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Starwind - Ended (due to the Kraken)


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Okay, I thought hasta was 2nd declension neuter (nom. pl.) but it's 1st declension feminine (nom. sg.). So it's the Hastae Multi II.

More importantly, do you have any ideas for the payload?

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Thanks @demon_313, I like your idea of a ground based comms tower. It will fit into my idea of a long term Eki Base well.

The competition (well, it isn't really a competition - everyone who has entered so far has Won) has one more place. If someone (@Kerballing (Got Dunked On) I'm looking at you) doesn't submit anything by tomorrow, well I'm launching the Hastae Multi II tomorrow and so I will make my own payload.

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Here is an explanation of the Lyra II. Not much, it's just a standard nuclear lander. Albeit with an interesting design.


I am debating with myself whether to Get Mods (SSPXr and Kerbal Atomics to be precise) or to stay stock. On balance, I think all of Starwind's ships will stay stock.

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Reader 5 (counting you, Demon_313, Kerballing (Got Dunked On), Geschosskopf and Jost), thank you for your compliment! Although the format is stolen off Kuzzter's wonderful Kerbfleet series. Go have a read of those.

And in other news, I am almost done with the panels for the Eki launches! I basically spent ages fiddling to find rockets which didn't look utterly awful (I really really want to get to 5m parts) and ending up with only slightly overwrought asparagus designs. So unless someone else posts here, I will edit this post later with the launch of the KSS Whimsical Name.

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On 6/28/2019 at 6:51 PM, fulgur said:

Can anyone diagnose this? I can transfer resources on both sides of the docking port, but they do not go through it. R&D level 2.




Check your difficulty settings whether obey crossfeed rules is enabled. Crossfeed rules disallow transfer if heatshields are between the tanks. 

I used fuel lines from a small mk100 fuel tank to  service modules  as workaround when I encountered this. 

Important: You will need one fuel line for each direction

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Thanks, but I already fixed it as evidenced by the picture at the beginning of Ch2. I did it by changing the position of the docking port, to a side-dock.

And in other news, I have done a panel about launching the KSS Eki I to orbit! Note that Eki I is a working title and as Gene says, the Captain (Val) will name the ship.


Tune in next time (which could be in 10 minutes, or tomorrow) for the launch of the Lyra II and the Volito I! Then the Hastae Multi II, then the refuelling missions! And then we leave for Eki! And then... we get on with other bits of the plot, including a Rald window we may or may not take advantage of while the other ships are orbiting Kerbol.

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Thanks for the compliment! Here are 2 more panels for your enjoyment.



EDIT: I am aware that on the 2nd page, some of the landing legs had broken off. I reverted but that was still the best screenshot.

I liked writing Hanson. He's very wordy and I think he thinks about himself in 3rd person. (""Oh no!" he thought. "I've just realised I'm talking about myself in 3rd person!" he realised" he thought. et cetera, et cetera.)

Tune in tomorrow for the Volito I launch!

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Here are some more pictures of me launching and docking things! They would have been up earlier, but I spent ages fiddling with CTT because it de-unlocked parts I'd already unlocked. Grr. So I deleted it and I will re-install it when everything is launched.



That's all the pilots I have on the ground. Guess I'll have to do some rescues.

Tune in next time for the launch of the HMII!

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Such a glorious accumulation of modules!  It brings to mind The Paliaments / Funkadelic putting on the finale of their show with the "Mothership Connection".  But I want to use that song myself one of these days.  Still, I do flotillas, not mohterships, and you're doing both so, you can have it.




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Thanks @Kerballing (Got Dunked On). However, please bear in mind the next chapter's title: And Now For Something Completely Different.



Tune in next time for orbital logistics! We are going to transfer crews around. Also we are going to do some rescues because we are dangerously low on funds.

On another note, I would like some advice on whether to get MkIV Spaceplanes by Nertea. It's a really cool mod which adds gigantic spaceplanes, capable of lifting 3.75m things to orbit. I would also like advice on whether to get his Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux, which adds loads of cool parts to make space stations and space ships. Also I am on the fence about getting Kerbal Atomics which adds (wait for it...) 2.5m nuclear engines. I don't really like adding part mods, but on the other hand these are all very stockalike.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Here are some pages I made! I have already sent the ship to Eki. I am now going to go and make some more pages.




Tune in next time for strange things. It is entirely possible that I will be summoning the Kraken. It's a promising area of research - K-Drives are the future!

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That is, the BBC. As in the British Broadcasting Company, which does all the stuff on the radio and TV worth listening to in Britain.

At some point I may move it to Bop.

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I am very annoyed as I accidentally deleted my photos of transferring the Cygnus crew to the Eki mothership and in consequence have to hyperedit loads of things into place to take screenshots. Anyway, here is something I made just now.


The Cynestol (Prototype) is a six-seater 2-stage-to-orbit shuttle. It has 4 detachable Panther engines and a pair of dual-mode Stubber nuclear engines from Kerbal Atomics. (They can get extra thrust by using LfO instead of just Lf). It's going to the Mun to pick up some rescues, because we are Low on Funds. It also has over 4,000m/s of dV.

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Here we go!






Dun... dun... dunnnnn!

These piratical pirates are probably not going to kill anyone. They do have six torpedoes, a Klaw and around 3km/s dV, though.

Tune in next time for the Cynestol shuttle launch! (It is awful and I really, really want Whiplashes ASAP.)

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