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[1.5 - 1.10] Kerbalism 3.11

Sir Mortimer

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Man I'm getting deeper into the tech tree and some of these engine ratings really stop making sense and hurt the game. Notably, aerospike engines. There's no reason for them to be ignition-limited. Ignition limits made some sense on lifter engines because of the amount of power in them, but an aerospike is, like, the opposite of fragile. Given the nature of aerospikes and their use in-game, having ONE ignition makes them basically worthless. They aren't actually lifter engines. Terrible. There's also a lot of engines that really do need more ignitions just by nature of their intention, for example, the Mk.2 Expansion has some chemical engines for spaceplanes/SSTOs. Obviously a single-ignition limit makes them worthless for SSTO, but, alas, the formula has rendered them purposeless.

I love the idea and for the most part I find the concept functional, but when you run into situations - like with Aerospikes - where the feature essentially makes them worthless, I have no choice but to disable the feature :/

Edited by Frostiken
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2 hours ago, Frostiken said:

Man I'm getting deeper into the tech tree and some of these engine ratings really stop making sense and hurt the game. Notably, aerospike engines. There's no reason for them to be ignition-limited. Ignition limits made some sense on lifter engines because of the amount of power in them, but an aerospike is, like, the opposite of fragile. Given the nature of aerospikes and their use in-game, having ONE ignition makes them basically worthless. They aren't actually lifter engines. Terrible. There's also a lot of engines that really do need more ignitions just by nature of their intention, for example, the Mk.2 Expansion has some chemical engines for spaceplanes/SSTOs. Obviously a single-ignition limit makes them worthless for SSTO, but, alas, the formula has rendered them purposeless.

I love the idea and for the most part I find the concept functional, but when you run into situations - like with Aerospikes - where the feature essentially makes them worthless, I have no choice but to disable the feature :/

first, you can make them high quality for 2 ignitions. second, an engineer can service the engines to restore their ignitions and time. this helps with some designs.

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12 hours ago, Frostiken said:

Man I'm getting deeper into the tech tree and some of these engine ratings really stop making sense and hurt the game. Notably, aerospike engines. There's no reason for them to be ignition-limited. Ignition limits made some sense on lifter engines because of the amount of power in them, but an aerospike is, like, the opposite of fragile. Given the nature of aerospikes and their use in-game, having ONE ignition makes them basically worthless. They aren't actually lifter engines. Terrible. There's also a lot of engines that really do need more ignitions just by nature of their intention, for example, the Mk.2 Expansion has some chemical engines for spaceplanes/SSTOs. Obviously a single-ignition limit makes them worthless for SSTO, but, alas, the formula has rendered them purposeless.

I love the idea and for the most part I find the concept functional, but when you run into situations - like with Aerospikes - where the feature essentially makes them worthless, I have no choice but to disable the feature :/

The formula looks at the total thrust, and the ratio of ASL to VAC Isp, so it ID's the aerospike as a first-stage lifter engine.  You should be able to write an MM config that overrides the rated ignitions for aerospikes; something like:

  @rated_ignitions = 5

This might not be quite correct syntax.

Edited by lordcirth
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2 hours ago, kerbnub said:

Does anyone know what the Tranquilizing Vortex (TV) does? 


It says it relieves stress, but turning the TV on in the SPH has no effect on the stress duration in the planner. I also don't know what it's supposed to cure.

it cures stress. it reduces stress, by a tiny tiny amount.

the planner in the VAB/SPH isn't always reliable. but the effect is so tiny, if you have a minimalistic ship you probably won't even notice it.

the TV works if you have a luxury ship with all comforts. in those conditions, an average kerbal will accumulate roughly 3% stress per kerbal year. Which is more or less what the TV cures.

individual kerbals have different levels of stress resistance, within some random variability. If a kerbal is above average, he can stay indefinitely on a ship with best comfort and TV without ever getting stress. a kerbal below average will still grow stress over time, even with TV.  So, it's very unlikely to make a difference in most missions.

Still, it consumes very little power and it costs nothing to leave it on, so unless you have limited fuel supply, you should still use it

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Hi everybody! 
I've not been playing for a while, so I must've missed it... but how did we get at the point that the old Hitchhicker Storage Container costs more than  310000? :o

I just installed the latest version of KSP, the 3.16 version of Kerbalism and loaded an old savegame coming from one year ago or something like that. Is it a bug or a feature?


What does the double price xxxx + yyyy mean?  Thanks!

