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Infernal Robotics - Next

Rudolf Meier

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7 hours ago, Person0977 said:

If anyone knows why my hinges and joints always get stuck on their own, please let me know.

In every case I know of, the problem were the Autostruts. In case of wrong settings, they don't respect moving joints and make them unusable (also stock robotic joints). A special problem is, when you have joints between legs or wheels and the heaviest part of the ship. In this case you cannot do anything againts the problem (except use a mod... but I don't know which one solves this problem... I only know, that my mods don't handle it... it's a case that's simply too rare... but, maybe I'll do something some time...)

7 hours ago, Cheesecake said:

I have now used IR again after a long time with SOCK and Benjee's robotic arm. I have switched speed and acceleration down completely. But whenever I use a joint, the whole shuttle turns around slowly. Is there any way to prevent this?

Reaction wheels? SAS?

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10 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

Reaction wheels? SAS?

Were switched on. Can try more if you like.


The consumption of EC is so high that the batteries are drained very quickly. The Fuelcell cannot compensate for this. It works with more batteries.

Another problem arises here. I docked a payload (Habtech module) to the arm and then detached it from the shuttle. I didn't move the arm but the whole thing immediately started to rock. After a while I had to disconnect the payload from the arm, otherwise it would have torn everything apart.

Edited by Cheesecake
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1 hour ago, Cheesecake said:

The consumption of EC is so high that the batteries are drained very quickly. The Fuelcell cannot compensate for this. It works with more batteries.

that's what I expected

1 hour ago, Cheesecake said:

Another problem arises here. I docked a payload (Habtech module) to the arm and then detached it from the shuttle. I didn't move the arm but the whole thing immediately started to rock. After a while I had to disconnect the payload from the arm, otherwise it would have torn everything apart.

sound like overlapping parts... how did you dock and undock? which modules and mods did you use?

Let me give you an example when I last saw this problem on one of my missions... when I tried to bring the S6 module into space, I stored it in the payload bay using the payload retention system mod. But after undocking it from the shuttle, the trunnion pins did overlap with the shuttle and I got this problem. The solution was to place the ports higher up in the payload bay so that no overlapping occurred anymore (the S6 is too large to fit correctly into the payload bay).

An other problem could be, that your arm is clipping through a part and after changing the way of how it is all connected (dock, undock, redock), suddenly the colliders get treated differently and you have a similar problem.

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1 hour ago, Rudolf Meier said:

that's what I expected

sound like overlapping parts... how did you dock and undock? which modules and mods did you use?

Let me give you an example when I last saw this problem on one of my missions... when I tried to bring the S6 module into space, I stored it in the payload bay using the payload retention system mod. But after undocking it from the shuttle, the trunnion pins did overlap with the shuttle and I got this problem. The solution was to place the ports higher up in the payload bay so that no overlapping occurred anymore (the S6 is too large to fit correctly into the payload bay).

An other problem could be, that your arm is clipping through a part and after changing the way of how it is all connected (dock, undock, redock), suddenly the colliders get treated differently and you have a similar problem.


I used the HT-240B. Only for a testflight. It is docked to the shuttle via C-200 CBM.
I have installed IR + DockingFunctions + IRConnectionSystem + PayloadRetentionSystem.

Edited by Cheesecake
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12 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

In every case I know of, the problem were the Autostruts. In case of wrong settings, they don't respect moving joints and make them unusable (also stock robotic joints). A special problem is, when you have joints between legs or wheels and the heaviest part of the ship. In this case you cannot do anything againts the problem (except use a mod... but I don't know which one solves this problem... I only know, that my mods don't handle it... it's a case that's simply too rare... but, maybe I'll do something some time...)

Reaction wheels? SAS?

When i get this problem, the autostruts are deactivated, and the hinge pivotron i'm using is connecting a 2.5m air breathing engine to a 2.5m service bay, so it's not really a leg or a wheel and it doesn't connect directly towards the heaviest part of the ship, but it's a custom VTOL engine for my plane. One note is that i placed wings and control surfaces around those connected parts, and they do slightly peek into the moving parts, but i tried to move them further from the connected parts (the engine, the hinge pivotron and the cargo bay) with the move tool, and it didn't fix anything, is this still the same issue or is it a different one?

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19 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

In every case I know of, the problem were the Autostruts. In case of wrong settings, they don't respect moving joints and make them unusable (also stock robotic joints). A special problem is, when you have joints between legs or wheels and the heaviest part of the ship. In this case you cannot do anything againts the problem (except use a mod... but I don't know which one solves this problem... I only know, that my mods don't handle it... it's a case that's simply too rare... but, maybe I'll do something some time...)

Reaction wheels? SAS?

Okay nevermind, one person said to me in a discord server that it's the autostrut on the part that is attached to the hinge that breaks the hinge's mechanism, i basically just didn't understand your explaination at first (my problem), now i hope that the autostruts are in fact the cause to this issue because i haven't played KSP since i understood this.

