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[KSP1.12.x] RealPlume - Stock v4.0.8 & RealPlume v13.3.2 [25/JUN/2021]


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Sorry, @Drew Kerman, it was just an oversight on my part due to inexperience.  It didn't occur to me that other mods might rename ModuleEnginesFX.  For a quick fix, just replace your RealPlume/000_Generic_Plumes/Methalox_AirBreathingMode.cfg with the file from https://github.com/Scialytic/RealPlume/raw/master/GameData/RealPlume/000_Generic_Plumes/Methalox_AirBreathingMode.cfg

@Zorg PR submitted.

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Oh hmm, it expects ModuleEnginesFX specifically but AJE uses ModuleEnginesAJE (probably same problem with RealFuels)

Can probably just change that to ModuleEngines* ... if you're trying to use it with regular ModuleEngines that's your problem.

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I've encountered a problem with the plume for the restock mainsail.

the plume appears to be tailored for the stock mainsail rather than the restock one.

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  On 5/8/2020 at 10:43 PM, Scialytic said:

Sorry, @Drew Kerman, it was just an oversight on my part due to inexperience.  It didn't occur to me that other mods might rename ModuleEnginesFX.  For a quick fix, just replace your RealPlume/000_Generic_Plumes/Methalox_AirBreathingMode.cfg with the file from https://github.com/Scialytic/RealPlume/raw/master/GameData/RealPlume/000_Generic_Plumes/Methalox_AirBreathingMode.cfg

@Zorg PR submitted.



Oh great, thanks. I hadnt had the chance to check. Will merge shortly.


  On 5/9/2020 at 5:23 AM, Mountain Parrot said:

I've encountered a problem with the plume for the restock mainsail.

the plume appears to be tailored for the stock mainsail rather than the restock one.

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Thats actually part of the stock config intruding on the restock one. I fixed it a couple of days ago in the github development branch. Will put out a bug fix release very shortly.

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RealPlume-Stock v4.0.1

## Fixes

- Fix restock Mainsail config
- Make Vens Stock Revamp core install (only new parts added by Ven's) and Restock work together.

RealPlume-Stock v4.0.1 Download [Github]


RealPlume v 13.3.1

## Fixes

- Make new methalox air breathing prefab work with mods that change ModuleEngines* name such as AJE. (courtesy of Scialytic).

RealPlume v13.3.1 Download [Github]


Edited by Zorg
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  On 5/10/2020 at 10:39 PM, AccidentalDisassembly said:

Small FYI - In the file GameData\RealPlume-Stock\TantaresLV\delphini_us_engine_s1_1.cfg, the final patch is missing a closing curly brace at the end. Dunno if that actually causes problems, but... just in case.


Thanks, the main config should be ok but I expect the verniers would be broken. Will fix in the next release.

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RealPlume (not SmokeScreenFX - I've tested them separately and SSFX doesn't affect framerate) reduces my average framerate consistently by 8.5% without any engines running. In my benchmark it was reduced from 142 FPS to 130, hence 8.5%. I know it's not a lot, but I still wanted to report it.

Benchmark conditions: stock Dynawing sitting on the launchpad, not touching any controls, waiting for the framerate to stabilise for a minute, 2 benchmarks with the mod installed and uninstalled. In other words, RealPlume drops FPS when the engines aren't even running. I wonder why. (This is my ongoing performance benchmark for popular mods.)

(Specs: i5-6600k at 4.4 Ghz, GTX 970, Windows 10, 16 GB RAM, SSD, other mods are installed but they have to be and the test was consistent - I get too many frames per second without mods and KSP limits my framerate to my monitor's refresh rate, so I have to lower it below 144.)

Edited by Krzeszny
I forgot to add specs
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  On 5/15/2020 at 9:45 PM, Krzeszny said:

RealPlume (not SmokeScreenFX - I've tested them separately and SSFX doesn't affect framerate) reduces my average framerate consistently by 8.5% without any engines running. In my benchmark it was reduced from 142 FPS to 130, hence 8.5%. I know it's not a lot, but I still wanted to report it.

Benchmark conditions: stock Dynawing sitting on the launchpad, not touching any controls, waiting for the framerate to stabilise for a minute, 2 benchmarks with the mod installed and uninstalled. In other words, RealPlume drops FPS when the engines aren't even running. I wonder why. (This is my ongoing performance benchmark for popular mods.)

