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[20.x]BobCat Ind. Release


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I'm sure it was discussed somewhere, at some time, but finding it would be a challenge. SO I'll ask here:

How can I attach a rover inside a cargo bay? If I attach it to the surface, de-attaching it upon arrival would be impossible. If I use decouplers, at least some part of them will stay at the rover. It may not be a problem with bigger veichles, but it's catastrophic for smaller ones like DEMV Mark 3 EX http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/demv-mark-3-ex-2/

1. Attach any surface-mountable part with an attach node to the cargo bay (eg: clamp-o-tron jr.)

2. Add separator/decoupler (if decoupler, red arrow points to the side that will release)

3. Attach your DEMV Mk3 (or whatever subassembly) to the separator/decoupler

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Has anyone been successful at getting MK-2 and MK-4 working for .21.1 ?????

I would really appreciate seeing what was done to get the .cfg's fixed. I have 'fixed' the PART {} change and have taken care of the SAS / ASAS, but still have parts that crash out of the compiling section during ksp load.


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Has anyone been successful at getting MK-2 and MK-4 working for .21.1 ?????

I would really appreciate seeing what was done to get the .cfg's fixed. I have 'fixed' the PART {} change and have taken care of the SAS / ASAS, but still have parts that crash out of the compiling section during ksp load.


they both work for me

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Just bumping to remind Bobcat that we still yearn for that next generation of parts. The recent parts were great, I'm almost done messing with them. Please let those new rovers be better than we could have ever wished for. With more posters in the IVA like in the DEMV drop thingummy.

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After adding the missing Resources file for nuclearFuel, my PowerPlant still had broken solar panels... so I fixed them with this edit to the part.cfg for the PowerPlant:



name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel

animationName = generator_solar_geploy

raycastTransformName = solar_panel_panel

resourceName = ElectricCharge

chargeRate = 100



key = 206000000000 0 0 0

key = 13599840256 1 0 0

key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0

key = 0 10 0 0



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Any chance of a Nautilus update it one of my favorite ships with the home mods PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

I have a few MPSS Nautilus in space however they seem to be spontaneously exploding after about 30 secs its always seems to be the cargo beam any suggestions would it be the vanguard DLL doing it any help would be greatly apreciated

P.S could that fix for the solar panel be incorporated into the download please

Edited by Virtualgenius
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Can some one help me with the ANT cfg file for 0.21.1? My ANT is not running propperly. It goes for a fraction of a second and then looses control. I have to rappidly tap the IKJLHN keys multiple times to move a the wheels by a fraction of a revolution. I have no clue why this is happening.

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Well, the parts dont even show up for me...

It has been discussed many times, from just after 0.20 was released onwards.

You need to add a


wrapper around every part in its config file

You should move the parts into a subfolder in GameData

You will need a copy of cleverbobcat.dll , ideally in a Plugins folder in the same sub from GameData as your part files. Note though, that you may already have a copy of this if you have installed the HOME kit. You should check for that, and avoid having two versions.

For the command pods, you will need to remove the old SAS configurations (Ki, Kp, Kd, torque, modules), and add the new ones (see a stock command pod for examples, needs sas, reaction wheels, electriccharge).

These are the same basic instructions as for migrating any part-pack from pre-0.20.x to current format.

I'm happily using DEMV2, DEMV4, DEMV5, Nautilus, JoolV after doing the above (though I also needed to track down a VanguardTechnologies DLL for some of the animations).

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Where are the downloads? I see what should be links, but get a 404 error.

There aren't any working links in the OP. You have to search these out on Spaceport. For whatever reason the mod creator can't be bothered to maintain his release posts with current links to his obviously in demand add ons.

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Where are the downloads? I see what should be links, but get a 404 error.

There are no downloads. Only Zuul.

On a more serious note, does anyone have trouble launching the hub with greenhouse habitat attached? I'm not talking about the leaning (though it may be related if there's a CoM issue)

I'm talking about total camera detachment and physics gone haywire. It starts at ~6km up and once it starts it never goes back to normal. The first time I tried to abort with parachutes and the g-force indicator kept spiking into the red. Other symptoms included the orbital path lines shifting all over the place with apoapsis shifting all over. It was crazy. Took me awhile to narrow it down because I thought it was my lifter that was breaking down.

If it *IS* CoM, is there a config option I can stick in the config file to change center of mass?

Edit: Found CoMOffset but I don't know how much CoM is offset....

Edited by Starwaster
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