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New to KSP

Etherian Space Program

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Hello, I'm Etherian Space Program. I come from the SFS Forums and one of the threads there got me into KSP, but I have pretty much no idea how to do anything. I can use one of the prebuilt rockets and put in into Low Kerbin Orbit, but I can't do anything else, such as build an orbital rocket. I have no interest in going to Mun yet, I just wan't some help. Do you guys have any tips on building an orbital rocket, one that can put a satellite in LKO? If you guys could help, that would be awesome. Thanks in advance.

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Hello @Etherian Space Program and welcome to the KSP Forum!

My formula for building a simple satellite launcher is usually a probe core; a few of the small, grey, cylindrical tanks; a Spark engine; a decoupler; an adapter; an FLT-800 fuel tank or two (or one and a partial tank);
a Swivel engine; another decoupler; a solid rocket engine; four steerable fins.

In addition to this you will likely want an antenna, solar panels, batteries, and possibly a reaction wheel.
Plus you'll want any science gear you wish to use in orbit or during launch.

There are a few tips to try and get you pointed in the right direction.

Happy landings!

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7 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

Hello @Etherian Space Program and welcome to the KSP Forum!

My formula for building a simple satellite launcher is usually a probe core; a few of the small, grey, cylindrical tanks; a Spark engine; a decoupler; an adapter; an FLT-800 fuel tank or two (or one and a partial tank);
a Swivel engine; another decoupler; a solid rocket engine; four steerable fins.

In addition to this you will likely want an antenna, solar panels, batteries, and possibly a reaction wheel.
Plus you'll want any science gear you wish to use in orbit or during launch.

There are a few tips to try and get you pointed in the right direction.

Happy landings!

Cool, Thanks! Also, could I possibly get a picture? I will need one for building.

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1 hour ago, Geonovast said:

Well, post a picture of what you're working with and we can give you some pointers on it!  :)

There's literally countless ways to build a rocket, it doesn't have to be exactly like the example.


Sorry for having to take a picture with my tablet, my I don't know how to access my Steam screenshots, so I had to take a picture. I scrapped a satellite rocket for a crew one.

Edit 1: Added an Advanced Incline Stabilizer and Heat Shield, but for some reason there's no control.

Edit 2: Added an RC-001S Remote Guidance System and now has control.

Edited by Etherian Space Program
Needed to add more information.
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39 minutes ago, Etherian Space Program said:


Sorry for having to take a picture with my tablet, my I don't know how to access my Steam screenshots, so I had to take a picture. I scrapped a satellite rocket for a crew one.

Edit 1: Added an Advanced Incline Stabilizer and Heat Shield, but for some reason there's no control.

Edit 2: Added an RC-001S Remote Guidance System and now has control.

Here is a link to my post on another forum, as I haven't signed up for a hosting service yet: https://jmnet.one/sfs/forum/index.php?threads/ksp-and-simple-rockets2-stuff.3641/page-9#post-83330 When I sign up for a hosting service, I'll post on this forum. Tell me what you guys think.

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16 minutes ago, Etherian Space Program said:

Tell me what you guys think.

Congratulations on making orbit! That's a great design however all capsules have inbuilt reaction wheels (and they are vastly overpowered compared to real life) so the I would remove the reaction wheel and add a decoupler and heatshield there instead for de-orbiting.

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there are tutorials ingame.


unless you did them and still don't understand, or refuse to use the power of ingame tutorials, for some reason.

in that case there are plenty of tutorials on this thread, on youtube, on this forum, on on and If you want an idea for a spacecraft, um, just look around the forum.


On 2/23/2020 at 3:15 AM, Etherian Space Program said:

Here is a link to my post on another forum, as I haven't signed up for a hosting service yet: https://jmnet.one/sfs/forum/index.php?threads/ksp-and-simple-rockets2-stuff.3641/page-9#post-83330 When I sign up for a hosting service, I'll post on this forum. Tell me what you guys think.

nice orbit, soon you'll start constructing some BIG BOIS, and prepare for lots of explosions.

tip: use struts to firmly attach boosters to the core, and by turning on advanced tweakables in the settings you can enable autostrut and rigid attachment on specific parts.

another tip: your rocket has shockingly few boosters. moar boosters of a larger size can get you farther! :wink:

tip 500,439: In order to 'land' on jool (hover just above the kill zone), you'll need propellers, and to lift up back into orbit (where a mothership is hopefully waiting), you will need about 17000 delta-V , which is still less then the delta-V required to get to LEO (Earth, not kerbin).

Edited by Dirkidirk
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17 hours ago, Etherian Space Program said:

Added an Advanced Incline Stabilizer and Heat Shield, but for some reason there's no control.

Added an RC-001S Remote Guidance System and now has control.

wait, did you check If there were crew in your ship? I made a similar mistake when I started playing.

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Welcome to the KSP forum @Etherian Space ProgramNew here myself since the end of last year, but yea so much fun with KSP and this forum. Try looking at few youtubes as well. They helped me alot as well as this awesome forum. Search for Scott Manley or Mike Aben. Those two are really into to ksp stuff and even into real rocketry itself. Have fun!

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Hi and welcome to our little community here, always nice to see a new player getting started with KSP :) 

I have to warn you though, KSP might keep you occupied for thousands of hours :D 

I remember when I started back in the days, I gave up my very first try after about two hours. Then I found this little tutorial series, and that got me started for real. It's a bit outdated, but I think still a perfect beginners guide:



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  • 4 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Etherian Space Program said:

I just started playing KSP again, and my best mission has got me 63 science! I think all I have to do is just play and learn from that.

Edit: 83 as of just now.

Good Start! Really! And welcome to the Forum!

Edited by VoidCosmos
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