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[1.3.1, 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x] Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued v3.4.0 [25-04-2019]


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  On 5/31/2019 at 3:45 PM, GoAHead said:

hi there

motors in the new expansion do not work with KJR installed


Vanilla => worked
Installed KJR => motor doesn't rotate

hopefully this gets an update soon :-)




Can confirm both this and the Next versions make rotors not work

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  On 6/1/2019 at 12:34 AM, Velken said:

Can confirm both this and the Next versions make rotors not work


On the other hand, I can confirm that KJR Next is not culprit if your robotic parts does not move. Check out your stock autostrut tweak feature. Any issue encountered with non moving robotic parts and KJR Next comes from that.

On the other hand, if you prefer KJR Continued, you need to add aditional modules on exclude list in config files:



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ok thx.. that worked for me.

for the people which are not so familiar with  editing cfg files here is the complete change


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <bool name="reinforceAttachNodes">1</bool>
    <bool name="multiPartAttachNodeReinforcement">1</bool>
    <bool name="reinforceDecouplersFurther">1</bool>
    <bool name="reinforceLaunchClampsFurther">1</bool>
    <bool name="clampJointHasInfiniteStrength">1</bool>
    <bool name="useVolumeNotArea">1</bool>
    <bool name="debug">0</bool>

    <float name="angularDriveSpring">5e12</float>
    <float name="angularDriveDamper">25</float>
    <float name="angularMaxForceFactor">-1</float>

    <float name="decouplerAndClampJointStrength">-1</float>

    <float name="breakForceMultiplier">1</float>
    <float name="breakTorqueMultiplier">1</float>
    <float name="breakStrengthPerArea">1500</float>
    <float name="breakTorquePerMOI">6000</float>

    <float name="massForAdjustment">0.01</float>
    <float name="upperMassForLockedJoint">0</float>

    <string name="exemptPartType0">MuMechToggle</string>
    <string name="exemptPartType1">MuMechServo</string>

    <string name="exemptModuleType0">WingManipulator</string>
    <string name="exemptModuleType1">SingleGroupMan</string>
    <string name="exemptModuleType2">KerbalEVA</string>
    <string name="exemptModuleType3">MuMechToggle</string>
    <string name="exemptModuleType4">ModuleKerbetrotterHitch</string>
    <string name="exemptModuleType5">ModuleRoboticServoHinge</string>
    <string name="exemptModuleType6">ModuleRoboticServoPiston</string>
    <string name="exemptModuleType7">ModuleRoboticServoRotor</string>
    <string name="exemptModuleType8">ModuleRoboticRotationServo</string>

    <string name="decouplerStiffeningExtensionType0">ModuleEngines</string>
    <string name="decouplerStiffeningExtensionType1">ModuleEnginesFX</string>
    <string name="decouplerStiffeningExtensionType2">ModuleHybridEngine</string>
    <string name="decouplerStiffeningExtensionType3">ModuleHybridEngines</string>
    <string name="decouplerStiffeningExtensionType4">ModuleEngineConfigs</string>
    <string name="adecouplerStiffeningExtensionType5">ModuleDecouple</string>
    <string name="adecouplerStiffeningExtensionType6">ModuleAnchoredDecoupler</string>
    <string name="adecouplerStiffeningExtensionType7">ProceduralFairingBase</string>

    <float name="stiffeningExtensionMassRatioThreshold">5</float>


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  On 5/31/2019 at 3:45 PM, GoAHead said:

hi there

motors in the new expansion do not work with KJR installed


Vanilla => worked
Installed KJR => motor doesn't rotate

hopefully this gets an update soon :-)




We have talked to the KSP devs about this. It has to do with how the struts are handled and an event not firing. It should be fixed with the next KSP bug fix patch and then we can look at what we need to do to get it working. 

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When you say KSP will fix it in a bug fix, I assume you are talking about after version 1.7.1 that was just released a couple of days ago? Not that I'm much worried about this as I don't plan on getting the DLC anyway.