Edited by Basilicofresco
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4 hours ago, Basilicofresco said:

Hi everybody! 
I've not been playing for a while, so I must've missed it... but how did we get at the point that the old Hitchhicker Storage Container costs more than  310000? :o

I just installed the latest version of KSP, the 3.16 version of Kerbalism and loaded an old savegame coming from one year ago or something like that. Is it a bug or a feature?


What does the double price xxxx + yyyy mean?  Thanks!

it's certainly a bug, but i don't know anything more

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On 9/5/2022 at 1:10 PM, king of nowhere said:

it's certainly a bug, but i don't know anything more

I discovered that it's caused by the automatic upgrades: the RDU adds 275300 to the basic cost and the TV adds 33500.
After unlocking the Advanced Exploration in the tech tree the price of the Hitchhicker Storage Container change from "√4,000.00" to "√37,500.00 + √33,500.00". 
After unlocking the Advanced Science Tech in the tech tree the price of the Hitchhicker Storage Container change to "√312,899.00 + √33,500.00". 

It's just odd that I cannot avoid these expensive upgrades if not needed. What do you think? 

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1 hour ago, Basilicofresco said:

I discovered that it's caused by the automatic upgrades: the RDU adds 275300 to the basic cost and the TV adds 33500.
After unlocking the Advanced Exploration in the tech tree the price of the Hitchhicker Storage Container change from "√4,000.00" to "√37,500.00 + √33,500.00". 
After unlocking the Advanced Science Tech in the tech tree the price of the Hitchhicker Storage Container change to "√312,899.00 + √33,500.00". 

It's just odd that I cannot avoid these expensive upgrades if not needed. What do you think? 

they should not cost that crapton of money. 275k for an upgrade of a part costing 4000 by itself? maybe it's supposed to be a one-off cost to purchase the upgrade, but for some reason it's being counted incorrectly

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I just noticed a flaw in Kerbalism's life support.

Greenhouses consume water, but the water is lost forever. Which makes no sense. The water is still there, it's just locked inside the plants. The water would be recoverable two ways - first, Kerbal digestion of the plant matter. Second, you can make a slurry and break down the inedible parts of the plants. However, instead, all water into a greenhouse is lost forever.


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13 hours ago, Frostiken said:

I just noticed a flaw in Kerbalism's life support.

Greenhouses consume water, but the water is lost forever. Which makes no sense. The water is still there, it's just locked inside the plants. The water would be recoverable two ways - first, Kerbal digestion of the plant matter. Second, you can make a slurry and break down the inedible parts of the plants. However, instead, all water into a greenhouse is lost forever.


Check this:




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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to share some changes/additions I've made to a few .cfg files. These include:

- Changed cupola-greenhouse-125-1 from 1/90 to 1/6 of kerbalism greenhouse
- Added custom greenhouse module for aquaculture-375-1

- Added a patch to change the analysis speed of some labs

- Added support for the US2 sabatier reactor part, scaled accordingly

- Changed a line to enable kerbalism to add lab experiments to all labs and not just the stock lab

- Changed a line to enable the patch to correctly add hard drives to labs


Detailed explanation:

The cupola greenhouse has 1/12 as many individual plants as the greenhouse-375-1, wich is 2x as good as the default kerbalism greenhouse.

The fish tank is different from all the others. I decided it gets 4x kerbalism greenhouse ("kg") / 2x 375-1 greenhouse food production.
It is now some sort of direct Waste-converter, as i imagine some fish species can use the biomatter contained in waste more efficiently than just extracting the wastes nh3
Uses 2 Kerbals worth of Waste as fish-fodder, plus algae from integrated tanks that are as effective as 1x "kg" in both input and output
The fish however only consume/produce 1.75 Kerbals worth of co2/o2 while ingesting 2 Kerbals of food per day (not actual biomass of a Kerbal, the amount of food eaten by one per day)
I suspect growing lifeforms exhale a lower percentage of their ingested carbon as co2, than fully grown individuals of their kind,
because at least some of that carbon  needs to be integrated into their bodies for growing.

The large labs can fit more scientists, and house more and also probably more modern equipment, so they should be realistically abe to analyse samples faster.

There was no config for the sabatier reactor so I added one that is scaled in the same vein as the other parts, using its mass in relation to the kerbalism ECLSS

The line in question effectively adds lab experiments to parts with a kerbalism laboratory module, but only targets the stock lab for whatever reason, despite other lab related patches targeting all parts with lab modules
Now all modded labs too get lab experiments

The line in question adds a hard drive modules to all parts with a stock lab module, but that stock lab module got removed two files above.
I've changed the filter module to the kerbalism lab module instead.


