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[1.9] Completely Non-Aggressive Rocketry - V2 Rocket Add-on


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I've made a set of ModuleManager patches only, that draws together all the previously suggested rebalances, added some extra fuel and thrust, and then added some duplicated parts from the Taerobee mod:

I wanted as close a stockalike version of the WAC Corporal buildable in the start node, and in KSRSS Reborn I can get one to around 60km and return the science. There's even some stock variants to colour it yellow.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAC_Corporal for the real history and read the part descriptions. You can also obviously stick one on a Titov and make a RTV-G-4 Bumper.

Included below with absolutely no license or waranties, anyone/mod authors feel free to leverage the code. Copy these into two "WhateverYouWannaCallIt.cfg" files somewhere in your GameData, I have a personal patch folder, you probably should too.

First up, an MM patch with just the forum fixes with links, thanks to those people, who I assume they have no license restrictions, but I've kept those separate. This can be used on its own, or not at all. This first patch does *not* require the Taerobee mod.

// -*- conf-javaprop -*-
// Fixes for CNAR
// By: 610yesnolovely
// Based on KSP Forum ideas and MM snippets.

// Fix Bumper engine. The 0.750 probably should have been 0.075.
// At quarter scale 0.313 (real world) / 4 == 0.078
	// mass = 0.75
	@mass = 0.075

// Fix Engine to have better bottom node for launch pads.
// https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/188554-19-completely-non-aggressive-rocketry-v2-rocket-add-on/&do=findComment&comment=3938780
	// node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -7.27403, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
	@node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.02788, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0

// Fix Fins to actually attach properly
// https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/188554-19-completely-non-aggressive-rocketry-v2-rocket-add-on/&do=findComment&comment=3939542
		%rotation = 0, 0, -4.6

	// node_attach = 0.05, 0.133, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
	@node_attach = 0.1, 0.133, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1

// Fix CapellaExperiment2 to be pressure (not temperature)
// https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/188554-19-completely-non-aggressive-rocketry-v2-rocket-add-on/&do=findComment&comment=4055092
		// experimentID = temperatureScan
		@experimentID = barometerScan

// Fix experiments to have a bit more EC so they can run and transmit higher up.
// https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/188554-19-completely-non-aggressive-rocketry-v2-rocket-add-on/&do=findComment&comment=4095850

		// amount = 12
		// maxAmount = 12		
		@amount = 30
		@maxAmount = 30



Next up is the WAC Corporal, read the description the the CapellaExperiment1/2/3 for a sensible build. This patch below only works if you also have the Taerobee mod linked earlier installed. Again can be used either/or with previous snippets.

Note: This patch does a few things that you may wish to change:

  • Moves the Capella Experiments into the Pod category as they are odd beasties which are nose cones, probe control and an experiment all-in-one, but usually when starting a rocket I look for a root probe/cm part in there, so I think that makes more sense. Feel free to delete the "@category = Pod" lines if you don't like this.
  • Makes the Capella Experiments (Temperature, Barometer, Goo) and all the other parts all available in the start node. You have to swap the nose cone to do the other science, and you have to either recovery that science or try to stick on an antenna, so usually you're going to need three launches or more (unless you build a weird rocket and cheat). Feel free to delete the "@TechRequired = start" to stop this, though perhaps only one the Goo (and one other) experiment. Balancing early game without knowing tech trees is tricky.
  • Uses FINAL as it assumes this is a local user patch, if it was for reals in a mod those should be more sensible. This will also undo any Tech Trees which place the CapellaEngine and CapellaExperiments somewhere else. I've been using Skyhawk Science System recently and this works fine with that.


// -*- conf-javaprop -*-
// By: 610yesnolovely
// Fixes for CNAR for early tech tree balance:
// - Ensure all Capella / WAC Corporal parts are in start R&D node (some tech trees move things around).
// - Gives the Capella engine more realistic thrust/height.
// - Moves the control unit and experiments to Pod category and improves title.
// - If Taerobee mod is installed: adds Capella parts so a full replica can be made:
//   - Capella Inline Parachute
//   - Tiny Tim Booster
//   - Tiny Tim Decoupler

	@TechRequired = start

	// Note that CNAR-ForumFixes.cfg fixes the engine weight.