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  On 6/1/2019 at 6:29 PM, pap1723 said:

We have talked to the KSP devs about this. It has to do with how the struts are handled and an event not firing. It should be fixed with the next KSP bug fix patch and then we can look at what we need to do to get it working. 


there are also other bugs they should fix regarding the autostruts locking robotic parts... I've reported that I don't know how long ago... e.g. the wheels/landinglegs are always strutting everything together and won't release it never... not for DLC robotic parts and not for Infernal Robotics parts... simply never (I've tested that)

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  On 6/1/2019 at 8:48 PM, Iso-Polaris said:

well the exclude list doesn't seem to work..

should I install KJR continued and NEXT both or only one of them?


You should never install both versions of KJR. Only one fork of KJR on single KSP install instance.

Try to enable visualisation of autostruts trough ALT+F12 cheat menu. If you have either, KJR next or KJR with proper exclude list and robotic parts does not move, you have some issue in craft design and stock autostrut feature.

One user have also reported that hew was need to create new craft to make new parts to work properly. Previously, he just modified old craft file and robotic parts was not working for him. Can't confirm that, I haven't come across of same issue .

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  On 6/6/2019 at 11:26 PM, Met said:

What is the difference between KJR Continued and KJR Next?


In a nutshell;

Continued: Fixes and optimizations that keep stuff working.
Next: Youthful optimism and grand ideas for potential improvements, with a side of "Use at your own risk" and "Oops, that wasn't supposed to happen".

Yes I'm biased after recent Next experiences leaving me feeling like an alpha tester.

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  On 6/7/2019 at 12:09 AM, Jognt said:

In a nutshell;

Continued: Fixes and optimizations that keep stuff working.
Next: Youthful optimism and grand ideas for potential improvements, with a side of "Use at your own risk" and "Oops, that wasn't supposed to happen".

Yes I'm biased after recent Next experiences leaving me feeling like an alpha tester.


... that was because of the DLC robotic parts. I had to release faster than I wanted, but after less than a week I found a good solution for them and it's stable now. ;)

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  On 6/7/2019 at 12:28 AM, Rudolf Meier said:

... that was because of the DLC robotic parts. I had to release faster than I wanted, but after less than a week I found a good solution for them and it's stable now. ;)


You had your reasons, I'm sure. Please note that that does not disprove what I said, and that I said it in reply to someone who wanted to know the Continued users PoV.
You seem to be under the impression that there is only one right way to do KJR (yours), which is not true. There is a legitimate usecase for people wanting the Continued variant.

I would also like to ask you to keep Next talk in the Next thread, and Continued in the Continued thread. Though this thread is quite young, it's already filled with posts (from you) about how Next is supposedly better in all ways. Next probably is better in ways, but I prefer the safe approach of Continued. And I'm wondering why I feel like I have to defend that in a non-Next thread.

Edited by Jognt
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Because I asked the difference between what looked like the same thing and you were needlessly condescending about the other one, Jognt. I'll use Next.

Edited by Met
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  On 6/7/2019 at 1:43 AM, Met said:

Because I asked the difference between what looked like the same thing and you were needlessly insulting about the other one, Jognt. I'll use Next.


I'm just a user. But sure. Whatever floats your boat.
Regarding the "needlessly" bit. Just read the thread. :)

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  On 6/6/2019 at 11:26 PM, Zesty said:

What is the difference between KJR Continued and KJR Next?


KJR Continued still uses the same code base, with the same misbehaviours. Some misbehaviours are being patched up, but some others are inherent of the solution, being performance the most significant of them.

KJR Continued is, at least for now, the most taxing solution on performance from the options available. Last I time made a synthetic performance test on the (at that time) available solutions, I earn somewhat between 20 to 30% improvement on the FPS on a artificially overloaded rig while in flight/rovering. On the other hand, KJR Continued offered a sensible better performance when things are exploding, and this can be relevant if you are recording videos.

My advise is to use Continued if you had used "Classic" KJR in the past (and are pretty used to how things used to work in the past) and have a beefed rig and so don't need to care about framerates.

