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Demo vs. Paid version


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I've been enjoying the demo quite a bit and I'm curious about buying the full version, but like any good consumer, I want to know what my money buys me. I've looked over the KSP site and the wiki, but nothing. Can someone summarize the differences? Thank you kindly.

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Details are on the wiki - http://kspwiki.nexisonline.net/wiki/Version_History

Note that beyond the changes, if you get the paid version, you also get...

* Ongoing updates

* More mod support and newer mods

* Practically everyone here is on the paid version, so if you want to do Challenges, it's expected you have the latest version

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In the next update, there will also be many new planets, first person perspective, a better looking sun, and a nicer sky. Buy it, it's worth it!

EDIT: Damn it! My rewording resulted in an accidental double post. I tried to quote the CIA-guy in Good Will Hunting, but failed miserably. Could any mod who feels like it delete the other post?

Edited by Felsmak
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Here's a decent feature list for you, I might've missed a few things:

• Spaceplane Hangar

• Runway

• Spaceplane Parts

• Patched Conics

• Minmus

• EVAs

• New scaled-up parts

Future (.17) Features:

• A ton of new planets, each with their own moons

• IVAs

• New skybox

• Better sun

• Hidden features?

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If you want just a list of things to do, the demo gives you Mun, Kerbin and Kerbol to explore. Ver. 0.16 gives you Minmus as well. The upcoming 0.17 version gives you 4 NEW planets, and like 7 NEW moons. If you do the math:

0.13 (aka demo)= three places to go

0.16 (current)= four places

0.17= 15 places to go

So you see, that's five times as many places to go.

Then there are the new parts that the game adds. With the paid version you get 2 meter parts which carry more fuel and are more powerful. You get an entirely new game play mode in the form of the space planes. You get a patched conics system (making it easier to get to other places).

This game right now is right now roughly where Minecraft was during the infdev or alpha 1.0 stage. In my humble opinion, though I do not believe this game will reach the level of fame that Minecraft has, it is certainly the greatest Indie game since. The developers here are a bit more organized and they know what they are doing. The moderators are great, the community is AMAZING, and c'mon you get to fly ROCKETS!!!

TL;DR Purchasing this game will likely be one of the best uses for $18 you'll ever find in your life.

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I've been enjoying the demo quite a bit and I'm curious about buying the full version, but like any good consumer, I want to know what my money buys me. I've looked over the KSP site and the wiki, but nothing. Can someone summarize the differences? Thank you kindly.

if you like the demo.

then $18 for the full is well worth the money.

there is so much more you can do allredy now!

and will be more and more as updates comming in several times a year.

Its a strong buy!

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In addition to the incentives listed above, consider also the messages that a purchase sends. To Squad: we adore you for giving us one of those increasingly rare games that isn't just running around shooting/hitting things. To other game companies: such games should not be increasingly rare.

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I could do a bullet-point list of all the features, but let's just say this.

This game made me create a thread about it in my favorite forum (which became a news... huh, guess I did right :D ).

This game made me stay there, even after countless duplicate suggestions, just to see what is coming.

This game seriously makes me ponder buying a 40$ joystick just for it (maybe I'd get FS X or Orbital after, but who knows?)

This game made me break my promise of stopping to code something for fun, not work (I stopped after making a Synology package for Plex Media Server and being harassed by users).

This game is just pure, space-worthy fun. And I love it.

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I think, that KSP demo provide a lot more fun (especially if you liked rockets and legos in some part of your life ;p) than many mainstream, full budget games that mostly make me bored after few weeks/days.

And I tell you, if you liked demo, upcoming 0.17 version simply blow your mind xD.

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