	// Give engine a bit more thrust.
	// Had about 6.7kN, so 3.5kN is ok. Without its 2.5kN.
		@maxThrust *= 1.4

	// Give engine a bit more fuel.
		@amount *= 1.8
		@@maxAmount *= 1.8
		@amount *= 1.8
		@maxAmount *= 1.8

	// Allow switching from Bumper white to WAC Corporal yellow.
		name = ModulePartVariants
		baseVariant = Bumper
		useMultipleDragCubes = false
			name = Bumper
			displayName = Bumper
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			name = WACYellow
			displayName = WAC Corporal Yellow
			primaryColor = #ffc400
			secondaryColor = #000000
				_Color = #ffc400

	@category = Pods
	@subcategory = 0
	@description = A combined nose cone, probe control and experiment package. Useful for an early extra small sounding rocket. Suggested parts below this for a reasonable Sounding Rocket that can reach 50km are: Capella Inline Parachute, Capella Engine, three Capella Fins, Tiny Tim Decoupler, Tiny Tim Booster with three Tiny Tim Fins. Read the instructions on the other parts carefully. Experimentation and failure are normal for very early rocketry.
	@TechRequired = start

	// Without these many Contract Configuration contract packs will not work.
	%vesselType = Probe
	%CrewCapacity = 0

	// Allow switching color variants.
		name = ModulePartVariants
		baseVariant = Bumper
		useMultipleDragCubes = false
			name = Bumper
			displayName = Bumper
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			name = WACBlack
			displayName = WAC Corporal Black
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #ffc400
				_Color = #585858

	@title = Capella Control Unit with Thermometer Experiment

	@title = Capella Control Unit with Barometer Experiment

	@description = A combined nose cone, probe control and experiment package. Useful for an early extra small sounding rocket.

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Additionally adds Capella parts if Taerobee mod is
// installed (copies and adjusts some).

// Add a Capella parachute at start node. Returning or transmitting is a choice.
	@name = CapellaParachute_Taerobee
	@TechRequired = start
	@rescaleFactor = 0.5

	@entryCost = 0
	@cost = 200
	@title = Capella Inline Parachute
	@description = Very small inline parachute module goes underneath Capella Control Unit, to carry the entire rocket safely back to the ground. Open this at very high altitudes around apogee, using it like a drogue chute, otherwise your rocket will be going too fast in the lower atmosphere. If the parachute snaps at high speed, alternatives might be to use a Communotron 4-S and transmit the science and not have a parachute, or try different fuel loads and trajectories. Early sounding rockets are hard, and more about learning through failure.
	@mass *= 0.25
	@tags = wac corporal bumper capella

		@semiDeployedDrag *= 1.5
		@fullyDeployedDrag *= 1.0

		// It will open as soon as you ask it to, otherwise Capella will go ballistic
		@minAirPressureToOpen = 0.0
		@clampMinAirPressure = 0.0

		// Takes about 100m to decelerate, but be safe.
		@deployAltitude = 400 

		@packedVolume *= 0.125
		@stackableQuantity *= 8

		@dragModifier *= 1.5

		@dragModifier *= 1.0

	// Remove decouple ability, parachute will appear out of rocket but keep it all safe.
	!fx_gasBurst_white = DELETE
	!sound_decoupler_fire = DELETE
	!MODULE[ModuleDecouple] {}
	// Let KSP compute drag cubes because it is rescaled.
	!buoyancyUseCubeNamed = DELETE

	// Allow switching color variants.
		name = ModulePartVariants
		baseVariant = Bumper
		useMultipleDragCubes = false
			name = Bumper
			displayName = Bumper
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			name = WACBlack
			displayName = WAC Corporal Black
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #ffc400
				_Color = #585858

// Add suitable fins for Capella are available at start
	@name = Capella_FinSmall
	@TechRequired = start
	@title = Capella Fins
	@description = Fins for the Capella sustainer engine. Three should be enough, though the design said four, less weight is better. Possibly a very slight angle-of-attack of a few degrees would spin the rocket if stability is an issue.
	@bulkheadProfiles = size00,srf

