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Apollo Style Redux v3

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  On 4/23/2020 at 2:04 PM, kspnerd122 said:

I would like to know what engines you are using for stage 1

Also good use of fairings, however this abuse of fairings and use of visual mods makes the challenge tricky to judge as I do not know what is under the fairing and I do not know what engines were used

were they rhino engines or mastadons, if mastadons then sorry it will be disquallified for use of MH


@kspnerd122 who are you asking?  If me, I Did not use Mastadons.

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  • 1 month later...

Here is my Apollo 13-1/4(or 3/4) entry. A few minor glitches, one on ascent from the Munar surface, where I decoupled from the MEM, but failed to fire up the engines immediately, and panicked, thus dropping the MEM on it's side. Oops. Also, slight error of calculation on Kerban Aerobraking altitude, resulting in having to use the engine and tanks of the command module as a makeshift ablater shield, as I hit Kerban's atmosphere at 3000+ m/s at an altitude of 55,000 meters. Jebediah was in a bit of a hurry to return home as the crew ran out of snacks, and fewer than expected Kerbals were killed in the making of the Apollo 13-1/4 rocket. 


I posted the round trip from Kerban, to the Mun, and back here on imugur Apollo 13-1/4, hope you guys enjoy the trip!

I apologize, the pictures are in reverse order, meaning you have to scroll to the bottom of the page to begin the journey, I was too lazy to order them the other way around, and wanted to get the pictures up before bed. Have a good day everyone!

Also, there may be some clipping of lander and fuel tank as well. Perfectly safe for the kerbals, being surrounded by explosive fuel/oxidizer mixture.

Edited by patfree14094
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  • 2 weeks later...




So, it's been a long time since I've touched KSP, but Big Rona made me appreciate again how a beautiful way of killing time this game is.
To ease me back in, what's better than a nice Apollo recreation? he said, before realizing he doesn't remember how to dock anymore.


Anyway, here's my score for this challenge:

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If my math is not wildly off, that should be 280 of your finest points.

Edited by borisperrons
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I am proud to (well, that might be too strong).

I am submitting for your delectation or derision, this entry to the challenge.

The journey of Unpollo 11.


  • The 3 Little Kerbals - 3 Kerbals on board the spacecraft (1 remaining in the CM, while the other 2 land on the Mun) +20
  • A Flag on the Mun?! - Plant a flag on the Mun (Non-cumulative, 2 flags do not get 10 points) +5
  • Mun Buggie - Have a Munar Roving vehicle (MRV) on board +15
  • Abort! Abort! - Have a Launch Escape System on the top of the rocket +15
  • No More MEM! - Dispose of the MEM by crashing it into the Mun (without Kerbals inside of course!) +5
  • Up, Up, and Away - Make the MEM two-stage, leaving the descent stage and its engine on the Munar Surface +20
  • Look on the Bright Side! - Land on the bright side of the Mun +10
  • Shut Away From The World - Put the MEM behind some sort of fairing +5
  • Down Under - Put the MEM under the CSM during ascent +20
  • Splashies! - Splash down in the ocean on Kerbin  +5
  • MEM Hugger - Dock to the MEM using the CSM +10
  • SubSat - Deploy a small sub-satellite before returning to Kerbin (Like the PFS sub-sats deployed during Apollo 15 and 16) + 10
  • Parachute Problems - Have 3 main chutes and 2 drogues on the CM +10

Additional Goals

     Landing Accuracy

  1. Land within 50 m of the NAM +15

     I was roving on the Mun one day...

  1. Are we there yet? - Drive beyond 10 km of your lander +20

If I was to be really cheeky I'd claim the following points, as when set to hibernate all 4 would have had power for 6 hours, even the one that lost it's external battery, bouncing down inside a large crater. I had no idea how much juice those probe cores gulp down and 105 units seemed plenty, until I deployed the first MunSEP and found the power ticking down at an alarming rate.

But as I said, that would be really cheeky :D

     Munar Scientific Experiments Package (MunSEP)

     Your MunSEP must have a power source that can keep it alive for at least 6 hours, at least one science experiment, and be controllable (have a probe core on board)

  1. Science Extravaganza - Deploy four MunSEPs at least one kilometer from the landing site (at least one kilometer from each other) +20


So realistically I think have a total of 185 points (not including cheekiness points).

Could have had 5 more for "No Mor Docking" but I failed to read the description for that properly and dumped the docking port in Mun orbit... ah well.

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Hey people!

I made it, finally. I have to say first of all that I ran the challenge a few times already. Mistakes were made, time was wasted... :D this time I was soooo sick and tired of it all that, despite the horrible basic mistake of entering the Mun sphere of influence in retrograde trajectory (sighs...) I didn't want to run it again. So... didn't land remotely close to the NAM.

