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Grannus Expansion Pack Exploration Gameplay - Epona: Rosmerta Mining Operations


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  On 5/4/2020 at 6:31 PM, GEPEG_Unconscious said:

You sir, have impeccable timing. I spent all of yesterday updating to 1.8.1 to play with some of the new restock and scansat parts. This makes it even better, thank you.


Excellent.  I wondered if you had upgraded to 1.8.1.  I recall you saying in the OP that you were using 1.7.3.  Good timing indeed.

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  On 5/4/2020 at 6:31 PM, GEPEG_Unconscious said:

The top image is in 1.7.3, and the temperature is about 350 K, which is roughly 76 oC. That's really hot for a region in perpetual twilight with very little atmosphere to move heat around. The bottom image is in 1.8.1 with HeatShifter installed, and the thermometer is reading a little over 250 K, or approximately -23 oC. That seems much more appropriate for this region. I will have to try and get a connection to the Rover on the sunny side of Toutatis and compare temps there too.


That sounds about right.  The temperature will vary depending on several factors:  solar zenith angle (how far the sun is from the zenith), elevation, and season (yes, Toutatis actually has seasons).  Most significant is the solar zenith angle.  On average you should expect temperatures to be about the following:

Solar zenith angle = 0 (sun directly overhead)  --->  Temperature ≈ 440 K (167 oC)
Solar zenith angle = 45  --->  Temperature ≈ 390 K (117 oC)
Solar zenith angle = 90 (day-night terminator)  --->  Temperature ≈ 270 K (-3 oC)
Solar zenith angle = 135  --->  Temperature ≈ 150 K (-123 oC)
Solar zenith angle = 180  --->  Temperature ≈ 100 K (-173 oC)

Of course you could read more or less depending on elevation and season.

If HeatShifter isn't installed, or is not working, then all the temperatures will be shifted 45 degrees.

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  On 5/5/2020 at 3:37 PM, darwinpatrick said:

Really loving the mission! I check back every day. Keep us updated!


Glad you are enjoying it all. I know this has been some of the most fun I've had playing. Getting a lot of enjoyment out of your science defs too.

  On 5/5/2020 at 5:07 PM, OhioBob said:

Toutatis actually has seasons


Ok, that is really neat. Didn't even think of that. I think it would be fun and interesting (in a boring, data collecting sense) to plant a probe at a certain latitude and record how the temperature every six hours and see how it changes over the course of one orbital period.


Still fiddling with the 1.8.1 setup, but the new surfaces look really nice. I thought the older textures looked good to begin with, but it is night and day when the two are compared.

Here is the Belisama Flats GEP 1.1.4:



And here is the same probe and location in GEP 1.1.5:


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  On 5/6/2020 at 7:58 PM, GEPEG_Unconscious said:

Ok, that [seasons] is really neat. Didn't even think of that. I think it would be fun and interesting (in a boring, data collecting sense) to plant a probe at a certain latitude and record how the temperature every six hours and see how it changes over the course of one orbital period.


It's not large variation, but there are seasons in GEP.  It's because the ecliptic in GEP is tilted 10 degrees, so most of the planets have about a 10° tilt relative to their orbits.  On Toutaits the temperature varies about ±10 °C at the poles, less at lower latitudes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Destination Sirona: Vacuuming the Vacuum


Precedence-Sirona shortly after entering Brovo's orbit for an extended science mission

And we're back, in all the glory of 1.8.1. Looks like everything in the save transferred correctly, and there are a few new toys to play with as well. While the picture above is an older mission, today will be focused on a newer one.

Introducing: the Orca Crew Return Transfer Vehicle.

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And that's where we will leave it today.

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  • 1 month later...

Destination Belisama: Exploration Closer to Home


A habitat awaits crew on the surface of Belisama.

Hoo boy, has it really been a month since I last played? Online classes apparently get real hectic in the last third of the quarter.

Anyways, while we wait for transfer windows to Sirona, it made sense to get all the Kerbals to a baseline level of space experience. Belisama surface operations allow for that to happen and to test some hardware for future missions.

But before even that happens, lets return to our last interplanetary craft, Coyote

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And onto the main event. First up, the Lander

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Next up, a place to stay

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An old classic, made anew

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And finally, the crew

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  On 6/23/2020 at 4:06 PM, darwinpatrick said:

Are there plans for expansion of the base in the future?


In terms of additional attached modules, no. I neglected to include docking ports on the base, so expansion that way can't happen (snacks resupply will have to be done via claw, didn't think of that...). I could see a science hopper being landed for one of the later expeditions so transportation to the temperate latitudes is not a multi-day drive. A fuel depot will be landed nearby, but out of physics distance from the base. Haven't solidified all the components, but I'm thinking there will be a few holding tanks, a mobile miner/refiner, and a mobile tanker for refueling. 