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5 hours ago, Person0977 said:

Okay nevermind, one person said to me in a discord server that it's the autostrut on the part that is attached to the hinge that breaks the hinge's mechanism, i basically just didn't understand your explaination at first (my problem), now i hope that the autostruts are in fact the cause to this issue because i haven't played KSP since i understood this.

Sorry, my explanation wasn't detailed enough, that's true.

The autostruts are spanned from a part on one side of the joint to a part on the other side of the joint (or directly to the joint from a part on the "lower" side of the joint). This is what causes the locking of the joint.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/10/2024 at 9:34 PM, TOMMY (JEB 2.0) said:

haveing a prob with the fold o tron hinges in the pics, none of the other ones have the prob

That is a known problem and will be fixed in the future... at the moment I cannot do it myself, because it is a problem with the model files and I don't have them. But I'm in contact with the creator of them.

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  • 1 month later...

hello guys,does anybody know if it is possible to make this part here compatible with infernal robotics??

because the normal kerboarm  from htrobotics works but this one no, and I was wandering if there is a modification that I can do the cfg file to make it compatible.


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39 minutes ago, davide96 said:

hello guys,does anybody know if it is possible to make this part here compatible with infernal robotics??

because the normal kerboarm  from htrobotics works but this one no, and I was wandering if there is a modification that I can do the cfg file to make it compatible.


Looks like the Canadarm2 servo for me. This one should already have the MM patches for IRn. ... if it doesn't work, then my question would be "What is it? How did you get/install it?"

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update, I find the IR config but is only for canadarm 1



/////Canadarm 1 elbow joint servo
    @description,0 = Powered by Infernal Robotics - Next. This elbow joint can rotate 180 degrees back on itself.

        @model = htRobotics/Parts/ht_C1_elbowIR

    -NODE[TopJoint] {}
    -NODE[BottomJoint] {}
    -MODULE[ModuleRoboticServoHinge] {}

    node_stack_top = -0.0934, 0.1909, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1
    node_stack_bottom = -0.0934, -0.1909, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1

        name = ModuleIRServo_v3
        servoName = KerboArm1 Elbow

        axis = 0, 0, 1
        pointer = 1, 0, 0

        fixedMesh = armElbow_base
        movingMesh = armElbow_top

        isRotational = True

        hasMinMaxPosition = True
        minPosition = -180
        maxPosition = 0

        isFreeMoving = False

        electricChargeRequired = 2.5

        isInverted = False
        isLocked = False

        canHaveLimits = True

        hasPositionLimit = False
        minPositionLimit = -180
        maxPositionLimit = 0

        factorAcceleration = 2
        maxAcceleration = 2
        accelerationLimit = 1

        factorSpeed = 2
        maxSpeed = 2
        speedLimit = 1

        factorForce = 35
        maxForce = 30
        forceLimit = 30

        zeroNormal = 0
        zeroInvert = 0
        presetsS = -180.0|-90.0|0.0

        availableModeS = Servo|Control

        //invertSymmetry = False 
        soundFilePath = MagicSmokeIndustries/Sounds/infernalRoboticMotor            // Motor loop sound path

/////Canadarm 1 pitch joint servo
    @description,0 = Powered by Infernal Robotics - Next. This servo joint provides low torque rotation along the pitch axis up to 90 degrees in either direction. 

        @model = htRobotics/Parts/ht_C1_pitchJointIR

    -NODE[TopJoint] {}
    -NODE[BottomJoint] {}
    -MODULE[ModuleRoboticServoHinge] {}

    node_stack_top = 0, 0.1751, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1
    node_stack_bottom = 0, -0.1871, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1

        name = ModuleIRServo_v3
        servoName = KerboArm1 Pitch Joint

        axis = 0, 0, 1
        pointer = 1, 0, 0

        fixedMesh = armPitchJoint_base
        movingMesh = armPitchJoint_top

        isRotational = True

        hasMinMaxPosition = True
        minPosition = -90
        maxPosition = 90

        isFreeMoving = False

        electricChargeRequired = 2.5

        isInverted = False
        isLocked = False

        canHaveLimits = True

        hasPositionLimit = False
        minPositionLimit = -90
        maxPositionLimit = 90

        factorAcceleration = 2
        maxAcceleration = 2
        accelerationLimit = 1

        factorSpeed = 2
        maxSpeed = 2
        speedLimit = 1

        factorForce = 35
        maxForce = 30
        forceLimit = 30

        zeroNormal = 0
        zeroInvert = 0
        presetsS = -90.0|0.0|90.0

        availableModeS = Servo|Control

        //invertSymmetry = False 
        soundFilePath = MagicSmokeIndustries/Sounds/infernalRoboticMotor            // Motor loop sound path

/////Canadarm 1 rotational servo
    @description,0 = Powered by Infernal Robotics - Next. This servo allows a full 360 degrees of rotation axially. 