(Specs: i5-6600k at 4.4 Ghz, GTX 970, Windows 10, 16 GB RAM, SSD, other mods are installed but they have to be and the test was consistent - I get too many frames per second without mods and KSP limits my framerate to my monitor's refresh rate, so I have to lower it below 144.)


RealPlume is just a set of config cfgs and plume models. It runs everything through the smokescreen plugin. 

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  On 5/15/2020 at 11:10 PM, Zorg said:

RealPlume is just a set of config cfgs and plume models. It runs everything through the smokescreen plugin. 


What I meant to say is that my framerate didn't drop with SmokeScreen installed without RP, and current tests have shown that RP without SmokeScreen (removed folder) also doesn't drop the framerate. My framerate drops with RealPlume and SmokeScreen installed at the same time.

I did some more benchmarks today and the conclusion is that RealPlume+SmokeScreen lower the framerate in all scenarios, with the engines off.

On the launchpad, max and average framerates dropped by 8.73% (94 with RP/SSFX, 103 without), engines off. Tested 3 times.

In orbit (attained using the cheats menu), max and average framerate dropped by... 8.69% (105 with, 115 without), engines off. Tested 2 times.

As you can see, the results are extremely consistent. Do you have any idea why RealPlume constantly lowers the framerate? It must be calculating something in the background.

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  On 5/16/2020 at 8:55 AM, Krzeszny said:

What I meant to say is that my framerate didn't drop with SmokeScreen installed without RP, and current tests have shown that RP without SmokeScreen (removed folder) also doesn't drop the framerate. My framerate drops with RealPlume and SmokeScreen installed at the same time.

I did some more benchmarks today and the conclusion is that RealPlume+SmokeScreen lower the framerate in all scenarios, with the engines off.

On the launchpad, max and average framerates dropped by 8.73% (94 with RP/SSFX, 103 without), engines off. Tested 3 times.

In orbit (attained using the cheats menu), max and average framerate dropped by... 8.69% (105 with, 115 without), engines off. Tested 2 times.

As you can see, the results are extremely consistent. Do you have any idea why RealPlume constantly lowers the framerate? It must be calculating something in the background.


RealPlume doesnt calculate anything in the background. Like I already said, RealPlume is a set of module manager configs FOR Smokescreen. Smokescreen is a plugin that adds a more versatile type of particle effect and RealPlume provides plume fx models and configs that use them via smokescreen.

If you can find a specific problem or errors related to realplume configs causing issues I am happy to look at it but I am not chasing ghosts based on a vague report about dropped frames.

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  On 5/16/2020 at 9:29 AM, Zorg said:

If you can find a specific problem or errors related to realplume configs causing issues I am happy to look at it but I am not chasing ghosts based on a vague report about dropped frames.


I can't help you any more than by pointing out that beyond any doubt, when RealPlume is installed, the framerate drops by 8.5% - ALWAYS. As it can in fact be caused by SmokeScreen rather than RealPlume's configs (even though SSFX without configs doesn't affect the framerate), I'll report it in SSFX's thread.

By the way, you can benchmark it yourself (or anyone else can).

If you can't make use of this report, fine. 9% framerate is a small price to pay for salvation better plumes :)

Thanks for maintaining the mod.

Edited by Krzeszny
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GameData/RealPlume-Stock/Global\ Patches.cfg has

!PhysicsSignificance = NULL

I don't know which, if any, engines are initially physicsless and get changed by this patch, but this might be part of why some people experience reductions in frame rate. Worth noting is that the patch explicitly states

// Make sure that none of the engine parts have their
// physics disabled (breaks the plumes).

My suggestion would be to simply not use RealPlumes, or any of the other cosmetics mods, if somebody experiences intolerable frame rate drops. Kind of a no-brainer, really. Moar shiny always translates to more processing...

Edited by Corax
Thanks, Invision
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I'm sorry if this is a really dumb question, but does this mod or any of dependencies cause the plumes of RAPIER and other dual-mode SSTO engines to fall to gravity? If so, is there a way to disable this? It causes the plumes to come out at weird angles if I rotate the engines.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, love the mod and appreciate the work, seems like im losing sound on some of my rockets with this mod installed like my sounding rockets and a few stock rockets, any idea why maybe?



Edit: Jip just tested with Realplume installed i lose sound on a few rocket engines in this case i tested Sounding rockets from USI.