  On 6/23/2020 at 4:06 PM, darwinpatrick said:

Have you unlocked mining tech yet?


Technically yes. I cheated through the tech tree because i find that part of the game rather dull. Same with the money management. When I play a true career, I tend to get bogged down in contracts and not really explore the system. In this save, I'm ignoring funds and the tech tree using alt-f12 and just collecting science as I go to see how high I can go with the number. My justification is that if I get to a point where I decide to introduce some rather theoretical technologies to the game, I will "use up" all the accumulated science as sort of a way to represent multiple scientific breakthroughs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Destination Taranis: A Daring Journey


An Oracle Probe completes its departure burn to Sirona. 

Welcome to a GEPEG supersize post. Don't worry, the title text is not a tease. There is an entire Taranis mission in here. There's just a lot of missions heading to Sirona as well. In between all of this is some more crew work at Belisama. So strap in and lets go.

First Stop, Belisama

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Next stop, Assembly in Low Nodens Orbit

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Sirona Departures and Arrivals

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And Finally, the Taranis Flyby

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  On 7/6/2020 at 1:11 AM, GEPEG_Unconscious said:

If the craft is not under acceleration and there is a non-zero percentage of exo-spheric Hydrogen, the scoop operates fine. If the craft is not under acceleration and there is no exo-spheric Hydrogen, the scoop will deploy, but not open. If the craft is under acceleration, the scoop will not deploy at all.


I think I would practically never have a reason to have engines running while the scoop is open (that's just because I don't play, but I can easily see when this situation would happen) but while I would, I'd most likely have the scoop running before i start the engines. (Just an assumption.) I'm pretty sure that apart from needing to not be accelerating, everything else is working fine...I expect the harvester module to not start or to disappear when started but abundance is 0%. That problem feels familiar and should be dealt with easily enough with a quickload.

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  On 7/6/2020 at 3:44 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

I think I would practically never have a reason to have engines running while the scoop is open (that's just because I don't play, but I can easily see when this situation would happen) but while I would, I'd most likely have the scoop running before i start the engines.


No complaints here! I just wanted to make sure what I was seeing was normal, and based on what I am reading in your response,  everything is working as intended. I should have been more thorough in my testing before starting a critical mission around the part.

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  • 3 months later...

Destination Belisama: Please Excuse the Interruption to your Regularly Scheduled Programming


A refinery en-route to Belisama

Apologies to all that follow this, I did not intent to take a multi-month hiatus from this save. However, a combination of other hobbies and a bit of burnout really pulled my interest away. However, the burnout is gone and my interest has returned, so lets look at the things that went on sporadically during those few months.

Belisama - Crew Rotations

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Belisama - Anomaly Solutions

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Belisama - BE-2 Landing

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And lastly, Belisama - Refinery

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My goal is to not let this thread sit idle for so long again. I am enjoying this play-through despite some of the repetition in it. While I make no promises (life comes first), I want to aim for an update once of twice a week. Lets see if that holds out.

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Destination Sirona: Some Spectacular Views


Oracle-Brovo in orbit around its namesake

Second wave arrival #1: Oracle Brovo

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Second wave arrival #2: Tethys

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Just as an aside, the three small probes seen above are some of the most interesting probes I have created. They are small, oddly shaped, and mostly balanced through their thrust axis. I really like the new shapes and small tankages provided by restock and scansat.


Third wave departure: Janus

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Next up: following the trail of a couple Edmund Hillary wannabes.

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Very exciting playthough and documentation! Are you playing with engines that are more efficient than stock? I honestly don't know; they seem really neat but I've never tried part mods. If they're not too OP I can't help thinking about what Taranis holds for you... I didn't write those surface sample science definitions for nobody to read them! ;) 

I'm happy you picked this up again. Let's go Sirona!

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  On 10/13/2020 at 3:45 AM, darwinpatrick said:

Are you playing with engines that are more efficient than stock? I honestly don't know; they seem really neat but I've never tried part mods.


The engines I got are either stock, Restock+ (fills in some gaps in the engines so each size has a booster, sustainer, and vacuum engine) and Kerbal Atomics. Kerbal Atomics would be the most "OP" as it adds a slew of efficient nuclear engines, but those are balanced by being fueled by liquid hydrogen (LH2). Lighter fuel = larger tank-age for the same dV. I feel those engines are a good balance of efficiency and thrust in this system; I lose some of the tediously long burns compared to a stock NERV, but the engines aren't so efficient as to make it easy to ship hundreds of tons of material everywhere in one go. As it stands, the Orca I keep using can transport I think 20 tons to Sirona. It can handle trips to Toutatis, Sucellus, and Sirona, but I think would struggle to carry significant payload to Epona. I am curious how you handled the outer planets, especially on the power generation side of things. I can't image the large solar panels were generating anything out at Cernunnos.