        @model = htRobotics/Parts/ht_C1_rotatorIR

    -NODE[TopJoint] {}
    -NODE[BottomJoint] {}
    -MODULE[ModuleRoboticRotationServo] {}

    node_stack_top = 0, 0.0209, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1
    node_stack_bottom = 0, -0.0209, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1

        name = ModuleIRServo_v3
        servoName = KerboArm1 Rotator

        axis = 0, 1, 0
        pointer = 1, 0, 0

        fixedMesh = armRotator_base
        movingMesh = armRotator_top

        isRotational = True

        hasMinMaxPosition = False
        minPosition = -360
        maxPosition = 360

        isFreeMoving = False

        electricChargeRequired = 2.5

        isInverted = False
        isLocked = False

        canHaveLimits = True

        hasPositionLimit = False
        minPositionLimit = -360
        maxPositionLimit = 360

        factorAcceleration = 2
        maxAcceleration = 2
        accelerationLimit = 1

        factorSpeed = 2
        maxSpeed = 2
        speedLimit = 1

        factorForce = 35
        maxForce = 30
        forceLimit = 30

        zeroNormal = 0
        zeroInvert = 0
        presetsS = -180.0|0.0|180.0

        availableModeS = Servo|Control

        //invertSymmetry = False 
        soundFilePath = MagicSmokeIndustries/Sounds/infernalRoboticMotor            // Motor loop sound path


this is the config, now the question is is there a way to add the config for only that piece of the kerboarm 2???

this is the CFG of the kerboarm 2



    name = ht_canadarm2_servo
    module = Part
    author = Benjee10

    rescaleFactor = 1
    TechRequired = advConstruction
    entryCost = 1200
    cost = 100
    category = Robotics
    subcategory = 0
    title = KerboArm2 Servo Joint
    manufacturer = HabTech Consortium
    description = This servo allows a full 360 degrees of rotation.

    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
    attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    mass = 0.06
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.2
    minimum_drag = 0.2
    angularDrag = 1
    crashTolerance = 12
    breakingForce = 200
    breakingTorque = 200
    maxTemp = 2000 // = 5000
    bulkheadProfiles = size1
    tags = habtech, robot, arm, canadarm2, kerboarm, rotate, hinge, servo, motor, move, 

        model = htRobotics/Parts/ht_canadarm2_servo

        name = TopJoint
        transform = actuatorTopNode
        size = 1
        name = BottomJoint
        transform = actuatorSideNode
        size = 1

        name = ModuleRoboticRotationServo
        servoTransformName = actuatorMesh
        baseTransformName = actuatorBody
        servoAttachNodes = TopJoint
        traverseVelocityLimits = 0, 10
        hardMinMaxLimits = -180, 180
        softMinMaxAngles = -180, 180
        targetAngle = 0
        mainAxis = Y
        maxMotorOutput = 200
        driveSpringMutliplier = 100
        driveDampingMutliplier = 20
        motorizedMassPerKN = 0.0001
        motorizedCostPerDriveUnit = 1
        connectedMassScale = 1
        efficiency = 0.75
        baseResourceConsumptionRate = 0.01
            name = ElectricCharge
            rate = 1

        name = ModuleCargoPart
        packedVolume = 20

I really hope that someone can help me

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42 minutes ago, davide96 said:

I really hope that someone can help me

I already made them... they're online here: HabTech2/GameData/HabTech2 at master · benjee10/HabTech2 (github.com)

But it seems that Benjee didn't release a new update since then.

(By the way -> I did also modify the existing ones which were more for the old versions ... and I also added files for other mods that I made like the Connection System and DockingPort Next and those things.)

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15 hours ago, davide96 said:

which one I have to download??? I don't understand, sorry

In general you could download all files and reinstall them from Github, or download only the Patches folder... this might work as well. I personally did a full reinstall from the latest state on Github.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

It should be compatible... I don't know why it doesn't work. I will try to find out what's wrong...

Turns out I was using Inferal Robotics Realsim Overhaul.

It works fine now with this mod!

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23 hours ago, BronzeShoe20968 said:

Is there still a way to make this mod compatible with the KAL-1000 controller?

I am sorry, but I checked this and here on my computer it shows all the axis (about 25). And this has been added about 5 years ago (or even earlier... I did only go back 5 years).

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Is there any way to control the limits of a uncontrolled rotatron with a KAL/action groups? Im trying to improve the performance of a heli i built but because of a ton of slack in the swashplate mechanism it only really works well at maximum and minimum collective when the feathering mechanism is tensioned. I figured if I can control the limits with a KAL I can make sure they are tensioned throughout the rotation but I cant seem to find it. Ive tried using "deflection range" and "track angle" in action groups but they dont seem to do the trick :(

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