	@name = Capella_FinLarge
	@TechRequired = start
	@title = Tiny Tim Fins
	@description = Fins for the Tiny Tim booster. Three should be enough, though the design said four, less weight is better. Possibly a very slight angle-of-attack of a few degrees would spin the rocket if stability is an issue.
	@bulkheadProfiles = size00,srf

	// Helpers to scale: 0.5 looked a little too small.
	fin_rescale = 0.75
	fin_area_scale = #$fin_rescale$
	@fin_area_scale *= #$fin_rescale$
	@fin_area_scale *= #$fin_rescale$
	@rescaleFactor = #$fin_rescale$
	@mass *= #$fin_area_scale$
	@maximum_drag *= #$fin_rescale$
	@minimum_drag *= #$fin_rescale$

		@deflectionLiftCoeff *= #$../fin_rescale$

	      	@packedVolume *= #$../fin_area_scale$
		@stackableQuantity *= #$../fin_area_scale$


	// Allow switching color variants.
		name = ModulePartVariants
		baseVariant = Bumper
		useMultipleDragCubes = false
			name = Bumper
			displayName = Bumper
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			name = WACBlack
			displayName = WAC Corporal Black
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #ffc400
				_Color = #787878

// Small Tiny Tim suitable for Capella.
	@name = Capella_TinyTim
	@TechRequired = start
	@title = Tiny Tim Booster
	@description = Tiny Tim booster rocket for the Capella.
	@bulkheadProfiles = size00,srf

	// Helpers to scale thinner but then longer.
	tinytim_rescale = 0.5
	tinytim_model_scale = 1.75
	tinytim_area_scale = #$tinytim_rescale$
	@tinytim_area_scale *= #$tinytim_rescale$
	@tinytim_area_scale *= #$tinytim_model_scale$
	tinytim_volume_scale = #$tinytim_rescale$
	@tinytim_volume_scale *= #$tinytim_rescale$	
	@tinytim_volume_scale *= #$tinytim_rescale$
	@tinytim_volume_scale *= #$tinytim_model_scale$

	tinytim_fuel_scale = 1.0 // Tiny Tim only had about 0.6s of thrust!
	tinytim_thrust_scale = 10.0 // Tiny Tim had about 220kN, so 100kN ok. Without its 10kN.

	// Now do the resizing
		// %scale = 1, #$../tinytim_model_scale$, 1
		%scale = 1, 1.75, 1

	@rescaleFactor = #$tinytim_rescale$
	@rescaleFactor -= 0.02 // Slightly thinner
	@mass *= #$tinytim_area_scale$				// Mostly surface, not volume
	@node_stack_bottom[1,,] *= #$tinytim_model_scale$
	@node_stack_top[1,,] *= #$tinytim_model_scale$

		@amount *= #$../tinytim_volume_scale$
		@amount *= #$../tinytim_fuel_scale$
		@maxAmount *= #$../tinytim_volume_scale$
		@maxAmount *= #$../tinytim_fuel_scale$

		@maxThrust *= #$../tinytim_rescale$
		@maxThrust *= #$../tinytim_rescale$
		@maxThrust *= #$../tinytim_thrust_scale$

		@packedVolume *= #$../tinytim_volume_scale$

	// Allow switching color variants.
		name = ModulePartVariants
		baseVariant = Bumper
		useMultipleDragCubes = false
			name = Bumper
			displayName = Bumper
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #000000
			name = WACBlack
			displayName = WAC Corporal Black
			primaryColor = #000000
			secondaryColor = #ffc400
				_Color = #303030

// Suitable decoupler, not quite right, but close enough.
	@name = CApella_TinyTim_Decoupler
	@TechRequired = start
	@title = Tiny Tim Decoupler
	@description = Decoupler usually placed between Tiny Tim booster and the Capella engine. For best results stage the Capella engine with the decoupler, or even stage the Capella engine before it (which is what happened in reality), though it may explode.
	@bulkheadProfiles = size00,srf

	@rescaleFactor = 0.5 // Match tinytim_rescale

	@node_stack_top[1,,] -= 0.02 // Move node slightly down to remove gap



And now... here's one I made earlier. Pretty much just CNAR and Taerobee. I'd recommend Modular Launch Pads (which is what I usually use) which has a nice small rail launcher.


