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Couple of concerns

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19 hours ago, CyclonicTuna said:

However I don't feel like they have a grasp on what makes KSP fun when they mentioned multiplayer. I am personally not sure wether KSP is the kind of game that even needs multiplayer. Not every type of game is improved by having multiplayer in it, and it feels more like a forced feature to boost hype and potential sales of KSP 2.

YOUR "feelings" about KSP is not necessarily the next man's "feelings".

My "feeling" is that either you start a MP session with your buddy, or you dont. Problem solved and move on.

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I have to say that personally, I think Dtar Theory understands KSP and based off what they've said I trust that they will try to deliver a properly kerbal experience.


However... I don't trust Take Two as much. That's where most of my concerns are.


(As for multiplayer... they haven't said much about it, so we don't know what to expect. And the multiplayer mods we've seen in the past don't count either, since not only could they be implemented completely differently, but they were never anywhere remotely near a polished experience that we would get from multiplayer being built in. I think it's a little too early to know whether that will be any good or not, but as long as singleplayer stays, I'm fine.)

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13 minutes ago, SkyKaptn said:

YOUR "feelings" about KSP is not necessarily the next man's "feelings".

My "feeling" is that either you start a MP session with your buddy, or you dont. Problem solved and move on.

If only I could be comforted by that. Its not as simple as "lets slap on an mp mode, and if people don't like it they don't have to play it". It takes time to develop a good mp mode, and if that time is being taken away from somewhere else it could pose a problem. 

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1 minute ago, CyclonicTuna said:

If only I could be comforted by that. Its not as simple as "lets slap on an mp mode, and if people don't like it they don't have to play it". It takes time to develop a good mp mode, and if that time is being taken away from somewhere else it could pose a problem. 

I wouldnt loose any sleep over it at this early stage of dev tho. 

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8 minutes ago, CyclonicTuna said:

If only I could be comforted by that. Its not as simple as "lets slap on an mp mode, and if people don't like it they don't have to play it". It takes time to develop a good mp mode, and if that time is being taken away from somewhere else it could pose a problem. 

Star Theory is confident that they can get the game done in the 7 months that they have.

 And according to Lu K. they've been working on it since August of 2017. 2 years and 7 months, at time of launch, is a long enough time for them to get a polished game out to us. 

No other area will suffer due to multiplayer being in the game. 

Edited by GoldForest
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25 minutes ago, SkyKaptn said:

My "feeling" is that either you start a MP session with your buddy, or you dont. Problem solved and move on.

That is not exactly right, is it?

If the new game becomes "minecraft in space with lootboxes and microtransactions" you also either play it or you don't. What is your point then?

Now, I am not saying the new dev team will screw up so badly. But it is our job to debate this. I always though that arguments like "if you dont like it dont buy it" not only useless, its also against the whole idea of a game strongly attached to its community. Why do we dabate so much then? 

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On 8/24/2019 at 12:35 PM, GoldForest said:

Most speculation is after Take-Two got the rights to KSP. (Between 2016 to 2017)

The evidence we have is that it's been at least a year, as Steam page activity pre-dates to November 2018.

Yep. Little by little some info is coming out. Also, side note, nice to see the devs discussing what they can, without making the mistake NoMansSky devs made, of promising things that were not/never happened.



Star Theory is confident that they can get the game done in the 7 months that they have.

 And according to Lu K. they've been working on it since August of 2017. 2 years and 7 months, at time of launch, is a long enough time for them to get a polished game out to us. 

No other area will suffer due to multiplayer being in the game. 

Wow. Aug 2017? They kept that underwraps... wow. 2 and a half years? Still, coding... coding shows they cannot be that far along, as even MP does not seem to have any backbone yet?

Edited by Technical Ben
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8 hours ago, Technical Ben said:

Yep. Little by little some info is coming out. Also, side note, nice to see the devs discussing what they can, without making the mistake NoMansSky devs made, of promising things that were not/never happened.


Wow. Aug 2017? They kept that underwraps... wow. 2 and a half years? Still, coding... coding shows they cannot be that far along, as even MP does not seem to have any backbone yet?

If they weren't that far along with coding, they wouldn't have pre-alpha footage with working parts already. 

And we dont know how far along multiplayer is. 

You saying they aren't far along is clearly false as they have gameplay and screen shots. They've made the entire kerbin system, plus at least one or two solar systems. They also have tons of parts, as evident from the screenshots. They are far far along. At this point it's probably just finishing up polishing the code and running bug fixes and maybe adding a few features that are missing.

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There are no comments on MP yet, like none. So that at least must be like NMS where there is no actual start on it yet (NMS had none for what, 1 or 2 years?).

But I concede, the rest of the backbone could be any age... just still looks early IMO.


The gameplay screenshots are still very basic. Reminds me of the early days of KSP1, but obviously with better artwork (this does seem much more along than the coding).

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On 8/23/2019 at 12:37 PM, CyclonicTuna said:

8 to 10 months of devlopment time would be to little to achieve that

Let's just wait and see what they come up with rather than extrapolating doom-and-gloom from tiny, scrubbed snippets.  The truth of the matter is that we can't accurately predict anything based on what we've been shown so far, so while it's natural to be concerned, you have no inside knowledge to predict or decree that the company needs more development time to deliver on what they're promising.

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8 minutes ago, Chilkoot said:

Let's just wait and see what they come up with rather than extrapolating doom-and-gloom from tiny, scrubbed snippets.  The truth of the matter is that we can't accurately predict anything based on what we've been shown so far, so while it's natural to be concerned, you have no inside knowledge to predict or decree that the company needs more development time to deliver on what they're promising.

This is true. Plus, there's a rumor that they've been working on this since August of 2017. That's 2 years 7 months at the time it will launch. I believe this is a good amount of time for a game like KSP. Especially when you figure they could have been working on both code and models at the same time.

30+ people work at Stat Theory according to the interviews. 

Even if they split the work 50 to code 50 to model and textures, that's still a lot of people working to get the code done. And if we go more people to code, 75/25, that's 22 to 23 people working on code.

I am confident that they will have a finished polished product by March 2020. 

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On 8/24/2019 at 9:15 AM, Lu K. said:

i think im beginning to understand why they kept this a secret.

Yeah. Lots of things are now making sense. :D 

When KSP 1.4.0 came to light (2018/March), they already had about 9 months on development (2017/August). Of course they probably didn't had a full 30 people team at that time, but the planning were already done and the work should had been started already.

The somewhat big amount of bold moves they did on the KSP 1.4.x with some of them later abandoned or half done (Mission History) and not promoted by the P/R guys always rendered me uncomfortable. :/ At that time I was guessing TT2 were testing KSP1 to decide to start or not a new code tree for the game, but as it appears this was the initial plan since the buyout. What made KSP 1.4 and newer a laboratory where we were the guinea pigs. :P 

The stagnation on some Add'Ons development and bug fixing also rendered me smelling a rat - this information should had leaked way before the official announcement. ;)

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