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Keep On Travelling

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In addition to the standard WASD, the TES/Fallout games have an assigned key: when you once click it, Jebediah Dovahkiin keeps moving straight forward until you press W/S (forward/back)..
If you press A/D (left/right), it turns aside but still keeps moving.

So, while your character is running or swimming on its own, crossing the sea and the continent, you can do something else irl.

If there was such key in KSP, the Dovahkiins Kerbals could easily have a foot trip when having a problem.

Edited by kerbiloid
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Had a try of the Wwwwww modlet.
It works, but somewhat brutally.
It's continuously sending 'W' keycode, so if another window gets active when it's on, you get an infinite "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW...." in the active window, and it's not easy to interrupt it because the keyboard input is busy with this sending.

A pure "keep moving" in the program would be nice.

Edited by kerbiloid
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6 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Had a try of the Wwwwww modlet.
It works, but somewhat brutally.
It's continuously sending 'W' keycode, so if another window gets active when it's on, you get an infinite "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW...." in the active window, and it's not easy to interrupt it because the keyboard input is busy with this sending.

A pure "keep moving" in the program would be nice. 

Yes it would.

My speed pad has an editor program, where I can have a single key press execute a macro.   I had it set so the 3 key on would emulate a w key being held down.  Not the same as repeatedly sending the W key, but close enough.   I was having Jeb hike over some hills to reach a monolith or something, and the rover I landed "near" it on Kerbin died on landing, and so Jeb was off for a 20k walk or so.   Downside was, I still couldn't tab over to another window to do something else, cause everything was covered in W's rather wuickly (that's a typo I'm leaving cause it's so awesome).    So I went to dinner instead. 

Yes, having something like Alt-W keep the kerbal walking until another command is given would be really nice in stock. 

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I remember having to sit at a computer or find paperweights to do this with rovers and hikes across Kerbin. So I'd appreciate a less use-bomb-to-sink-nail approach that is Wwwwwwwww. I appreciate the mod, but the risks that come with using it just aren't worth it IMO.

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