The show case can be found here:


Edited by Lisias
Somewhat better phrasing
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I don't know how you are coming up with those performance claims but I just don't see/feel them. I've used both and notice no performance differences whatsoever on my system and believe me, I'm all about performance increases if I can get it.  I've used the original, the one that was modified by wolferado when original would no longer work after I think 1.5.1, Continued, and Next. Since I've used original forever, I need a real reason to switch and so far I just don't see one. I'm one of those guys that needs to be convinced. Right now I'm not convinced anything is better than Wolferado Modified (for lack of a better name) or Continued. They just work. The wheel doesn't need to be reinvented if it still rolls down the road well. I see Continued being made for stability and Next being made for experimentation. No right or wrong, what ever one floats you boat. Just my take and no one elses.

Edited by MikeO89
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  On 6/8/2019 at 8:25 PM, MikeO89 said:

I don't know how you are coming up with those performance claims but I just don't see/feel them.


It was really simple: trial and measurements. 

One easy way to check is to make a really huge craft and check the frame rates while testing each solution. Another one is to use a potato machine to do the same - on weaker machines, every CPU saving is promptly noticeable (this is the path I choose, as most of the gamers doesn't invest that much on gaming machines, au contraire, a see a lot of old rigs around here).

The best part of it is that anyone can do the same if he/she wants.


  On 6/8/2019 at 8:25 PM, MikeO89 said:

I've used both and notice no performance differences whatsoever on my system and believe me, I'm all about performance increases if I can get it.  I've used the original, the one that was modified by wolferado when original would no longer work after I think 1.5.1, Continued, and Next. Since I've used original forever, I need a real reason to switch and so far I just don't see one.


So you never bottlenecked your rig to the point the CPU savings would be noticeable. You solved the problem by throwing more hardware on it. It's a way of solving things, and if it works for you, then the problem is solved for you.


  On 6/8/2019 at 8:25 PM, MikeO89 said:

I'm one of those guys that needs to be convinced. Right now I'm not convinced anything is better than Wolferado Modified (for lack of a better name) or Continued. They just work. The wheel doesn't need to be reinvented if it still rolls down the road well. I see Continued being made for stability and Next being made for experimentation. No right or wrong, what ever one floats you boat. Just my take and no one elses.


You are wrong in two instances:

  1. I don't want to convince you. I don't want to convince anyone. I'm a technically skilled developer giving the best advice possible for a question made by another dude. Caveat Emptor, if your solution suits you, good. Just don't evangelise your solution as it is the best solution for everybody, because it does not.
  2. It's not about reinventing the Wheel. It's about building better wheels that would fit the need of more people. There's a reason we are using metal wheels nowadays, instead of the old fashioned wood ones.
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That said, I'm not selling new wheels neither. There're reasons to use old wheels if they best fit you. At least at the time I made such tests, the Continued performed way better when the craft is exploding, and the alternative  can be a show stopper if you are streaming or recording movies. And I had state that clearly on the same post.

Edited by Lisias
kinda of typo...
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  On 6/10/2019 at 2:33 PM, Lisias said:

So you never bottlenecked your rig to the point the CPU savings would be noticeable


Slightly offtopic, but each time I purchase CPU,motherboard or RAM, I put PC on stress test. Most simple and broadly available free test is 7zip archiver. It have benchmark function with ability to choose size of dictionary (iinfluence RAM usage) and number of CPU cores used. CPU usage is hammered to 100% most of time and I aim to use whole RAM as well, as much as I can (some need to be used by OS itself).

And I leave PC to run like that for 1-2 hours. Not that it allows me to test hardware, if there is fault somewhere, but also to check if cooling works properly.
Only for GPU if necessary I use some gaming benchmark, to test any faults in VRAM or overheating issues. After that, each PC worked for years with no issues at all.

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  On 6/10/2019 at 4:00 PM, kcs123 said:

Only for GPU if necessary I use some gaming benchmark, to test any faults in VRAM or overheating issues. After that, each PC worked for years with no issues at all.


Moving the discussion to the Computer building thread, as requested! :)

Edited by Lisias
moving as requested!
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