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Rational Resources 3.0.4 [Feb 03, 2025]


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4 hours ago, Clamp-o-Tron said:

to bring TAC-LS up to standard

I'm surprised at how much had to change for the recyclers. :o

I must expand on this to cover Airline Kuisine and Station Parts Redux. They use the TacGenericConverter module also.

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...and Station Parts Redux
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Sorry for double post... 

I'v got several hours on my hands during meetings tomorrow and I'll be availible for writing .cfgs for this project. I'll start with sspxr greenhouses, then I'll take suggestions. If @JadeOfMaar or honestly anyone else has anything todo, I'll do it. Basically I'm just bored and this is an awesome mod that it's a pleasure to add stuff to.


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I do want to ask for advice: I'm thinking of making a patch for USI (or anything else that uses fertilizer) adding an alternative chain to fertilizer using something like commerical chemical fertilizers now. Should I go for a full chain, of (Ammonia +O2+EC= a new NO2 resource + H2O,  NO2 + EC+Ammonia=Fertilizer!), or just (Ammonia + O2+EC=Fertilizer!+H2O) I'm inclined to go for the simpler option, as it includes all the inputs and outputs of the full reactions but compresses them into one option. It's not like the Ostwald process and ammonium nitrate production can't happen in the same box.


EDIT: also, airline kuisine has the same messed up conversions. I might get to those.

EDIT again: yay, triple post!

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@Clamp-o-Tron Keep it simplified. Ammonia + O2 + EC = Fertilizer + H2O is enough. Things already get pretty complex by switching out several of the mine-able LqdXResource resources for their gas forms and requiring the likes of the RR Boxed Compressor and Decompressor to switch their phases. If I provide for a new resource it needs to have a use case which both has wide impact and can easily become popular with anyone, so:

  • Alumina: Mun is full of it and is used by KSPI hybrid SRBs. I took advantage of this and provided something like that with the clones of the Flea and Hammer engines.
  • Phosphorus: (Not in CRP. Its definition is entirely mine.) I hope for it to be valuable to life support mods as it's a rare and vital material IRL. It has some modestly high :funds:value as well (not nearly as much as RareMetals or Gold though) so it can be profitable to setup a Mopedantte Splitter farm and harvest a lot of this alongside Oxygen for making Oxidizer and RareMetals for even more :funds:.
  • Carbon: I knew there would be high potential in this but I didn't see it easily happening. The most I thought of would be a place in advanced part recipes for EL and so was provided for as a byproduct of some processes. It was an eye opener to be reminded that it's abstracted in TAC LS.
  • ThermalPower: Both a complement and a partial substitute to the CoreHeat system for some eccentric processes (like in the Maine Coon NTJ and the extras config: RR_BlackSmith). inspired by its use in KSPI.
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Hello again, I was playing around with my Kerbalism save and I can't find "rock extraction" anywhere on the drill parts, am I missing something?

Only asking as the Mass driver engines from the Stockalike Mining Extension now require rock (was ore when I played a few months ago) and I can't seem to find a way to get rock.

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@EimajOzear Thanks for noticing that. I indeed forgot to add Rock extraction options.

@Clamp-o-Tron I just noticed. Are you targeting any and all parts here? Or did you forget to put something in the square braces to limit the scope? (SSPXr has one part that gets TAC's air filter feature.)


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Release 1.11.0

DOWNLOAD :: GitHub :: SpaceDock

  • Added Extras:
    • RR_TACLS.cfg changes TAC Life Support: To use the proper resources (Hydrogen, Methane, Carbon) and cease abstracting them with Waste in its converters; Its Air Filter becomes an all purpose atmo harvester; affect TAC patches for Airline Kuisine and Station Parts Redux.
    • RR_TACLS_AirlineKuisine.cfg to similarly affect Airline Kuisine's Mk2 and Mk3 converters.
    • RR_TACLS_SSPXr.cfg to similarly affect Nertea's station parts.
  • Added LqdNitrogen propellant option to Reducing agent NERVA clone.
  • Added missing Rock extraction options to RR exoscoop and for Kerbalism.
  • Added support for Deep Sky Core intakes.

This update brought to you mainly by @Clamp-o-Tron! :)

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16 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Added LqdNitrogen propellant option to Reducing agent NERVA clone.

While this is relevant, I can't find any tanks which allow me to store any of the Lqd______ resources. I have CRP and B9 Part Switch installed.

Edit: Except for LqdHydrogen of course (due to having CryoEngines installed)

Edit 2: So the CryoTanks show up in the RR fuel tanks category, but are not configurable (in-game) to contain LqdNitrogen, LqdCO2, etc.

The RR Bread tanks are there but I would prefer cylindrical tanks to contain LqdNitrogen (and the others) - how would I go about configuring them to allow this?

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4 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@EimajOzear Add Extras/RR_TankSwitchForSquad.cfg to your GameData, and have RationalResourcesParts installed if you don't already. This will enable all squad tanks and the CryoTanks to hold LqdXXX.

