it normal and to be expected due to how the game works or is it a setting that I need turned on?

The foil has a reflective property to it, so you could just be seeing lighting effects. Does it have a blueish or maybe orangeish hue, and does it still look different in deep space?

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4 hours ago, The-Doctor said:

@Nertea Is there an ingame setting I have turned off? When I launch a craft with the gold or silver foil, the colour changes and looks different, is it normal and to be expected due to how the game works or is it a setting that I need turned on?

It is generally worth ensuring you have reflection map refresh turned on in the video settings and set to an appropriate value. In addition, the resolution of the cubemaps can also affect the look in flight. The VAB cubemap is the high quality and pre-generated one so will generally look best on any of the parts while flight will be lower quality.  

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On 1/17/2020 at 11:23 PM, Nertea said:

It is generally worth ensuring you have reflection map refresh turned on in the video settings and set to an appropriate value. In addition, the resolution of the cubemaps can also affect the look in flight. The VAB cubemap is the high quality and pre-generated one so will generally look best on any of the parts while flight will be lower quality.  

I set it to maximum, but is there any way to get it to look just like in the vab?

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Is it Restock that adds in an intermediate deployable science container, the SEQ-6? I had it in my last modded game and it's awesome (carries 6 instruments, basically an upscale SEQ-3) and I was so sure it came with Restock or Restock+, but I did a new install with just Restock, Restock+ and Near Future Exploration and I can't find it, nor can I find it in the game files from my old game (but it still shows up in the old game)

I think it's just a tweakscaled seq-6, so it might just be a MM patch

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3 hours ago, MacLuky said:

Hi @Nertea

Any chance you will be tackling the Mk2 pod? it is really but-ugly and I love what you have done with the Mk1 in white. I've done a simple replace color:


But I know you can do way better.

I agree of all the pods, that one is my least favorite, and needs work.

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On 1/19/2020 at 5:40 AM, t6jesse said:

Is it Restock that adds in an intermediate deployable science container, the SEQ-6? I had it in my last modded game and it's awesome (carries 6 instruments, basically an upscale SEQ-3) and I was so sure it came with Restock or Restock+, but I did a new install with just Restock, Restock+ and Near Future Exploration and I can't find it, nor can I find it in the game files from my old game (but it still shows up in the old game)

I think it's just a tweakscaled seq-6, so it might just be a MM patch

Not us for sure!

On 1/21/2020 at 2:31 AM, MacLuky said:

Hi @Nertea

Any chance you will be tackling the Mk2 pod? it is really but-ugly and I love what you have done with the Mk1 in white. I've done a simple replace color:


But I know you can do way better.

Well yes I can, but there's some complications

  1. I hate, hate hate MH with a fiery passion that rivals a thousand suns so content for that is limited to stuff that either works well with my other mods or that I feel particularly charitable about. 
  2. Creating a RS+ command pod like this would require an IVA (can't redistribute the MH one) and I don't like that
  3. See 1
3 hours ago, Idontevenkno said:

why are the parachutes for this the stock ones when the photos are the original

I'm not entirely sure what you mean.

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17 hours ago, Nertea said:

I hate, hate hate MH with a fiery passion that rivals a thousand suns so content for that is limited to stuff that either works well with my other mods or that I feel particularly charitable about. 

This just made my day :-) thanks for all the other greAt stuff

Edited by MacLuky
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On 1/22/2020 at 7:02 PM, Idontevenkno said:

why are the parachutes for this the stock ones when the photos are the original


Is it the standard vs drogue parachutes?  I've noticed the ReStock radial standard chute (Mk2-R) and the radial drogue chute (Mk12-R) are visually the same size when deployed, even though the effective area of the drogues are lower, and the drogue container is smaller than the standard.  The Mk16-XL and Mk25 drogue make a little more sense, because they're multiple parachutes, though you're getting two chutes in the Mk25 from a container that spits out three chutes of the same size on the Mk16-XL.  The chute area vs deployed visual size vs container size seems counter-intuitive.

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Follow up to above: I've been picking through the ReStock .cfg file for the parachutes.  At first glance, I don't see a way to separately re-scale the drogue canopies, to correspond to their effective areas as they do in Stock, without re-scaling the size of the container model.  Tweaking this shouldn't be a craft-breaking edit, as I believe the canopies themselves don't interact with anything, other than what their specified drag-cubes state.

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I will say that ever since i got this thing ive just not been bothering with stock bleh art assets, with like a handful of exceptions (namely RCS as i like the revamped stock ones better with actual glow anims and i had to disable the depth mask thing as it broke the look of my nuclear engines clipped into air intakes to make em look cooler).




That said, you are missing color options for most porkjet parts, made my own mod actually for that problem.  Currently only have a white/dark option, but im gonna add the russian style grey/orange (prolly with very little orange as it would look odd for a wing to have part orange part grey coloring), and probably a metal texture.  No idea if you have any future plans for the MK-2, wing, and other plane parts, but if you dont have any plans im probably going to release this as my own mod once i finish extra paint options.

I havent actually modded KSP in a while (too busy irl), but do you know how to make the textures more reflective like your metal texture on things like the structural panels, short adaptors, 2.5m metal tanks, ect?  I want to make a texture for the wing parts thats like bare metal style, but i want it to be shinier then the base texture (ive tried a light grey color, cant get it to shine like 2.5m tanks do).  Is this a 3d model thing id have to edit, or is it purely something i need to mess with texture or its normal maps to accomplish?

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