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How to make money

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So, I'm getting back into KSP after what seems like a five year hiatus.  I started up a career mode game, and have almost maxed out the level 1 R&D (researched everything you can get at level 1.)  The only problem is, I'm down to around 22k credits.  Mission control, VAB, Launch pad, and runway are level 2.  I have a +13 reputaion, yet there are only about five contracts still available for me to accept; none of them pay more than 20k.  I need to upgrade the SPH (so I can fly a 9t craft with a whooping 32 parts for one of my active contracts.)  

Any suggestions?

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2 hours ago, rpayne88 said:

So, I'm getting back into KSP after what seems like a five year hiatus.  I started up a career mode game, and have almost maxed out the level 1 R&D (researched everything you can get at level 1.)  The only problem is, I'm down to around 22k credits.  Mission control, VAB, Launch pad, and runway are level 2.  I have a +13 reputaion, yet there are only about five contracts still available for me to accept; none of them pay more than 20k.  I need to upgrade the SPH (so I can fly a 9t craft with a whooping 32 parts for one of my active contracts.)  

Any suggestions?

I would look for contracts that pay out without needing much inlay of funds. Like "Test this engine on the launch pad." Those are free to do as you can test the engine without fuel and then recover the craft for 100% funds. Similarly, tests in water just make a small hopper to the nearby ocean, which you can recover for not-quite-but-almost 100% funds. A few of those and you're set.

You can also take out a bail out grant but I wouldn't suggest it.

Also, maybe you can do your contract with a smaller ship? if you post a picture of it and describe the contract, maybe someone here can help you strip it down to the bare minimum. Bonus: You'll be able to fly like Mark Watney. :)

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The very best way of making money from contracts is to figure out clever ways to complete multiple contracts with a single flight. The more contracts you can complete with one launch, the more money you make.

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15 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

Also, maybe you can do your contract with a smaller ship? if you post a picture of it and describe the contract, maybe someone here can help you strip it down to the bare minimum. Bonus: You'll be able to fly like Mark Watney. :)

This. It’s fun being a penny-pinching miser in this game. The rocket equation guarantees that saving on your craft really pays off. I just maxed all my buildings in my current career and as of yet haven’t launched anything but 1.25m rockets and the occasional 1.875m behemoth. Combining missions to max revenue is half the work, keeping your launch costs down is the other.

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What the others said.

Note also that there's no penalty for waiting. If there aren't suitable contracts available now, fast-forward a few days and see if you have better luck.

I actively collect the contracts I want to do, then do them in a single launch -- multiple satellite launches, rescues, etc. 

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On 3/6/2020 at 8:06 AM, bewing said:

The very best way of making money from contracts is to figure out clever ways to complete multiple contracts with a single flight. The more contracts you can complete with one launch, the more money you make.

This is probably the best advice there is. I sent a plane to Laythe (its not coming back), to get some science, and I have the science to money strategy. A big plus is also having a fuel rig on board so you can refuel on the land. So I go back to mission control, pick up a few contracts (mainly surveys and mining) and get on with them. It's been around 4 hours on Laythe in real time. I went from 4.5 million :funds: to 19.8 million :funds:.

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On 3/4/2020 at 10:49 PM, rpayne88 said:

Any suggestions?

  • Solving multiple contracts with one flight, as folks have suggested, is good.
  • Be aware that you get better contracts when your reputation is higher.  Doing some of the initial tourist contracts (like simple suborbital hops) can be worth it-- they don't pay very much, but they give quite a bit of reputation and may unlock better contracts.
  • Contracts to rescue kerbals from LKO are handy to do a few of-- good rep, around $50K funds, and free crew!  :)
  • What have you researched?  Once you've got the tech for solar panels and docking ports, you'll start getting contracts for space stations and outposts, and those can pay quite a bit.
  • Have you been to the Mun and/or Minmus yet?  Going there for the first time gives a fair amount of cash bonus, even without any contract for it.  Even just a flyby is worth something, I believe (though landing is considerably more IIRC).


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