Thanks for that! Selecting Hydrolox via the RR tank selector seems to have disabled boiloff for LH2, is there any way to restore the feature?

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@EimajOzear RR does not recognize Tylo's atmosphere when Realistic Atmospheres is installed. (I forgot that this condition existed and only remembered that JNSQ gives it an atmosphere.) RR does not interfere with CRP's RNG for Argon and Xenon presence. Your situation should be that Tylo's atmosphere has nothing in it except Argon and Xenon, but Tylo will have the ExoIce template and will have a handful of other resources in the exosphere (in space, outside of atmosphere).

The "resource scan" which requires the stock or SCANsat parts won't reveal these. You must be at the active vessel and in the right altitude over the target planet, and with the RR Sky Scanner installed.


This is from JNSQ. Save it to a .cfg in your GameData. If there are any other stock worlds that Realistic Atmospheres adds an atmosphere to, let me know and I'll put these together in an update. Side note, the ExoRock and ExoIce templates aren't likely to be applied to a planet that has an atmosphere.

	@PlanetName = Tylo
	@Tag = Applied


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@EimajOzear I likely defaulted to assuming Tylo had the same surface composition as Laythe due to its proximity to Laythe in the stock system. I didn't consider that could easily be as different as Io from the other Galilean moons. Or, because it's far less massive in JNSQ I felt this template is more appropriate than the template of a dry inner rocky planet. For its atmosphere composition, it's pretty barren and would be pretty cold, being (by my default) formed from substances that are typically ice like, in the region of the gas giants. Being much less massive in JNSQ, and hence, probably mostly made of ice, it would be so cold that nearly everything but Nitrogen sublimated out of the atmosphere.

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@JadeOfMaar I was wondering if you had any thoughts about implementing RR cold gas variants for RCS thrusters? These would simply be offshoots (just like your NERV variants) but would allow the user to use resources other than monoprop/hydrazine for attitude control. This thought came to me as I have been building long-term exploratory crafts which can refuel themselves using ISRU, but unless they use monoprop or LH2 in their primary propulsion systems, their life is limited by the extra propellant added for attitude control (e.g. a liquidfuel + oxidiser craft on Duna with monoprop thrusters tacked on).

For clarity, the reason I am placing emphasis on RCS thrusters is because I am using the mod "Mandatory RCS" by Gotmachine, of which drastically nerfs reaction wheels.

I nice use case I can think of in the stock system is Minmus, where nitrogen is abundant in the flats; instead of a complex chain of ISRU processes to produce monopropellant (which includes nitrogen as one of the ingredients), cold nitrogen gas can be used directly as a reaction mass.

A list of cold gas ISP values can be found here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228785798_The_merits_of_cold_gas_micropropulsion_in_state-of-the-art_space_missions

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2 minutes ago, EimajOzear said:

@JadeOfMaar I was wondering if you had any thoughts about implementing RR cold gas variants for RCS thrusters? These would simply be offshoots (just like your NERV variants) but would allow the user to use resources other than monoprop/hydrazine for attitude control. This thought came to me as I have been building long-term exploratory crafts which can refuel themselves using ISRU, but unless they use monoprop or LH2 in their primary propulsion systems, their life is limited by the extra propellant added for attitude control (e.g. a liquidfuel + oxidiser craft on Duna with monoprop thrusters tacked on).

For clarity, the reason I am placing emphasis on RCS thrusters is because I am using the mod "Mandatory RCS" by Gotmachine, of which drastically nerfs reaction wheels.

I nice use case I can think of in the stock system is Minmus, where nitrogen is abundant in the flats; instead of a complex chain of ISRU processes to produce monopropellant (which includes nitrogen as one of the ingredients), cold nitrogen gas can be used directly as a reaction mass.

A list of cold gas ISP values can be found here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228785798_The_merits_of_cold_gas_micropropulsion_in_state-of-the-art_space_missions

@JadeOfMaar @EimajOzear I'll take a look. My fork right now is an amalgamation of experiments with asteroids, a new hot jupiter template, and more of those Extras, but I can do this pretty quickly.

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@Clamp-o-Tron @EimajOzear I've created the configs according to the PDF and setup to work for cloned parts for RR (just the linear RCS and the stock quad) and an Extras config to affect all stock and Restock+ Mono RCS. (Also, I've added LFO, Hydrolox and Methalox to the stock Vernier.) It even scales the Isp values according to the source Isp in the part as the tiny gray thrusters have 10s less Isp than the large white ones.

Sometime after producing the GIF below, I made these use only the Lqd versions of these resources where applicable. As weak as the stock RCS are, just one goes through over 1000 Nitrogen gas per second but a very comfortable 3 or so LN2 per second. These are on GitHub now so try them out at your convenience.



Burning LN2



Burning LqdCO2


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The new RCS modes are great!  Really like how you patched in the ISPs for the B9 part switch description.  Very fancy work :-).  @EimajOzear, the part is called Vernor Engine, the part name is vernierEngine.  I do see the three RCS modes on that, so maybe you have another mod that modifies it?

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