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[WIP] Jade's Dev Thread


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14 minutes ago, OrdinaryKerman said:

Why open-ended corridors?

That's a secret.

18 minutes ago, OrdinaryKerman said:

exposed entrance for some creepy derelict ship

Cinematic value is a very good idea, actually! The ceiling lights are intended to be working cabin lights so a cinema engineer could have the lights flicker. :sticktongue:

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  • 2 months later...

<Araym passing by , after ending his own work on the IXS adaptation for Blueshift>

I sensed something...

... at first I thought it was something alike "... a disturbance in The Force, as millions of voices were screaming..."

... but in reality they were just cheers and hymn of joy, looking at your upcoming parts for Blueshift!!!

I'm waiting now impatiently, to mix-and-match those to my adaptations!

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  • 3 weeks later...
6 hours ago, NiL said:

@JadeOfMaar sorry to bother, but are you by any chance planning on resuming Sterling Engines' developement? It was such a great concept and you have already modeled a lot of parts!

Sterling Engines will still happen. I only drafted all those parts. :)

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Just now, Spaceman.Spiff said:

Not it poke bears, but can you give us a status update on Impulse Party?

Sorry, and no problem. :sticktongue: My focus has changed over to Mk0 nacelle piecess (for Trek shuttle-alike tiny warp ships or SSTO) and a 3.75m impulse rocket with plume switching goodness.

The Mk2 battery got bumped down in priority, and down there with it are the coming Kelvin type 3.1m to 2.5m nacelle pieces (to stand beside the Kelvin 3.1m to Mk2).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/19/2021 at 2:39 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

Sorry, and no problem. :sticktongue: My focus has changed over to Mk0 nacelle piecess (for Trek shuttle-alike tiny warp ships or SSTO) and a 3.75m impulse rocket with plume switching goodness.

The Mk2 battery got bumped down in priority, and down there with it are the coming Kelvin type 3.1m to 2.5m nacelle pieces (to stand beside the Kelvin 3.1m to Mk2).

I finally got around to unwrapping all of these. (Shown with basic materials. Not textured yet)

The Mk0 nacelle

  • The nose and scoop are separate parts. Choose between either or none (put whatever else you like but which can fit) This scoop will have color options like the others.
  • The shorter mid-section is its own part and a warp coil. Stack/Repeat it like any warp coil segment.
  • The longer tail section was initially meant to be an appropriately stronger warp coil (not by much) but will instead be equally (or less) strong + impulse rocket. (Does not get plume options)


The S3 engine. 3.75m goodness fit for use on your Star Destoyers. Will have all plume options like the other rockets.


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Rough textures featuring panel lines (3D body painted). Please ignore the seams due to quarters and halves of the models. Body paint doesn't respect UV bleed...as far as I know.

  • Kelvin series 3.1m to 2.5m warp nacelle. The tail piece has two rotation varians.
  • Mk2 batteries:
    • 0.4m. Holds 2000 EC.
    • 1.6m (with 1.875m adapter-- the length of a Mk2 fuel tank). Holds 8000EC.
    • The emissive is now planned to be in the bevel of the walkway, not the floor and ceiling.
    • Panel lines subject to change. Will have accent colors and clones for other energy resources. I'm looking at NFE StoredCharge, WBI ElectroPlasma and KSPI MegaJoules.
  • Mk0 warp nacelle. I've decided not to try to make this double as an impulse rocket. Instead I'll produce an aerodynamic engine pod loosely resembling those of USS Voyager.

I meant to do the same with the large impulse rocket but that clean slipped my mind.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I might need a doctor. Something fishy here. I think my batteries look better than anything else I've made yet! D: And they still have some specific details to come (namely, the AO) to look even better.




  • Yellow - Normal Battery
  • Blue - NFE Capacitor
  • Red - KSPIE Capacitor

I'm finally in the home stretch with the 3.75m impulse engine, Mk2 batteries and the nacelle pieces. Textures are largely done and pending refinements. (Unfortunately, the flat radial impulse engine which accompanies the Mk0 nacelles doesn't exist at all as yet.) I've also revised the warp stats upgrade config but in my chosen test install (a 1.11.1 one), there seems to be misbheavior from B9PS.


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Test ship with the Mk0 nacelles. The textures and styles for all nacelle parts still have a short way to go, but sadly, in particular, I just couldn't get emissive action to work for this Mk0 nose and I'm getting close to giving up on it.


For good news: I've revised the warp stats upgrades config and mostly balanced things in their configs. Everything looks okay and works (mostly) as intended at this point. The next things to make and which will basically complete this pack:

  • Radial impulse engine with scoop (as separate parts).
    (inspired by those on USS Voyager and its shuttles. The usefullness of said scoop waits to be confirmed, given that it's paired with an engine that isn't air-breathing by any means).