As you may see in the album, my approach, despite being quite correct IMHO, is TOO KERBAL for many people. I wanted to do something a bit different :) A few weeks ago posted in 'What did you do today on KSP' thread a super cheap Apollo style (just 2 kerbals, no rover, no MSEP, no satellites), for less than 14500 funds. And if I hadn't read wrong... I could have done this for less than 60000, but I was using the 1.875 parts from the MH without actually knowing that they belonged to the expansion. Disaster, yes :D 


Detail of the engines used: Stage1: 1 Skipper, 4 Reliant; Stage2: 1 Reliant, 4 Terrier; Stage3: 1 Reliant; CM-SM: 2 Puff (no LOX here, only MEM runs on LOX); MEM1: 4 Spider: MEM2: 2 Spider

Detail of the missing parts: No capsules at all; No RCS (the monoprop is only used to run the Puff's for the CMSM)

Details of other weird things for the score (need validation): 1- the upper stage of the MEM, after Val and Bob are back to the CM with Jeb, is dettached. It becomes then a relay satellite. This satellite sets a collision orbit and ejects the command seats, structure and docking port. After, the orbit is corrected again. 2- MSEPs. The remotely guided rover deploys 3 MSEPs, more than 1km distance to the landing site, more than 1km distance between them. Then, keeps going further, total 20km. It is capable of being awake as the proper MSEPs, based on the internal battery of the OKTO, additional battery and solar panels... and carries its own scientific experiments. Can it be considered as a 4th MSEP?

So, this is the album (I'm seriously tired and a bit frustrated about all the previous failures), almost all the explanations are in the album itself, if you don't mind I prefer not to post pic by pic)... https://imgur.com/gallery/FNLFvoX

As for the score, I don't really mind much :confused: I may calculate it later on, after @kspnerd122 confirms if my entry is valid, due mostly to the lack of *ahem* those otherwise essential parts... :D and the previous 'need validation' things too :/

Cheers! And thanks for the nice challenge!!!


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@JorgeCS Very nice! And very considerate towards Kerbonauts with claustrophobia, a Command Module that is the size of the Universe! I also liked how you re-used part of the lander as your subsatellite. Although I am not the challenge organizer, I don't see any problems with your submission, as there does not appear to be a rule about not using command chairs.

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  On 7/12/2020 at 1:00 PM, QF9E said:

@JorgeCS Very nice! And very considerate towards Kerbonauts with claustrophobia, a Command Module that is the size of the Universe! I also liked how you re-used part of the lander as your subsatellite. Although I am not the challenge organizer, I don't see any problems with your submission, as there does not appear to be a rule about not using command chairs.


Hahaha! Thanks!

Yeah, I mostly thought about how the confinement can mentally affect someone... Nah, actually it was just about doing the challenge with as less funds as possible :D And I think this is a very Kerbal way to do it LOL

I ran the challenge again this morning with a proper SatV rocket, command modules and so on. Still a bit overengineered, as the previous one, so I'll fine tune a few things later on today and make a second entry. And this time landing in the NAM, not in a random place... I used to suck on precise landings, but this morning I discovered that I'm not that bad anymore landing less than 50m away from the NAM :D 



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Seriously... Mission was going flawlessly. Landed next to the NAM, deployed the MSEPs with the rover... when I went back to the flag, Bob and the lander... there was no lander and no Val. Typical problem with the colliders while switching vessels on the ground, I guess. I want to use a lot of bad words now but I don't want to feel the rage of the moderators :/ 

I may try again tomorrow. :( 


Edit: And finally done in a 'proper' way. Still overengineered, but I wanted to try to mantain the Saturn-alike launching vehicle... And it means tall, big and overpowered. I had to tune down a bit the Vectors of the first stage anyway!

This is the 'Saturn alike' rocket:


Album here: https://imgur.com/gallery/0ITvgbJ

And now the score... 

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PS: and I seriously hate the problems with the colliders :/ 


Again, @kspnerd122, thank you for this challenge! ;) 

Edited by JorgeCS
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

@kspnerd122 I humble present my submission for this challenge. The details of the mission are enclosed in the mission report below :) 


Score layout: 

  • 3 Kerbals (+20)
  • Flag (+5)
  • Abort System (+15) 
  • Free Return (+10) 
  • Dispose of the MEM (+5) 
  • Two Stage MEM (+20) 
  • Land on the Bright Side of the Mun (+10)
  • MEM in fairing (+5)
  • MEM behind CSM (+20)
  • Splashdown (+5) 
  • Dock to MEM with CSM (+10) 
  • SubSat (+10)
  • Decouple Docking Port (+5) 
  • Saturn Alike (+10) 

Total Score: 200 

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