Here are the modified files in a MediaFire folder:
I've marked all my changes  with a comment with my user name.

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Does anyone know a way to get Strategia's "Science from New Biome" reward strategy, To Boldy Go, to work with Kerbalism? Because Kerbalism seems to intercept the science, Strategia never gives the reward, whether it's auto-science done through the Kerbalism window or the old-style science popup you get on some experiments.

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5 hours ago, DangerNoodle said:

I would like to share some changes/additions I've made to a few .cfg files. These include:

- Changed cupola-greenhouse-125-1 from 1/90 to 1/6 of kerbalism greenhouse
- Added custom greenhouse module for aquaculture-375-1

- Added a patch to change the analysis speed of some labs

- Added support for the US2 sabatier reactor part, scaled accordingly

- Changed a line to enable kerbalism to add lab experiments to all labs and not just the stock lab

- Changed a line to enable the patch to correctly add hard drives to labs


Detailed explanation:

The cupola greenhouse has 1/12 as many individual plants as the greenhouse-375-1, wich is 2x as good as the default kerbalism greenhouse.

The fish tank is different from all the others. I decided it gets 4x kerbalism greenhouse ("kg") / 2x 375-1 greenhouse food production.
It is now some sort of direct Waste-converter, as i imagine some fish species can use the biomatter contained in waste more efficiently than just extracting the wastes nh3
Uses 2 Kerbals worth of Waste as fish-fodder, plus algae from integrated tanks that are as effective as 1x "kg" in both input and output
The fish however only consume/produce 1.75 Kerbals worth of co2/o2 while ingesting 2 Kerbals of food per day (not actual biomass of a Kerbal, the amount of food eaten by one per day)
I suspect growing lifeforms exhale a lower percentage of their ingested carbon as co2, than fully grown individuals of their kind,
because at least some of that carbon  needs to be integrated into their bodies for growing.

The large labs can fit more scientists, and house more and also probably more modern equipment, so they should be realistically abe to analyse samples faster.

There was no config for the sabatier reactor so I added one that is scaled in the same vein as the other parts, using its mass in relation to the kerbalism ECLSS

The line in question effectively adds lab experiments to parts with a kerbalism laboratory module, but only targets the stock lab for whatever reason, despite other lab related patches targeting all parts with lab modules
Now all modded labs too get lab experiments

The line in question adds a hard drive modules to all parts with a stock lab module, but that stock lab module got removed two files above.
I've changed the filter module to the kerbalism lab module instead.


Here are the modified files in a MediaFire folder:
I've marked all my changes  with a comment with my user name.

Nice. It would probably be easier to maintain a fork of the git repo, though - that's exactly what git is for.

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I tried doing a space station in orbit to study samples. However it seems to study to a certain amount, then fill up the hard drive. Once it fills up it stops the laboratory from studying anymore, transmits the rest of the data, and doesn't restart. So I have to *manually* transit the data from my space station every single time it fills up. Since it only has 500 mb capacity and the samples are about 8gb, this is obviously bad. Does anyone have a fix?

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11 hours ago, Heliotrope said:

I tried doing a space station in orbit to study samples. However it seems to study to a certain amount, then fill up the hard drive. Once it fills up it stops the laboratory from studying anymore, transmits the rest of the data, and doesn't restart. So I have to *manually* transit the data from my space station every single time it fills up. Since it only has 500 mb capacity and the samples are about 8gb, this is obviously bad. Does anyone have a fix?

strange, i normally don't have this problem.

I'd duggest to just add a few more probe cores to the station to increase the hard disk space; they are lightweight

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im having an issue with Kerbalism where science transmission rates can plummet to 0.1b/s even though im fully within range of the KSC/relay probes and am having no power issues (science mode, max upgraded facilities)


example: interplanetary probe sent to Duna was still within transmission range during the transfer (and at Duna too) with 90-100% connection strength but the transmission rate just dropped to 0.1b/s effectively rendering the probe useless

Edited by bungling
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4 hours ago, bungling said:

im having an issue with Kerbalism where science transmission rates can plummet to 0.1b/s even though im fully within range of the KSC/relay probes and am having no power issues (science mode, max upgraded facilities)


example: interplanetary probe sent to Duna was still within transmission range during the transfer (and at Duna too) with 90-100% connection strength but the transmission rate just dropped to 0.1b/s effectively rendering the probe useless

Do you use 3.16 kerbalism?
Do you use JNSQ or another scaled system?

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