I want to make the following parts as well but it has been hard for me to decide on a structural theme for them. They're meant to resemble Trek's things but they also need to be pointy, aerodynamic objects. I guess I'll have them styled like the exo scoops.

  • Navigational deflector inspired devices (Mk2 and 2.5m... Maybe 1.25m or a radial thing in the shape of the radial impulse engine).
    These will contain OP antenna and provide thermal protection for cockpits, noses and possibly other forward parts.

Approximate shape and size of that engine. 2m square wingboard for scale. @ballisticfox0 commented that he happily saw a resemblance to B9 HX... Now that I think of it, perhaps I should borrow the exact HX bulkhead profile for this and rescale as needed. Two birds... one stone... :ph34r:




I have anomalies and other bonus stuff planned but I've decided to not attempt them anytime soon.



Does your atomic mothership sag with a load of MonoPropellant or LFO for RCS fuel? ....... Not anymore. Standalone thermal RCS pack is nearly here.



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6 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:


Test ship with the Mk0 nacelles. The textures and styles for all nacelle parts still have a short way to go, but sadly, in particular, I just couldn't get emissive action to work for this Mk0 nose and I'm getting close to giving up on it.


For good news: I've revised the warp stats upgrades config and mostly balanced things in their configs. Everything looks okay and works (mostly) as intended at this point. The next things to make and which will basically complete this pack:

  • Radial impulse engine with scoop (as separate parts).
    (inspired by those on USS Voyager and its shuttles. The usefullness of said scoop waits to be confirmed, given that it's paired with an engine that isn't air-breathing by any means).

I want to make the following parts as well but it has been hard for me to decide on a structural theme for them. They're meant to resemble Trek's things but they also need to be pointy, aerodynamic objects. I guess I'll have them styled like the exo scoops.

  • Navigational deflector inspired devices (Mk2 and 2.5m... Maybe 1.25m or a radial thing in the shape of the radial impulse engine).
    These will contain OP antenna and provide thermal protection for cockpits, noses and possibly other forward parts.
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Approximate shape and size of that engine. 2m square wingboard for scale. @ballisticfox0 commented that he happily saw a resemblance to B9 HX... Now that I think of it, perhaps I should borrow the exact HX bulkhead profile for this and rescale as needed. Two birds... one stone... :ph34r:



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I have anomalies and other bonus stuff planned but I've decided to not attempt them anytime soon.


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Does your atomic mothership sag with a load of MonoPropellant or LFO for RCS fuel? ....... Not anymore. Standalone thermal RCS pack is nearly here.



Thermal RCS is the coolest! I have wanted that for soooo long. 

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5 hours ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

I think just LF might be a good option for people who use that option for KA or just don’t want to deal with boiloff and such. 

That option is there. I'm aware of the playerbase of KA using LF. :)

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I think it's about time I let Impulse Party into the wild. Now that I've gotten the S3 rocket to behave and the Mk0 nacelles are basically done.



Hard requirement on B9PS for impulse engines' plume switching!

Textures are still largely WIP and some parts are yet to come but all systems are go.

  • Impulse Rockets will behave like antigravity drives only when Kerbal Flying Saucers is installed.
  • Warp nacelles and 1.25m warp core should only appear when Blueshift is installed.
  • Mk2 capacitors are readily available in part selection in the editors (for now) regardless of whether NFE or KSPIE are present. Complete module configs included for them and may need inspection by KSPIE users.
  • This mod's warp coils will require mantenance and Repair Kits just like the Blueshift bundled ones.
  • Includes extras:
    • A harvester patch which unties their animations from needing to have their harvester module running.
    • A hard mode balancing config for the impulse rockets (Makes them feel like Nertea tuned them... They no longer work in atmosphere). Default engine behavior may be subject to change a lot and this patch may become irrelevant.
    • B9-powered upgrade system for warp cores and warp coils. (PAW options don't update their stats in real-time. Save and reload your craft after choosing options.) Most things upgraded to Intermediate quality in-game. Default stats in the Snip window. Don't upgrade your warp core and not your warp coils. For reasons I don't quite grasp yet, you will see a performance loss.

Remaining parts to make are the radial impulse drive and a scoop for it (for tiny shuttles), and shield emitter parts (3).

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On 5/30/2021 at 8:08 AM, Araym said:

a disturbance in The Force

BOOM! A shockwave rocks your starbase. See above post.


My attention is turning toward atomic jets now. I will provide just 3 engines and their associated intakes, and this will be a true sample run for Sterling Engines.

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19 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

BOOM! A shockwave rocks your starbase. See above post.


My attention is turning toward atomic jets now. I will provide just 3 engines and their associated intakes, and this will be a true sample run for Sterling Engines.




My brain went BOOM like in the spoiler............

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