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[1.12.x] Bureaucracy - Monthly Budgets, Reimagined (1.7.2 - 30/11/2024 (Under New Management))


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3 hours ago, Friznit said:

On that note, it would be a nice added difficulty option to introduce Rep decay over time.  At the moment I can choose to trade Rep (and therefore future budget) for some Strategia options, or there is the occasional Rep loss from random events.  Otherwise there's little else that detracts from Rep unless I carelessly pancake a boatload of Kerbals.

Already there :) check the settings. You've got "RepDecayEnabled" which decreases your rep by a fixed amount every month (you'll also need to set that in RepDecayPercent checks notes - that's an int, so put the percentage in whole numbers. (why did I make some percentages floats and some ints?)) - or if you are feeling like a bit of a sadist (I swear I'm the only person who actually used this option in Monthly Budgets) - you can turn on "HardModeEnabled" - that one will decrease your reputation by 1 rep for every 10k you have left over at the end of the month.

3 hours ago, Sabrewulf said:

Can you make not crew be paid negative?

? Are you saying you want your crew to generate funds instead of costing them?

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Sweet - I've set Rep decay to 10%, let's see how I get on!  I can reconcile that with the concept of my stakeholders (public relations/press/government) getting disillusioned with my inactivity and therefore my Reputation decreasing and so I'm less influential when it comes to securing funds in the next budget round.  Losing Rep because I've not spent the budget seems a bit counter intuitive to me though.

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15 hours ago, severedsolo said:

Are you saying you want your crew to generate funds instead of costing them?

No, i want tourist and similar generating funds.
If you keep a kerbal inflight vanilla or any mod and it's not crew so it would generate funds as monthly payment. I do not know if is possible to track it.
It would be better too if anything not crew generate a big cost if die, as compensation for family.

All it make the game more like a private aerospace company as like SpaceX, the only way is bureucracy!

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@severedsolo, thank you for this great mod and all of your KSP modding efforts in general.

If you let me to do so, I would like to throw in some suggestions:

Would be nice to have:

1) some Indication of estimated $ leftovers for research and construction

2) indication of research/construction rate per day (I know it's budget/30, but lazy to do the math)

3) indication for ETA in days/hours/minutes for particular upgrades plus a button to add KAC alarm manually 

4) position indication of  research/construction item in queue plus buttons to move up/down in queue

I realise that "plus" things are harder to implement, but all other stuff will be really nice to have to figure what's going on with monthly budget.

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  • 1 month later...


I think a bug appears when Bureaucracy, Flight Tracker and Kerbalism are installed together. When they meet, the very first contract, Gather Science from Kerbin, does not register recovered or transmitted science. It can't be completed by cheats - it immediately reappears. And without it completed it seems no story line contracts beyond Orbit Kerbin get generated.  Bureaucracy & Flight Tracker without Kerbalism don't cause trouble, Kerbalism without Bureaucracy & Flight Tracker does not cause trouble AND... Kerbalism & Bureaucracy without Flight Tracker also work fine. 

I noticed that Bureaucracy seems to work without Flight Tracker. What does it need Flight Tracker for? Because adding Flight Tracker to these two causes this one tiny but very, very annoying problem. 

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@JebIsDeadBaby - interesting, I've heard this before on the Kerbalism discord, but at the time put it down to Contract Configurator weirdness.


1) stock contracts or Exploration Plus?

2) Log please (not expecting it to be helpful, but let's be thorough)

3) Is it reproducible every time?

4) Have you eliminated other mods? Ie tested with just Bureaucracy, Flight Tracker and Kerbalism (and dependencies obviously).

To answer your question: Flight Tracker is needed to pay the "long term bonuses" (Bureaucracy uses it to get the Kerbals launch time, so it doesn't have to implement it's own method). Not using Flight Tracker will probably cause issues the moment you try and recover a Kerbal.

