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[1.12.x] Bureaucracy - Monthly Budgets, Reimagined (1.7.2 - 30/11/2024 (Under New Management))


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First off @severedsolo I absolutely love your mod due to how its changed KSP for the better in career mode. With only 500hrs in this game this mod has singlehandedly reignited my love for KSP. I love 95% of the systems you have in place with this mod.


Have you considered though that instead of science experiments providing science points into the pool for research that they would instead provide reputation(maybe 1/10 of the amount). With rep decay on by default(anti runway/cheese mechanic), your budget is influenced more by how much kerbin notices your recent scientific achievements than how many experiments run to unlock more tech. It shifts the focus more to how great you are as a space faring nation(rep) than how much can you cheese the science system. As a direct result your R&D center would now provide a monthly science award based on something like (science budget*x) where x is your difficulty multiplier. So basically your nation is providing monetary resources(based on rep and budget amount) into developing tech to reach the stars. I think this would provide a more organic tech progression than relying on spamming boring science grabs just to jump the tech ladder. So if a player was to get stuck this would allow you to take a rep hit to get that next tech to go where you want to without the whole, ‘What biome in minmus havent i stripped of science yet’.


To balance you would have to lower the rep payouts of contracts and could even go as far as creating a win/lose condition to career. 0 rep = kerbin doesnt want to fund space exploration anymore because its too hard. Max rep = You have created the most prestigious space program kerbin has ever seen.


Im sure you have thought of this already but I figured incase you havent, maybe something to consider for future development. As im not really a coder or modder I am not sure the technical limitation of ksp and the systems they have designed could even accommodate this....

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1 minute ago, gamerscircle said:

Hey there @severedsolo , I dipped my toe into this and so far so good, I ran into a little issue after collecting many science reports.  This was after I drove around KSC and picked up some science.


Known issue, I haven't figured out how to make the scroll list scroll. It's just a visual bug

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  • 2 weeks later...

@severedsolo out of curiosity will this help with the scroll list issue?



Not the reason I originally came here. Wondered if you had any thoughts on how Monthly Budgets and KCT's passive science generation should interact? I'm not even sure whether or not they do right now, it's a little tough to differentiate between the slow trickle of the science budget doing its thing on queued experiments vs the incremental science granted due to build points vs the incremental science/day.

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7 hours ago, GlitchHound said:

@severedsolo out of curiosity will this help with the scroll list issue?

Hey thanks, that does look like what I'm looking for, the behaviour he's describing is exactly what I see when I turn scrolling on!

7 hours ago, GlitchHound said:

Wondered if you had any thoughts on how Monthly Budgets and KCT's passive science generation should interact?

The short version is they don't interact at all, and you will get the science KCT adds without Bureaucracy interfering. Mods using the experiment system fall into Bureaucracy's remit, mods using AddScience (as KCT does) do not, because the only thing we can safely say about that situation is the mod, for whatever reason, is choosing to bypass the experiment system.

7 hours ago, GlitchHound said:

it's a little tough to differentiate between the slow trickle of the science budget doing its thing on queued experiments vs the incremental science granted due to build points vs the incremental science/day.

The log should be able to tell you that. With Bureaucracy you'll see lines that say things like:

[Bureaucracy]: <ScienceSubject> completed. Adding <experiment worth> science"

I'd be surprised if KCT doesn't log it too.

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2 hours ago, JebIsDeadBaby said:


sometimes I get doubled rewards in rescue contracts. Pic. Is this Bureaucracy bug?

Not if only rescue contracts are affected. A contract is a contract as far as the interceptor is concerned - and the code for that hasn't changed since Monthly Budgets and nobody ever reported it before.

Edited by severedsolo
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Bureaucracy 1.4 Released

  • Kerbals can now retire and will be assigned a random retirement date on first load. They can delay their retirement date by running missions (Credit for the idea to the RP-1 team, code is my own)
  • Kerbals can now be trained using the new "Crew" option in the UI. By default this training will cost $60000*newLevel and will take newLevel months to complete. (reduced from $100000 in the Beta)
  • UI windows will no longer lock all control
  • UI windows can be toggled by clicking the toolbar icon again
  • New Settings: RetirementEnabled, RetirementExtensionFactor, MinimumTerm, MaximumTerm, BaseTrainingFee - see wiki for more details.
  • Save Upgrade Pipeline updated to run from 1.1 to 1.4. Saves from a version of Bureaucracy prior to 1.1 will be reset to default. If in doubt, check the version in BureaucracySettings.cfg
  • Properly handle the observatory from ResearchBodies

If you were running the beta settings will be reset due to last minute change. You can get around this by changing the "Version" field to "1.1" in your settings. Bureaucracy will then just reset the retirement stuff

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On 6/27/2020 at 12:13 PM, severedsolo said:
  • Kerbals can now retire and will be assigned a random retirement date on first load. They can delay their retirement date by running missions (Credit for the idea to the RP-1 team, code is my own)

Huh, I was literally about to propose this, since I liked this feature in BARIS (-nauts that don't fly get frustrated and leave the program eventually). Maybe you could add to this random events like "Jeb Kerman is tired of idleness and expects to get an orbital flight within next 120 days or will get -20% Morale drop". You could actually replace retirement date with Morale system, since it's already here and serves more or less the same purpose. Say each Kerbal looses 0,5±0,4% of Morale per day when on Kerbin and gains 5±4% per each day in space. 

Edited by JebIsDeadBaby
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I did read through the whole forums, but I thought I report something that I think might be a bug?