Edit: After further testing it seems like if you reduce the thrust of the SRBs to below 50% there is no sound.... will keep testing. this is not hte case fir the small rockets for USI sounding they just dont work at all with Realplume

Edited by Dreaded
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  On 5/23/2020 at 10:20 PM, RyGuy_McFly said:

I'm sorry if this is a really dumb question, but does this mod or any of dependencies cause the plumes of RAPIER and other dual-mode SSTO engines to fall to gravity? If so, is there a way to disable this? It causes the plumes to come out at weird angles if I rotate the engines.


Could I see a screenshot?

  On 6/3/2020 at 7:53 AM, Dreaded said:

Hi, love the mod and appreciate the work, seems like im losing sound on some of my rockets with this mod installed like my sounding rockets and a few stock rockets, any idea why maybe?



Edit: Jip just tested with Realplume installed i lose sound on a few rocket engines in this case i tested Sounding rockets from USI.


Edit: After further testing it seems like if you reduce the thrust of the SRBs to below 50% there is no sound.... will keep testing. this is not hte case fir the small rockets for USI sounding they just dont work at all with Realplume


The volume scales with the thrust which is defined by the actual max thrust of the part. if you set a thrust limit for volume scaling in ksp its the same as throttling so it becomes quieter. it shouldnt go away completely though.

I would need to see your modulemanager.configcache file in the main game data folder to see whats going on with those sounding rockets.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 6/17/2020 at 3:47 AM, skzbr said:



I`m not sure if this glitch is caused by real plume.

I use astronomer pack and other addons, if necessary i can provide the log file.



I dont see how realplume could cause that. Can you reliably reproduce the problem? And if so does it go away when realplume is removed? In any case I really seriously doubt how smokescreen could be affecting the planet rendering.

  On 6/17/2020 at 6:59 AM, xD-FireStriker said:

Does RealPlume clash with PlumeParty at all?


Im not entirely sure. Plume party has two components

1) provides plume models for people to use in their own mods

2) configs to replace the plumes for stock.

The second part could potentially clash, not 100% sure. In which case you should remove the configs folder inside PlumeParty.

I believe the version of plume party typically bundled with other mods such as Knes usually dont have the configs folder anyway.

If you are installing PlumeParty on its own, there is no need to install it since stock parts will be covered by realplume.

If you are installing it because its a dependency for another mod, then removing the configs folder should solve any potential conflicts. Its still important to have PlumeParty in this case since the effects might be used in the mods engines not covered by realplume or even for rcs plumes.

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  On 6/17/2020 at 7:34 AM, Zorg said:

If you are installing it because its a dependency for another mod, then removing the configs folder should solve any potential conflicts. Its still important to have PlumeParty in this case since the effects might be used in the mods engines not covered by realplume or even for rcs plumes.


Yep so just ditch the config file and no harm should be done, RCS will still work on the SOCK shuttle?

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  On 6/17/2020 at 7:42 AM, Zorg said:

Yeah itll be fine. The required fx models will still be in plume party and the configs to apply them to SOCK parts are within SOCK part configs themselves.


Thanks, for somereason the version bundled with SOCK was identifying its self as Airline Kuisine which was slightly annoying. Plus it was 2 versions out of date so i though it would be a good idea to update it. just wasnt sure what would happned with RealPlume when i did.

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  On 6/17/2020 at 7:34 AM, Zorg said:

I dont see how realplume could cause that. Can you reliably reproduce the problem? And if so does it go away when realplume is removed? In any case I really seriously doubt how smokescreen could be affecting the planet rendering.

Im not entirely sure. Plume party has two components

1) provides plume models for people to use in their own mods

2) configs to replace the plumes for stock.

The second part could potentially clash, not 100% sure. In which case you should remove the configs folder inside PlumeParty.

I believe the version of plume party typically bundled with other mods such as Knes usually dont have the configs folder anyway.

If you are installing PlumeParty on its own, there is no need to install it since stock parts will be covered by realplume.

If you are installing it because its a dependency for another mod, then removing the configs folder should solve any potential conflicts. Its still important to have PlumeParty in this case since the effects might be used in the mods engines not covered by realplume or even for rcs plumes.



I`ll try again! All i know is: when i installed RELIGHT for the engines, that problem occured. But i removed it and is gone...

After some time, it happened again but now without de relight engines.

I`ll make couple of tries here and i`ll be back


Thanks for your answer

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