I suspect this is a symptom, not the cause though, I'll eat my hat if the problem is in Flight Tracker - that's completely passive, whereas Bureaucracy and Kerbalism are serious overhauls in their own ways.

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6 hours ago, severedsolo said:

I've heard this before on the Kerbalism discord

If yesterday - it was me. 


6 hours ago, severedsolo said:

stock contracts or Exploration Plus?

Stock. BUT... When I installed Bureaucracy a few weeks ago (amazing mod BTW, thank you very much for it. Are you an old Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space player by any chance?) I did install Contract Configurator and Exploration Plus, as suggested. I switched off stock storyline contracts but this Gather Science from Kerbin kept appearing anyway. I was a little surprised but considered it a bug and just ignored it. I noticed the problem I have now after uninstalling both Contract Configurator and Exploration Plus. Yesterday I did a new clean install of KSP and new clean install of all mods - and the problem is still there. 

The only strange thing with this clean install of KSP was that it installed with my saved games (and I deleted KSP folder before installing). So maybe it wasn't that clean after all and Steam used some files backed up in the cloud and they cause the problem. This would mean however that Contract Configurator messed something up pretty badly, which I doubt is possible. 

6 hours ago, severedsolo said:

2) Log please

In a few hours.


6 hours ago, severedsolo said:

3) Is it reproducible every time?


6 hours ago, severedsolo said:

4) Have you eliminated other mods? Ie tested with just Bureaucracy, Flight Tracker and Kerbalism (and dependencies obviously).

Mostly. I think I finished yesterday with Kerbal Construction Time and Scrap Yard also installed. I'll let you know in a few hours. 




logs here. I can confirm that Bureaucracy, Flight Tracker and Kerbalism + dependencies ONLY (and Breaking Ground) result in a bug. If I remove Flight Tracker from this combo the bug is gone. Logs come from a buggy session with Flight Tracker. I just picked the contract, built Mk1 pod, recovered Crew Report and got back to KSC. Then quit the game. 

Edited by JebIsDeadBaby
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So I haven't actually been using this cool mod, since I wanted to keep the career I was already doing going, but I plan to use it in my next play through. I have a question about KCT interaction. I like to use the building upgrades to determine build rates, and not the upgrade point system. What bad things happen when you let KCT handle building upgrades?

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Just now, Kwebib said:

What bad things happen when you let KCT handle building upgrades?

None if you turn Bureaucracy's building upgrade system off. Otherwise they will fight each other, and which one will actually handle the upgrade depends on who got there first. You may also find yourself double charged etc

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21 hours ago, JebIsDeadBaby said:

The only strange thing with this clean install of KSP was that it installed with my saved games (and I deleted KSP folder before installing). So maybe it wasn't that clean after all and Steam used some files backed up in the cloud and they cause the problem. This would mean however that Contract Configurator messed something up pretty badly, which I doubt is possible. 

That shouldn't make a difference - Steam just pulls your cloud saves through (which is another good reason to never use Steam for your main playing install of KSP).

Thank you - that should be enough information for me to reproduce it, I will have a dig later today and see if I can figure out what's going on.

21 hours ago, JebIsDeadBaby said:

Are you an old Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space player by any chance?

Nope, just a real fan of old school tycoon games (which is actually part of the reason I bought KSP in the first place, because in EA it was implied that Career mode was going to be "Space Tycoon with realistic physics") - Bureaucracy begins to turns Career mode into what I wanted it to be XD (and if I ever finish the Experience overhaul I've been working on, that will finish the job) - very much a vanity project.

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@severedsolo - a little update as this may be a Contract Configurator bug after all. Today I decided I'll play with CC and Exploration Plus. When configuring the game I thought that even though I've installed Exploration Plus, why not disable it and enable stock exploration contracts and give it a try. And lo and behold, stock contract worked!. So i thought that maybe by doing this I unlocked something locked by CC earlier (even though it should be near impossible taking into account that I made a clean install of KSP and all of the mods since then). So I uninstalled both CC and E+ but the bug reappeared. Then I installed CC again and thought that maybe it will fix the bug even if I won't use it to enable any additional contract packs. But it didn't. With or without E+ I still have the bug and am unable to recreate this situation when it was gone for this one time. 

