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[1.12.x] GravityTurn continued - Automated Efficient Launches


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On 3/12/2023 at 2:19 PM, RetiredNavyVet said:

Using latest version from CKAN and latest KSP version, window resets each time I start the game to x63 y63.  Tried editing the gt_window file but it still just defaults to x63 y63.

known  issue, will try to get back to it

9 hours ago, Fr8monkey said:

Don't know if this is a bug or been addressed; but ships don't seem to want to go past their turn angle.  I have to keep changing it on the fly to get it to work.  Is there a mod that messes this up?

Not sure what you mean, you would need to provide more info, including the craft file.

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On 3/23/2023 at 12:14 AM, Fr8monkey said:

Don't know if this is a bug or been addressed; but ships don't seem to want to go past their turn angle.  I have to keep changing it on the fly to get it to work.  Is there a mod that messes this up?


This may actually be the GT mod adjusting angle of attack to keep a certain number of seconds (50 default) from AP during the orbiting maneuver. Or are you talking about something else? 

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No.  If I set up launch angle of 10 degrees; and once it hits the turn, the ship (all of them) stay at 10 degrees until it hits space.  I have to change the numbers in the turn angle every once in a while to get the ship to list over properly.

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6 hours ago, Fr8monkey said:

No.  If I set up launch angle of 10 degrees; and once it hits the turn, the ship (all of them) stay at 10 degrees until it hits space.  I have to change the numbers in the turn angle every once in a while to get the ship to list over properly.

Still not enough information.  

6 hours ago, Fr8monkey said:

the ship (all of them)

Not sure what you mean by the "all of them"


You don't say what the time to ap is set to, and you don't say what the actual time to ap is when you make these changes.  You also haven't described or shown the ship, or provided the craft file as I originally asked.

Please provide both the log file AND the craft file, otherwise no one can help you.


It might help if you made a video showing what you are seeing.  So far, I have no indication that things aren't working

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On 3/27/2023 at 1:22 AM, Fr8monkey said:

No.  If I set up launch angle of 10 degrees; and once it hits the turn, the ship (all of them) stay at 10 degrees until it hits space.  I have to change the numbers in the turn angle every once in a while to get the ship to list over properly.


Video would be best as LGG asked. But also what you describe may be the case if using an engine that is under 2x TWR in which case it will need to point 'up' more rather than sticking to prograde to fight gravity. Try putting an overpowered engine on that rocket and see if it follows prograde.

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  • 4 months later...
12 hours ago, 17kED8J said:

Doesn't work, still cuts off and declares a successful launch with a negative periapsis 

No logs, no support.

And, for this mod, a copy of the craft file is needed.  See the message above yours for a possible explanation, but without any info, nothing can be done

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  • 2 months later...
13 hours ago, softweir said:

I think you may mean "keybinds"? If I remember correctly, <SPACE> will activate a launch, same as for stock launches.

I mean to activate the mod without the HUD. SpaceBar doesn't work cuz the mod wont engage.

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7 hours ago, Kakub said:

I mean to activate the mod without the HUD. SpaceBar doesn't work cuz the mod wont engage.

Ah, yeah, that's right. IIRC there's a big button at the bottom of the main Gravity turn dialogue box and no keybind for it. I assume that doesn't do anything when you use it? Have you made sure to set throttle to max? - that used to catch me out too often!

Or is it that you can't find out how to open the Gravity Turn dialogue? Isn't there a menubar button to open it?

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17 hours ago, softweir said:

Ah, yeah, that's right. IIRC there's a big button at the bottom of the main Gravity turn dialogue box and no keybind for it. I assume that doesn't do anything when you use it? Have you made sure to set throttle to max? - that used to catch me out too often!

Or is it that you can't find out how to open the Gravity Turn dialogue? Isn't there a menubar button to open it?

mod works fine but i was gonna use it for cinematic, but without keybind for start up the mod without the hud it's gonna be difficult

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4 hours ago, Kakub said:

mod works fine but i was gonna use it for cinematic, but without keybind for start up the mod without the hud it's gonna be difficult

Oh! Gotcha! Yeah, that's a bummer.

I found THIS discussion on Steam, though I accept it will only be useful if you can run a second monitor! IF you can, then you could pan the view to one side to put the rocket on one screen, then drag the window on the second screen, and post-edit the cinematic to remove the second screen - assuming, of course, that your drives can cope with the doubled video size!

A thought: Set up Gravity turn. Hover the pointer over the Launch button. Hit F2 to hide the UI. Click the mouse button. Might that get the cinematic you want?

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  • 8 months later...

I haven't played in a while, always used GT without MJ. Now have to use MJ because KER is giving inaccurate data.

But then I run into a problem with GT handing off the auto-circularisation to MJ: it *forces* the timewarp to the node and I *can't stop* the warp until burn time because I don't(!) yet have MJ's Maneuver Editor unlocked.
Which means that technically GT shouldn't be able to use MJ to to plan the node yet.

I'm not sure how this is done code-wise -- it's either within GT using MJ code or in MJ. However, that's also besides the point. GT should not automatically assume I *want* to circularize (e.g. if I want to actually plan a direct trans-munar-injection) etc.

A simple toggle for "use MJ to circularize"  would both solve my problem sufficiently and add a good feature to GT.



Edited by Zah
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