  On 10/13/2020 at 3:45 AM, darwinpatrick said:

I can't help thinking about what Taranis holds for you... I didn't write those surface sample science definitions for nobody to read them!


Oh Taranis, the impossible siren's call. I consider my Taranis flyby video a few posts above one of my crowning achievements in this game. Plus, with the amount of dV needed to get to an orbit (~30,000 m/s one way, ~50,000 m/s round trip), I can't think of a single engine that would make that trip trivial. My setup with just a flyby included an asparagus nuclear stage and an ion stage. If I want to orbit even just a small probe, I think I'm going to need a larger nuclear stage and possibly two ion stages.

I actually still have an older version of the dV map that was included in the GEP download (the table version). Running off those numbers, I think it is cheaper to launch to Sirona, refuel, then fall into the sun from the higher sun than it is to go directly from Nodens.

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  On 10/13/2020 at 4:54 AM, GEPEG_Unconscious said:

I am curious how you handled the outer planets, especially on the power generation side of things. I can't image the large solar panels were generating anything out at Cernunnos.


On page 8 of this thread I gave a rough overview of how I tackled those, with a couple pictures. Power generation wasn't a huge part of things, but when I did surface or asteroid mining I always just used a couple nuclear power generators. For the landers I went around the issue by using alternator engines.

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Destination Belisama: Mountain (Ker)men


Bill and Herfurt admiring the view of Nodens as they climb out of Belisama's flats.

This expedition is one I have been wanting to do for a while now. The landmark in question has loomed in the background of the Belisama Outpost since its landing, and its location is near enough for a short trip while being interesting (and possibly hazardous) enough to warrant a trip. Today, two kerbals will set a flag somewhere on the mountain known as Mt. Sharp.

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Some other stuff happening on Belisama:

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That's about all the major stuff on Belisama done now. There will be a couple more crew transfers to the base as training and there may be another drive or two, but those will be more out and back trips compared to this expedition.


Next up: A launch montage 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Destination Sirona: Final Cargo Away


The first of two payloads bound for Brovo assembled and awaiting departure.


Quick little update here. These are the last two cargo flights bound for the Sirona system. Once both are confirmed to have arrived in-system the crew will follow.

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  • 2 months later...

Destination Nodens: Kerbal SEALs


A jet passes just under the cloud layer on its jouney to Noden's north pole

So between exams, presentations, and projects (so many school projects) I've managed to build up and fiddle with a new computer. KSP ran well enough on the old computer, but chugged hard during launches or in physics spheres with part counts above 200. Not anymore! Everything feels super smooth and consistent between flying through clouds and high orbit.  I've also been able to turn on Scatterer water effects. While not having the effects was not a huge loss (I think only Nodens and maybe Taranis's lava have some sort of water effects), turning them on just enhances the eye-candy. These pictures were taken as I was fiddling with settings as I was getting the game transferred over.


Exploration by Sea,

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by Air,

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and by Land.

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And some other stuff going on while waiting for transfer windows to Sirona to open

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Thank goodness this is back! Making me itching to boot KSP up again... The new minecraft snapshots are kinda occupying my gaming time right now though lol

I forgot I had written the ocean definitions too... the real pirate treasure was the friends we made along the way :)

What are you planning for the Sirona windows?

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  On 1/20/2021 at 8:19 PM, darwinpatrick said:

The new minecraft snapshots are kinda occupying my gaming time right now


I feel this so hard right now. What free time I had in the last month kept getting grabbed up by that instead of this game.


  On 1/20/2021 at 8:19 PM, darwinpatrick said:

What are you planning for the Sirona windows?


Damona and Airmed are getting  small exploration endeavors, but Brovo is getting a full fledged exploration mission (similar to Toutatis). I just started landing infrastructure there (this thread is a little behind from where I am at) and I am super excited to get crew there and really explore it.


  On 1/20/2021 at 8:19 PM, darwinpatrick said:

Thank goodness this is back!



  On 1/20/2021 at 8:19 PM, darwinpatrick said:

the real pirate treasure was the friends we made along the way



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  On 1/20/2021 at 8:30 PM, GEPEG_Unconscious said:

Damona and Airmed are getting  small exploration endeavors, but Brovo is getting a full fledged exploration mission (similar to Toutatis). I just started landing infrastructure there (this thread is a little behind from where I am at) and I am super excited to get crew there and really explore it.


Funny thing is, I haven't really explored Brovo all that much myself, and I created it.  I'm interesting see what you'll find.  I'll probably see stuff I've never seen before. lol

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