But this makes me think that it indeed is caused by CC, although I dunno how this could be possible, unless CC files or files modified by CC are kept somewhere outside the KSP folder. 

EDIT: I was kinda surprised that right after installing CC and E+, E+ was enabled in CC settings menu and stock exploration contract was disabled. I'm pretty sure that when I installed both of them for the first time a few weeks ago, I had to enable E+ manually. Do you know if CC should enable E+ and disable stock by default? 

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23 hours ago, JebIsDeadBaby said:

Do you know if CC should enable E+ and disable stock by default? 

It should do, but it doesn't always work for some reason.

Re the other stuff; thanks - sorry I haven't had a chance to look at it yet, I'll try to get to it this week (who would have thought that being on lockdown would result in LESS free time?)

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I am also having the Bureaucracy / Contract configurator / Exploration Plus error where science data transmitted in mission doesn't que the mission while in progress. Also using JNSQ biomes if that matters

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56 minutes ago, Tonas1997 said:

Is this save-game compatible, or would it require me to start a new one?

I'd recommend starting a new one.

To be honest I don't know what would happen if you dropped it into an existing save. Partly because it's been a while since I wrote it, and I don't remember all the ins and outs, and partly because I never designed it to be intended to be dropped into an existing save, so it hasn't been tested in that scenario.

Also yes it should be fine in 1.8.1

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Hello All,

@severedsolo thx so much for all the work on this mod.  

I am about to start a new career with this mod and unkerbaled start mod.  The Unkerbaled start mod has an optional custom barn kit config to trade the cost of the launch pad and the VAB.  The idea is that the lauchpad max tonnage becomes your major restriction as opposed to the part count in the VAB.  My guess is that this will conflict with the Bureaucracy barn kit configs.

Anyone have any experience using these two mods in the same save with this option enabled?



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14 minutes ago, EchoLima said:

There's also a possibility that Bureaucracy conflicts with the changes JNSQ makes to the tracking station range, but I haven't checked yet.

JNSQ doesn't make any changes to the tracking station range (unless that's changed in the last month or so). It asks players to set their DSN range to 4x. Bureaucracy takes that into account.

29 minutes ago, gunt3rgam3r said:

Anyone have any experience using these two mods in the same save with this option enabled?

Short version: yes you will probably get conflicts because the UnKerballed Start version will be expecting 3 levels and Bureaucracy expects 5. This is easily fixed though, just write your own patch (using :FINAL) to swap the values yourself :)

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7 minutes ago, severedsolo said:

It asks players to set their DSN range to 4x.

Oh now I see. I had mixed up DSN range with antenna range. Thanks for clarifying.

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On 4/26/2020 at 1:56 PM, Ranik said:

I am also having the Bureaucracy / Contract configurator / Exploration Plus error where science data transmitted in mission doesn't que the mission while in progress. Also using JNSQ biomes if that matters


On 4/14/2020 at 7:43 AM, JebIsDeadBaby said:

logs here. I can confirm that Bureaucracy, Flight Tracker and Kerbalism + dependencies ONLY (and Breaking Ground) result in a bug. If I remove Flight Tracker from this combo the bug is gone. Logs come from a buggy session with Flight Tracker. I just picked the contract, built Mk1 pod, recovered Crew Report and got back to KSC. Then quit the game. 

I found the issue. It seems that the contract system does not like it if you pass it 0 science. While I could implement a workaround into Bureaucracy it would be messy and likely cause a few infinite loops, so it's better it's fixed at the source. I've raised an issue with the Kerbalism guys https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/issues/630

I did however find a couple of bugs with the Kerbalism interface while looking into this, which I've fixed and will release shortly.

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