On Construction, when you are working on something, say the "Tracking Station" and you check and see that it is 47%, but then I added the "Launch" pad and because it is "L" comes before "T", the budget swapped to the Launch Pad and didn't finish the Tracking Station.

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1 minute ago, gamerscircle said:

I did read through the whole forums, but I thought I report something that I think might be a bug?

On Construction, when you are working on something, say the "Tracking Station" and you check and see that it is 47%, but then I added the "Launch" pad and because it is "L" comes before "T", the budget swapped to the Launch Pad and didn't finish the Tracking Station.

Not a bug per se, just the way a List is processed. Click upgrade on the tracking station again to prioritise it.

The short explanation is, Bureaucracy will just work through the list of upgrades, the actual list order is at the mercy of the game, and .NET . It will scan the list for upgrades with the priority flag set first though.

Having said that, it wouldn't be a terrible idea to check if any upgrades have already made progress while we're scanning for the isPriority flag - I'll add that in to 1.5

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4 hours ago, gamerscircle said:

Just you let you know, clicked upgrade again does "prioritize" things, thank you!

Just don't click it a third time or you'll cancel your upgrade ;) (don't worry, it warns you before it does)

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On the topic of building upgrades, what would you think of a setting to automatically start a building's upgrade to the next tier once the previous one is completed?

That way you wouldn't have to keep going back to KSC and clicking upgrade all over again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Every time I take a break I have to relearn all the bits and bobs of mod interactions, and now I'm almost up and running again! :D

Just doing some tweaks to Bureaucracy again, and debating disabling the Retirement feature -- at least for now.

I'm assuming it doesn't regard veterans any differently than "regular" Kerbals? How much fun would it be to call a retired Val or Bob back to service to run an emergency mission? Probably at the cost of a significant one-time payout, or much higher maintenance rate while they're on the mission.

This could work in favor of the Earn Your Stripes! functionality, too.

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9 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

I'm assuming it doesn't regard veterans any differently than "regular" Kerbals? How much fun would it be to call a retired Val or Bob back to service to run an emergency mission? Probably at the cost of a significant one-time payout, or much higher maintenance rate while they're on the mission.

This might be possible in 1.10 but I haven't looked at it yet.

Basically, the retirement works by "firing" the Kerbal - meaning it's not really possible to pull them back cause they are removed from the game. I could create a new Kerbal with the same name, but the stupidity, courage etc would be off (I could reset them - but... it's alot of data to save for a feature that may hardly be used - especially with Earn Your Stripes, where any Kerbal could theoretically be a veteran)

There is an interesting little titbit in the 1.10 Changelog though.


Fixed veteran kerbals dissappearing when being dismissed.

Now, I haven't really looked into what this means, but it might be that the Kerbal goes back into the applicants pool. Which would theoretically be something I could hook into. (Oh and to answer the question, yes it treats veterans the same as regular Kerbals)

Edited by severedsolo
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  • 4 weeks later...
1 minute ago, JebIsDeadBaby said:


I see that DSN ranges patched for JNSQ are about half of those you set for stock system. JNSQ recommends quadrupling DSN range in settings. Does your JNSQ patch takes this into account and I'm still supposed to quadruple DSN range in settings?

Yup - quadrupling is still needed - the patches assume that you've got that setting on (can confirm they are correct, as use JNSQ myself)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there.  I'm running a career game on v1.10 (reasonably heavily modded).  Key ones include Kerbalism, KCT and Contract Configurator (Career Evolution contract pack).  I've done a bit of testing and noticed that the science rewards from contract completion are not being intercepted by Bureaucracy - I'm getting credit for them as soon as the contract requirements are met rather than having to "research" the science value as per Bureaucracy's normal process.  For example, my log has the following entry:

[LOG 16:16:36.400] Awarding 2 science to player for contract completion.

I'm not sure if this is a bug, or the result of a conflict between mods etc.  I disable the science reward per build point function from KCT, just to make sure that wasn't a factor.  Sorry, I have tried to go back and read over the entries in this post (and the wiki) but couldn't find anything that screamed out "yes this is a problem and here's how to fix it".

Log file is on DropBox:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/w3e3hyk0v1r8y5d/KSP.log?dl=0


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@Strych74 - not a bug per se, more a limitation of the system/design choice.

I'll save you the boring technical details, but basically: anything that uses AddScience rather than the experiment system (contracts, KCT's science system, Bureaucracy itself) won't be intercepted. Because Bureaucracy also uses AddScience it's *really* easy to get stuck in an infinite loop - so it just leaves it alone.

Contract science is usually a handful of points, so I'm pretty comfortable with letting it slide.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even after setting up

HandleKSCUpgrades = False

and loading that setting as described in the Wiki that message still apears as long as

ShowKCTWarning = True

when loading the save coming from main menu.

This could confuse people, so I suggest that in this case the warning popup does not appear anymore.

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Something different:

Perhaps this does not matter, I just stumbled upon it.


       @reputationKerbalRecovery = 0

and in GameData\Strategia\CustomBarnKitConfig.cfg


        @reputationKerbalRecovery = 2.5



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  • 3 weeks later...


The UI in SPC should not show the tooltips belonging to the SPC buildings behind the window.
Instead, it should show stats like in the "Crew" tab - it could tell what's the profession and some stats about that Kerbal.

Additionally, it would be great if a stock message is sent when training is finished.
Or even a KAC alarm.

Edited by Gordon Dry
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