Edited by 610yesnolovely
Fix for Probe type on experiments
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But wait theres a little more, bonus MM patch to create a Communotron 8-S and 4-S: these are half and quarter sized surface attach antenna. Obviously one could TweakScale these, but just in case.

They are pretty useless except for sub-orbital Kerbin/Earth range science tranmission for sounding rockets.

I use the 4-S on the WAC Corporal as an alternative to transmit science and not have parachute recovery of the WAC Corporal which can be dicy (the thing can hit 600km/s after 60km apogee with the parachute semi-deployed, not recommended). Gives the player some choices and things to experiment with. Read up on the real rocket and they had all sorts of failures, particularly with parachutes and recovery.

// -*- conf-javaprop -*-
// By: 610yesnolovely
// Add Communotron 8-S and 4-S which are small and tiny surface mount antenna.
// Useful for early rocket mods like CNAR (Completely Non-Agressive Rockets) and Taerobee at start.
// Some mods add a non-surface mount version of the Communotron 8.

	@name = SurfAntenna_8
	@TechRequired = start
	@rescaleFactor = 0.5

	@entryCost = 0
	@cost = 250
	@title = Communotron 8-S
	@description = A small surface mount version of the Communotron-16. Useful for early sounding rockets as it will probably not snap off during launch.
	@mass *= 0.25

	// Based on stats of Communotron-8
		@antennaPower *= 0.25
		@packetSize *= 0.6
		@packetResourceCost *= 0.6

		%stackableQuantity = 8
		%packedVolume = 2.5

	@name = SurfAntenna_4
	@TechRequired = start
	@rescaleFactor = 0.25

	@entryCost = 0
	@cost = 200
	@title = Communotron 4-S
	@description = A very small surface mount version of the Communotron-16. Useful for early sounding rockets as it will probably not snap off during launch.
	@mass *= 0.125

	// Half stats as Communotron-8
		@antennaPower *= 0.125
		@packetSize *= 0.3
		@packetResourceCost *= 0.3

		%stackableQuantity = 16
		%packedVolume = 1.25




Edited by 610yesnolovely
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  On 11/27/2022 at 10:46 PM, septemberWaves said:

@610yesnolovely Very nice patches, though is there a reason there's no decoupler to separate the WAC payload nosecone from the rocket?


Yes you are right, I read the WAC Corporal pages on various sites and the nose cone should decouple to release the parachute. That would make it become slightly less ballistic.

Actually, reading more through more references the nose does disconnect, it remains connected via a chord.

FYI: For those wanting to fiddle the WAC Corporal parts are quarter scaled 0.625m (size0), half 0.3125m (size00, Taerobee, some BDB parts) or 0.156125m (size000? Capella/CNAR) - in reality the WAC was 0.30m (well 12 inches) diameter, but KSP scaling typically is about half sized and balanced best for 2.5/2.7x Kerbin, JNSQ or KSRSS. 

Edited by 610yesnolovely
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Thanks so much for these patched!  I really enjoy when I can make these work by myself, but having some well written patches to take like 3/4 of the work I was doing by hand is more than appreciated!  Can't wait to start flying some of these in game.

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    // Other bits...

    // Without these many Contract Configuration contract packs will not work.
	%vesselType = Probe
	%CrewCapacity = 0

After much gnashing of teeth I found that the above extras are needed. Without them most contracts would not work if the Capella nose cone is the only command - the ship type was set to Debris (you can set it manually to Probe tho even without this).

I updated the original post, but to save anyone any frustration...

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  • 2 weeks later...

All the MM scripts have been packaged into an actual mod, now released (soon on CKAN). Thanks to @DylanSemrau, @Beale and @zer0Kerbal who gave permission to use CNAR and Taerobee (via MM). It also includes all the balance snippets, plus some engine rebalancing and some tiny-tinee Communotron 4-S (and 8-S) which provide an alternative to parachute return.


Edited by 610yesnolovely
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